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(4.59 MB 1877x1942 clock.png)
Clockwork Qrange: Bunker #1 Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 16:35 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No. 53995 [Hide User] [X]
Clockwork Qrange Bunker #1: Passing The Time Edition

"Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers."


"There need be no minute hand, as the hour figures will be 6. I. apart. But the interspace should be divided into [qu]arters and 5. minute marks."

–Thomas Jefferson

Similar to Jefferson's Great Clock at Monticello, the Q-Clock can be seen as only requiring a minute hand, which links dates & times by arranging a calendar around the clockface in a spiral, such that 12/07 is at the [:00] minute marker.

By "winding the clock" in a certain way, Q's posts can be connected to each other, and thus reveal the MAP which provides the KEY to spread the TRUTH.

"TRUTH shines LIGHT. LIGHT saves HUMANITY. Future proves past."


Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 16:36 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.53997 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Some Useful Resources
Q's Private Board
>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

→ Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com
→ Convert timezones depending on date — www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
→ Compute number of days (+ other units) b/w two dates — www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html
→ Trump Twitter Archive: https://www.thetrumparchive.com/ | https://www.thetrumparchive.com/
→ Deleted tweets from @realDonaldTrump — factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets
→ QClockView – A software to browse, read & analyze Q posts — mega.nz/#F!yX430T5L!BZYfnSxftcSqewvZuknnCQ
→ Search all QResearch breads, incl. clockBreads — qresear.ch
→ HTML of all Q Posts for offline use (incl. headerLines in three timezones) — mega.nz/#F!iLwgXKRb!XvA-cUt5-8XyRPlgoVH-FQ

Find Q drops here
QAnon.pub - qresear.ch/q-posts - QAlerts.pub - operationQ.pub - QPosts.online - qanon.news/Q - 8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html
qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html -

QResearch Search Engine
Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 16:36 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.53998 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022
>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022
>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022
>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.
>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.
>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 16:48 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.54003 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>54016
Thanks ClockFag Baker
Going to be posting here at the bunker.

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 16:56 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.54016 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(5.47 KB 360x225 byZwaWQ9QXBp[1])
Aye Aye!

My pleasure.

Saw too many good clocks passing by in bunker, many of them notabled, but I think we all agree that collaborative clocking is good...and we need a central locale to dialogue.

Hopefully Jim & team can purge 8kun at some point and ditch the authenticator. I tried it last night and was painful (had to use an android emulator to post). I guess if you're running around and phonefaggin' its ok, but ...well you know.

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 17:07 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.54028 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>59971>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 9, 2022 - Fifth Column

QClock October 10, 2022 - ver II A Patriotic American Warrior

QClock October 11, 2022 - WHEELS UP

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 17:10 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.54030 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>54038>>59971>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 11, 2022 - Supreme Harmony Infiltration

QClock October 10, 2022 - 10 Days

QClock October 12, 2022 - This Is Not Going Away

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 17:18 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.54038 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>54180>>55666
>QClock October 12, 2022 - This Is Not Going Away


HRC tweets: Season 1 Episode 7

Wearing YELLOW, which happens to be the letter Q in maritime flags.

Incidentally, if you follow that tweet storm, the first in the series was at: 11:40 a.m., which was the :35/:05 mirror or GREEN line on the clock.

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 17:20 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.54041 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>59971>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 14, 2022 - People Asked For Arrests

QClock October 15, 2022 - WWG1WGA

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 18:54 Id: db4581 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.54121 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>54153

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 19:46 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.54153 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>54242

*Sorry -- please escuse....didn't use the entirety of the bread, cuz didn't know if I should mix the bread into a new site.

hindsight tells me I should have...

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 20:14 Id: 19dba4 (1) [Preview] No.54180 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(1.12 MB 2018x776 tiecommsstringer.png)
(853.60 KB 1452x604 nicetieboss.png)
Color Comms
Tie comms

Anonymous 10/16/2022 (Sun) 21:24 Id: db4581 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.54242 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
No Worries!
We can still customize, add, remove, whatever our little green hearts desire

Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 00:23 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.54433 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Fly Eagles Fly
Jill Biden just sang it at the NFL game.
Wonder if it lines up.
Phone fagging or would check.

Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 03:13 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.54642 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>59971>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 16, 2022 - GERONIMO

Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 09:54 Id: 920c9f (1) [Preview] No.55374 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Sorry Clockfags
Endchan threads attacked just now - now cleaned but locked atm.
There is a clockfag who is also a baker, yes? QR BO would appreciate an email @ f4AL@protonmail.com, if possible.

Thread open atm, BV on duty.
Edited last time by Rolling_Home on 10/17/2022 (Mon) 13:14.

Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 15:25 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.55626 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>59971>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 17, 2022
Remember Your Oath

Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 16:13 Id: 9cff53 (1) [Preview] No.55666 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>55820
Yellow flag other meanings from Wiki-

The Yellow Jack ("Quebec") signal flag, is a plain yellow banner that was historically used to signify a vessel was, or might be, harboring a dangerous disease and needed to be quarantined (the flag represents the letter “Q”). Later the flag came to mean the opposite, signaling: "My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique".

A "Double Quebec", flying from a ship would signal" "I require health clearance"
A ship flying two Quebecs ("QQ"), or "Double Quebec", is signaling: "I require health clearance". In both cases, if and when free pratique is granted, the vessel may lower the Quebec(s), raise the national ensign of the port, and do business there. In the event that, for health reasons, the vessel is not granted free pratique, it continues to fly the Quebec, in effect indicating that it is in quarantine until such time as any health concern is resolved.

In international maritime signal flags, plain yellow, green, and black flags have been used to symbolize disease in ships and ports. The color yellow has a longer history. It was used to mark houses of infection prior to its maritime use.

Yellow jack also became a name for yellow fever. Cholera-infected ships also used a yellow flag.[1]

The plain yellow flag ("Q" or "Quebec" in international maritime signal flags), may derive its letter symbol from its initial use in "quarantine"[2]

Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 18:20 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.55820 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

*Thanks for the info... good to have in mind.

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 01:09 Id: a9062c (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.56327 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>59971>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
Late to the clockfag bunker party

QClock Oct 15, 2022: Obamagate - MSM CONSPIRACY Push Coming

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 01:12 Id: a9062c (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.56335 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(23.33 KB 255x204 clovk_farmer.jpeg)

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 01:20 Id: a9062c (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.56348 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
this is non-standard. was going through folder and found old screencap for >>12377777 ob QR gen (+ KNOWINGLY response), under assumption this was a WH post

01/07/21 —> 17/Q 777JUDGEMENT

11:25:30 —> H:11 and MIN:25 are 180MIRRORs of each other (or :30 min apart on QClock)

ID: 764d89 —> 17 d 17 (17 22 17?)

wouldn't want to be in Mike P's shoes

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 02:14 Id: a9062c (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.56438 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>57551
clocked new Q4886 QPROOF per >>17696488 ob QR gen. shows a MIRROR about Hour: 12-6 axis

Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 13:48 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.56763 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>57742
QClock October 17, 2022
Dhimicrat Necrophilia

*I know a lot of people are suspicious of Truth Social Q, but this was too good to pass up.

Not included, Ivana Trump passed away on 7/14/22, which is high noon on the clock....also on 12/7/17, we have posts 291/292 which is a pic of Hillary wearing a ring, largely believed to be blood stone, not unlike ones found on Soleimani, Podesta, Schwarzenegger & Oprah.

Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 02:31 Id: a9062c (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.57742 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>57822

hate to sound like an rookiefag, but how'd you get Q1827 to display with embedded/tagged sub-posts such that the TALES FROM THE FBI CRYPT comic book cover meme displayed?

Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 03:28 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.57822 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>60165
(49.44 KB 500x659 6xfray[1].jpg)
> but how'd you get Q1827 to display with embedded/tagged sub-posts

1) In OperationQ.pub or Qalerts.pub, go to settings in top right
2) Make sure post depth is set to 3

Qanon.pub doesn't have this feature....not sure about Qagg, but Qagg has sooooooo much.

Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 03:37 Id: f45cb7 (1) [Preview] No.57829 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
post on general when you are done so I can lock it up for the night
don't want to leave the spammer any space
was lucky to be on the button today when he started

Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 19:38 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.59714 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>59971>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 18, 2022 - ver II PURE EVIL

October 19, 2022 - I spy...
(Not a clock per se, but a helluva delta!)

Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 20:51 Id: 549cec (1) [Preview] No.59752 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>59771>>59971>>60274>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
(2.69 MB 3000x3000 ST.jpg)
Liz Truss
Scaramucci model

Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 20:59 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.59761 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>59971>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207>>126012
QClock October 19, 2022 - The Old Guard

Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 21:04 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.59771 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(22.64 KB 450x311 Ym5haWwuanBn[1])
Nice work clockfag!

Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 23:39 Id: db4581 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.59971 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Guise, imma trying here

If'n a Delta call it out, specific is gonna help later! Imagine the Historians looking back at all this

So far

Endchan Bunker Party

October 2022
>>54028 October 09: Fifth Column | October 10: Version 2 A Patriotic American Warrior | October 11: WHEELS UP
>>54030 October 10: 10 Days | October 11: Supreme Harmony Infiltration | October 12: This Is Not Going Away
>>54041 October 14, 2022 People Asked For Arrests | October 15, WWG1WGA
>>56327 October 15, 2022: Obamagate - MSM CONSPIRACY Push Coming
>>54642 October 16, 2022 - GERONIMO
>>55626 October 17, 2022 Remember Your Oath
>>59761 October 19, 2022 The Old Guard
>>59714 October 20, 2022 For 18 October ver II PURE EVIL & for 19 October I spy... (delta claimed) | >>59752 Liz Turss/ Scaramucci Model

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 01:37 Id: 0b11b7 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.60165 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

gracias, anon. have tended to work exclusively with qagg, tried to find functionality on qposts.online and failed.

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 01:43 Id: 0b11b7 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.60179 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>60372>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock Oct 22, 2022: JFK death info is Trump Card?

this is slightly datefaggish. DJT deleted TRUTH from yesterday re: coming rally in Dallas (an 'error') this Sat Oct 22nd.

exactly 60 days before this upcoming Saturday TX rally, DJT TRUTH'd about Dems needing to their Trump Cards on the table. assume this might be comms for TRUMP CARD = JFK assassination truth (Dallas 'error')

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 02:36 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.60274 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>60289>>68557
What is the advantage of having a temp?

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 02:47 Id: db4581 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.60289 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Temporary, Temperature, or Template?

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 03:30 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.60365 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(82.01 KB 820x500 6xppqo[1].jpg)

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 03:38 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.60372 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>60677
>slightly datefaggish.

1) seems odd, why would he delete that seemingly innocuous TRUTH?

2) Unless that deletion is a warnting to the Bush Dynasty...?

3) Can't recall did we all (clockfags) discuss 11.11 as possible Trump arrest?...i.e Dhimis arrest Trump world rallies (united) behind Trump?

Or is that just an idea floating in my head?

thinking out loud...don't hold against me...

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 14:58 Id: 0b11b7 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.60677 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>60726>>60905>>60922>>61772>>71772
>did we all (clockfags) discuss 11.11 as possible Trump arrest?...i.e Dhimis arrest Trump world rallies (united) behind Trump?

clockbro, you really got me thinking thoughts. put 'em together in this clock. let's assume Trump is 1st arrest (as part of The Plan). now refer to Q3716 (DIGITSUM = 17) & Q3717 (DIGITEND = 17).

- both Q3716/3717 are :20 on QClock - i.e., 2x :20. this... suggests? we look at the 180MIRROR of :50 for 1st arrest, as :50 has two MIRRORs that converge on :20. In other words, :50 1st arrest gives us our 2x Min: 20.
- both Q3716/3717 have same datestamp of 12/17. to me, nothing says "QClock" quite like "12/17" (MIRROR)
- recall DI30/1800 days/11.11.2022, which ends (Phase 1 of Q OP?) at Min: 00 on QClock. subtract 10 days to next Min: 50 (assumed 1st arrest of DJT) from 1800 and you have 17 full QClock iterations + 50 days. 17+50 on Min: 50
- both Q drops have identical timestamps of 17:03:45. Hour = Q. both Min: 03 --> 33? both Sec: 45 --> DJT?
- Marker[9]. Previous anon decode attempts have focussed on 9 = i (9th letter), looking for 2x "i" from news / social media. what if 9 = Hour: 9 on QClock? this would also be Min: 45, again hinting at DJT for 1st arrest.
- next iteration of Min: 50 on QClock is Nov 1, 2022. 11/01/2022, ignore zeroes and you get 111 222. numerology?
- a DJT arrest before midterms would likely alarm many voters and could contribute to a RED WAVE in midterms
- DJT as 1st arrest (conjecture) then brings to mind "How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?" DJT's dirt, DECLAS'd documents, etc. get introduced into court. Q1287 is Min: 21 & 180MIRROR :51, so this could be the day after Min: 50 1st arrest. timestamp 20:27:33 could be read as (4x5-->DJT : 3x3x3 or 3^2 : 33)
- Q3850 "How do you introduce evidence, legally" is Min: 15 (JUSTICE), with 180MIRROR Min: 45 (DJT). Arguably supports DJT as 1st arrest conjecture.

please take my speculative dateclockfagging with huge grain of salt--future proves past, not other way around. DI30CF is batting .0000 in date speculations!

(e.g., maybe Min: 20 and not 180MIRROR :50; maybe not this iteration of QClock / not before midterms, etc.)

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 15:37 Id: 0b11b7 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.60726 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

I suppose one could also argue that the Q3716/3717 timestamps of 17:03:45 could be read as Q 3+45 = Min: 48, as in 2 days ahead of Min: 50.

moar wild-ass speculation

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 18:34 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.60905 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>60922
>please take my speculative dateclockfagging with huge grain of salt

That's a heavy bit of analysis there...!! Well done...even if speculative and salt accompaniment

11.11 is also Veterans Day....not sure how that might play...gonna noodle your writings for a bit.

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 18:35 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.60907 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>60928>>60968
While everybody is all giggles about Kanye, just remember, he's listed as a civil defendent from the G. Maxwell case ....if you recall this was a list of "co-defendents" that Maxwells' lawyer tried to suppress.

QClock September 12, 2021 - Kanye & Maxwell

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 18:48 Id: 0b11b7 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.60922 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

... if the 1st arrest was of TWO people simultaneously (thus, why the two identical Q posts) - The Donald & FLOTUS Melania - that would unleash the National Women's Mudwrestling Militia (be still, my heart) against the Dems, FBI, DOJ, etc. Feds wouldn't stand a chance.

>11.11 is also Veterans Day.

If DI30 is the end of Phase 1, which may be thought of as undermining the DS narrative and the credibility of its operators / weaponizing the autists and independent media / purging the Republican Party of traitors and ne'er-do-wells, what better day to honor the Veterans who fought and often died in DS-engineered banker wars than by going on the offense v. the evil doers of this world?

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 18:55 Id: 0b11b7 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.60928 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>60964>>61005

controlled oppo like AJ, intended to be a Pied Piper that discredits anti-gov voices and counter-narratives? or freed?

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 20:22 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.60964 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>61005
(88.84 KB 669x1000 LmpwZw[1])
>controlled oppo like AJ, intended to be a Pied Piper that discredits anti-gov voices and counter-narratives? or freed?

still noodling your prior thoughts

Paid oppo? not sure...but of course like everything going on 'maybe', right?

AJ is paid for 'acting'. (per one of his court cases) might be a little off, but not cray cray like ye....but at the same time our guys are clearly using him. Flynn and Piezcenik have openly stated as such while on his show, and it's probably a message to his handlers (my guess)

Ye on the other hand is bipolar and a loose canon.
He literally fucks everyone over that start hangin with him and give him love. Maybe not monetarily, but he fucks them over with some outlandish public statement or commentary.

I think part of this behavior is exacerbated by having participated in some fucked up shit (knowingly or not).

Maybe he's acting as a witness behind the scenes, but still driven mad by guilt.

sorry -- rambling.

