Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 22:18:06 No.56 del
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Meet the CIA programmer of the El Paso shooter
Copy pasta from halfchan

His name is Dr. Colin Ross. He worked with the father of the el paso shooter at the same hospital in the same section, Dual Diagnosis and childhood trauma. The hospital was shut down for wild abuses done to patients and was deemed unsafe for patients by the state.

Ross is an expert in CIA mind control programming methods and is actually a lecturer on the subject.

Link to thread:

Moar saws:
>Colin A. Ross, an expert on dissociation and trauma-related disorders, will speak on “CIA Mind Control Experiments by American Psychiatrists: Creation of Multiple Personality Disorder in the Manchurian Candidate Programs”

Some of his books? Sure heres a list from his wiki

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