Sunflower 01/05/2023 (Thu) 13:51 Id: 13f91d No.2459 del
This reading is quite surprising because it seems different from all the other readings before. It's content is interesting too.
>and everything is fine
>or possibly nectar
So that means I have not been pushed away but I should be able stay or leave at my own will?
>force of nature
>It is a form of immortality
Earlier you said I have made it and I should be undead. So do I now have both kinds of immortality or does one replace the other? But I am still "undead", or not? (Earlier you said you cannot stop being undead.)
>There is no specific connection to the guiding spell or Alissa
Thanks for checking. After you cleaned me I had a weird dream about it, that's why I asked. But I guess it's all fine.
>She's a legit immortal so they can't actually do much about it
Is her immortality different from what you saw with me? Because you said legit immortal. Would I as a force of nature be "legit" too?
>as vampires grow stronger with age even if they don't practice
Does this specifically apply for vampires or for undeads/immortals in general? Would this apply for my case too? This of course relates to the question if I'm still actually undead or not.
I am deeply sorry for those annyoing questions.
>Mr. Consciousness

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