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 20:24 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.60968 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>>60957 (OB) - Bunker Gen

heres the court filing referenced in the clock.

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 21:20 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.61005 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

i feel like i come off like an asshole.
apologies, i don't mean to.
fucked up day in home life.

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 22:59 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.61086 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>61876>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 20, 2022 - The Blood of Children

*Note: I used a part of #3376, which is a very long posting, so it is truncated for space.

Anonymous 10/22/2022 (Sat) 04:38 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.61475 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>61876>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 21, 2022 - Are you ready?

Anonymous 10/22/2022 (Sat) 16:57 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.61772 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>61876>>71772
(1.06 MB 1928x1075 6ae3187e5104ba68[1].png)
My head is spinning from your dive (still).

I like it....a lot.

A fren on TS passed me this....adds to the ramp up of energy / emotion etc.

Anonymous 10/22/2022 (Sat) 19:04 Id: a6e429 (1) [Preview] No.61876 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>62424>>62494
>>61086 very nice
>>61475 dasting

>My head is spinning from your dive (still).
>both Q drops have identical timestamps of 17:03:45. Hour = Q. both Min: 03 --> 33? both Sec: 45 --> DJT?

could this timestamp (Q3716/3717) symbolize 33Freemasons/occultists trapped between Q (17:) and Q+ (:45)?

hmmm... that National Seat Belt Day / Q4866 / Jan 6 Committee testify by Nov 14 date stuff sure gets the autist sonar pinging. how might this all play out? DJT refuses to testify to Jan 6 Committee, gets 'arrested' to 'compel' his testimony (somewhere in the 11.11 to 11.14 range?)

>timestamp 20:27:33 could be read as (4x5-->DJT : 3x3x3 or 3^2 : 33)

mild mathtard moment - 3x3x3 or 3^3. apology, too many thoughts going on at once. movies are getting juicy

Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 01:53 Id: 3d6472 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.62349 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>70162
(90.39 KB 477x502 WINNING BAKERS.jpg)

Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 01:58 Id: 3d6472 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.62351 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>70162
(291.43 KB 808x806 o7 CLOCKFAGS.jpg)

Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 02:06 Id: 3d6472 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.62361 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(160.89 KB 891x496 RALLY HIGHWAY.jpg)

Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 03:08 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.62425 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Not a clock, but interesting...tried to post earlier but board was being attacked.

maybe it's all an odd coinky, but thought if it prompts something for someone, its worth posting

Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 04:43 Id: d89408 (1) [Preview] No.62494 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>66786
>hmmm... that National Seat Belt Day / Q4866 / Jan 6 Committee testify by Nov 14 date stuff sure gets the autist sonar pinging. how might this all play out? DJT refuses to testify to Jan 6 Committee, gets 'arrested' to 'compel' his testimony (somewhere in the 11.11 to 11.14 range?)
This is what's really getting to me, it just seems like something they might do. They seemed to really grip the masses with the narrative that trump caused the Jan 6th riots. just doing a standard average search you can see they are really trying to shoot down any counter-narrative.

I'm also thinking, just something in me is pointing to Q4948 connecting to this all. since it's the most recent update we've gotten and it talks about the Jan 6th committee.

Midterms are 11.8 though.

Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 19:10 Id: 36fa4d (1) [Preview] No.66786 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>66809

like your thinking in connecting Q4958 to all of this. 06/29/2022 --> 6.29.2022. Since 2+9=11, 6.11 MIRROR 11.6 Huma indicted? 11.6 is 2 days ahead of 11.8 midterms.

what to make of Q4958 timestamp 03:23:20? 32-32 or MIRROR 23-23? Q3232 is Marker[1] set + Marker[2] set, QEII death related (I think).

regardless, Cassidy Hutchinson made J6 masters look stupid. Q4958 Min: 45 certainly seems to link DJT to J6 Committee.

tangent: why do Q3850 (MIN: 15) and Q4866 (MIN: 22) both have same HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED DJT image? different filenames - the later version ends in ...688.jpg. might be coincidence, but 688 is class # for Los Angeles class SSN attack boats (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles-class_submarine).

given the red images, is there a link to RED OCTOBER that we've missed? RIG for RED?

Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 19:42 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.66809 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
>MIRROR 11.6 Huma indicted?

QClock October 24, 2022
Manufactured Crimes of Perjury

Just cuz you mention Huma, she in one of the posts used here. I'm a little confounded by this one, in that i don't think i'm so good with the legal mumbo and herridge pen interpretations.

The other one, Pelosi Comms - All Aboard The Gitmo Cruise -- I was really just screwing around and it seemed to develop...I'm getting this "full circle" theme if anything. And that is exciting, cuz well...y'know.

Anonymous 10/25/2022 (Tue) 18:54 Id: c225fe (1) [Preview] No.68537 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
With some help from WhiteHats setting up a firewall that prevented the Dominion machines from flipping the votes.

Anonymous 10/25/2022 (Tue) 19:06 Id: 691610 (1) [Preview] No.68557 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Looking for some of this action, Q!

Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 02:09 Id: d254d6 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.70162 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>71093

safe to come out?

Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 02:50 Id: d254d6 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.70225 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>70241>>71093>>84160>>84860>>108016>>110172>>113207
QClock Oct 24, 2022: Dark to Light

what's dasting is that one of Potato's twats went from 911 retweets on 24th to 11.3k retweets the next day.

one hell of a coincidence.

Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 02:59 Id: d254d6 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.70241 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

let's see...

- timestamp has a 25
- diggies end in 25

KEK sayin' Q2888 & Q2894 Dark to Light on Min: 25?

gonna sleep on it

Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 19:58 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.71076 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 24, 2022 - The Key
QClock October 25, 2022 - Heart Attacks Can Be Deadly
QClock October 26, 2022 - HRC Gillebrand Throwback

Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 20:08 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.71093 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>safe to come out?

Can you believe this shit show?
My head is so screwed up I might not be surprised if it is white hats doing it to get us to complain in order to make normies wonder what's up...

>one hell of a coincidence.

I'll say!!

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 02:23 Id: 2cee9a (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.71580 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>72147>>72496>>73060>>73406
>>71066 (OB gen QR)

saw this, chuck is known for comms.
the way he wrote 242 struck me I wonder if there's anything significant with that.

when I translated 242 to Qpost 242 it kinda spooked me considering the deltas we are about to have tomorrow.

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 03:19 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.71661 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>71772>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 27, 2022
Be Alert Next 10 Days

QClock October 27, 2022
The Storm Is Upon Us

*Sometimes you have to update when Ft. Sill throws a tweet your way, right?

One thing I'm most excited about with these are the HH:MM lining up with the clock hands.

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 04:44 Id: a41a01 (1) [Preview] No.71772 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>72166>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
>One thing I'm most excited about with these are the HH:MM lining up with the clock hands.

yep. we had moar than we knew.

methinks having the Calm Before per your clock the Storm hit on :25/:55 MIRROR is significant, as this is understood to be the STORM AXIS.

have a weird one for you. brings to mind that DJT is 1st arrest speculative clock >>60677, >>61772. tried to clock Chuck G's tweet @ Min: 45 and found that the 09:15 timestamp was both a hit on the Min: 45 (i.e., H: 9)/ Min: 15 axis (DJT/JUSTICE). this also seemed to hit 2x Kash TRUTHs re: Ace and Trump Card. Also found what appeared to be a relevant Kash TRUTH that pointed to Min: 05 and Min: 25 MIRRORs.

IDK if this buttresses DJT = 1st arrest hypothesis or not. but the connection of Ace, Trump Card, Grassley, Kash, 09:25 --> :45/:15 axis, Kash TRUTH re: Trump card also hitting :05 and :25 mirrors seemed too much to be coincidence.

Didn't think Grassley's tweet was Q222 related. open to ideas, criticisms, etc.

afraid I'm time-expired and outta here. peace to all clockbros

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 12:15 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.72060 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>72166
Glad we are back.

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 13:36 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.72147 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>72166>>72496
(65.48 KB 1200x545 LmpwZWc[1])
I took a look at Grassley's feed...there's a lot in this series was too tired last night to clock and connect things. Might get to it today depending on how stuff plays out 5 yr, musk an all....and of course IRL interference.

stay frosty.

