Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 19:52 Id: a6eb21 No.5726 del
I mean I understand how the energies go up and reach a well... "critical mass" at a mass... lol?
But I never knew the CIA employs methods like this? I only knew about the psychic abuses the psyche enhancing drugs and the "torture chambers" that stimulate the psyche by kinda breaking it but that comes from "artificial madness" and while energetically I can see how you would relate to this to a mass but I am not sure this is what you meant between the similarities.

I see the way that the mass is sorta summoning/creating and adjusting the energy and the audience via the Priest and via predefined patterns that increase it's "mass" so the mass can "merge" with it after their brain patterns sync.

Talking about this is a mindbreak already huh...