Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 13:08 Id: 2bc437 No.145955 del
FreedomToons - Getting an ID While Black (According to Democrats) [Embed]

Foxford Comics @FoxfordComics - FEMA

Gary Varvel - Two kinds of voters are to blame for America's decline

George Alexopoulos @GPrime85 - Karine

grrrgraphics - FEMA Creates Disasters

Lepanto Institute @LepantoInst - On October 4, 2016, I was in Rome for something, and as I was walking around and ducking into every little alleyway I could, I discovered this magnificent statue of Our Lady. This is my absolute favorite statue of her. The alleyway was way too narrow for me to be able to take a full-length photo of her, so I had to do it in pieces.

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