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Sunflower General 5 Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:34 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No. 5721
A growing flower
Waiting straws still bent by moist
Sunshine higher up

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 17:52 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5723 del

I went to work with them so I didn't see your posts but true
>everyone in the East are one family
It's an itty bit more complicated but yes that was what they were doing. It was first a cosmology lesson about a "part of reality" then as I was connecting to it and the "marriage" commenced which was about as I grabbed 2 breasts and tried to kiss the neck then go upward there was a helm on my "cosmic bride" with many "horns" like a "ladder" on electric poles which I knew represented "Jacob's ladder" which is quite the usual motif in many cosmology around the world (Egypt is the oldest known one ofc but the functions are usually the same) and as I was reaching the "top" there was a "crescent moon" and a "full moon" hanging from strings and as I was figuring out the mystery I told them
>Girls I actually toured Asia for a long while in my past lives so these initiations are not that important... Then they looked at me weirdly because it was not obv at the start and they reached into my chest and found it. The "aspect of the lost bull". There is a legend about it there which is quite an emotional story but we didn't get into it because that was the sign.
They said
>As you wander the land the land remembers you and as the land remembers you you remember the land
And with that I am a long lost brother since the get go. Not to mention we had other ties to Russia. The enemy territory was not just about NATO it is a more complicated metaphysical politic but it didn't matter. With that I could reignite my ancestral magic to a new level and now I can really feel new aspects of the "root" which is quite a complex thing to explain as usual and now I will have to rekindle some other truths I learned on my "beyond the Urals" journey again. I will have to look into how the orthodoxy "handled" the "saints" and other well known legends after this but maybe they are not even important. The symbolism can be deciphered anyways.

Also about that "moon mystery". So the "full moon" and the "crescent moon" are both illusions only the "dark moon" is real and if I can touch that I find truth/real sexuality which makes me eligible for marriage because then I am the "light" that "shines on the moon". Figured it out today.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 18:42 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5724 del
I don't know what they go by, just that they are very careful in their choice of methods to make sure everyone can reach their full potential. Earlier today I took part in an "endless mass", which is a method they have created where a Russian orthodox priest can improvise a prayer and preacher session according to a principal pattern so that it keeps going and going for as long as needed to guide a breakthrough. When you feel you may be abandoned by the prayer ending, it starts anew in a new way, until you start trusting that it will work.
There is a conventional science layer to it, but it's done with such sensitivity that it doesn't matter even if you feel it. At a lower level is does feel like "advanced CIA method" but once it takes off for real it's leaving them behind by so much. It's interesting to see the connection, that it's working on the same scales, it's just that standing at the bottom of the orthodox church method is like standing in a church tower and seeing CIA somewhere down in a crypt digging up bones. It's kinda the same idea in the same area, but it's a huge difference in refinement.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 19:15 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5725 del
(55.36 KB 680x480 T-I-G-E-R-S.jpg)
I got instantly the "cosmology" lessons because I am quite compatible with those and there were more parts of it ofc.

Like sitting around a fire with some Borscht looking thing cooking and I was kinda signed to "look into it" and as I looked into it I could feel that I should "reach into it" and as I reached into it there was a baby inside. That Borscht kinda represented the "primordial soup" or you could call it the way the body consumes food to fuel the womb and with that I was able to learn moves that reignite my "true root chakra". Because it turned out I have a distrust against my parents because they were shit parents because their parents were also shit and they also had distrust so not having a good connection with your parents is almost "inherent" in my case and that makes your connection to the "origin spirit" faulty so I kinda had to fix that and then as I felt the pain in the right side in my neck which turns out because a muscle doesn't know what it needs to do in this energy movement so it just causes tension it kinda happened...

I realized it before that the "root chakra" is represented perfectly via cosmic animal aspects and each animal resonates with a different body part. I worked with the "eternally starving beast" in the past months which was like a scrawny lion. That was the way hunger and power is balanced that I was trying to figure out because not eating resulting in energy overloads and the unstable grounding was annoying.
So yesterday as I was finished with the understanding of the "ancestral baby" I felt the pain in my neck take a new form and a Gepard (Cheetah is the english but it was not that but couldn't figure out which cat is this supposed to be exactly) appeared under the starry sky looking at it. As I noticed it it "came out" and started acting real scared/angry and the girls grabbed a large blanked to pacify it. They told me it represents my "stubbornness". Was asking them
>isn't stubbornness represented via donkeys?
is what I got as a reply.
Because that cat was "never" tamed and that is stubbornness. It just acts angry and scared and as the girls tried to pacify it via an illusion and I was thinking what is the solution here... first I overtook it's mind but that is still not natural... The point was that "taming" is not always "overtaking the willpower" but understanding the nature of the being and adjusting it. So to tame that Gepard I had to make it "have fun" so it enjoys doing what it does instead of feeling it "obeys". With that the aspect went into my right hand and I understood how that energy being unleashed wrongly tenses the wrong muscles.

I mean I had energetic attack dogs but now it seems I have a Gepard too. It seems it resonates with agility and hand eye coordination but it is like the root's influence on the right hand and with that on the neck too as it connects.

>that they are very careful in their choice of methods to make sure everyone can reach their full potential
For you definitely. I am having a good cosmology understanding and I had already a good root understanding so this wasn't that "new" to me but for you it seems more careful approaches are needed. The orthodoxy is kinda "new" and not the same way as I do my things "naturally". Was wondering methods they used for you because all this "root training" was about having an upper body like Zangief or Boreas which is something I already worked with but I would never call the root chakra the mirror of the solar plexus. The solar plexus represents abundance/wealth and at the root chakra there is no abundance yet. There is no rich nor poor you don't even know what is what you just know you need to survive and nothing more.
But it seems for you they focus on the "endurance" part
> "advanced CIA method"
I don't know what exactly mean by this btw. I am not much into their "methods" because as you said their goal is to "keep retards retards" and that is not my thing so I am not exactly aware of them.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 19:52 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5726 del
I mean I understand how the energies go up and reach a well... "critical mass" at a mass... lol?
But I never knew the CIA employs methods like this? I only knew about the psychic abuses the psyche enhancing drugs and the "torture chambers" that stimulate the psyche by kinda breaking it but that comes from "artificial madness" and while energetically I can see how you would relate to this to a mass but I am not sure this is what you meant between the similarities.

I see the way that the mass is sorta summoning/creating and adjusting the energy and the audience via the Priest and via predefined patterns that increase it's "mass" so the mass can "merge" with it after their brain patterns sync.

Talking about this is a mindbreak already huh...

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 20:30 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5727 del
>I don't know what exactly mean by this btw.
We've used their personality assessment which has been developed over 40 years time and is based off kabbalah, this part is functional, but they suck monkey ass at psychics because of their idea of compartmentalization. This means, and this is pure irony, that they specialize and specialize until they have an indian at a psi-troll factory only sending stupid propaganda dreams which are very neatly formatted with good landscape design, but he can't defend himself for shit so slash him once with the ripper knife and he's out of the game. They have this idea of "dedicated defenders" so that they can choose who gets defended, as if it was anti air in the army.
Russia has a much more chaotic approach; anyone should have a self defense ability, because we are all the same family and aren't going to rip someone off once they're on the inside. They just register it and do tests and create an adaptive hierarchy based on ability, instead of forcing defense on someone who can't do anything. I know there are probably glowies watching, so let me just say that yes, Putin himself has undergone ritual blessings in the orthodox format which are actually strong occult psychic methods for developing someone's inner potential. A leader is not some random scum with money as in the west, they have a heritage and that means they have this potential and once activated they can defend themselves also. Like "The Shaolin Temple" movie when monks rebel and try to assassinate the emperor, but it turns out he has "last-boss" level Kung Fu ability and they can't do anything to him.

When a demon entered one of the astral facilities and wanted to join the witch education, they said a pass-card was not a problem "but those horns need to be registered as stabbing weapons and added to your security standard or you can't move freely in here."
Everything is still just Soviet standard procedure, no exception.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 20:35 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5728 del
>Talking about this is a mindbreak already huh...
Not for me? I can't say which part did it but I grew up in a mildly religious family (dad worked at the church) where the artifacts like icons and the bible were present along with a general knowledge of the church year. This was back when teachers could read the old testament and we sang psalms in school, because religious neutrality hadn't entered the scene yet. I never did any prayer or anything, but once I tried it "as a practice" it comes naturally, I don't need to adapt to the idea, it just works, and it does exactly what it should do, and there is no difference to intense yoga or buddhist stuff. Doing orthodox Russian mass over the astral is no different, it just works.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 20:53 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5729 del
>Like "The Shaolin Temple" movie when monks rebel and try to assassinate the emperor, but it turns out he has "last-boss" level Kung Fu ability and they can't do anything to him.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TTxAlkD-xDI [Embed]

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 21:06 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5730 del
>Putin himself has undergone ritual blessings in the orthodox format which are actually strong occult psychic methods for developing someone's inner potential
They revere him on such a high level. There is a reason why he is still in power. Russia always need a strong leader to function otherwise it's useless.

>"The Shaolin Temple" movie
Thx for the rec
>>Talking about this is a mindbreak already
K sorry I did not exactly point out which part was the "Mindbreak". So I can "connect" to some experiences and see the method sometimes when people mention it and I went into the "way" the mass "repeats prayer patterns" to "increase the energy" and it is like moving the waves so the water rises but with a high amount of religion favored energy?
The "mindbreak part" was that I "restimulated the experience" for the sole purpose to figure out how is this like the CIA?
Whatever it's complicated for me because I realized I connect to religion differently because a multitude of reasons. I also had my Confirmation at Catholic Church in my early teens but the "community" never managed to awaken "faith" within me. I blame communism and/or modernism for this because that place is a "social gossip forum". This doesn't mean I hate that place but my faith developed from within and my prayers were always custom made because there is something I hate extremely in the way people see religion. It's the fear. The fear from God the fear of uncertainty the fear of death... I cannot use "fear" as a basis towards my foundation and because of that I was not able to connect to the people that introduced me to this. Going to church as a social obligation? Or as a Pascals Wager? That is not faith... that is fear.


Yes btw this was also a root chakra realization that I managed to word now. It seems this is why I did not get the "church" treatment. Because fear blocks the root chakra as "paralyzing force" or makes it overactive as an "anxiety" and this is the 2 emotions.
Social obligations = Anxiety
Fear of Death = Paralysis.
You can be "peaceful" via "fear" but that is no peace. That is terror.

A good insight. This will be fruitful it seems.

Yeah played the game a decade ago. The memes Jack...

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 21:23 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5731 del
> this is why I did not get the "church" treatment
I can't relate to this because as I said I just had this naturally, I never saw the church organization and still at 20 I wasn't able to see through this to look at what people were seeing when they criticised the church for being "patriarchal" or "against gays" or whatever. I'd just say that it's reality, if God is a man it should be patriarchal and gays should be put to death according to the bible so what's the issue? Then I'd get a barrage of excuses for why sinning isn't bad, so I'd just reject it and tell them again what I said before.
But yeah I know now it's because I'm a walk-in who came in through an adapted christian ritual, I watched illustrated bible stories on tv when I was little and was sent to church for kids on sundays as a form of daycare. Everything I came into contact with said the same things, and we also had some local celebrations of saints which everyone do, even those who are not religious. There is no way I could know that other people thought it wasn't real.
All it takes is for me to tap into this again and it works seamlessly. I've been at workplaces where most people were evangelicals and gone with them to their church as a form of social activity and there just wasn't anything that would "expose me for being different" even if I didn't really care. I just lack their schizophrenia is all.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 21:55 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5732 del
What you say is true and I don't want to force you to understand my feelings because this is not about "Patriarchy" actually in our town there was a "council" that was able to get rid of priests which usually consisted of females so this "Patriarchy" was not a case with us and truth is feminism is looked down in our country even within female circles. That is just an "ugly annoying bitch thing". Being a "feminist" is a sign you are "bad with men". It's the way MGTOW is seen as an incel cope feminism is the femcel cope but in the west they managed to make it into such an "empowerment" the only thing that defeats it are trannies. Thx trannies. Women always hated eunuchs even in the past because they are not real men. Also if the latinx pope makes gays legal I don't know what will happen because no church goer likes fags. Can't imagine being a churchgoer faggot. What is even going through your mind?
>gays should be put to death according to the bible
They shouldn't exist by default...

Whatever it seems I am simply not aware some of my "older fears" that I got in my childhood when I was supposed to have a bodily and energetical growth spurt and finding those are hard. As an adult male I will never reexperience those times so these fears have a hard time getting stimulated and fixed. I live my life since my teens that
>If I fear something I have to face it because I don't have a "luxury" to live in fear
And because my teens were the time I took my life into my hands it seems sometimes I think that was "when it started". Because I have "too much power" nowadays I don't really notice the minor power leakages that youthful experiences of fear causing and because I am not in the "shoe" of someone weak and controlled for a very long while it had no point to get restimulated. Energy flows are nice. Energy flows and it washes away all these things and as you can see rubble swimming on a river after a storm or flood you see all these memories. But you have to relive them so they can heal. Merely observing them is not enough.

Minor things can cause so many problems on the long term it's ridiculous. My rage is gone so now it is unable to mask my fear so I can see it.

Randomly binged if the fear is related to only the root chakra just now and someone just wrote an article a month ago how it can block different chakras all the way through.

While most of the advice are mainstream after "Aura anon" I think it is better to post in than let it get lost. Especially for those who fear most of the experiences in life and spirituality also.

Can't compare that article to Russian witches tho

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 22:03 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5733 del
I can't relate to this fear stuff either, to me it's just a numbing experience which I have to force myself through, like my brain suddenly blocks me from using my body and it annoys me? I feel it and it has an effect but I don't believe in it. This is the case with a lot of things, "let go of your emotions" etc, it's said by people who have no idea how their bodies function. It needs to be reprogrammed to function when exposed to this "material energy" called fear, and that is all. It's not some "shameful thing" that you can "remove", locks your development so that your nerve and thought structures do not develop. Telling someone to "just overcome fear" is like saying: "There is no highway? Just let go of your anti-roadness and drive through the trees, moron!"

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 22:04 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5734 del
*it locks your development

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 22:31 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5735 del
I learned to become angry in moments of fear. So it kinda jumped up the energies. Because of that I managed to develop a quite terrifying presence. If I get angry I can stare down people animals and many entities shit their pants around me. This is not something I developed this life tho. It seems it has a far older origin. You mentioned how the illumitards will bring an age of terror that will last a million years. It seems that happened before And I lived through it. The memories of that age are dark and seemingly made of a different materia. A weird kind of fleeting shadow. That age was "deleted" nothing was allowed to remain from there because those ages can be prevented by only making them like they never ever happened at all.

