Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 16:20:51 No.2905 del
At the surface level it seems like psychiatrists are confident that these types of interventions work but looking deeper into their statements reveals a pretty horrifying truth. Specifically these 2 quotes:
" The quality of evidence pertaining to most aspects of treatment in all subgroups was determined to be low; however, areas of broad clinical consensus were identified and were deemed sufficient to support recommendations for treatment in all subgroups." Or in other words: "we know there isn't substantial evidence that this works and definitely not enough to fulfill the standards that other medicine is held to but we're going to keep going through with it anyway".

"For some important aspects of transgender care, it would be impossible or unwise to engage in more robust study designs due to ethical concerns and lack of volunteer enrollment. For example, it would be extremely problematic to include a 'long-term placebo treated control group' in an RCT of hormone therapy efficacy among gender variant adults desiring to use hormonal treatments." or in other words: "Even though this common practice everywhere else in medicine and in some cases even more ethically tedious since people who are dying will need to specifically go without medicine that could save them, we are going to not actually carry out studies that would show the truth because the truth is probably very inconvenient."