Sunflower 01/07/2023 (Sat) 18:37 Id: 2ad737 No.2504 del
>It adds to our intimidation factor. Those who look at us from space don't care if your human mind right now can't do something. Firepower is firepower.
Nice. I like that.
>In your case I think Astra matched you for the cat-maid servitor, I sense it being on the ship. That would mean it's already automatic with complete functionality. This ship model is special in a sense, it uses the "existential" system to have the ship registered as a celestial body, like a moon. It doesn't have the ability to create or store karma in itself.
Oh I did instal the cat-maid servitor. I had the intention of having her go to the space station, but that one might be still in its embryo stage.

"The cons are just the same as if you are not a member, you don't get protected"
Sounds good to me. Are we free to leave it if one doesn't want to stay in it?

As always, thanks for the answers.