Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 20:22 Id: f57a9d No.60964 del
(88.84 KB 669x1000 LmpwZw[1])
>controlled oppo like AJ, intended to be a Pied Piper that discredits anti-gov voices and counter-narratives? or freed?

still noodling your prior thoughts

Paid oppo? not sure...but of course like everything going on 'maybe', right?

AJ is paid for 'acting'. (per one of his court cases) might be a little off, but not cray cray like ye....but at the same time our guys are clearly using him. Flynn and Piezcenik have openly stated as such while on his show, and it's probably a message to his handlers (my guess)

Ye on the other hand is bipolar and a loose canon.
He literally fucks everyone over that start hangin with him and give him love. Maybe not monetarily, but he fucks them over with some outlandish public statement or commentary.

I think part of this behavior is exacerbated by having participated in some fucked up shit (knowingly or not).

Maybe he's acting as a witness behind the scenes, but still driven mad by guilt.

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