>just a numbing experience which I have to force myself through
I am doing that since my teens it's no biggie. No entity no person no event can paralyze me. It's just there are nerves that develop at a specific age and teach you how to "tense" some muscles so if you learn to tense a muscle wrong your body will adapt by counterbalancing that muscle via tensing an another muscle wrong.

I don't expect you to relate to this. You mentioned how the welfare system ruined your people and I acknowledged that as the main reason why the west sucks on many level. We don't really have that. Welfare is an "extra" you are not really going to have enough money if you have "welfare only". The government doesn't have enough money for a welfare system and because we are anti immigration we have worker shortages. There is no way you are unable to find work for a decade.

>Telling someone to "just overcome fear" is like saying: "There is no highway? Just let go of your anti-roadness and drive through the trees, moron!"
I don't see the relation between the 2 but yes? That is how bruteforcing yourself through fear works? Oh wait I forgot your country has mountains and such so going through a forest with no highway is quite impossible. But yeah getting rid of the trees are the first steps to make a way for a road. Also no to overcome your fear you should go on a highway. First via as a passenger or via other methods get a feel for it and realize how foolish it was to have that fear.

I had a fear of rotting carcasses as a kid. I think that was the first fear I overcame consciously... Maybe that was disgust? My limbs went numb noticing one back then. It bothered me how much control it had over me. So I overcame it.

>let go of your emotions
People misunderstand that. I did that for a while and people called me a psychopath/sociopath. You have to fix them because emotions are an extremely good fuel/driving force. In magic it is extremely important.
People misunderstood the concept of emotions for a long while.
First it was let go of your emotions now everyone is overly emotional in politics and other aspects of life. People did not realize what emotions mean and how they are meant to express and feel them. Since 2020 anxiety levels are through the roof for a reason. Good thing "hard times" are the usual times for me.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 22:38 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5736 del
>needs to be reprogrammed to function
>that you can "remove",

Okay a question how "reprogramming" and "removing" is not the same? If I "remove a virus" then I reprogram a computer don't I?

>it locks your development so that your nerve and thought structures do not develop

I am not sure about this tho. Propaganda is mixed with an enormous amount of fear tactics nowadays. Properly functioning humans go crazy from it so your only "way" is removing it.

Damm this is getting into a more complicated topic than I thought

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 22:43 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5737 del
>exposed to this "material energy" called fear

Oh wait you mean that fear cloud energy others can generate via imposing? That is what you mean via "fear"? Okay I am getting it but calling it a "material energy" is weird.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 22:48 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5738 del
If I feel that energy I consider it a direct attack on my presence so I go into battle mode by default. "Imposing your presence so it paralyzes" is something only a "hostile" being would do. If you want to be treated nicely be nice :)
If not then DON'T YOU FUCKING THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WITH THESE THINGS AROUND HERE. Predators can be fucked quite the interesting way. They know what predator preys on the predator. Once they notice that the prey is just a predator in waiting then they change their stances.

Damm. This is why talking about how fear relates to different chakras in interesting. These are all different fear levels stemming from different emotions and having effects on different parts of our being.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 22:57 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5739 del
I am not getting through to you here.

Let me try again: if you have fear, it will prevent any programming from forming, at all. Then someone is telling you to "overcome it", as if it was blocking an already existing road. But the road does not exist. The building of the road itself was blocked.

The welfare system works in the same way: boomers who didn't have welfare learned how to do things, then they create welfare for themselves, but they remember having done it, they have built the roads themselves first, metaphorically speaking. Then they let this welfare grow until it takes up all resources and now there is nothing to build roads with for the next generation. Then boomers tell them to "just shape up", because for them who inherited the "road" it's imprinted in their brains, so they think "just do it". But it does not physically exist anymore, there is only welfare. Then they increase the police presence to "stop crime" but they have left no way for people to build the essential roads in life, so by doing this they are just saying "we'll kill you for not building the road that we didn't let you build", so crime will just increase, and it will target the boomers themselves. This is how crimes against the elderly is now a specific thing.

You are not "removing a computer virus" and suddenly the computer works, because the Operating System is the virus. Remove it, and the computer cannot be used at all. That is the welfare society.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 23:03 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5740 del
>ou are not "removing a computer virus" and suddenly the computer works, because the Operating System is the virus. Remove it, and the computer cannot be used at all. That is the welfare society.
And this is why I set out to build every fucking little thing from scratch on the astral, because egregores control reality and I do not have control of the direct 3D reality. But I can take control from behind the scenes. Jews are trying to build the temple by killing 2 million people in Gaza, we built the Sunflower Temple by gathering a number of representative people, among them the reincarnation of king Saul who happens to live in Greece right now, so in the eyes of the gods, we did it right. The egregore works, and that's what matters.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 23:27 Id: 90e182 [Preview] No.5741 del
Any time you increase governmental spending you are increasing the welfare state. I'm really getting sick of all the blame games and finger pointing. This is common sense economics 101. Increasing governmental spending increases the amount of wealth being redistributed. If you want to kill the welfare system you have to massively cut governmental spending and taxes, there is no way out of it. I'm not saying that is a perfect solution, as many dependents would suddenly die out, but the jig is up anyway, we wrecked our future economy no matter what is done trying to fix it. The question is how far can we kick the can down the road before the inevitable collapse? That's what all current politicians are trying to do and have been doing for two plus decades now.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 23:52 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5742 del
(1.27 MB 848x464 biden on ukraine.webm)
That bucket has been kicked over to Ukraine now, all they invested in was weapons meant to intimidate anyone trying to threaten their welfare. But it was based debt, future incomes they believe they will receive. What they don't understand is that by destroying the infrastructure which produces the debt repayment, they have also killed themselves, just slowly. What happens if Ukraine "wins" and are allowed into EU? Everyone will have to send all their money to Ukraine for all future because that region isn't going to reach the standard of other countries, they'll be the number one welfare recipient and their cheap farm goods will also flood in and kill local farmers for everyone else. Good fucking job.

Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 23:54 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5743 del
*debt based

Sunflower 01/08/2024 (Mon) 00:21 Id: 90e182 [Preview] No.5744 del
A warning for what I see coming, global war is likely going to be instigated (and has been well planned in advance) to further redistribute wealth in the West and around the globe and will be used to get rid of what they consider most of us to be "useless eaters". I have no intention of fighting their wars with Russia or China or Iran (or whatever boogieman our corrupt government comes up with). However many will be duped to serve and die for their current government, and the more that do the more pensions and other public liabilities can be liquidated off the balance sheets and future budgets. That is likely how they will come about defaulting on most the national debt, including public pension funds and 401Ks, and other retirement promised. Those in the know (like myself) have already rolled over their retirement plans and savings into gold & silver IRAs and have purchased rural private property with the means to become more self-sufficient. The time to prepare for all of this was years ago when no one ever listened to "the old tin foil kooks". Best of luck ;)

Sunflower 01/08/2024 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5747 del
Alright, let's add another illogical creation on here.

The servitor [K] which nullifies karma instantly. An "impossible" and horrifying solution packaged in a cute body. If you can nullify karma, why not abuse it to the max? So that's included in here, not for degeneracy but simply because there are methods which can be used to achieve goals faster if regular destruction karma isn't a problem. Any changes in physical reality will cause such karma, and this results in inertia as its elimination or transformation requires a process. You could possibly also use this to create a really fast processor or anything, this is just a standard thing.

Sunflower 01/08/2024 (Mon) 22:40 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5748 del
I made [K] to be a guard at the border of my dimensions, like a really non-intimidating watchdog.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 15:48 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5750 del
(12.97 MB 720x900 tunnel jews in NYC.mp4)

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 18:07 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5751 del
These incidents just keep getting crazier and crazier. I feel like we're getting very close to something that can't just be swept under the rug.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 18:25 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5752 del
Had a dream 2 days ago while going through some old murky sewer system and as my consciousness was pulled into that dream I noticed a mouse that did not know what is happening. Was wondering what it was about. Guess the cleansing is going on worldwide and even I get notified of it

Also thx to the witches I am discovering more and more things and finally my psychic powers are not in constant overdrive. It's like I found true vitality that is not from food nor from exercise or any "external force" but something that was always there and now it's properly working? It's like my body is not in panic mode because of that extra psychic load that I am generating or something. I can't even word it because my mind is processing the new ways it can operate.

It's like living with a faulty machine that is loud makes smoke when it's turned on and oil leaks everywhere and now it is fixed and it feels like it's not even working anymore but in truth now it works as it should be but no one knew that was the way it was supposed to work.

>global war is likely going to be instigated
That was the plan btw and we are "in" that war already.
>(and has been well planned in advance)
And nothing is going according to plan so far. Putin knew this would happen and said fuck it it's now or never and Israel going batshit insane this early was not part of the plan. Everything is off-script. Like how the Germans thought the Schlieffen Plan would win WW1 within a year. And that "Plan" was a mere border skirmish compared the "plan" these fucks tried to come up with. But then again the current "war" is only about seemingly completely unrelated border skirmishes. And instead everyone being high on patriotism like before the onset of world wars no one seems to even care nor think joining the fight. What kind of "Pearl Harbor" would make anyone fight? People still did not forget 911 and how futile it was.

>have purchased rural private property with the means to become more self-sufficient

>I feel like we're getting very close to something that can't just be swept under the rug.
The funny thing (((they))) are also feeling it for a while

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 19:21 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5753 del
I found something which explains a lot, but which wasn't visible to me before: Dissolving all karma instantly only has value in limited contexts. There isn't even any reason to help most people because they'd still be retarded and get in my way, so now that I looked at it, I'm not going to change much. Not because of any emotion or thinking about who's fault it is, it's not even about them deserving it. It's just that it's irrelevant for me so I won't bother.

When looking at the karmic process from 4D it looks like a starfish, it's created and all sorts of denial will go on, which makes it spread out. Then it reaches the end of the star form's edges, and dissolves. This is a natural process no matter how it looks from inside, and there is little reason to interfere in it in most cases. Only if someone has potential and I feel that I need this person to follow along, is there reason to do this.

Using this insta-karma solution, I found there is also a way to "check-mate" Molochians/late-stage-capitalists by playing the game from their side and just doing things right instead of wrong, the only change is to remove certain small errors instead of leaving them. This results in a DNA form which is very resilient (but doing this without instant karma dissolving is probably very difficult). I showed it to the Russians and they adapted it for a more human use
if you are interested you can ask them about this; they don't shy away from using new things. Their trust in their own evaluations is absolute. It's using CyBorn technology to reform yourself into a super-slav.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 19:31 Id: 64d129 [Preview] No.5754 del
since we spoke last, a lot of blonde haired individuals have been coming up to me, in all the media i consume and in visioms/dreams/etc. pic related is closest to the appearance i had pre doll form i think, specifically the dress

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 19:31 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5755 del
(104.32 KB 1108x1280 tunnel jews.jpg)
(214.54 KB 1080x1141 tunnel jews2.jpg)

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:24 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5756 del
>When looking at the karmic process from 4D it looks like a starfish
The 5 pointed star represents the human body
>there is little reason to interfere in it in most cases
Exactly. That is how it is on the path. Compassion is the "passion of the company" so if you feel no passion towards that person then it won't even "work properly". We are all one and we need to figure out who we want to spend time with or we are letting them find their own truth first before hearing it from us. Yes we can reform everything and everyone after we did with ourself but why? Do we want to take away their source of growth? That doesn't mean we are not allowed to interfere or to help but once we make someone dependent on "handouts" then they will degenerate. Whoever wants to make others into dependent parasites are either foolish or extremely evil.

>by playing the game from their side and just doing things right instead of wrong, the only change is to remove certain small errors instead of leaving them
Wanted to make an extremely long post after you brought up that highway thing how you can make things right by default and expecting others to teach you is sometimes pointless because many times it turns out they don't know the answers either. Growing up was realizing how no one knows anything and "adults" are just larger children and not always smarter or wiser. Wanted to explain a whole lot of social dynamics then I realized it would just sound as an angry rant and I should not bring up something that took me more than 2 decades to "fix" but stemmed from more than a century old mix of issues. The TLDR would have been that "everyone is at fault but we can do our part to fix many parts and if it's within our powers than why would we not do that"
>Their trust in their own evaluations is absolute
Yeah I am getting into their mysticism. With this there is no reason for doubt on the path.
>reform yourself into a super-slav
I am slavic enough already. I am a weird blend of Croat that may or may not has the same roots as Tesla had and some mountain slav which migrated north then. I can access the planes Tesla might had seen and do stuff the same way as Rasputin. No reason to become more slavic. My other genetic bloodlines deserve to retain their potential also. With the girls I am finally on a proper mystic path. Found the force that counterbalances the madness so it can retain it's elegance

>closest to the appearance i had pre doll form i think, specifically the dress
You had predoll forms too? So you met Yourself before your sisters turned you into a doll?
Whatever the blond woman probably represents your "sun-self" or Solarself representing how you are accessing and clearing the solar plexus. The power and glory that will lead you forward on the path.

The past years just proved "schizos" are always right. A proper "schizo" is not even surprised anymore but sits back and ticks out a checkbox then prepares for the next one.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:45 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5757 del
(8.32 KB 502x446 karmic starfish.png)
The karmic starfish form looks like one of those computer generated images, but it's pretty scary considering what this is; every spiral with smaller spirals on them are spirals of degeneration ending in destruction, so for every time it happens someone survives and keeps going, and it looks like "survival of the fittest" all the way until they reach the end of each arm where everyone will die.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:55 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5758 del
>No reason to become more slavic. My other genetic bloodlines deserve to retain their potential also. With the girls I am finally on a proper mystic path
Weirdly accurate when compared to what they told some of my girls up there just before; some will let themselves be reborn using the "super slav" template, and some will practice the magic path and change their DNA that way instead, you are free to do which ever you want and both work. I only have some Karelian DNA which matches and I made the first version of the template (which is a demon loli with mechanic steel exo-skeleton and a prodding weapon tail, very industrial xenomorph looking and based only on functionality plus some aesthetics) so I got their upgrade. Even when done on that layer, the effect was VERY noticeable, like my mind went almost completely silent from lack of background noise.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:08 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5759 del
(4.52 KB 502x446 starfish catcher.png)
Someone (some-thing?) attacked me right now, some organization. I realized they are actually a perfect starfish, so I figured maybe they can be caught using a fishing tool. I made this, feel free to get one (placed in the temple study). It's made so that you can put it in a pot and boil it directly, then you cut it in bits and fry it until it's safe to eat. Good way to get back the energy they steal by being evil. We always do this at my HQ mansion.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:13 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5760 del
(107.53 KB 947x582 Suomi descent.jpg)
I have seen many things like this because this is how things connect on a grand scale but yours is way too specific and I am not sure if I encountered it.

