Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 05:36 Id: 09953d No.145923 del
“Hi patriots, it’s Dr. Tammy,” she says in the video while standing in front of the U.S. Capitol building. “We just stormed the Congress and I’m going to tell you right now: It was wild.”
In the video, Towers Parry describes entering the government building and being pepper-sprayed and tear-gassed.
“Compared to what our Founding Fathers did, it’s the least we could do,” she says in the video. “Joe Biden did not win. He’s hopefully going to prison.”
Social media users quickly identified Towers Parry in the days after the rally, drawing scrutiny to institutions she was once affiliated with.
The University of Washington School of Medicine, where student newspaper The Daily said Towers Parry had graduated from in 1994, confirmed she had never worked at the school in a Jan. 8, 2021, post on X. Swedish Health Services also posted about Towers Parry on X that day, saying she had not worked for the hospital group since May 2015. And the Washington Medical Commission announced on X the same day that it was processing multiple complaints about “Dr. Tammy Towers.”
While the commission investigated the complaints against Towers Parry, her ex-husband filed a declaration in King County Superior Court in August 2021, demanding she refinance the Hudson Street home according to the conditions of their divorce.
“[Towers Parry] has demonstrated that she is unwilling to execute the documents necessary to alleviate me of the debt on the Hudson property,” the ex-husband wrote in his court filing. “She has simply chosen to ignore the issue, and instead traveled to Washington, D.C. to be part of an uprising to overthrow the government.”
About five months later, Washington Medical Commission health law judge John F. Kuntz indefinitely suspended Towers Parry’s medical license after determining she had engaged in unprofessional conduct in violation of state law, state records show.
Seattle Times staff reporter Lauren Girgis contributed to this story.