Sunflower 08/15/2022 (Mon) 20:11 Id: 8d7fa4 No.1941 del
>If they're born there, their bodies are made up from nanobots
Oh, I didn't know that. Do they even need food?
>They won't feel that anything there is strange or boring as they'll be integrated in the system from the beginning.
>like someone added a kendo practice hall and a chemistry lab.
Interesting, I actually thought about adding something for "wooden sword fighting" the other day so that they would get to train/play.
>Astra has the ability to teach them using the entire grey library of education programs aside from all collected knowledge from earth.
This is great.
>A private station should have no problem housing 40 - 50 people.
I see that's good, I was planning on having 200 at most. Thanks for the answers.