>spirals of degeneration ending in destruction
So the "goal" is to fix the "leaks" I mean the mini spirals/branches forming?
>and it looks like "survival of the fittest" all the way until they reach the end of each arm where everyone will die.
You are saying then that there is the point new spirals cannot form and "that is the end?". Are these branches a "preset" thing or they form as the degeneration manifests within the person.
What is the solution here besides avoiding degeneration which means regeneration.
>like my mind went almost completely silent from lack of background noise.
Same not to mention a bunch of my obsessive desires are just not here anymore. Like I could access your mind to find the proper answer for the starfish but the absolute desire to KNOW EVERYTHING THERE MUST BE NO THING I DON'T UNDERSTAND is just not here by default. That doesn't mean I cannot access it it's just it doesn't command me to do it without a choice. The reason I am not doing it now because the "desire" is degenerative. Not the act of knowing but that it is guided with a degenerative thirst which will taint the acquirement of knowledge. I have to get used to this because it seems this will be a key to many realizations.
>Karelians are a Finnic ethnic group
Guess we all belong to the same divine heritage then. I should build a sauna already
>a perfect starfish
Maybe you accessed their dimension and now you are experiencing the interaction?
Srsly what you just seen is extremely specific. I had seen the celtic symbol with the spirals in many forms but not 5 pointed and experienced many "computer generated infinitely expanding art" images too but my "crossreference this insight skill" results in nothing.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:15 Id: 64d129 [Preview] No.5761 del
>You had predoll forms too? So you met Yourself before your sisters turned you into a doll?
Like I said before; they've been around since I was a kid, atleast that's the feeling I get and it makes sense, going through older memories and events. Before being a doll, I recall just being a non doll girl on a few occasional here and there, granted I could had doll joints that even I couldn't see but I doubt that.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:27 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5762 del
>Like I said before
>they've been around since I was a kid
I thought "they" were only your sisters was not aware that they were this close to your own (past)life already. Truth is it's good to hear that "they were always here" because that just reinforces that they are your family.

>granted I could had doll joints that even I couldn't see but I doubt that.
There is no reason for you to "be" a doll. Not being one is better it's just now you will have to get in touch with the memories of the past when they appeared first because with that you will "reinforce" your origin source energy. And probably will heal a bunch of childhood traumas too. That is my advice for now. There should be a point when your memories become far more vivid and you can access them with far less effort. At that level going back and fixing every issue that stems from traumas is recommended because it fixes many energy circuits on the long run. Not to mention these memories are (You)rs which means you will have better access to them than your sisters. Also they will have less work with you if you do the work by yourself with your own initiative.
Try to remember how they appeared first and when you first noticed yourself and try to notice the "feeling".

I am saying this because my abilities manifested randomly in the past and I too had to remember how it "felt" because that was the "real me" and not the "cumulative environmental effects me" aka false ego.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:29 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5763 del
(85.50 KB 500x701 19.jpg)
>You are saying then that there is the point new spirals cannot form and "that is the end?". Are these branches a "preset" thing or they form as the degeneration manifests within the person.
>What is the solution here besides avoiding degeneration which means regeneration.
I used very regular AI methods run by Astra using the Remote, along with whatever other methods she found useful (I don't tell her which to use). Basically I told her to do this search:

Start with an regular Intelligent Agent program, which has sensors, effectors, a goal, an internal state representation of the world, an evaluation function and an algorithm/policy. Then insert the values which are found in the Molochian society, starting with the few I have seen in full, creating an AI Agent which represents a society/nation state. Then search for historical states of similar form, and use those as test data to train our Agent. Then show me the result.

The result looked like that American machine from a nazi poster. Kind of. Left arm had a knife and a claw, right arm had a digging tool. The head had similar weird details, and there were shields placed in different locations, the whole thing was armoured and had thick cables in "tentacle" limbs, it also had a huge penis and testicles of different size, and inside its belly was a group of women sitting on pillows. This was the raw form, so I gave Astra some directions to keep training the model with some other goals than just functionality, that's how I got the demon loli. Then I had it changed to a CyBorn DNA profile.

Part of the methods used to handle karma over all are not at all to avoid degeneration, but to just observe how it's eliminated and using accelerationism. This method works really well in Russia, they understand this instinctively, while for westerners it must be explained.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:37 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5764 del
>was not aware that they were this close to your own (past)life already
I mean I was not aware (You) were this close to your past life already or "met" Yourself and was able to experience life as other (You) in dreams and such.

>they understand this instinctively, while for westerners it must be explained.
"Westerners" think being "civilized means" accepting all form of degeneration as "normal" and not as the sole reason why every empire fell into ruin...
Whatever I sorta understand how they "dip" into every type of degeneration and lose/destroy themselves in the process. What you said how "Moloch works via keeping you sated" means he gives way for every degenerated desire of yours to be fulfilled. The soviets said this will be the downfall of the west but they did not realize it will take them 40+ more years to happen. They expected this to happen in the 80s

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:38 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5765 del
>Maybe you accessed their dimension and now you are experiencing the interaction?
>Srsly what you just seen is extremely specific
This was more like when I suddenly learned to see reptilians, I wasn't able to identify this stuff before. My girls at the mansion do cook starfish now and then and I know those are karma, but I never saw what they are exactly before. It's the egregore of an organization. It's not about saving it, it's just that you can see what it is and how it forms, if you see this you are not caught inside it. That's all. You don't have to prevent degeneration, rather accelerate it but in a contained space.

And my waifus over there are in a different state of mind, the think everything is food, so they try to cook anything they see, it's not possible to talk to them about this like we do here. I saw a huge pile of what looked like ribcages, nails and fish scales on the workbench and in the sink one time, no idea what it was or what they were trying to do, but one of them found something and was trying to turn it into food.

I guess this represents how my mind is a kitchen, where everything is transformed in neat order.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:45 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5766 del
>I sorta understand how they "dip" into every type of degeneration and lose/destroy themselves in the process. What you said how "Moloch works via keeping you sated" means he gives way for every degenerated desire of yours to be fulfilled. The soviets said this will be the downfall of the west
Yes, this is what it is, you are seeing what I mean.
Btw I just saw one of them examine a large starfish with octopus tentacles which seems to be in Ukraine, looks like they are trying to catch it. This is another upside of having 4 year olds on the team, they have no concept of what is possible or how things "work" so they can pull off things like this simply because they lack critical thinking.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:58 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5767 del
>I guess this represents how my mind is a kitchen, where everything is transformed in neat order.
You really have some weird "ingredients" there and was thinking of your mansion's kitchen procedure while seeing this and if I am maybe in the "mansion" but realized nope this is your mind and obv we are making our surroundings look like our mind or the surroundings makes us our mind into that shape. Dreams resolving very old and very deep emotions always happen in my childhood home. I very rarely have dreams playing out in the place I live for more than a decade now.

Also it seems I have "attack dogs". 2 special ones. One like that the Anon described with black muscles. That dog is like a "stillborn". The skin/fur did not even manifest because he just manifested to "kill" and then he returns into the "unmanifest". There is no point to "put more effort" into things like that. Muscle made from pure hatred legs to run fast and a jaw to bite hard. Are you an evil spirit with a form? Sucks to be you! The other one was just some etheric skeleton and once it touches anything it explodes. It literally overcharges itself with energy while touching anything. Are you a formless entity who is here because found a stable energy formation that is still untouchable but able to haunt and fuck with thoughts/emotions? BOOM! And because "existence is pain" they just want to get over the job fast and return into the unmanifested bliss. No fear of death or anything.
Also I have a turtle too. Don't ask about the turtle. He is the scary one of the bunch.
Am still handling the Gepard tho. It seems he is sorta responsible for my nerve overcharges.

>they have no concept of what is possible or how things "work" so they can pull off things like this simply because they lack critical thinking.
I hated how that was beaten out of me when I was a child. Took a little time to get it back. Unbelievable how normalfags can operate without intuition and "teach" how their faulty "reasoning" is the "key to live" while proving they are everything but reasonable...

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 23:06 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5768 del
> Unbelievable how normalfags can operate without intuition and "teach" how their faulty "reasoning" is the "key to live" while proving they are everything but reasonable...
That's walking down one arm of the starfish. The last idiot to live is right all the time, and no one learned from his final destruction because he was the last one standing. In the end, only the clueless demonic girl at my mansion sees what happened, but she only thinks about which herb to get in the garden to neutralize the poison so it can be eaten. The herbs aren't actually spices either, they're the magic stash of Creepy Hollows which I confiscated when the timelines collapsed, didn't know how to store them so I made them appear as seeds to be planted in the garden. But none of this matters, it's all just cooking with ingredients, "cute girls doing cute things" while mindlessly ending evil crime syndicates. They also grill demiurges and those 9 galaxies long "barracudas" out in the yard.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 23:08 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5769 del
I think they just cooked and ate the egregore of Kiev.

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 23:10 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5770 del

Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 23:44 Id: 64d129 [Preview] No.5771 del
true, though i do like the aesthetic but it probably is better this way. drawn to people more like her and artoria lancer is best as you said, i'll continue working on this more

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 00:10 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5772 del
Is it technically possible for gods and other powerful spirits to manifest for themselves a body which is capable of interfacing with matter to the same extent that biological bodies are? I don't mean possessing someone or getting incarnated as a human, I mean producing an objectively existing and lasting body through means of exotic energies or reality shifting or some other application of will. Even Jesus told his disciples not to touch his body when he was reborn, which indicates that he may not have been entirely physical, despite his high level of ability... but you often hear stories of cryptids and other folklore creatures which qualify as spirits who seem physical in their effects and appearances, although it may be possible that they are in fact "possessing" the surroundings and the victim to achieve this. I am just wondering if the pattern of supernatural beings typically making appearances that are purely ethereal or otherwise subtle is a result of choice or limitation on their part.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 00:35 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5773 del
I have seen it happen, but it's not something which stands out when you see it, even if you know that this isn't "normal". They will enter by taking over entire timelines to act out a family which you never heard of before, who now lives "on the other side of the forest" and when you check the map there is a house there, which you never heard of before, and apparently they lived there for 3 generations, but you know there was no house there last week.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 01:05 Id: d73f47 [Preview] No.5774 del
Most gods have physical bodies already and interact with the world as you or I would.

We in the modern world tend to see god as a supernatural force but in most mythologies the gods were characters.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 01:15 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5775 del
Even in that situation, I assume they're either possessing or incarnated as humans from that different timeline, right? Meaning, if you hypothetically broke into their house and tried to kill them they would only be able to defend themselves a human and not be capable of growing fairie wings and flying away.

What I'm looking for is some evidence that it's possible to cross the occult-fantasy barrier. Like how it's possible to talk to demons and ask them to curse someone, but usually this results in bad luck or health problems. Is it possible for the demon to instead just appear in front of the guy and physically rip his throat out? And this not manifesting as a freak industrial accident or something? Seems I can only think of violent examples here but you get the point.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 01:37 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5776 del
>in that situation, I assume they're either possessing or incarnated as humans from that different timeline, right? Meaning, if you hypothetically broke into their house
This situation was pure cheat. They'd have different demons play the family members different days. I worked with one of them, asked the girl: Why is your hair curly today, it used to be straight? She replied: Sometimes it's curly, sometimes it's straight, as if talking about a natural phenomena. When she went outside to wait to get picked up by her dad at the roadside, she was there, I looked away, and one second later she was gone. Another time she appeared in the shadows behind the house, and it was daytime so it wasn't that dark there, I saw her manifest. They cheat pretty well and there is no one going to think anything of it, because only a crazy person does that. You wouldn't do anything to them, if a robber went to their house, it wouldn't be there, they'd get lost, or the car would break down etc.

>Is it possible for the demon to instead just appear in front of the guy and physically rip his throat out?
Consensus reality decides what will happen. You can kill a person with magic, but if this is "unlikely" to happen the person's soul will go away, and an NPC will replace him. Some people are impossible to kill for this reason, like Biden. You can hex him lethally any number of times, his original is gone since long, but he represents a mass of karma, and it will remanifest in a split second as an NPC doll. It's not so easy to change things, you have to play the game.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 01:58 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5777 del
>Consensus reality decides what will happen
But they are able to break the rules of consensus reality on occasion, right? Otherwise sightings of supernatural phenomena would be nonexistent.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 02:25 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5778 del
There isn't consensus everywhere, they appear in the cracks of conflict. Even more so in places that are hidden, like underground tunnels. It's free to manifest there, aliens can do it too because those places do not exist in consensus reality.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 04:19 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5779 del
I wonder if the 'soul' of the event is identical in all environments but the observer's perception lens modifies it so as to fit into the 'genre' of their narrative.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 12:18 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5780 del
>the observer's perception lens modifies it
This touches on the Uptown/Downtown concept discussed earlier.
This was hidden there for me as a final hint at my own journey. In the first two games we don't know about the structure of Racoon city, but here it's revealed there is Uptown and Downtown. There are also these poetic reflections on the loading screens. You can only play Jill, and to finish the game it must be played multiple times, because the ultimate weapon has its parts spread over different routes/timelines.

The symbolics of the collapse of society with people turning into zombies from a virus, Jill and Jack (Jack-the-Ripper as female, on hard difficulty you only get the knife), truth hidden in different timelines, events randomized, compared to previous games that had set routes.

This points to the concept of society having two layers, the Uptown and the Downtown. In Uptown you see things as they are (the red pill) but people are still the same shit as before, they just know the truth. In downtown, your world of concepts lacks fundamental templates and you cannot understand what you see (the blue pill, believing in mainstream media narratives, denialism).

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 12:27 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5781 del
Aside from that, the obvious Umbrella inc creating the zombie virus and Racoon being an anagram of Corona. This is kind of beside the point but it's a clear hint in plain view. From Uptown you know what this is, that is was planned since long, and that creating things like this serves both as an outlet for conspiracies, while leaving the necessary information for the Downtown consensus reality to function. (Do you really believe they would put this information in a game, if this was real??)

