Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 12:53 Id: 8602ab No.146167 del
OCTOBER 11, 1963
Reel America: 1963 Interview with Malcolm X
Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X was interviewed by sociology graduate student Herman Blake and professor John Leggett. Malcolm X argued against racial integration and discussed the right for African Americans to use violence to defend themselves against violent attacks by whites. He also discussed the nature of Islam. This program was courtesy of the Media Resources Center Collection at the University of California, Berkeley.

OCTOBER 11, 1984
Presidential Debates: Vice Presidential Candidates Debate
Vice President George H.W. Bush and Representative Geraldine Ferraro (D-NY) met in Philadelphia for the 1984 Vice Presidential Debate. They debated a variety of issues including abortion and the U.S. economy. The first half of the debate was focused on domestic policy and the second half on foreign policy. The debate was moderated by Sander Vanocur. Other panelists were John Mashek, Jack White, Norma Quarles, and Robert Boyd.
The same question was posed to each candidate, who had two-and-a-half minutes to respond. Follow-up questions from panelists were permitted. Candidates were given one minute for rebuttals and four minutes for closing statements.

OCTOBER 11, 1991

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