Beef Curry Recipe & Instructions Anonymous 01/28/2018 (Sun) 20:39:02 No.235 del
I decided to make my own beef curry recipe today, I got the idea from a "tender Indian masala" curry recipe.

I will post the video for the original recipe, but to note my recipe is a little different because I must substitute some ingredients. I have also decided to use beef broth instead of water, because I have a lot of beef stock saved up and refrigerated!

Here is my own Beef Curry Recipe & Instructions (if you dare attempt to taste mine):

Heat pan with a half cup of extra virgin olive oil and add the following:
★ add a tablespoon crushed cinamin
★ add a couple dried chili peppers
★ add a tablespoon cumin seed
★ add a tablespoon of mustard seed (black mustard seed if you have it)
★ add some fresh chopped ginger
Let this heat up and stir it for 5 minutes!
★ add beef and let it cook a few minutes, keep stiring
★ add a cup of beef broth and stir very well
Let this broth cook down and mostly evaporate, it will turn into a boiling cream!
★ add some curry paste (or fresh curry leaves if you happen to have them)

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