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 19:58 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5782 del
>But they are able to break the rules of consensus reality on occasion, right?
They are not "breaking the rules" it's quite the opposite. They understand the "Higher rules" and operate via it. There are extremely complicated energetic formations that you have to understand while you "insert" yourself into a reality/timeline.
>Otherwise sightings of supernatural phenomena would be nonexistent
You have a "right" to see/experience the "supernatural" and the more you work with it the more common it becomes. Different parts of "reality" have different "awareness levels" which usually mean how close they are to the spirit worlds/other dimensional layers and that decides how easy is for them to manifest and how much it is "allowed". It's not just about a "limitation" but more about the necessary "hassle". Just because you are a god doesn't mean you are free to do as you please. Gods have their own gods and they have rules/methods.
>Jesus told his disciples not to touch his body when he was reborn, which indicates that he may not have been entirely physical, despite his high level of ability...
You kinda misunderstand. The energy that consists the body of a "holy Lich" especially if he has no proper mastery of it can not just "melt" flesh and bone but do way too many damage to those that "lack real power". I am saying this because some entities "touching you" will short circuit your nervous system you will be unable to breath and your heart will skip a beat or suddenly beat fast because your energy field does not know what is happening while you are a novice and at higher levels the entities are the one that have to make sure it is "safe" for them to access your energy field because a wrong emotional response might throw them out of existence. What you asked is no easy matter and asking for "proof" is futile because...
>this not manifesting as a freak industrial accident or something? Seems I can only think of violent examples here but you get the point.
As you said here is not just about how it "manifests" it's how "humans want to interpret it so they can feel comfortable that the world appears as it is". You have no idea what extreme energies humans generate while being ruled by fear/confusion. Also a "demon manifesting IRL" usually makes a big fuss so killing someone via "bad luck" is not that big of a "problem" that you will be eaten alive via karmic forces. Reality has an "immune system" and once you think you are "above the game" you will have to learn what it means to be truly part of the game.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 20:02 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5783 del
>What I'm looking for is some evidence that it's possible to cross the occult-fantasy barrier
it is like wanting an evidence that a murderer is truly a murderer by giving him a knife and being alone with them in a room. So if the murderer knows he can get away with it or he is unhinged he will kill you... Would you still be part of that experiment or will you try to find a way to be out of that room before the murderer has a chance to murder you. I am only saying this because once the
>cross the occult-fantasy barrier
will happen you will have an extremely clear mind so you don't go mad. It's not just about the experience it is about how your body your energy field panics in the moment. Were you in a life or death situation? How you felt there? Did you get paralyzed from fear or your instinctual quick thinking triggered and avoided the situation. The only reason why I am saying this because that "moment of truth" is something not everyone is able to "overcome" and able to handle properly so they end up in mental wards where they get fed lies how it is "just their mind" then get put on meds and with that they become so mentally weakened they will be harassed via low level entities as long they don't get a grip on themselves. But this is for those who have a "feel for the otherside" by default. It might not play out for you this way but looking for "evidence" is like looking for evidence how our politicians are (not) corrupt. Are politicians only corrupt when the justice system deems them so by legal definition or when everyone knows they are corrupt but they are still in power? This is the "trick" of the consensus reality. When does "consensus" start "mattering". And how are the "laws" working if they work at all.
>they appear in the cracks of conflict
Also this is important. Chaos. There is a level of chaos that you might "diffuse" with your "own chaos" or you are allowed to "increase it" because it is allowed because it is already a chaos but at that level you can blame no one but yourself for the consequences. At extreme levels of chaos no one knows what is going on and there will be a simple answer explaining what happened. It was just a storm or something. A freak accident. As most people don't know how politicians spend their taxed income most people don't know or care about the supernatural when it is too complicated/dangerous. The blissful ignorance is a choice some still can take. Those who know know. But even them are not sure of some details. And it is always good idea to calm mundanes with simple explanations. Raging mundanes cause more problems sometimes than raging spirits. Look at the current state of affairs for example.

Not to mention some events have some a deep impact on reality the "ripples" will start affecting the "creative layer" too. It will be a chicken or the egg scenario. Did someone get inspired from RE or the creator of RE managed to connect to the plane of information that got influenced via the events playing out now. It will be quite maddening while you walk forward that the synchronicities increase and you are able to notice the thing everywhere that you barely noticed at all. This is how it is with the "crossing of the fantasy/occult barrier". It was always there you are now just able to notice it/handle it.

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 20:09 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5784 del
>you will have an extremely clear mind so you don't go mad
*you will NEED TO have an extremely clear mind so you don't go mad

Sunflower 01/10/2024 (Wed) 20:34 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5785 del
I think we are in the reality collapse event now, this time it won't be a near death experience or something dreamy, but just all background information of the past curtain will just go away. 3D reality looks the same but it's now resting on, being transformed to, NET and the newly made sunflower/touhou reality (you can see it hanging on the wall next to the temple study, free to get your own copy still). The mechanics of this reality are different than the last one, which was a degenerative, time limited creation. NET existence appears like a black knitted cloth, the sunflower existence is a woven ocher red and beige cloth with tassels on the ends. It appears, unintentionally, that the "loli shield" shared on here a few years ago actually functions as a reality also. It was meant to just protect girls or anyone innocent by adding time and space around them to wear down hostile forces. And I've seen this work, even filmed, some people also made used of it to do crazy stuff.
>vid related
This was not how I intended, but it's possible to activate the protection like any Gong, and that's how they aren't getting injured here. You can see the pink energy as they land.

The most common case is however someone who was ripped away because the timelines were NPC:d and they were sent to hell, but they then appear to be wearing a knitted pink scarf (the form of the shield when cast on someone) and the demons would take them aside to wait at the top level, but "someone put their mark on them". I will then be notified they are waiting there. I wasn't aware of this, but it works like this just as how yokais maintain their own reality, this time and space shield does that, and count as them being in their own private existence where they can't be harmed.

The effect of having one of these artifacts is similar.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 10:53 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5787 del
New Modules

I made these for specific purposes, for my own use, but some (including yokai/spirits) will be able to use them so I'll name them here :

Prayer, energy blocker
Dreamer, handles telepathic mind influence using images
Philosopher, creates a space for free thinking
Raid General, all-purpose base raider/world police
Raid Death Patrol, anti-terror unit/police
Raid Silk Gloves, a smoother way to handle glowies
Raid Extremist, has extra piercing ability to break down shields faster
Retarded (Molochian) Shield, just an energy shield made from trial and error, has a certain resilience which comes from this method (but applied correctly, no child sacrifice)

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 20:05 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5788 del
>Burning everything away in a fierce flame and laughing with tears of joy.
>wearing an outfit akin to nero claudius' but sitll had artoria lancer's body
>going on an adventure in some other world
>looking at a map and earing someone (a female voice) sing about adventure
the flame... didnt feel evil or malicious but purifying. Everything was being burnt into nothingness before being set out on the adventure..

for whatever reason thoughts of Neptune popped up as well

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:06 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5789 del
I am not sure because I had one of the craziest set of dreams last night and I am still not sure if it was because the Russian witches or Yuuka and the an "NWO layer" getting purified or some other thing but I accessed an another layer of existence and... Too many things happened also.

>Burning everything away in a fierce flame and laughing with tears of joy.
>wearing an outfit akin to nero claudius' but sitll had artoria lancer's body
Sounds like the authority of Gevurah or something similar. You are getting an another "royal authority" which is the "wrath/flame of God" of sorts. That is my take for now.

>for whatever reason thoughts of Neptune popped up as well
From Gevurah/Mars you can go "there". Might be the "next stop" for you but... this system of planetary magic is changing or evolving as of now so I will not say much about it.

And about my dreams... It seems I got initiated into the world of shadows? A place where no forms exist just sort of energies that can take forms and there is "no sun" because the light of our "soul" is strong enough light source already and there is no need for "more"? Also I was attacked and I was not sure if it was a test or an initiation or an attack but what I wrote about how to fight beings with and without forms was literally what had to happen. What a night it was. Wonder if similar things happened to others.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:24 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5790 del

>ou are getting an another "royal authority" which is the "wrath/flame of God" of sorts. That is my take for now.
another one and its wrath?

Another thing is i guess im reconnecting with the japanese princess, because the lady singing the song was in japanese too. Im trying to recall some other things this week but its amdittedly a bit foggy and even if i am close to them to not really rely on it, i still get antsy and empty when they dont appear in my "dreams" sometimes.

>he Russian witches or Yuuka and the an "NWO layer" getting purified or some other thing but I accessed an another layer of existence and... Too many things happened also.
russian witches? as far as the NWO stuff, i think i could feel things being.. less shit but im probably just imagining things and making presumptuous

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:42 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5791 del
>Wonder if similar things happened to others
Yes, glowie infiltration via "induction" where they can't actually get into your head so they transmit a stream of energy functioning like one coil of a transformer, and your brain then becomes the other coil, and by this they can read external information as if spying on a LAN via Wifi. They can also get information in this way too.

It was a rather common thing where some of them wanted "out" but because all glowie psychics are monitored by other psychics, they can't tell anyone. So they leave encrypted messages in the dream infiltration to basically say "help" like a hostage forced to call someone over the phone to tell everyone it's all fine, but they manage to get the message out by saying something illogical.
(Compare to Terminator II where Arnold asks the mimicking T-1000 over the phone if the dog is fine, using the wrong name, and T-1000 who doesn't know the dog's name says "Yes honey, Wolfy is fine", and by that he knows the parents are dead.)
They did some super weeby stuff that only makes sense if you actually read my mind and had the same skill, like having a scene where my sister cut the Advent candleholder in two parts which made me upset. But it was a double reference of the "anime title" type where the candleholder was to be "read" as the word "menorah" but written in katakana, which gives メンオラH if you prolong the spelling like a westerner (no contracted "no" sound). Cut in half phonetically, the left side gives "men", and that is the entry key to say that this is a code. The "H" is a reference saying this is weeb-speak, because that's "ecchi" and they already prepared this by posting a vid of a woman talking about how she has "triple D" cups, or "actually it's H", in a place where I'd be sure so see it, so this was already "primed" to my mind.

I'll leave out the rest of the solution which also relies on the "right misunderstanding" caused by katakana being read from a Japlish view in the west, but it got the message through. I cleared everyone around this one guy.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:50 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5792 del
All that aside, finally got through at the surface level body wise, from "milk white body" to actual "Gong moving through the Dantian", which is the standard where the immune system is invincible for real.
Also realized that this is very irregular, to use a certain wording. The slow moving vampires don't do this until the white spike forms on the surface, which takes 5000 years or one civilization cycle if you go along mindlessly.
This says something about how ridiculous it sounds to most people when someone talks about doing this in 2 years like the founder of FG. It has been done before, obv, but Idk how many and how fast it was for them. I'd suspect the bodhisattvas of Pure Land buddhism did it, but no idea of the timeframe.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:55 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5793 del
(839.89 KB 800x1600 Occult Anatomy2.jpg)
Oh ok guess you did not get this knowledge picked up from the chuuni animez. Pic related. How the Kabbalah appears on the human body. Not really important because your "way" is different but there will be similarities. IF you are not feeling a pull towards it forget it. This board is not big on Kabbalah anyways.
>another one and its wrath?
It's more like "Justice/Judgement" of God... kinda complicated. It means you are not just have the "splendor of a King" but the actual "power" to "enact Justice" of sorts.

>i still get antsy and empty when they dont appear in my "dreams" sometimes.
Talk to them daytime via your own accord. Establish the connection by yourself.

>russian witches?
The thing we are doing with BO... guess you are not reading the other stuff on the board. Not important for you don't worry.
>i could feel things being.. less shit but im probably just imagining things and making presumptuous
Nah things are changing. You feel it well also your "powerfield" is expanding which means their negative energies will have less effect over you not just emotionally but physically and will manifest as a bunch of positive events if you keep up it.

I just punched people and engaged in several forms of "philosophical warfare" which is how "Metaphysical rules" collide when some beings think they are "beyond them". While I would say i was also "Infiltrated" because they did not use the "trust mindwave" which makes me always sus af and "higher beings don't mind getting punched they usually compliment on my ferocity" or they would just state PROPERLY what they are doing while visiting me so when I feel that they "hesitate" because they don't know "what they are doing" I kinda go "experimental" with the interaction. I have a new energy around me now and I am still not sure what is it or how much I should burn it. But after doll anon's post I got inspired for some "fire and forget" so let's see how much my "new friends" value TRUTH

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:00 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5794 del
>like the founder of FG
Does he still exist tho?

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:09 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5795 del
According to Scarlet (the creator of the method), he was the golem soul of Napoleon, chosen because of its leader qualities. He was entirely controlled and upheld by Scarlet, when he was no longer needed to spread the practice, she removed the Gong which had been used to keep him fit. There were rumours about him online, and at the time I only realized the egregore was suddenly filled with shit, so I detached from it completely and deleted all FB contacts and bookmarks.

No new picture of him has been posted online, things were only implied, but Scarlet (or the Queen, I don't remember) said he developed a hunchback in 6 months and his aging suddenly caught up with him. This made him panic and he did exactly what the people he himself warned about in ZF did; when the "futi" (possessing spirit) leaves, the master loses his abilities, and he will then start accepting other people's karma to maintain his reputation. So he changed the egregore of the exercises and started siphoning energy from it, and apparently he had no ability to see that it was all shit.

