Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:16:02 No.6639 del
(322.64 KB 844x530 MPfi2J0.png)
Your concerns are largely unsubstantiated.

Even if you're somewhat ethnocentric, the projection of US racial fertility trends by Edmonston et al for 2100 doesn't seem worrying:

38.8% white
30.6% Hispanic
15.6% black
14.9% Asian and Pacific Islander
1% American Indian

Out of all 550 million US citizens, the absolute number of white people will be only a few million less than today, 209 million.

If you're more concerned about the nation-wide effects of decline in average IQ and dysgenics: Richard Lynn estimates that US lose 0.9 IQ points per generation. By 2100, Americans will have lost on average 4 IQ points. Improved healthcare and mind-enhancing technologies should easily compensate for this loss, and by this time we'll be probably either cyborgs or dead.

I understand that imageboards should be permissive to edgy content, but "targeting individuals because they belong to specific ethnic groups" is the literal definition of "racism" and has a very poor historical record in making societies better. It also puts other important submissions (black pill, dramas in the rationalist community) in a bad light.