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 13:51 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.72166 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>72223>>72496
>Glad we are back.


I always forget to read before I post.

this grassley post is also particularly interesting cuz "2222" and a day early....as we was Musks rocket tweet

Although, today, as I type we are on the alien line (:46 / :16)

2222 tweet

Musk Rocket

Just posting one of my old alien line clocks for reference in case a digital archaelogist comes by in 15,000 years and needs to better understand the above ramblings.

Back to Grassley - in that little series, he also calls out Mexico....and fentanly (china). Something has to be done about Mexico...dunno when or what, but it is odd there's been more talk about Israel (saved for last) than there has been about Mexico and actually resolving the failed narco state to our south (spouse anon has cousins there....they confirm sh*thole status every other phone call...primarily due to narco danger(s)).

OK ...i'm yammering.

Happy 5 Year Anniversary Everyone!

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 14:30 Id: 32dbfc (1) [Preview] No.72223 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

hmmm... there are 4x "2"'s in Grassley's tweet you used for the Q2222 take (albeit one day early, :45 v. :46). also, there are 2x "$" in that tweet, as if to draw attention to the "2"'s.

in the one I used, there were 3x "2"'s. IDK if relevant or not.

I don't recall Q ever discussing an alien race of female Amazon space gingers, but hopefully I missed that drop

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 17:09 Id: 2cee9a (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.72496 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>73060>>73406
>(spouse anon has cousins there....they confirm sh*thole status every other phone call...primarily due to narco danger(s)).

can confirm lol, half Mexican and my mother is 1st gen immigrant and they have always told me how bad it is down there. It doesn't help that our family is mostly in Jalisco... home to the biggest cartel over there right now.

it all depends on what goes on today. MTG's postings on twitter did catch my attention with the 242 drop and be here tomorrow.



her next tweet is also interesting lol.

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 21:03 Id: 2cee9a (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.72832 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>73406>>75855
was looking at this old clock. saved it Sept 28th.

>>72795 (ob gen QR)
Hammer time, attack on the net.
did not make this clock also.

Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 23:22 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.73060 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>>72496, >>71580
MTG / Grassley and #242


Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 23:23 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.73063 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>73339>>73343>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 28, 2022
Rizvi Traverse Management

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 02:35 Id: a9062c (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.73339 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>73406
(21.16 KB 474x265 perfection.jpeg)

saw this on main bunker. bloody nice work, fren. o7

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 02:39 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.73343 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>73406
AWOL ClockFag.
Busy IRL.
If not on here is on a past 72 second graphic.
My twatter status changed from permanently suspended to currently suspended.

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 02:40 Id: a9062c (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.73345 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>73406
just realized that ONLY Q0, Q1, Q2 delta on Oct 28, xxxx


0, 1, 2. 12, as in Clock?

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 02:43 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.73347 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>73406
Bottom left corner

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 02:55 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.73364 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Glitchy ipad

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 03:45 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.73406 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>73914>>74465
>bloody nice work, fren.
You're too kind.

>Busy IRL.
Understand all too well as of late.
Man how I miss all those 72 Seconds dives. Would love to meet the character(s) behind that account.

>Hammer time,
I'm guessing you saw my comment on main about the hammer?
Brief recap for the digital archaelogist in 10K yrs. I'm blown away you dropped this todaywhile we are on the :46 / :16 line and tied it to "1044" and it having HAMMER at the bottom and all in the news is the Paul Pelosi getting clobbered with a hammer.

WAIT, so I did a little more digging. And wanted to see the Thor Fight With Giants drop (hammer) Turns out that drop is on 12/07/17 (ergo, High Noon on the clock!)

Holy Cow!

>0, 1, 2. 12, as in Clock?
Dunno. But delta btwn 0 & 1 is 71 minutes....something I only noticed today as I was taking a closer look (for the obvious). Delta btwn 1 & 2 is 2hrs 42 mins....goes back to Grassley & MTG. >>72496, >>71580

Yes...I thought Rizvi also had a hand in Tesla, but i didn't see it on the website today. I swear it was there a while back. Now waiting to see how Renee J. James gets tied in. Kek.

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 17:35 Id: 560493 (1) [Preview] No.73914 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>74212
I think i saw your comment, i was just intaking all info and coincidentally was looking in my QR folder and saw that old clock.

>WAIT, so I did a little more digging. And wanted to see the Thor Fight With Giants drop (hammer) Turns out that drop is on 12/07/17 (ergo, High Noon on the clock!)
hahaha, that is a funny coincidence. didn't even see that yesterday but now im shitting my pants over it.

will keep poking my head around looking for comms, still not confident enough to try my own clock out.

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 21:50 Id: cbc9b3 (1) [Preview] No.74212 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

DI30CF was late to the clocking game. first clocks were--ahem--less than perfect. but persevered, got nothing but support at Clockwork Qrange. you'll find that some ideas can only be fully expressed within the context of the Clock (not all mind you, but some).

the water's warm, as the saying goes. hop in when you're ready.

Anonymous 10/30/2022 (Sun) 04:03 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.74683 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 29, 2022 - Hunter Biden Crimes

Anonymous 10/30/2022 (Sun) 17:21 Id: 2cee9a (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.75294 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(17.46 KB 464x334 we are there.png)
on the clock today.

Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 03:26 Id: a9062c (9)Prev Next [Preview] No.75855 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

will reconsider this one in light of recent hammer discussion. ty

Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 04:22 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.75916 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76185>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock October 30, 2022

*Needs a little polish...but the idea is there...

Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 17:21 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.76185 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>76338>>76356>>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
>>75916 *You really have to look at both clocks together.

QClock October 31, 2022 - Where is HRC?

Just a simple search

HRC = "Stronger Together" tagline

Note the hashtags:

Sent at "high noon" —> Moment of reckoning.

Trump Truth referring to "guts" -- recall HRC did a docuementary called "Gutsy".
sample gutsy promo tweet: https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1547548607334813698

Dipping Sauces:


In It To Get Her

>>76181 - posted in QRBunker

Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 21:27 Id: 593132 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.76338 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>77193
did HRC get yoinked to Gitmo already?

Where is HRC? in this context seems more like they are messing with her. I also loved that connection that you made of her saying >Stay safe and have fun out there.

My eyes are drawn toward that pentagon carved into the pumpkin. instantly i thought of The Pentagon but the thought of gitmo also came after.

Notice in that git sat image the star shape and the pentagon around it?

Nice clock though anon! your very talented! I loathe the days when no clocks are being posted, so thankQ for these fren.

Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 21:48 Id: 593132 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.76356 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>77193
(39.36 KB 742x686 gitmo2air.jpg)
Wanted to post this along with the other gitmo picture. apparently, that star-shaped building is called camp V (5).

i also came across this article which was super interdasting.

heres some of what caught my eye from the article.

>The Pentagon is building a second courtroom for war crimes trials at Guantánamo Bay that will exclude the public from the chamber, the latest move toward secrecy in the nearly 20-year-old detention operation.

>The new courtroom will permit two military judges to hold proceedings simultaneously starting in 2023.

Now i found this really really interesting from that article.

>But the new courtroom, in what is described as a cost-saving measure, has no such gallery. Only people with a secret clearance, such as members of the intelligence community and specially cleared guards and lawyers, will be allowed inside the new chamber.

This article;


Is where i found the name of the detention center, use discretion on this article if needed.


i could be totally wrong that shes at gitmo right now, but its a fun thought lol.

Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 22:05 Id: 593132 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.76376 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(415.41 KB 1377x1137 stollen decode.png)
going to drop this here in case any of you haven't seen it. was posted on 8KUN QR gen 21703

posting this from 8kun.
>>17710799 8KUN QR

[L] Marker.

Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing.



Let the unsealing begin.

Let the DEC[LAS begin.

Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.

We, the PEOPLE.



Anonymous 11/01/2022 (Tue) 13:41 Id: f57a9d (44)Prev Next [Preview] No.77193 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>77262
(38.88 KB 1080x796 LmpwZw[1])

Too Kind!