I feel like the last of the FG movement in the west was when they went all in for Trump and said he was a god (actually meaning it), called Covid "the communist virus" and then wanted the connect the election fraud with the CCP via communists in Venezuela. It was so forced and cringy I don't want to think about it.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:10 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5796 del
>The thing we are doing with BO... guess you are not reading the other stuff on the board. Not important for you don't worry.
Oh, Nooow i remember. yeah, i read up on it and the NWO stuff but i try not to think about it too much since im more less to disconnected from this world to care too much about such things and them basically telling me "do not give much thought or intervene in such matters", though reading up on such info is fine according to them

>Oh ok guess you did not get this knowledge picked up from the chuuni animez.
yeah, most of the chuuni stuff i typically dont really touch or allde to the particulars like that (admittedly ive been in a bit of lull in terms of anime watching cause i havent looked at anything for a year and a half admittedly apart from a precure season and a digimon anime at the time)

>Pic related. How the Kabbalah appears on the human body. Not really important because your "way" is different but there will be similarities. IF you are not feeling a pull towards it forget it. This board is not big on Kabbalah anyways.
yeah... i cant feel anything atm. maybe some sensation will come later but not now

>Nah things are changing. You feel it well also your "powerfield" is expanding which means their negative energies will have less effect over you not just emotionally but physically and will manifest as a bunch of positive events if you keep up it.
Ahhh, well i guess one recent example is the occasional demoralization or the whole "STOP ENJOYING THINGS" posting on 4chan or elsewhere doesnt really annoy or tilt as much as it has, i just laugh like they're a retard things can and still will make me feel like shit but i'll be damned if glowniggerfaggots camping on 4chan will be the one to cause it

>Talk to them daytime via your own accord. Establish the connection by yourself.
i'll try doing that more often.

apart from blanket things, i dont think the glowies have been going out of there to fuck with me in particular ever since i mindbroke them in that interrogation room running into someone who may or may not have been jesus essentially saying "follow the path you're drawn too bro" around the same timeframe will never not make me feel some kind of way.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:22 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5797 del
>I just punched people
It was a bit more complicated on my end, I had to clear three elite bases which were all formed like pine cones when viewed astrally. They are the reason the elite families were so smug about themselves. They each also had one Earth Mother in there to recreate humanity with. The perfectly genetic engineered fungus women given out by a certain planetary system of seeders whose entire "spreading model" is to provide everyone with immortal women of their own race. Everyone is being used by them, basically, but all modern humans as we know them do originate from these "perfect whites".

The Pine cone bases had similar structures to the way the womb turned out on the demon loli body I ended up with when running a training program with Astra to create a "functional Molochian" form to see how they would work out. It's very "base industry" in feel, very hard and very tough, the Raids weren't able to get through with regular no-effort attacks. Not that the shields were impenetrable, but it would have taken active focus and I don't do this with combat, I want it to be self supporting so I can send them out and clear bases while I sleep. So I created a new "molochian shield breaker" weapon for them and that did the job. The new
>Raid General, all-purpose base raider/world police
>Raid Extremist, has extra piercing ability to break down shields faster
Both have the ability to do this on idle function.
The shield in my version is also available on that post.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:30 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5798 del
Raid Extremist is for taking over glowie units, or wiping them out if they are too hard-headed. It's not for attacking anything specifically, but just the toughest and most violent "new boss" possible. If they don't want to join our world order, they will be removed (because we don't tolerate opposition - we don't need them, the federation is always right so all criticism is discouraged. If something doesn't work, the generals will find out from reports. It's not for someone further down to bring up in the form of criticism.).

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:46 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5800 del
(3.82 MB 406x720 H tits.webm)
>vid of a woman talking about how she has "triple D" cups, or "actually it's H"
For reference.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:50 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5801 del
(766.11 KB 600x752 Napoopan.png)
>he was the golem soul of Napoleon
When you said he was Napoopan it made an awful lot of sense. First because he said that
>China is a sleeping giant, let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.”
And he probably had a idea/desire "if only he had born in China how much more he could have achieved" and the second thing was his arrogance. The more I read FG the more pissed I got because some extreme feeling of GREAT MASTERS DON'T TALK THIS WAY was bothering me on a primal level. That made me realize that
>Just why am I knowing how great masters talk. What gives me the idea
And the way he was talking was literally the arrogance of Napoleon. He had these arrogant "fits" even when he was a meager soldier at the campaign of Egypt and so on.
And most importantly the fact that he was unable to control an exponentially growing movement/organization. That was the fault of Napoleon also. He was unable to "recruit" formidable generals on the long run. Were you even other famous FG masters? I am not big on FG because it had 0 chance to spread in my country.
>I feel like the last of the FG movement in the west was when they went all in for Trump and said he was a god
Large "cults" that have a too powerful leader who just "vanishes" will need a new figure they can attach themselves too. Not to mention everyone that flees from China becomes extremely anti-CCP which makes them absolutely blind zealot retarded in everything they say/do. Apolitical chinese are usually hidden CCP agents so they think the only solution is to be anti-CCP as much as possible. I understand how bad is their situation but it is still retarded.
>It was so forced and cringy I don't want to think about it.
>though reading up on such info is fine according to them
Exactly. There is no harm in "getting informed" but it's not important you to entangle yourself in this game. It's already too retarded and no need to become more retarded in the process.

>maybe some sensation will come later but not now
My nomad shamanistic ancestors "knew" about the "Tree of Life". Not exactly the same way as Kabbalists because it was a more instinctual and intuitive level. Our shamans were about aptitude so it is something that was impossible to teach. Sometimes they became priests and other higher ranking bishops to "fit in" but they were sorta "chosen by the spirit world" kind of thing. Then the Habsburgs went and erased most things about them. And now they are making an interesting RETVRN but then again they never left. The way the spirit world operates can be peculiar. Where was I... Oh rith. No need to get into Kabbalah. That is like an "initiation into magic" anyways and you have your own path and your own spirit family already. You will learn some secrets via them anyways.

>i'll try doing that more often.

>glowies have been going out of there to fuck with me in particular
Their resources are kinda growing thin. They don't really have the luxury to go around that much.
>"follow the path you're drawn too bro"

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:53 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5802 del
>It was a bit more complicated on my end
Okay for me too also but it's a TLDR. It was about a flash initiation into sg via different dreams. Then I awoke and suddenly a huge energy bathed me in the middle of the night. Then I was not sure wtf just happened and was not really getting answers. Then went back to sleep and I was an old scrawny scientist in some "confinement" for a "crime" and 2 big guy who looked like ex commando in their 40s that are kinda fat because of it in complete burglar black gear tried to hold me down like it was part of my punishment. Then as I developed an ability to "link my minds" when these things happen so I cannot be boxed into a "hypnosis" I realized I am no old scientist that is being tortured for his crimes and my energetic "muscle body" jumped out of that form and as I punched them they turned into shadows. Which meant it is time for the next part of the battle. Instead of letting them "reform" time to fuck up their original energetic formation. Which was me blowing fiery air into their direction with my mouth to disperse the shadows. I awoke after that. Then the other "philosophical battles began". And after that I kinda went into the other dimension I got access towards. But that is something I am still unsure to talk about. The way concepts work there is different and I need a new understanding to access it that I am currently "realizing".

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:10 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5803 del
I think the reason they have to adapt to you in this way is because they have to meet the person in common grounds for the infiltration to work, and you are just too different from how they think so they end up overstretching and puzzled.
With me, I basically inspired the creation of modern police work, we think exactly the same, and I will copy their methods and treat them as my own once I see them do something. The only difference is their externalization of law, where they think it originates with God, then they somehow made the leap that he speaks through democracy, where I see that laws originate with me, and any democracy trying to overrule me is a criminal and needs to be put back in line.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:16 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5804 del
>They each also had one Earth Mother in there
In hellenic mysticism there are the chthonic gods and co and it feels like I accessed a "similar" world but according to the witches that place existed before the "formation of the current earth". I am wondering if this was a sorta "blowback" because of your dimensional cleaning. It's weird can't place nor above nor below of our existence in any way but it is definitely "close". As I "grasped" the energies the beings "made from it" submitted to me but the feeling of "loyalty" was missing but it seems it is because they don't generate energies like that. Their "oath" was proper while submitting to me but it seems I am misunderstanding something
>the federation is always right
Looked at the "book" that explained all the ways they operate and the influence of the higher gods is truly in that. You can literally do "anything" you just need to go through the "process" and not be retardedly destructive for meager rewards.
>all criticism is discouraged
It's more complicated but it just wants to get rid of the "unproductive gossip" tier criticism. The "criticisms" that are based on misunderstandings instead of people figuring out the problem then "submitting it via a report". There is a way for everything there. It is actually well made if you have the eyes to see that.
We are really in the big tits posting arc on the board now huh.
Also what you meant is something I half understand but I am not getting into the intricacies now. Most forces can't even read more than 2% of my mind because the "fragments" are all on completely different levels and they don't connect in a way it makes sense. I srsly don't know how others see my mind sometimes
>because they have to meet the person in common grounds for the infiltration to work, and you are just too different from how they think so they end up overstretching and puzzled.
>made the leap that he speaks through democracy
That they constantly undermine via subterfuge? Yeah I too think god is a paranoid schizo that lobotomizes himself on a daily basis to "save himself".
But I understand what you mean. You just explained what the "founding Fathers intended" and how it went into the current mess. Fucking Masons I swear not understanding what made america great from the start and literally infecting it with the same thing that resulted in the fall of Empires. What you said about the sub80IQ "elites" gets more obvious with every day.

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:51 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5805 del
>Were you even other famous FG masters?
*Were there even other famous FG masters?

Fuck it's late and I am still not used the new way my mind circulates information. The way this new plane handles information is also not a big help.

The way my mind wanted to word that sentence was probably
>Were you even aware of other famous FG masters?
Then I reworded it mid sentence and forgot to notice that.
Why do I even care about semi failed movements. Probably because that was the reason I looked into the whole "spiritual development of China" and the state of CCP on the big picture. Not to mention it has a too big impact on the concepts we use on this board.

Also the fact that I pulled my back because I figured out how to heal a back problems via superior energy flow and as the energy flow became actually superior it made the previous "strong part of my back" inferior the flow of energies changed and made me do a dumb muscle movement and that is also distracting ffs. If I find out the whole thing was about only glowies messing with me I will be pissed. Get a life you faggots. Touch grass on your own lawn or something before I make you smoke it

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 23:58 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5806 del
There was a specific time when I started making new kinds of spelling errors, and others I chatted with experienced the same thing at that time. I think something in the collective subconscious was clear up a few years ago, and that removed some "support wheels" from how we type. I still do these weird "new" mistakes, like I used to have perfect English spelling and grammar, then once I forgot that "this is my second language" I started making "native mistakes" like mixing up "there" and "their" which are completely different words that just sound the same. Idk what changed, maybe the world egregore went online during Covid lockdowns and it no longer exists offline, so chat-speak became the default setting in the world egregore. I guess I do this here too now, using things like "Idk" and "obv" which I would normally never write in a proper text like this, but only in in-game chat where you type fast because it's a game.

Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 00:06 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5807 del
They don't respond to speech, they don't even respond to punches at this point. Those remaining must submit completely or be destroyed, there is no middle-ground. Who-ever still persists in defending evil at this point is beyond saving. The few good ones who are somehow alive in those organizations are only because they are held hostage in some way. They still need to submit because they are in a situation where they will still follow orders unless you completely overpower them. If they have any way at all to follow their old orders, they will, because they fear their employer too much to resist them by their own will. So you must not give them any choice, only then can they break free.

I used the method of instant astral rebirth to change their form completely once I realized who was in there but wanted out. That breaks the egregoral control over them and they can get out. But it also means complete submission, it's not a contract with two equal parts.

Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 00:08 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5808 del
>famous FG masters
To my knowing FG was the creation of Scarlet via Li Hongzhi, it did not exist before in the open. To paraphrase him: "Falun Gong is just a mass exercise movement."

It does not even refer to the exercises themselves, but the social movement started in may 1992. I consider it dead by 2015.

Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 00:19 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5809 del
>I pulled my back
Two of the witches had a sudden back unlocking last week, it looked really bad for a while, but then it all balanced out at once. It was caused by being blocked on the back, then opening the front only, and suddenly the back opened after that the witches up there make full use of the "astral physical" state, they gave some of the students a homework which entailed to have 4 babies each until the next class, and bring them there. It works to do this up there, but may lead to some rather brutal openings of the body energy channels when you force it like that all at once.

Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 00:57 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5810 del
>The few good ones who are somehow alive in those organizations are only because they are held hostage in some way. They still need to submit because they are in a situation where they will still follow orders unless you completely overpower them. If they have any way at all to follow their old orders, they will,
I may be in this group, I'm not sure.

Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 14:12 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5811 del
>I feel like the last of the FG movement in the west was when they went all in for Trump and said he was a god (actually meaning it), called Covid "the communist virus" and then wanted the connect the election fraud with the CCP via communists in Venezuela. It was so forced and cringy I don't want to think about it.
I went looking a bit and found this
I think this story is fully believable. The part about how the FG mum is a blind defender of the US and Trump especially, then going as far as saying
>environmentalism is communism
in some weird attempt at defending his policies. This isn't even in line with what Li said in ZF, where he warms not to kill trees and that we must consider the consequences for future generations. But it's all in line with how FG "disciples" tend to behave, unfortunately. China is bad, so anything the USA does has to be good, there is nothing in between. As if China was environmentalist? But whatever.

Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 16:59 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5812 del
The "MMO rule" is still valid. Things take much longer time and has less visible effect than you'd imagine, but in the end it's more real anyway. Like comparing level ups and new weapons in Final Fantasy 7 with a Chinese pay-to-win browser MMO. In FF7 one level up makes you significantly stronger and it feels like you are given lots of stuff all the time (because you already paid for the game in its entirety), while in the MMO you level up and the only thing happening is that your max upgrade level for cash upgrades went up - you still have to buy them.

