Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 14:42:36 No.7879 del
>>7169 Build it and Q will come?
>>7180 FAKE NEWS -Biden Ukraine fired prosecutor
>>7189 Firing Solution: 15min Spot Call to meme twatter
>>7282 Dash v Minus? -Q Code Training
>>7387 Notables may be Anons' greatest gift (we requested excalibur comms confirm, no? -pic related)
>>7390 Night Shift keeps People up at night.jpg
>>7396 Call to Meme - Biden/Ukraine timeline map = MOAB
>>7398 World of time between new and old. (OG qanon research flag.jpg???)
>>7498 When do birds sing?

Baker collected Notables
>>7176 Time Travel website won't pull up everything, but it's pretty damn handy nonetheless
>>7179 Caesarian shift
>>7190 Somalia to Minneapolis
>>7197 Anon ask 'Is the Wayback Machine comp'd?'
>>7201, >>7186 Plane related

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