My guess, is that they have been screwing with her for years. If she did make it to the clink, I don't think they'll be announcing it publicly before the masses are ready...cuz even then, there will be enough "unrest" to be problematic.

I'd love to think that also:
>i could be totally wrong that shes at gitmo right now, but its a fun thought lol.

I think time will tell, such as lack of public appearances. Just speculating now, maybe that is why Comey disappeared for a while and then re-emerged? Debrief / jail and now out on a behavior contract?

Or maybe that is the case with all of them building up to when the hammer drops publicly?

Just swaggin...we've all been at this for sometime. It could be me high on hopium, but I feel like the "comms" out of the accounts have all pointed in the direction that something happened recently.

*sorry for the ramble...trying not to laugh too hard at myself (pic related)

Anonymous 11/01/2022 (Tue) 15:02 Id: 2cee9a (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.77262 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>104848
(47.74 KB 929x494 iridium.png)
(620.90 KB 925x929 iridium2.png)
Yw fren!

>My guess, is that they have been screwing with her for years. If she did make it to the clink, I don't think they'll be announcing it publicly before the masses are ready...cuz even then, there will be enough "unrest" to be problematic.

totally logical thought, i mean they havent really said publicly if she was there or not but time will tell lol.

>Just swaggin...we've all been at this for sometime. It could be me high on hopium, but I feel like the "comms" out of the accounts have all pointed in the direction that something happened recently.

these past couple of weeks ive noticed decodes that point to something big that we may have missed, keep getting Q764 and Q36 from decodes and deltas alot recently.

dont know what it is we missed, but ive been seeing decodes and comms about it since sept.

which now that ive done some digging and thinking, Q439 and Q441 catch my attention.

Im a huge space nerd and always have been lol, it just made me think of the iridium rocket launch that was announced Sept, 8, 2022.


from this article this caught my eye

Iridium said it selected SpaceX for the launch of the five satellites, sharing a launch with other, unnamed payloads. The launch is scheduled for the middle of 2023 from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

may have merit and may confirm our missing happening but who knows lol.

Sorry if im rambling as well, tend to do it alot kek.

Anonymous 11/03/2022 (Thu) 21:04 Id: f52fe2 (1) [Preview] No.83243 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
We're back.

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 02:11 Id: 9cff53 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.83934 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Testers. UK bred anon looking for am unlocked bred. Looks like this one needed to be unlocked in case a timely clock post needed to be made. We don’t need to post so much in th UK bred tho.

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 04:19 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.84144 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock November 1, 2022 - Ha!

Graphic: October 31, 2022 - 1 & 2 confirmed

QClock October 31, 2022 - Where is HRC

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 04:22 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.84148 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84160>>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock November 3, 2022 - The Harvest Is Complete

Graphic: November 3, 2022 - Defining Moment

QClock November 2, 2022 - The More You Know

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 04:44 Id: db4581 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.84160 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84581
Endchan Bunker Party

October 2022
>>54028 October 09: Fifth Column | October 10: Version 2 A Patriotic American Warrior | October 11: WHEELS UP
>>54030 October 10: 10 Days | October 11: Supreme Harmony Infiltration | October 12: This Is Not Going Away
>>54041 October 14, 2022 People Asked For Arrests | October 15, WWG1WGA
>>56327 October 15, 2022: Obamagate - MSM CONSPIRACY Push Coming
>>54642 October 16, 2022 GERONIMO
>>55626 October 17, 2022 Remember Your Oath
>>59761 October 19, 2022 The Old Guard
>>59714 October 20, 2022 For 18 October ver II PURE EVIL & for 19 October I spy... (delta claimed) | >>59752 Liz Turss/ Scaramucci Model | >>61086 The Blood of Children
>>61475 October 21, 2022 Are you ready?
>>60179 October 22, 2022 JFK death info is Trump Card?
>>66809 October 24, 2022 Manufactured Crimes of Perjury | >>70225 Dark to Light
>>71076 October 24, 2022 - The Key | October 25, 2022 - Heart Attacks Can Be Deadly | October 26, 2022 - HRC Gillebrand Throwback
>>71661 October 27, 2022 Be Alert Next 10 Days | October 27, 2022 The Storm Is Upon Us
>>71772 October 28, 2022 Yep. We had moar than we knew | >>73063 October 28, 2022 Rizvi Traverse Management
>>74465 October 29, 2022 HAMMER | >>74683 Hunter Biden Crimes
>>75916 October 30, 2022 GAME OVER
>>76185 October 31, 2022 Where is HRC?
>>84144 October 31, 2022 1 & 2 confirmed | October 31, 2022 Where is HRC | November 1, 2022 Ha!

November 2022
>>84144 November 1, 2022 Ha!
>>84148 November 2, 2022 The More You Know | November 3, 2022 Defining Moment | November 3, 2022 The Harvest Is Complete

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 15:03 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.84576 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84860>>110172>>113207
QClock November 4, 2022 - Are You Ready?

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 15:06 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.84581 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(116.84 KB 1200x750 OS9Rb3hMTmUuanBn[1])

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 19:52 Id: db4581 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.84860 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Let's go this format then:

October 2022
>>54028 October 09: Fifth Column; October 10: Version 2 A Patriotic American Warrior; October 11: WHEELS UP
>>54030 October 10: 10 Days; October 11: Supreme Harmony Infiltration; October 12: This Is Not Going Away
>>54041 October 14, 2022 People Asked For Arrests | October 15, WWG1WGA
>>56327 October 15, 2022: Obamagate - MSM CONSPIRACY Push Coming
>>54642 October 16, 2022 GERONIMO
>>55626 October 17, 2022 Remember Your Oath
>>59761 October 19, 2022 The Old Guard
>>59714 October 20, 2022 For 18 October ver II PURE EVIL & for 19 October I spy... (delta claimed) | >>59752 Liz Turss/ Scaramucci Model | >>61086 The Blood of Children
>>61475 October 21, 2022 Are you ready?
>>60179 October 22, 2022 JFK death info is Trump Card?
>>66809 October 24, 2022 Manufactured Crimes of Perjury | >>70225 Dark to Light
>>71076 October 24, 2022 - The Key; October 25, 2022 - Heart Attacks Can Be Deadly; October 26, 2022 - HRC Gillebrand Throwback
>>71661 October 27, 2022 Be Alert Next 10 Days; The Storm Is Upon Us
>>71772 October 28, 2022 Yep. We had moar than we knew | >>73063 October 28, 2022 Rizvi Traverse Management
>>74465 October 29, 2022 HAMMER | >>74683 Hunter Biden Crimes
>>75916 October 30, 2022 GAME OVER
>>76185 October 31, 2022 Where is HRC?
>>84144 October 31, 2022 1 & 2 confirmed; October 31, 2022 Where is HRC

November 2022
>>84144 November 01, 2022 Ha!
>>84148 November 02, 2022 The More You Know; November 3, 2022 Defining Moment; November 3, 2022 The Harvest Is Complete
>>84838 November 03, 2022 Proof Begins!
>>84576 November 04, 2022 Are You Ready?

Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 13:41 Id: a8ca59 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.86388 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Posted some clocks/graphics in the main bread. One linked here.
>>86379 (main bread)
See others by same id there
Nicely done clock on time change/BTTF on the main bread

Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 17:22 Id: 11e491 (1) [Preview] No.86553 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>104848

is this and your Q2222 clockwork related to the Law of War guy's Majestic 12 Twitter source? MJ12, Dues Ex/JC Denton, UFO's / MIB, ...

I've just started watching his new vid series:


Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 19:11 Id: a8ca59 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.86743 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>104848
(122.48 KB 1278x760 newqcrop.png)

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 14:39 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.103345 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>110172>>113207
QClock November 5, 2022 - ver I & II Back To The Future

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 14:42 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.103350 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>110172>>113207
QClock November 7, 2022 - Pope Owl & Pelos
QClock November 6, 2022 - Crowdstrike

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 14:43 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.103351 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>110172>>113207
QClock November 10, 2022 - 911 Commission
QClock November 9, 2022 - Barbary Wars

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 14:48 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.103355 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>103411>>110172>>113207
QClock November 13, 2022 - Sec State Races
QClock November 12, 2022 - SLUSH FUNDS
QClock November 11, 2022 - GOLD

*dunno about you guys posting has been an absolute pain in the ass. The psycho uptick in attacks yesterday (11.14.22) with the announcement out of AZ, tells me just about all i need to know.