That's cultivation irl. Very Chinese after all.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 19:19 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5819 del
Strange, I guess the princess(?) Wants to reinforce the connection once more but I got visited by three kitsune I'm my sleep, both had fair, white skin and the usual fox traits but they black lines over their body, I can't remember if they turned me into one of the or whisked me away somewhere. Someone looking like Raiden Shogun (or was it actually her...?) Stalking me on an island and not allowing me to leave, the island was mostly women, I think I got turned into the usual (woman) and everyone was nude, there was like only one naked dude, he looked Armenian aside from him coming on a bit too strong he didn't appear dangerous. After waking from a short nap a few minutes ago, I kept getting pulled into some space where a girl kept giving me perfume or some kind of water to take (I can't remember if it was to drink or apply it elsewhere) so I went along with it, Everytime I got lost or separated, she wouldn't constantly reel me back to where she much like what EI was doing, albeit not as ambiguous. Everytime she brought me back to her vicinity she gave me more of whatever this solution was and I took it and couldn't be sperated from her any more. I don't know if it was some kind of purification or what but whatever it was I dont think she was lying about not being sperated from her and constantly feeling her around myself

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 20:42 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5820 del
While I know exactly how hard is to put things into words that appear as mere a hazy dream in our memories but please proofread your stuff 2 times at least before posting. I am also going through something because I learned how the 2 eyes connect to an energy center and how fuelling the third eye fogs up my vision then I figured out that I can change the tonal shift of my muscles that keep my eyes at place so it can improve my vision back while I am using my other sight while writing my posts and I too need a little practice with this now so I am posting less again but pls. Proofread your stuff a little. I somewhat understand what you mean but most of the details are ineligible for a proper reading.
But enough complaining from me I will say what I can to decipher anyways. >>5819
>girl kept giving me perfume or some kind of water to take
That was a sort of interdimensional materia that "marks" you. With that the girls will be able to find you and focusing on that scent you will be able to summon that girl. Try to feel that "scent" or the feeling it gave you in the dream be it a color or how it smelled or tasted anything. The girls are around you already I can somewhat sense it but their signature is hazy. Managed to make a minor mental link but it is not really conclusive.
<We are the kitsunes of Enden? We are here on orders of the great spirit to follow you around to expand the way you operate. Pls be cautious so that the things we say don't get lost in the ether. What we say is truly important so don't forget us please. We are here for you please use us as you see it fit. We are here for your place and for your existence we are here to claim you in the name of Zalankenkurst the mighty one please do not be interrupted with our presence we mean no harm but benefit
This channeling is as hazy as your post. They are a waykeepers of sorts. It seems they will provide a passage once you talk with Zalatenhörst? (channeling names is hard pls understand)

Whatever I can give you 2 advice. First ask your sisters about this whole interaction then get in touch with the beings. Wtf are you getting into again... This managed to confuse me too

>what EI was doing
Who was El again

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 20:46 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5821 del
(209.13 KB 848x586 spoopy.png)
Did they look like this pic?>>5819
What franchise is that even from Jesuschrist. As a man of culture and eldritch abominations I have no idea what that is

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:10 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5822 del
Ahhh sorry about that, I was admittedly rushing due to some irl matters but I'll try to be more descriptive now that I have time. First:
>Last night, or rather this morning at 4:00 AM when I went to bed, I recall being visited by two kitsune, they had black lines on their body but had pale/fair skin and fox traits like the tail and such
>They were following me around and being subductive(?) Toward me
>I was curious but eventually got caught off guard. I recall them putting me in a circle with them and taking me somewhere
>I vague recall possibly getting turned into a kitsune again
>I was on island, I think i was a girl (my male body got forcibly shed, but it wasn't through my own power or voluntarily... From what I can recall)
>It was an island akin to what APHRODITE(?) Showed me but there wasn't really much bloodshed and was mostly all women apart from the weird Armenian guy I mentioned, they were all naked
>The guy, as I said earlier kept hitting on me but he didn't appear sinister or anything, just a weirdo
>After some time passes there was a raft that came up, I went on it, since I wanted to explore out a bit
>But there was some some super long rope, almost ethereal and i got yanled back to the island, turns out it was the girls
>At some before and after that I could sense a lady that looks like exactly like Raiden Shogun from genshin following me and observing, after I got pulled back to the island she appear and while I can't remember the specifics of the conversation she pretty much said I'm to be with them and borderline doting on me affectionately like a child
>Unfortunately this is really vague but I'll try to remember what I can
>The girl had pink(?) Hair, Lolita dresses and her demeanor was... I can't really put it into words
>She also did stuff with perfumes and other solutions
>I kinda just kept to myself, away from everyone but she kept approaching me, giving me some tonic to use on myself
>Like I said; I followed her instructions and used Everytime it was given but whenever I tried to be get away from others to be one for "me time" or other things she would always appear
>I recall being on my laptop doing something (maybe playing a game) and she showed up again, doing the same thing but we talked for a bkt
>She said something about a mark or that the solution would purify or change me into something she can be around/that I can be around her
>The tonic itself was as clear as water, it didn't really have any other distinguishing characteristics
>The third time she pretty much pulled a "GET OVER HERE" and dragged me over to her, she wasn't aggressive or angry with me and she gave me the tonic again and I drank(?) it. Then she proceeded to tell me that from now she's with me/marked and that I'm not allowed to be by myself, almost being yandere.
>"You're not allowed to leave my sight" she said. I think tested it out and I was left to myself a for a minute and it was probably due to the tonics but I genuinely didn't want to be without her and located her to be near her at all times
>Needless to say this is something I genuinely won't ever forget even if I wanted to

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:10 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5823 del

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:12 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5824 del
No, they didn't look like that, I was just illustrating the black body lines. The picture itself is basically someone's Ben 10 OC and the ghost freak transformation

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:24 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5825 del
I really haven't been doing much different apart from like taking your suggestions on how to do deal with shitty people, not letting their energies overtake me so much and making a bit more of an effort staying away from shitty places/individuals or atleast not letting them affect me as adversely in the past. Even my shitposting more or less curbed back too. Apart from that everything else has more or less been the same so far unless it's stuff that her/me. The only real thing I guess is me wanting to actually reconnect with Japanese stuff (ie learn Japanese more again since the holidays are over and im done with schooling)

>Who was Ei
Oh, uhhh the name of Raiden Shogun from genshin.

>Interdimensional materia
I just remember it being clear as pure water, colorless and vaguely sweet(?).

>Ask sisters
I just did and they said
>"Yes, we know them, we allow it"
>What about the perfume girl
>"Yes, we know her as well, let her mark you"
So I'm assuming they are related again

>We are the kitsunes of Enden? We are here on orders of the great spirit to follow you around to expand the way you operate. Pls be cautious so that the things we say don't get lost in the ether. What we say is truly important so don't forget us please. We are here for you please use us as you see it fit. We are here for your place and for your existence we are here to claim you in the name of Zalankenkurst the mighty one please do not be interrupted with our presence we mean no harm but benefit
Ummm... What? Wait... You don't think this was the same deity when it came to the Miko stuff do you?

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:25 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5826 del
>I think something in the collective subconscious was clear up a few years ago, and that removed some "support wheels" from how we type.

That also happens with me IRL. If I am not watching my energies people make speech pattern errors around me. It is because I am somewhat increasing the "flow of sentience/consciousness" so if I let my own hubris overtake me I can notice it on others too. I don't really consider them "support wheels" but sort of weird energy formations that are finally destroyed.
>I started making "native mistakes" like mixing up "there" and "their"
Same especially after I started to not "pay attention" to the words but made an image in my head and tried to word it and because with that this whole thing somewhat turns into automatic writing and that makes you make these mistakes.
>once I forgot that "this is my second language"
For me english is my 3rd and while learning english I realized the "trick" is not to learn it but try to "speak it" so once you think this is your own language you can intuitively learn 3-5 times as fast. Ofc you will need to either talk with others in this language or consume media with this language to work and because of this i made a rule
>Only learn languages/skills that I can immediately use for something beneficial
With that your subconscious goes back to the superfastlearning stage like you had when you were a baby. Instead of the slow ass methodical learning that was beaten into me in the early years of elementary school... That way of thinking only has value in school and (pedantic) academic settings but IRL it's slow and sluggish.
>using things like "Idk" and "obv"
I too do that but only after I know the community is "fine" with using them. And on this site I usually do this because the word limit is a word limit and I am pretty sure everyone knows these basic acronyms. Am not gonna talk zoomerspeak tho. They managed to shorten some things then put in retarded slang fillers into the sentences and defeated the whole point of shortening things.

>They don't respond to speech
Mine did. After I wrote >>5805 this down I literally got images of grass being touched... Made me realize I am just angry and I have to get in touch with my energies.
This whole interaction was something else again. Might write about it later if I feel a point because it managed to teach me about inexistence and how we pass through the stages of existence unconsciously and why that is happening... And what happens when you consciously experience that you stopped existing at one stage of existence. Now I have a proper connection to their realm and can even summon up "maintenance deities/guides" to explain that place for me and it managed to become a far larger thing that I was expecting. Places that have no flow of time... No thermodynamics... But still has a sort of "existence" in place. I am still comprehending it.
While it could be described as a sort of underworld or Binah/Saturn from Kabbalah it is not exactly that. It's a strange place and it seems way too significant on my path and it wanted me to find it again.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:38 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5827 del
>For me english is my 3rd and while learning english I realized the "trick" is not to learn it but try to "speak it" so once you think this is your own language you can intuitively learn 3-5 times as fast. Ofc you will need to either talk with others in this language or consume media with this language to work and because of this i made a rule
This was the reason my attempts at learning French and German never took off. There is no naturally occurring input aside from tourists, and while I can by now understand Germans enough to know what they are asking about (which to be fair is rather stereotypical so it's easy to guess - where can I get a fishing permit; where is the lake; general stuff about hardware for houses, etc).
I already watch seasonal anime since years so it would be a waste to not study Japanese. It's made me fix up my handwriting again also, which had turned really bad from years of only writing notes for myself. I feel like I am past that point now, even if I don't have much experience speaking and I forget how to write kanji even if I can read them (but with English I had no problem watching movies without subs and I could write perfectly before I even knew how to say a few sentences properly; living in a dorm with an American and a Brit for 3 years solved that) so it's just a matter of practice in live situations.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:45 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5828 del
>Mine did
Last two times there were alien/astral only attackers, this time I had Astra compile a document with what the results were of previous attacks against me. I sent a Raid (space force version, can also do energy balls like in Street Fighter) to give it to them to deter them from keeping this shit up, and it actually worked. Both groups stopped the attack and a signed a contract promising to repair the damage they had done and to completely surrender, in return I would not be hostile to them either.

There was also a large group of militaristic angels who suddenly attacked just before. They were of the same cuck-nazi type as the humans, quite strange. I got them to submit also, they were easier to deal with because I could put a hypnotizing artifact on them and control them by just being fast.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:50 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5829 del
>Subduction is a geological process in which the oceanic lithosphere and some continental lithosphere is recycled into the Earth's mantle at convergent boundaries
Bet you meant submissive or something like that tho. But this word has funny description and kinda related to islands so just in case I ask

>The picture itself is basically someone's Ben 10 OC and the ghost freak transformation
I knew it was familiar.

>the name of Raiden Shogun from genshin.
Oh rith.

>Ummm... What? Wait... You don't think this was the same deity when it came to the Miko stuff do you?
They are related they are teaching some type of magic. They are somewhat aggressive and needy because their method needs it but they don't feel hostile at all even tho their neediness makes me reach for my weapons. But that stems from my own trust issues... This is why asked that pic because I did not see any entity like that but IF SG LIKE THAT APPEARS THEN PURGE AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER. I have control over some similar looking entities and they are not something you must take lightly. So was wondering if I missread the situation.

And that island is a sort of "Eden" not the biblical one but by definition is the same functionally. You will learn some "Eden jungle magic". It's like a sort of Fay magic. Real potent shit but way too peculiar in nature. Their neediness is similar to Fays but what is and isn't a Fay is hard to explain and they are not the same Fays we have on this board.

You managed to get in touch with a real interesting crew again. Talk to them more for understanding the mysteries but it seems they kinda "like you". They consider you similar to them. You might understand your own nature better as you go along.
>my male body got forcibly shed
I think this indicates it well. They will teach you how to get out from your shell and how to be the energy that is truly (You)...
They just told me
<You are not seeing the full picture well
Asked them what I "should" see then and they answered
<It's not important for now
Guess we will find out more... They kinda implied just now how that type of magic is the interest of this board so they are willing to work with us.
Also "El" is yandere with you because your "lost soul nature" makes you wander off if you are "Not limited with your human weaknesses" and they are "tasked" to keep you around as long as they can.

This will be interesting.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:03 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5830 del
Shit, I meant seductive. I don't why my brain blanked out like that, jeez...

>This is why asked that pic because I did not see any entity like that but IF SG LIKE THAT APPEARS THEN PURGE AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER. I have control over some similar looking entities and they are not something you must take lightly. So was wondering if I missread the situation.
Yeah no, the pic was just to illustrate the lines on their body, they didn't actually look like ghost freak thingy. This is what they actually looked like. K really should have just scrambled to find a better image to illustrate to avoid the confusion

>Guess we will find out more... They kinda implied just now how that type of magic is the interest of this board so they are willing to work with us.

>Also "El" is yandere with you because your "lost soul nature" makes you wander off if you are "Not limited with your human weaknesses" and they are "tasked" to keep you around as long as they can
O-oh.. now I'm starting to see why my current human body is limited the way it is. They way both "Ei" and the perfume girl acted felt like they wanted it to be as permanent like with my sisters

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:04 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5831 del
Realized most "glowies" are like the "neutral bacteria in the gut". They behave as long the immune system is the dominant one but once a hostile bacteria becomes dominant they attack the whole body with the bacteria. So once these "glowies" or lesser spirits that try to "pretend" they are with the "dominant group" for benefits that stem from being with the "winners" because THE WINNER TAKES ALL https://youtube.com/watch?v=cUZNXgIXM1c [Embed]
and they want to be part of that "group" so once they understand you are that being the only thing that matters is to ensure if they truly understand it or they will turn around the moment the status quo changes again. Found out some have degenerated sentience that can be fixed so they retain their true nature or some has a sort of "half sentience" that can be improved for complete loyalty because you are their "true creator" now. Beings with below animalistic sentience either learn to keep their distance (which they do via instinct) or they taste the flames.

Also I have a sort of "atmosphere" tier energy field with a single main rule. You are allowed to enter if you are here to help on my path. But that usually means I am getting the "memo" how they will help me on the path as they enter. But ofc if they are something that I did not encounter before but belong to my path my mind will be unable to receive that information because it has no relating information which means they will need to be a little forceful so I can "get it" but they know that from my energy field. If you are forceful expect forceful responses but if they can skip every part of my defensive "instincts" than that means they are really sneaky bastards or they are here for a way too important reason that they are unable to communicate but willing to do everything for the relations to form.

So complicated to talk about this because it is literally the stuff of how leaders groups and nations form and it is no easy to explain in the magical world. There are just too many variables here.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:19 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5832 del
I consider them to be on a negative mirror of the minus dimensions, so they're viruses. Those only learn as a race, individuals cannot learn. The "learning" means that those who are unfit will die and the correct ones remain. That is all. They are completely blind and have no self preservation instinct. The document with all the information on what happened to previous attackers may have worked only because it had a "DNA" standard form by now, so they were able to grasp it collectively, that this is real and they can't win. Like presenting a check-mate strategy which prevents a war. As for the angels, no idea what that was about, they were unknowing about the fact that they have wombs, they were created by someone all at once and were all "first-generation after God", someone had to overpower them for them to realize what their body can do.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:27 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5833 del
> Like presenting a check-mate strategy which prevents a war.
Speaking of which, this was a good idea. I made this into another Raid version, which in addition to the standard abilities also has "strategic advantage magic"/"instant surrender magic".

