10/29/2022 (Sat) 03:45
Id: f57a9d
>>73339>bloody nice work, fren.You're too kind.
>>73343>Busy IRL.Understand all too well as of late.
Man how I miss all those 72 Seconds dives. Would love to meet the character(s) behind that account.
>>72832>Hammer time,I'm guessing you saw my comment on main about the hammer?
Brief recap for the digital archaelogist in 10K yrs. I'm blown away you dropped this todaywhile we are on the :46 / :16 line and tied it to "1044" and it having HAMMER at the bottom and all in the news is the Paul Pelosi getting clobbered with a hammer.
WAIT, so I did a little more digging. And wanted to see the Thor Fight With Giants drop (hammer) Turns out that drop is on 12/07/17 (ergo, High Noon on the clock!)
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