Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 12:46 Id: 2bc437 No.146134 del
OCTOBER 10, 2017
White House Daily Briefing
At the daily White House briefing Sarah Sanders told reporters President Trump has 100 percent confidence in Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The remarks came after the president said in an interview with Forbes that he has a higher IQ than Mr. Tillerson. President Trump’s comment on Tillerson’s intelligence came after the Secretary of State reportedly called Trump a moron behind closed doors, a comment the secretary of state denied. The press secretary added the president’s IQ remark was in jest. Other topics included the Twitter feud between the president and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Bob Corker (R-TN), tax reform, immigration policy, and the Iran nuclear deal.

OCTOBER 10, 2019
Campaign 2020: President Trump Campaign Rally in Minneapolis
President Trump held a campaign rally in Minneapolis. He touted his administration’s achievements, from border security and tax cuts, to reforming Veteran’s Affairs and growing the economy. He also criticized the media and the Democrats, saying the latter’s “brazen attempt to overthrow our government will produce a backlash at the ballot box.” He also made several mentions of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter for their involvement with Ukraine and China.

OCTOBER 10, 2020
Campaign 2020: President Trump Remarks from the White House
President Trump delivered brief remarks at a “law and order” rally from the White House. The president was greeted with cheers, telling those gathered that he “felt great.” This was the president’s first in-person event since his return to the White House from Walter Reed Medical Center after testing positive for COVID-19.

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