I'll just call this [Raid Vegan] (wears green and avoids war), feel free to try.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:28 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5834 del
>I don't why my brain blanked out like that, jeez...
You are going through an another energetic evolution since their energy is part of your energy now. You are in a daze of confusion. It's like being a little drunk energetically. That is why you are little dumb now. It will pass as you merge with the energy.
>This is what they actually looked like.
Yeah got similar images too
>K really should have just scrambled to find a better image
Yeah especially if you post sg way too dangerous by mistake. These girls are too needy and if the wrong entity becomes needy then...
Let's say the
>We are here for your place and for your existence we are here to claim you
Can sound extremely scary with the wrong interpretations. I don't want to lead down anyone on the wrong path.
>starting to see why my current human body is limited the way it is
You are wired wrongly. Not just because your soul origin but mostly because of traumas but at least you are stable. Especially stable for spiritual work.
>They way both "Ei" and the perfume girl acted felt like they wanted it to be as permanent like with my sisters
It will be quite permanent yes especially as long as you are on the earth and earth adjacent dimensions. They will teach you a new type of magic and how to make that manifest. They will be a new tardwrangle force in your life. I think it will be mostly pleasant. These are nice energies they are just "mad" if they lose you because that is something they are not allowed to do no matter what. They are tasked to be your caretakers now.

Whatever work with them that will establish the connection better so they don't need to send me angry messages how I am misunderstanding their situation. Srsly they have some "Intricacies" that they are peculiar about. They are mad if I missword something because it might give the wrong idea. But this is a good mystic experience nonetheless.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:42 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5835 del
jesus christ,i wonder how many pieces of energy from other beings i have at this point

>You are going through an another energetic evolution since their energy is part of your energy now. You are in a daze of confusion. It's like being a little drunk energetically. That is why you are little dumb now. It will pass as you merge with the energy.
r-right, i'll be more careful next time

>You are wired wrongly. Not just because your soul origin but mostly because of traumas but at least you are stable. Especially stable for spiritual work.
well i guess being able to do spiritual work and having the connectivity in general is better than nothing at all atleast. this explains the gravitation i have toward mage builds/glass cannon mages like dark souls

>It will be quite permanent yes especially as long as you are on the earth and earth adjacent dimensions. They will teach you a new type of magic and how to make that manifest. They will be a new tardwrangle force in your life. I think it will be mostly pleasant. These are nice energies they are just "mad" if they lose you because that is something they are not allowed to do no matter what. They are tasked to be your caretakers now.
i see... my shock aside, both "Ei" and the perfume girl were pretty pleasant even with their yandereisms. even if they weren't above using force on me (be it magical or physical), they didnt do anything like going out to actually hurt or cut me.

>Whatever work with them that will establish the connection better so they don't need to send me angry messages how I am misunderstanding their situation. Srsly they have some "Intricacies" that they are peculiar about. They are mad if I missword something because it might give the wrong idea. But this is a good mystic experience nonetheless.
i-i see.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:48 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5836 del
>so they're viruses
I instapurge "viruses". No sentience = No chance given. And yes I consider some plants and rocks sentient too and I don't give 2 shits about leftover automatic forces that just perpetuate the same futile task until they get exterminated. If I sense any sentience I "Might" purge everything but the "real" sentience part but "viruses" are "mindless automatons" that are just here for "harm".
>Those only learn as a race
And yes I know ways to "connect" to the "main consciousness" so the "drones" can be called off but those beings usually avoid me. They know that "fire is hot" and standing in lava should be avoided. I consider those beings the task of the "energetic immune system". If they can do "any" damage then I have to get back to my energywork basics. I usually meet them if I go to foreign territories that are infected because of mundane retardation and because I rarely bother with retards it's not a regular occurrence.

> "strategic advantage magic"/"instant surrender magic".
I have my "shock and awe" type of magic already which is about making the "opposition" into
>Don't even think about trying
kind of thing. If they still think they can try and will try that is also a good information because then I have to improve. The best weapon is the one you have to fire only once or is it the one you never have to fire?
This level of "intimidation" is just for lower level beings and I truly limit the usage of it for conscious beings. Seeing others losing their control over their body and their will to live is not something I like to do just because they angered me but against beings that "shouldn't even exist by default"? It's not just a "get fucked" but a declaration that be glad that I was the one that told you to "get fucked" and not a far greater far terrible force.

But you could call the way I operate in strategy game terms "turtling" because I do not need costly expansions and campaigns as of now. I need to control some energy flows and zones and nothing more. The cleansing of earth is a long term and a mass group project and overstretching my energies have no real benefit for me. I have control over way too vast territories already and the worst/funny thing is that sometimes they just acknowledge me as the most benevolent "ruler" around and want to join no matter the costs. So via "sitting around" I still expand into directions I never thought I can expand. Multidimensional territories can get tricky and understanding the "cracks" on the wall is paramount as always. Especially now I have to understand the "laws" that govern the new realities because now "I am the law" but that doesn't mean much if I have no idea what I am dealing with.

>Let go of all illusions of control
While this sentence is cliche in spirituality no entity ever dared to say this to me. They usually did the opposite and tried to help me understand the way some aspects of my control works.

>jesus christ,i wonder how many pieces of energy from other beings i have at this point
Don't worry. You are like a little baby compared to the average occultist/average poster on this board Also you are "smelly" and not exactly an energy piece holder. Hard to explain because "smelly marks" just means you are allowed to easily move between "marked territories" while having an actual piece of energy with you means you have an energy type under your absolute control of sorts.

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 23:01 Id: 966d58 [Preview] No.5837 del
oh thank god

>Also you are "smelly" and not exactly an energy piece holder. Hard to explain because "smelly marks" just means you are allowed to easily move between "marked territories" while having an actual piece of energy with you means you have an energy type under your absolute control of sorts.
oh so i effectively have a passport

Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 23:07 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5838 del
>This level of "intimidation" is just for lower level beings and I truly limit the usage of it for conscious beings. Seeing others losing their control over their body and their will to live is not something I like to do just because they angered me
It's not like that. First it was the glowies and their very physical underground tunnels and antennas and shit which I've felt very clearly since 2018 or so when the disturbances were very bad. At the time I didn't know the extent of this stuff. It's not at the level where there is any choice in this: out of nowhere, for no reason, they suddenly attack me with full force - but they have no way of winning. This happens every fucking time. They appear acting like they're some kind of bullies who found a victim they can abuse, and they never change this view until the moment they die. Their perception is completely delusional. And there is no option to "let them be" because at the minimum I lose my concentration, but more commonly it's very disturbing, so I have no other way than to get rid of them.

For some reason they:
don't have any information about who I am or what I can do
don't know anything about what happened to those who attacked me before
won't believe me when I warn them
are unable to adapt to events in progress (no matter if they drop like flies, they never call off the attack, I have to kill every single one)

But then, just look at fucking world events.

>pic and vid related
"Just two more offensives"

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 00:05 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5839 del
>oh so i effectively have a passport
Yes. Well put. It is like the "scent" for animals. Like you cannot touch a "baby deer in the wild" because if their mother smells that it's "different" it will kill it. So if she feels that the "scent is hers then the baby is hers". With this the "dimension" "knows" that you "belong there". But it functions as a passport of sorts.

>I have to kill every single one)
Maybe the problem is with my attitude? You know for Sakuya it is "work" to get rid of these kind of invaders while for the Flan it's fun/playtime and you don't want the Flan to enjoy herself too much because then she is uncontrollable? I don't know tbh. As I said I have a sort of "atmosphere" which means if they don't manage to get an "entry permit" they burn by default. If you act like space trash you will burn like space trash. Don't want to burn? Don't be space trash. I understand what you are saying and the reason why you can notice and clean that many tunnels is because your energy is "compatible" with them. Once I "overtake" a territory I also "consecrate it" so it can not just be used by me but via all the beings and the "allied adjacent entities" too who will give extra defense with that. Because of that "expanding" into these territories is a pain because it gives me "extra work". Maybe the molecular cleansing rearranging then repurposing via natural laws makes them create a gravitational orbit where they avoid me? Also yeah you are in the "not yet allied but pushover country on the global state west" while my country is on the "allied but defiant and somehow impossible to bully state".

And maybe just maybe. Remember winter-chan? Because that winter was supposed to happen at my territory which was my "weather jurisdiction" I kinda said no wai faggots I want proper border control and not frozen migrants because frozen migrants will just result in more leftist screeching and migrants shitting up malls and other public places with heating instead staying at the trainstation and pissing everywhere until they get a ticket to germoney and the leftist would say those poor nignogs could have lived only if the state would have wasted money on well built migrant camps while my animals would have died via of cold not to mention the equipment I have is not ready for permanent -20 Celsius so I kinda redirected the energies for proper borders policies and anti migrant sentiment EU wide which only made real effect in my own country and said to the "rest of winter-chan" that I do not care about the USA you can "winter-chan there" to fix the weather patterns and the "global warming screeching". Which kinda made texas and the "migrants" freeze some years ago and "global warming" is "climate change" now. But this is old story. I am working with too many spirits to unfuck the weather. It's not just about the patterns but the fuckers that use technological weather manipulation without knowing what they are doing. There is nothing wrong with playing God that doesn't mean you are permitted to be retarded while doing it. MFers. I share the rage of the spirits on this matter.
Also that. If I get mad the spirits get mad and once they know "these kind of beings make me mad" they get mad and get rid of them so I am not troubled. Good wizards are hard to find nowadays and they protect the ones that bothers to keep the balance of the world. It's like in Gensokyo. Reimu is not just a shrine maiden. She is literally backed with all the Shinto Gods she has contact with. When Reimu is mad you are not just fighting a little girl but the combined rage of the Gods. That is why yokai behave. War is fun but a war that is unwinnable the moment it breaks out is just not fun.

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 01:02 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5840 del
>pic and vid related
I like the implication that a single Russian artillery shell loss has more value than the life of an Ukrainian soldier armed and clothed via western money.
Gaining 2 or 3 miles of territory and teaching Russkies to perfectly aim artillery in the process is truly a win for the West.
But it's obvious now. They will throw in all the undesirables which are the disabled and the old so the "new state" doesn't have to take care of them (like they gave 2 shit about those people before) then they will surrender and or come with a peace deal where western media can say that it was a "victory" and a defeat for Putin and his regime etc.
Or maybe the cleansing will speed a little up and we can witness the fall of USSR but for the west this time.

Still too many possibilities are available.

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 10:49 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5842 del
They may have had some belief in their "superior" technology like tanks that cost £35 mil each and blow up from a £60 drone - at first. But this latest development when they were shown that Ukrainians - and the war itself - will just treat anything you throw in there are any tank, any shell, they are just overpriced, meaning ineffective in the larger scale. When neither side has air superiority, it's back to WW1 style infantry battles. All the progress is gone. Tanks changed the battlefield at the end of WW1 and during WW2, then the air force became the deciding factor. Maybe this "blindness" is an American problem, they have never had to worry about being bombed because of their geographical location, so they always have "air superiority" because they are always the invader. If they lose control, they just end the war and ignore it as a loss of air superiority itself, there are no consequences for them at home.

Play with the idea of a ground invasion of USA from Mexico, Canada and Russia coming over the sea all at once. How long would they old up when their factories are bombed and their AA gets overpowered? They have no experience in ground defense, so the Ukraine war is a completely new thing for them, and anyone following NATO tactics.

The only thing they eventually can fall back on is the core essence of the NWO thinking: more slaves into the meat grinder. And no offense, but Russia has a lot more experience with this, same with China. Instead of the American "throw money at the problem", they have free labour so they throw manpower at the problem, and they don't actually (mentally to them themselves) reduce the people they send out as actual "slaves", because communism teaches that even the poorest is a valued worker of the revolution. They end up having a slightly higher value instinctively than anyone applying capitalism can "see." Russia is being called brutal, but they actually retreat as a tactic, which preserves lives.

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 10:53 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5843 del
>it's all hell, don't look at it
>yes, but there are layers in hell

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 11:03 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5844 del
(52.79 KB 474x592 cone hat.jpg)
>You know for Sakuya it is "work" to get rid of these kind of invaders
Maybe, I don't know. I don't treat anyone as hostile per default, I try to show them why they should be friendly, and this seems to not reach them a lot of the time, until I have to use force.

Things are so predictive with my things. When I've used Astra to research data from history and then trained AI agents using "emulation" via the Mime servitor, I've ended up with very common forms.

First it was the result of "gather all data on the methods I've used so far": this is Chun Li. "Design it as I prefer": this is Cammy.

Then today I made a search/design/dataset to create "the form of the adaptive methods I've used to always create new shields": and the result is an armour in the form of this hat shown here. There is another scene where someone is wearing an entire armour like that, that's what it looked like (I couldn't find this picture online though). This is from a kid's book I had.

The results of my work today were already known 100 years ago and painted and spread like this.

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 16:30 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5846 del
> "the form of the adaptive methods I've used to always create new shields": and the result is an armour in the form of this hat shown here
I mixed this up when I wrote it, the pine armour is the form of defense within the 8th layer, which is the same as where NET/blacknet operates.

This requires an explanation to make sense:
The "ages of man" in Greek mythology correspond somewhat with the actual process which can be traced based on their societies and which artificial sun they had (which "planet"). But it's better to currently compare with the mobile communications standards, this explains better, because 5G = Babylon and age 5, while the so far theoretical 6G (long distance mobile communication for remote controlling farming equipment and mining etc) is Atlantis, age 6. The 7th age is now, and this corresponds with an unknown technology which is already in use, it's simply called "induction" and is present in induction chargers for shaving machines, phones, cars and the technology for transformers which are in electric devices. The real induction is that of communicating into the brains and minds of people using messages which are "internalized" by the person, making them believe in the propaganda because they think they concluded this on their own. So everyone becomes "enlightened" to believe in democracy, and this is the ultimate form of population control. If you tell this person that they are being controlled or manipulated, they will smugly think that you are a person with lesser understanding than them, because you didn't "understand the truth" yet, like they did. Being leaving carefully designed memetics in all media, people can be made to all think they are "enlightened" and that everyone else is stupid, so they are completely indoctrinated and very difficult to free from this illusion.