Hope you're all doing well.

If you're curious, i'm speed typing a captcha code with mouse on the reply button for a quick hit w/the hand after the captcha.

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 16:08 Id: 2cee9a (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.103411 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>104848
IT has been a pain my friend lol.

>*dunno about you guys posting has been an absolute pain in the ass. The psycho uptick in attacks yesterday (11.14.22) with the announcement out of AZ, tells me just about all i need to know.

even before the midterms the breads were getting shilled to pieces and it was telling me all i need to know. break up anons so we cant work together and hivemind info.

nice to see you back though!

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 15:11 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.104848 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>nice to see you back though!

Ditto and nice dubzz!

>>86743 - Noice!

>I've just started watching his new vid series:
I'll have to dig in and take a look see...I haven't watched his stuff in a long time too much bass in his voice....i know it sounds stupid, but it makes it hard for me to hear him....too many Red Hot Chilli Peppers concerts in my yut.

>Yw fren!
Just as shit went haywire here, i had a thoughtful repsonse to this..the #764 & 36 observation...i'll see if i can't dig up my thoughts when i have some down time. VCorps has beeen up in my face of late.

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 15:16 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.104854 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>110172>>113207
QClock November 15, 2022 - It Will Be Done

Sidebar - there is so much happening in this VCorp tweet if you look at it w/the qdrop lens.

Do you know the TV Show Hannah? The show ties to a CIA black site in Romania...a little mk ultra -ish

#777 - why is pharma....

tweet happening in Romania...


"#ItWillBeDone" reminds me of "thy will be done" quote — on earth as in heaven (above and below).

There was a US Navy submarine tweet yesterday...and Artemis launched in the middle of the night...

ack too much...mebbe it's all a coinky.

I miss copy / pasting images...didn't realize how convenient it was 'til it was gone...

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 15:18 Id: 96a3cd (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.104857 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>104868
Please look at these findings
This is NIH.Gov website

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 15:20 Id: c9f2c1 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.104861 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
There's a great new interview posted by "The Duran" over at Bitchute that goes into detail explaining how the voter fraud actually works and the real intent which not really about one political party or the other which is very interesting. Notice how many States have no issues and can count the all votes in one night, yet all the "swing States" seem to be having massive issues and taking forever to get results? That is all about the political elite class doing everything they can to hold onto power. It's not just the corrupt DNC, the RNC is also very complicit, as the establishment do not care which party wins as long as the same crooked government stays in power! Fraud has always existed but the amount of fraud happening today is in fact unprecedented. They cannot allow grassroot Americans to upend the political elite class, and by any means they are willing to cheat to stop it! If you want to know the real scoop, watch this interview!!!

https://www.bitchute.com/video/jBDGjQHbWGQ/ [Embed]

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 15:26 Id: c9f2c1 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.104868 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>104903
>Chronic inflammation

Inflammation is directly linked to cancer cells growing, this has been known for a long while but many still do not know this today. This is one reason I take natural anti-inflammation supplements such as curcumin, which is known to slow the rate of cancer growth.

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 15:27 Id: c9f2c1 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.104869 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Yep, "big medicine" only profits by keeping you sick. So many people have never caught on to this sadly.

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 15:49 Id: 96a3cd (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.104903 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Grandma and the castor oil or sodium bicarb
Baking soda is also some amazing stuff

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 15:58 Id: 96a3cd (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.104919 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
How about baking soda
Watching this work irl

6 or so years ago they told my friend 6 months
Maybe 1 year...

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 16:12 Id: 96a3cd (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.104936 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Never really understood
The urban removal of weeds
But with Bayer Monsanto and other
Makes sense ..now

Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 22:50 Id: 2cee9a (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.105210 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>106694
>>104977 ob QR gen

making me tink... booms soon?

Anonymous 11/18/2022 (Fri) 12:44 Id: a6927d (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.106377 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Proto s is on at 8kun.

Anonymous 11/18/2022 (Fri) 18:19 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.106694 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(30.29 KB 400x500 LmpwZw[1])
>making me tink... booms soon?

you wuz on the money honey!

Anonymous 11/18/2022 (Fri) 18:24 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.106696 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>106827>>110172>>113207
QClock November 17, 2022 - Down She Goes

QClock November 17, 2022 - Indictments Coming

QClock November 16 2022 GOLD II

Anonymous 11/18/2022 (Fri) 21:49 Id: 1e52d3 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.106827 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Down she goes watch time and date matching the Queen funeral lowering into ground was one of our best KEKs yet.

Anonymous 11/19/2022 (Sat) 18:39 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.107372 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
wasn't sure...just brainstorming.

Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 05:25 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.107692 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>110172>>113207
QClock November 19, 2022
Storm Warning!

Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 20:23 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.108016 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Just reviewing some stuff....love that this happened on 42...

Can't help but always make that Hitchhikers Guide reference...42..meaning of life...etc.

Anonymous 11/21/2022 (Mon) 19:17 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.108924 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>108955>>108957>>110172>>113207
QClock November 21, 2022 - What Does A Dog Do?

Anonymous 11/21/2022 (Mon) 19:52 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.108955 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>108957
QClock November 21, 2022 - Detention Centers Being Prepped

Kind of an update to the prior clock, but a tad more exciting...timestamps on relevant tweets coming in at :23 & :17.

Anonymous 11/21/2022 (Mon) 19:53 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.108957 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>109467>>110172>>113207

QClock November 21, 2022 - Detention Centers Being Prepped

Kind of an update to the prior clock, but a tad more exciting...timestamps on relevant tweets coming in at :23 & :17.

*Attaching always helps...

Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 02:34 Id: 2cee9a (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.109467 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>109927
things are looking like it's about to get HOT anon.
not the best at making a clock but I do read all posts on the clock from Qagg and connect with what's been happening today, and things in the past.

getting moar and moar comfy as the days go by.
pleasure seeing ya again btw, keep it up with those clocks it feeds my addiction lol.

ps I still laugh my ass off at jimmy not getting an envelope.

Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 14:46 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.109927 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(39.27 KB 736x414 YmNlNDA1YS5qcGc[1])
>ps I still laugh my ass off at jimmy not getting an envelope.

yes-- funny moment.

thanks for the encouragement...! much appreciated.

Can't wait to see how it all pans out

Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 16:42 Id: db4581 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.110172 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Coming up on 150

October 2022
>>54028 October 09: Fifth Column; October 10: Version 2 A Patriotic American Warrior; October 11: WHEELS UP
>>54030 October 10: 10 Days; October 11: Supreme Harmony Infiltration; October 12: This Is Not Going Away
>>54041 October 14, 2022 People Asked For Arrests | October 15, WWG1WGA
>>56327 October 15, 2022: Obamagate - MSM CONSPIRACY Push Coming
>>54642 October 16, 2022 GERONIMO
>>55626 October 17, 2022 Remember Your Oath
>>59761 October 19, 2022 The Old Guard
>>59714 October 20, 2022 For 18 October ver II PURE EVIL & for 19 October I spy... (delta claimed) | >>59752 Liz Turss/ Scaramucci Model | >>61086 The Blood of Children
>>61475 October 21, 2022 Are you ready?
>>60179 October 22, 2022 JFK death info is Trump Card?
>>66809 October 24, 2022 Manufactured Crimes of Perjury | >>70225 Dark to Light
>>71076 October 24, 2022 - The Key; October 25, 2022 - Heart Attacks Can Be Deadly; October 26, 2022 - HRC Gillebrand Throwback
>>71661 October 27, 2022 Be Alert Next 10 Days; The Storm Is Upon Us
>>71772 October 28, 2022 Yep. We had moar than we knew | >>73063 October 28, 2022 Rizvi Traverse Management
>>74465 October 29, 2022 HAMMER | >>74683 Hunter Biden Crimes
>>75916 October 30, 2022 GAME OVER
>>76185 October 31, 2022 Where is HRC?
>>84144 October 31, 2022 1 & 2 confirmed; October 31, 2022 Where is HRC

November 2022
>>84144 November 01, 2022 Ha!
>>84148 November 02, 2022 The More You Know; November 3, 2022 Defining Moment; November 3, 2022 The Harvest Is Complete
>>84838 November 03, 2022 Proof Begins!
>>84576 November 04, 2022 Are You Ready?
>>103345 November 05, 2022 ver I & II Back To The Future
>>103350 November 06, 2022 Crowdstrike; November 07, 2022 Pope Owl & Pelosi
>>103351 November 09, 2022 Barbary Wars; November 10, 2022 911 Commission
>>103355 November 11, 2022 GOLD; November 12, 2022 SLUSH FUNDS; November 13, 2022 Sec State Races
>>104854 November 15, 2022 It Will Be Done
>>106696 November 16, 2022 GOLD II; November 17, 2022 Indictments Coming; November 17, 2022 Down She Goes
>>107692 November 19, 2022 Storm Warning!
>>108924 November 21, 2022 What Does A Dog Do? | >>108957 November 21, 2022 Detention Centers Being Prepped

Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 03:06 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.110872 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>111393
(46.44 KB 375x500 2e0s6i.jpg)
(1.88 MB 2062x2062 1qclock_q_djt(8)DtoL.png)
Hi Frens
Thanks for keeping up the fight.
Have been off the clock for a while.
Trying to keep up the social media fight.
Hoping to get my twitter account back.
Would be a DARK TO LIGHT moment with plenty of cool delta KEKs.
Think I will just retweet old stuff on the annual deltas.
IRL has interfered with my free time that I used to dedicate to the QClock.
Punched my 5 years. Glad other fags are taking over.

Anonymous 11/24/2022 (Thu) 04:09 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.111393 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(92.36 KB 500x625 71y14t[1].jpg)
We miss you terrible, but IRL is IRL and you have to tend to that

If / when you can we love seeing you / your work. TBH, it feels a little rough lately. I think Elon taking twitter has f*cked with the algorithm and I don't get the red meat that used to be in my feed.

Big picture, it seems like it is for the better, but clocking has become more of a hunt vs. a troll on soc med.

ok...rambling. apple GGGG

Anonymous 11/24/2022 (Thu) 14:37 Id: 009cb4 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.111603 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>111636
(4.16 MB 2661x2123 eyes_on.png)
new clockfag reporting. still in freshman year of clockfag university; been studying hard.

Anonymous 11/24/2022 (Thu) 16:42 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.111632 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>113207

QClock November 22, 2022
Twitter Vulnerabilities

*Always helps to attach...

Anonymous 11/24/2022 (Thu) 16:46 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.111636 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>111667
Begninner my ass!!

Nice work clockfag...very nice.

don't hesitate to post that all over....bunker general...8kun...etc

freckles for encouragement... :-)

Anonymous 11/24/2022 (Thu) 22:15 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.111701 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>113207

QClock November 24, 2022 - Muh Belly So Full / TYB!

*As I see it, this is DoD acknowledging Bakers & The QClock....(timestamp 1300 hrs is where we are on the clock...and the number used in the tweet matches the mirror (see pink line).

Anonymous 11/26/2022 (Sat) 04:35 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.112168 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>113207
QClock November 25, 2022

Anonymous 11/27/2022 (Sun) 01:51 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.112511 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>113207
(6.01 MB 5000x5000 17qclockblank55qDTL.png)
The Return of Q

Anonymous 11/28/2022 (Mon) 05:44 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.112707 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>113207
QClock November 27, 2022 - Focus On The Mission

Anonymous 11/29/2022 (Tue) 22:56 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.112980 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>113207
There was some very interesting stuff going on in 8kun land. Links below.

QClock November 28, 2022 - Musk And The Psyop

Clock Posts


Anonymous 12/01/2022 (Thu) 18:41 Id: db4581 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.113207 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
October 2022
October 10, 2022 >>54028 October 09: Fifth Column; October 10: Version 2 A Patriotic American Warrior; October 11: WHEELS UP
October 11, 2022 >>54030 October 10: 10 Days; October 11: Supreme Harmony Infiltration; October 12: This Is Not Going Away
October 14, 2022 >>54041 People Asked For Arrests | October 15, WWG1WGA
October 15, 2022 >>56327 Obamagate - MSM CONSPIRACY Push Coming
October 16, 2022 >>54642 GERONIMO
October 17, 2022 >>55626 Remember Your Oath
October 19, 2022 >>59761 The Old Guard
October 20, 2022 >>59714 For 18 October ver II PURE EVIL & for 19 October I spy... (delta claimed) | >>59752 Liz Turss/ Scaramucci Model | >>61086 The Blood of Children
October 21, 2022 >>61475 Are you ready?
October 22, 2022 >>60179 JFK death info is Trump Card?
October 24, 2022 >>66809 Manufactured Crimes of Perjury | >>70225 Dark to Light
October 24, 2022 >>71076 The Key; October 25, 2022 - Heart Attacks Can Be Deadly; October 26, 2022 - HRC Gillebrand Throwback
October 27, 2022 >>71661 Be Alert Next 10 Days; The Storm Is Upon Us
October 28, 2022 >>71772 Yep. We had moar than we knew | >>73063 October 28, 2022 Rizvi Traverse Management
October 29, 2022 >>74465 HAMMER | >>74683 Hunter Biden Crimes
October 30, 2022 >>75916 GAME OVER
October 31, 2022 >>76185 Where is HRC?
October 31, 2022 >>84144 1 & 2 confirmed; October 31, 2022 Where is HRC

November 2022
November 01, 2022 >>84144 Ha!
November 02, 2022 >>84148 The More You Know; November 3, 2022 Defining Moment; November 3, 2022 The Harvest Is Complete
November 03, 2022 >>84838 Proof Begins!
November 04, 2022 >>84576 Are You Ready?
November 05, 2022 >>103345 ver I & II Back To The Future
November 06, 2022 >>103350 Crowdstrike; November 07, 2022 Pope Owl & Pelosi
November 09, 2022 >>103351 Barbary Wars; November 10, 2022 911 Commission
November 11, 2022 >>103355 GOLD; November 12, 2022 SLUSH FUNDS; November 13, 2022 Sec State Races
November 15, 2022 >>104854 It Will Be Done
November 16, 2022 >>106696 GOLD II; November 17, 2022 Indictments Coming; November 17, 2022 Down She Goes
November 19, 2022 >>107692 Storm Warning!
November 21, 2022 >>108924 What Does A Dog Do? | >>108957 November 21, 2022 Detention Centers Being Prepped
November 22, 2022 >>111630, >>111632 November 22, 2022 Twitter Vulnerabilities
November 24, 2022 >>111701 Muh Belly So Full / TYB!
November 25, 2022 >>112168 THE HUNT IS ON
November 26, 2022 >>112511 :17, Monday, The Return of Q
November 27, 2022 >>112707 Focus On The Mission
November 28, 2022 >>112980 Musk And The Psyop

Anonymous 12/01/2022 (Thu) 19:32 Id: 2cee9a (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.113221 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(1.27 MB 1920x1920 corn clockkinda.jpg)
first clock. need any advice i can get lol. also posted on 8kun Clockwork orange.

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 19:37 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.113578 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
QClock November 29, 2022 - ver II The Public Must Be Prepared

QClock November 30, 2022 - ISIS -n- No Name

QClock December 01, 2022 - The Titanic

QClock December 02, 2022 - The Twitter Files

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 19:48 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.113579 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>113582
QClock December 03, 2022 - Judgement Day Is Coming

QClock December 03, 2022 - Red Wave White Squal

QClock December 03, 2022 - Nobody Walks Away From This

QClock December 04, 2022 - Thunderstorms & Explosions

QClock December 05, 2022 - Musk And The Space Ark Odyssey

QClock December 05, 2022 - Musk And The Space Ark Odyssey

QClock December 06, 2022 - What if Access Was Deliberate

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 20:09 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.113582 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>119099
>>113579 - seems this one didn't go through...

QClock December 03, 2022 - Judgement Day Is Coming

Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 15:38 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.114738 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>114745
Trump drops a DARK TO LIGHT KEK on :37
Thanks for the QClock confirmation Boss.

Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 15:45 Id: 795499 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.114745 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Could an Anon with proto cross post this to the main bread and Clockwork Qrange on 8kun? TIA

Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 18:05 Id: ca9973 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.117233 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Spambot is back on the kun.

Anonymous 01/30/2023 (Mon) 00:33 Id: db4581 (8)Prev Next [Preview] No.119098 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Brought over from QR Clockworks #20

Nice new clock in higher resolution

Anonymous 01/30/2023 (Mon) 00:56 Id: 836b6c (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.119099 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>121233

Been a spell (DI30CF). Looks like I have some catching up to do. o7

Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 05:23 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.121233 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>124375>>125949>>126882
>Been a spell (DI30CF). Looks like I have some catching up to do. o7

Miss you fren.

QClock February 22, 2023 - Silent War Continues / Some Gets Out

Anonymous 04/01/2023 (Sat) 01:30 Id: d4e04f (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.124375 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>125949>>126882

>Miss you fren

likewise, fren. likewise. been dealing w/ life - mother passed, other stuff - + never got past the proto thing on 8kun.

might see if I can get back in the game. saw >>18613234 (ob QR gen) and had to grok it. Beyonce as an evil queen of darkness?


Anonymous 04/07/2023 (Fri) 00:24 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.125387 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Anonymous 04/08/2023 (Sat) 01:36 Id: d8463c (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.125949 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>126882
>>121233 chekk'd

DI30CF still in the game, trying to sort out Proto FAIL. >>125948 ob QR Bunker

Anonymous 04/09/2023 (Sun) 07:36 Id: 1c0c78 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.126012 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
This made me miss when Q was posting on 8 chan. I never got a personal nod (nor expected to), but kinda sounds like parental support. Like, guys are always joking about how they want a girl with "daddy issues"... Well, what does anyone with "issues" probably really need to hear? "I love you", "I'm proud of you", "I miss you", "I'm sorry".

Back on topic, the clock looks like a "K" and Oct 12th a peace sign. How many letters and symbols can a clock face make? I said this on kun but nobody has really ran with it. Alternate versions of the q clock like they have of the periodic table. Tying in the periodic table and other "lists". Going back to letters and symbols, what about how the Monticello clock works with weights. What shape(s?) does a pendulum make as it swings? 3D versions of the clock? Technically any circle is the base of a cone. The Monticello clock has something about being quartered and has certain dimensions as well. Love you guys. We make it through this thing "alive", I know.

Anonymous 04/23/2023 (Sun) 15:41 Id: c06d6f (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.126882 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>>121233 czech'd on dub 12's & 3's
>>124375, >>125949

>Miss you fren

Missing you again, clockbro, especially when I saw your latest--I know what this means to you. Beautiful work, as always.

IDK why I can't get proto download to work. Have other ways I can contribute in the interim, but miss being active with the gang

Anonymous 06/14/2023 (Wed) 14:39 Id: f57a9d (54)Prev Next [Preview] No.129336 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Clockfags Only

QClock June 13, 2023 - Elon Plays The Clock 6 - 8 Weeks

Sorry, a little date fagging, I just happened to see it. I don't like date fagging, but it was gnawing at me, so for the record in case it actually becomes relevant. Sort of already is because, "Nuclear Alien UFO" is on this clock and Elon is saying 6 - 8 week time frame which will put him back on the :16 line at 6 weeks

Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 12:14 Id: 4aad11 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.134216 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Thank you frens, o7.

Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 16:41 Id: c04b97 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.135429 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
QClock Dec 29, 2023 - around the WORLD: NOBODY WALKS AWAY FROM THIS.

Brother clockfag graced us with >>20147138 (ob QR Gen main) BUCKLE UP. This around the WORLD clock is the follow-on companion. Dan twatted the same text exactly six hours later:


Let’s go, IOWA! Caucus for Trump—You will be the first to deliver a strong message, heard all around the WORLD! https://ia.donaldjtrump.com


1st clock (bro clockfag’s) hits first Dan Q drop theme of BUCKLE UP. This clock hits 2nd Q drop theme of around the WORLD. Note caps/nocaps match between Dan & Q3176. There are 18 Q drops with around the world - 18 is a 666 proxy (6+6+6), aligns with Dan’s 6 hour delta.

Along with the rest of the evil doers, the treasonous MOCKINGBIRD POS’s are going to get what’s coming to them. Rope and lead futures seem like a wise investment.


Tangent: thoughts on QClock

Grokking the QClock is a mystic experience. Analogous to meme magik, one gets the sense of clock magic. Anon suspects this is similar to predictive programming found in media, but with positive intent. The Clock sets in motion a 60-phase cycle of intent that synchronizes, amplifies, and embeds the Q drop elements of THE PLAN into the collective global subconscious. All possible futures collapse into the desired one. Similar to a call to prayers, anons taking even a brief time to ponder / focus on any given QClock are contributing to the manifestation of THE PLAN.

Shills disparage the Clock for a reason.

Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 21:18 Id: 1ea6a1 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.146124 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>146403
hey, clockbros. posted this one at the bunker main a while back.

be well.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=hycTQMEg8FY [Embed]

Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 00:08 Id: a3d7af (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.146211 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>>146210 ob bunker main
>>21753667 ob qr gen (w/o GHWB)
Dan: JFK, Vegas shooting, & 9/11 truths coming out?

re: >>21751866, >>21752152 ob qr gen & https://x.com/DanScavino/status/1844953565388800279
adding to anon & clockfag’s original work, there is a clever JFK allusion in Dan’s vid at SEC: 35 w/ black pyramid. Q783 is 180deg mirror to today, has RIP JFK and Pyramid will collapse, seems to confirm JFK take on Dan’s vid. also note :09 & :11 mirrors on today’s clock could also be a 9/11 allusion, fits with DECLAS/disclosure theme. have added an updated clock, includes Melania’s Masonic Boaz-Jachin tracing board 9/11 type theme WH pic.
The Las Vegas shooting narrative, or rather, narratives, is coming under intense scrutiny, as most readers here are aware. And as most readers of this site are also aware, a growing number of people are noting the resemblance of the shooting to certain well established patterns for such incidents; call it the "JFK" template:…
(4) is perpetrated in surroundings and in a pattern suggesting a ritual component; in JFK's case, in Dealey Plaza, with its trident arrangement of streets, near Dallas' first Masonic lodge, complete with three unidentified "tramps" to complete the picture of the "murder of the King" (Hiram Abiff) by Jabula, Jubelon, and Jubelo (the three murderers of the King in Masonic ritual), and so on, and in the Vegas incident in a concert venue located across from that city's replica of the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, and an Egyptian obelisk.

But there's another aspect of the pattern that is now beginning, apparently, to be repeated…
(5) the death of contrarian witnesses
(6) The removal or doctoring of statements.
(7) Impossible explanations for the event or related events: the Magic Bullet.
anon suggests decode is we buckle up, cause mega-disclosure is coming (DJT47).

Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 16:00 Id: d438d1 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.146403 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>146461
I don't think Epstein had the painting of Bush, just the one of Clinton in the blue dress by the same artist.

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 00:56 Id: be9335 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.146461 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

seems you are correct: https://www.techarp.com/facts/epstein-george-bush-painting/

however, the painting's theme fits the video at SEC: 23 (in the 23rd anniversay year of 9/11), so it's inclusion is arguably warranted.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 17:50 Id: d78edc (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.146777 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Q-Clock Oct 29, 2024: HRC, the Land of Alice, ENJOY!

clocks v1 >>146775 (ob bunker main) & v2 (w/ HRC crimes against children) >>146776 (ob bunker main)

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 19:07 Id: 82e810 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.146779 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
v3.0 includes new Q78 hit. >>146778 ob bunker main

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 01:56 Id: 4870dc (7)Prev Next [Preview] No.147737 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(1.04 MB 2200x1460 1798keks.png)
Bunker post

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