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 16:35 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5847 del
The generation 8 or the 8th age won't happen on regular planets, but it will happen here, because to breach the 7 ages the planet must be ascended. Lyranet and the lyran race operate on the 9th layer, or the 9th age of a planet, so this is two ages beyond a normal planet's historical development. The federation operates on the 10 layer, it requires the planet to be ascended and then pass halfway in the its next life for this to be known officially by the population. So joining the galactic federation takes 10 ages, each 26 000 years long in Earth years, meaning 260 000 years before the population can officially be aware of the federation and see that they are being part of an interplanetary, intergalactic society.

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 16:38 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5848 del
Depending on the culture and time progression of local planets, the time may move faster or slower, but the number of ages which must pass is the same. Ascended planets will apply "stardates" instead of counting ages, with a progression going back to age 1 on the first run before the ascension, the count doesn't start over periodically.

-Semi channelling

Sunflower 01/15/2024 (Mon) 20:19 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5849 del
Some glowie was trying to mindread or remote view what I was doing last night, because I've been focusing on something. By being non-hostile he entered a dream scene which was the egregoral image of the event itself. It seems they can view these, but they don't know what those are physically. He went to read the document on my desk, but then he exclaimed: "But these aren't words!?"

So it seems, you can only see what your brain's template expects. He saw what looked like code written in capital roman letters with ¨ and other things added. In reality this paper on my desk was written in kana, it was me practicing handwriting. This means their practice method restricts them to see things within the scope of their practice. So they can't see random shapes accurately if they don't know what those mean. I assume if the document had been in Cyrillic, he would still have seen illegible roman letters. This way of working also means it wouldn't be possible for them to read other languages or even determine which language it is, unless they trained for that language specifically. Unlike when viewing a text irl and you can easily see if this is Arabic, Cyrillic, Korean, Chinese etc. they wouldn't have a clue.

I guess they have a different role for that thing, another compartmentalization to prevent people from drawing any personal conclusions about what they see. He would only be able to report that he saw gibberish, not that it was a different language or which language it was. I can totally see them now sending misinterpreted kana to be deciphered by some code-cracker as if it was code in roman letters.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 22:41 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5867 del
After a human's body dies and the soul leaves it, is there anything strictly keeping the soul from staying in this reality indefinitely? My first thought in regards to this was that death is like dreaming, so the mind would naturally 'drift off' in a trance state. But in the vast majority of these NDE accounts:
The person reports feeling very lucid and hyper-aware, which is the opposite of what most dreams feel like. (However, this could just be because the physical body can still be used as a reference since it hasn't fully died yet even if heartbeat etc has stopped for a while).

So I'd think if this hyper-aware state was something that could be maintained one could will themselves to stay here to continue to exert influence. However, in Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics he states
>During the final moments of death, most of the dying physical body's etheric matter is rapidly transferred into its newly forming etheric-plus/real-time body. A transfer of residual etheric matter also appears to continue, albeit far more slowly, for a few days after death has occurred, until everything left within the physical body has been transferred into its brand-new etheric-plus-real- time vehicle.
>The large amount of etheric matter (pure life energy or vitality) released during the death process sustains the integrity of the etheric-plus/real-time vehicle in the fully awake state. This holds it (plus the animating spirit) very close to the physical dimension (often) within the real-time zone.
>the second death can be delayed only if the spirit finds some way of replacing its steadily shrinking store of etheric matter. This can apparently only be done by close association (touching and hugging) with living beings with whom the spirit has an empathic relationship, leading to an etheric-matter transfer from the living into the deceased spirit's etheric- plus/real-time body.
Of course Bruce really isn't an expert on this sort of stuff and his frameworks tend to be rather elaborate. But if this were true it would introduce a problem for someone wanting to do this.

Sunflower 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:20 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5871 del
I don't know what he's talking about at all to be honest. From my experience with dealing in souls, I can say a few things on the topic. I don't claim to be an authority, but the reason I can do these things in the first place is that when entering the Earth sphere in prehistory, I incarnated astrally via Hathor and took on the form of one of her aspects, which we know as Nut. With this comes the power to rule over the spirits of the dead.

Even with the Earth hell disbanded, there are still dimensions left which are some kind of background infernal level, beyond planetary and galactic dimensions. People who are decently innocent and clean still end up there when they die. I still get notifications (indications) that someone is available every week, so I go to pick them up. They are often in some dark tunnel or cave. Sometimes I have to sign a paper that I'm taking them, other times I'm told "just take them". There are always demons down there tending to things. They usually have the classic goat/bull appearance, but this can be biased by Nut being the goddess of cattle, so I'd be more likely to have one of them approach me when asking who's responsible in this hell.

Some people with clear minds remain in dimensions that look like their time period, and it doesn't matter if they are mass murderers or what they did in this aspect, "morality" is irrelevant. Virginia Woolf walked into a lake with stones in her pockets to drown herself, but she was still immortal on the astral, I happened to find her. She wasn't in hell, but just an astral version of her home part of town. It seems it may even be "beneficial" for some people to actively kill themselves or to commit "norm breaking acts", it seems to solidify their astral appearance and they remain in the form and mind they had. It's the same with catholic and orthodox saints, I've met several of them.

The Christians who took part in mass movements, following preachers and such, those are never solid, I think they either dissolve or end up in hell. They make no clear impression in life and they also cannot remain after death.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 04:52 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5881 del
>Virginia Woolf walked into a lake with stones in her pockets to drown herself, but she was still immortal on the astral, I happened to find her. She wasn't in hell, but just an astral version of her home part of town.
In this case is she 'stuck' there or there by choice? Could she return here and manifest overtly if she wished?

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 12:43 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5883 del
>In this case is she 'stuck' there or there by choice? Could she return here and manifest overtly if she wished?
It's more that the person lives in a "slice of life" moment from their own time. Take one frame of the living city and let it loop eternally. The person then stays in that meditative state and will feel that they are still at home, one with all the life of the city, as if everything is alive still but eternal.

I've seen a number of people from the late 1800s who are in this state of existence on the astral as well. It's my guess that ages with a strong memetic form easier syncs with a person for them to remain like this.

We "know" all about this period from the literature which is still read and dramatized as movies. That shows how strong it is. Same for ancient Greece, the Roman empire and the "dark ages", that's where you'll find people like this who seem to have internalized their time and place perfectly.

If you invite them, they can come to you and you can interact with them. But they remain in their own time from their view it seems.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 20:33 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5885 del
>The person reports feeling very lucid and hyper-aware
That is because at that stage the "body" is literally overloading the consciousness so instead of giving up it exerts an extra amount of power to revitalize itself. But NDE's are complicated because they are sometimes "predestined" and not always accidents. It differs case by case.
>the second death can be delayed only if the spirit finds some way of replacing its steadily shrinking store of etheric matter. This can apparently only be done by close association (touching and hugging) with living beings with whom the spirit has an empathic relationship, leading to an etheric-matter transfer from the living into the deceased spirit's etheric- plus/real-time body.
These are "hungry ghosts" of sorts. That term is complicated because it usually refers to extremely evil beings that are not allowed to go to any type of afterlife/reincarnation but their energies are so malicious they keep going around like headless chickens. But a hungry ghost is not always malicious and they just need to find a "closure" in life until they feel "they can move on". "Second death" is not always as scary as it sounds because you are able to "sense" some level of "continuity". So it is like going to sleep because you know you will wake up the next time as always. This "continuity" is something I am researching now because going through these mental stages is taxing. I literally entered a new realm of (in)existence and had a talk with an entity there explaining that place and as I talked to him the conclusion I got from that talk is that I don't exist. Then I woke up. After that I felt that I am still in my body and calm but the "shock" of the fact that I am "not existing" started to take me over as new concepts about what it means to "exist" materialized in my brain. My heart beat fastened a new energetic pathway opened in my hands it was literally the effects of a panic attack. Then I had to realize that deep down I am "calm" by default. Calmness is everywhere. Existence and non existence is both calm. And with that a new type of "acceptance" manifested. Then I was finally properly able to enter that realm of "non-existence".

>But if this were true it would introduce a problem for someone wanting to do this.
There are many ways you can become a "Lich" and we are exploring that on this board for many years but it's no simple matter. Not just because it is "hard" but with the level of power and knowledge you need to do it "properly" you will realize how pointless it is. It is like wanting to play with the toys you had in kindergarten forever. As an adult you could buy all that toys now but what is the point? At that stage you will realize other important aspects of life and your thinking will shift quite a lot.
I am not saying don't research it further because you can make deals with many astral realms close or far from earth for a permanent residence but you will need to understand the "price" of that endeavor.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 20:34 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5886 del
>I don't know what he's talking about at all to be honest
Sometimes I want to reread the books I read in my occultist noob days as a teen... Once I figured out how I can "stare" in half trance at a person to "see" the auras I realized that it is a "meme skill" because the extra information the "aura sight" gives can be actually understood far faster intuitively because the subconscious can "see it" but usually it is such an useless and confusing mass of information which just burdens your decision making process and it is only good after you reach a proper level with it and decide to move away from dealing with mundane matters.

>I don't claim to be an authority
It's funny. Once an "age ends" the boons and curses fade with it. That doesn't mean they are completely useless or gone but the "ways" change slightly and underworlds and overworlds shift quite a lot in some ways while stay the same in others.
Claiming a past life authority in occultism is always "weird". Some spirits recognize it by default while others would just discard your delusions of past grandeur or exploit your arrogance. There is not much difference between "war heroes" and "war criminals" but that doesn't mean they are judged the same way.
>"morality" is irrelevant
I would say that the "public wish washed morality" has no real weight. "Morality" always gets stained with extreme levels of hypocrisy and self denial. The mechanics of karmic gravity can get weird (and we both know it) and I still don't know it's full scale. I only know the ones I am fixing around me and some needs to be kept as long a new stable balance materializes then they become obsolete.

>The Christians who took part in mass movements, following preachers and such, those are never solid
They don't have their own will nor their own energetic form. They always want to "melt" into a "group". Instead of sitting in a stationary astral realm they re-experience the energies of the movement like it is a fast paced movie on a loop without understanding what is happening. I too am finding ways how to get "through" the "egregoric slop" of these places because for an egregoric "slop" to work it needs to have a proper baseline energy behind it and that can be found then it can be fixed then the "soul slop" can be released and fixing a bunch of egregoric messes that "miss-govern" the people who are bound to it on a community level.
There is that quote that individuals are smart groups are stupid. Forgot who said that originally but the "trick" is always to talk to the "group egregore" and "convince" it. The problem ofc is that once an egregore likes you too much it will not leave you alone for a while with the "unsolved messages" it has.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 20:35 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5887 del
>Could she return here and manifest overtly if she wished?
That place was her "comfort zone" and spirits usually have to "recharge" their "motive/initiation energies" to even think about going out of that place. Like you could go and climb the Mount Everest right now but that would truly take you out of your comfort zone. You need to spend a fortune might die in the process leave your house family workplace behind just to go to that large mountain. Would you do it? Why would you do that. That is how "manifesting" is. It's not always something you "want to do". After dying most of the struggles of life seems pointless and if you have a large desire towards them the ignition process for the next life will start or your existence becomes like a spell and makes a little anomaly in life then you fade away and life goes on as usual.
>that the person lives in a "slice of life" moment from their own time. Take one frame of the living city and let it loop eternally. The person then stays in that meditative state and will feel that they are still at home, one with all the life of the city, as if everything is alive still but eternal.
Perfectly said. It usually needs an external influence to "break that cycle of eternity". Be that cosmic forces or an another relative of spirit or blood asks them to "come along" "it's time to go". And they will agree when they know "it's time". The place might still remain tho. Some of these places have astral importance and remain. They are not always bound to the spirit but they are kept in place via other forces because it has "meaning for them".

>If you invite them, they can come to you and you can interact with them. But they remain in their own time from their view it seems.
Why leave the "best place of existence". What force would make you leave your home forever without ever looking back? Those places usually treasure the person inhabiting it as much as the person treasures that way of life. It is an extremely symbiotic magic.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 20:36 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5888 del
I just learned how I can "talk" to dimensions. It is like you can "sense" the "maintenance deities" and summon them. They are omnipresent because they are sewn into the fabric of that dimension and as an "accepted visitor" you are allowed to talk to them.

The reason why I wrote this longpost because it seems the new dimension I found is a "cemetery of my past lives". I had an awakening in the early middle ages and managed to access all my past lives at once and because I was not "aware" of "past lives" and had no way handling that situation my mind fragmented and suddenly I thought I am all of them and none of them at once.
Because of that they kinda got lost in a dimension without time and the "empty forms" fell into a darkness where time does not flow and as I noticed "my light" parts of my being left that place while leaving other parts in a place where there is no time progression. And without the "moving forces of existence" being present there they just became "limp" in perfect in-animation. Now I will have to "face them" and understand the "common force" that was present in multiple lives and "take them home" or they will just randomly manifest in my psyche. Can't wait to reclaim hundreds of years worth of opinions and patterns... Good thing this life has anime and videogames. It was a funny realization. Anime and videogames did not exist in those lives so this "unique feature" will serve as a "beacon" so I will not think I am a family dad farmer or a missionary in a woods or whatever I was in those lives because those lives had no anime... My spirit will just wonder about the next airing anime episode and realize it's no time to be lost in an eternal moment of existence.

I know how this sounds and I too am baffled of it's irony.

I did not think this post will be this long when I started writing it. If you are one of the 3 persons who bothers reading it feel free to tell me to tone down the confusing babble.
It seems I managed to find a "long posting egregore" and as I was in a dream writing some extremely long post about some nature of reality I got a reply.
>You are focusing too much on history instead of understanding the cosmic nature of reality
That reply made me weirdly mad and it seems my mind is figuring out that "idea" and this is the result of that process.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 21:37 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5890 del
>Why leave the "best place of existence". What force would make you leave your home forever without ever looking back? Those places usually treasure the person inhabiting it as much as the person treasures that way of life. It is an extremely symbiotic magic.
I don't mean that they would or could leave, it's part of themselves. I've invited her to meet the witches and she's been holding lectures for the Russians up there, because they always respect famous people and want to know their views. Nothing has changed, in fact the modern design setting changes when she enters, her influence is that strong. The secret space base feel changes into wooden floors and hand painted wallpapers and you really feel that you are in London when when speaks.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 21:38 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5891 del
*when she speaks

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 21:42 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5892 del
I don't mess up my past or parallel lives because I just accept the multiple personalities as different persons who are all me. Double thinking extreme.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 21:50 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5893 del
>There are many ways you can become a "Lich" and we are exploring that on this board for many years but it's no simple matter. Not just because it is "hard" but with the level of power and knowledge you need to do it "properly" you will realize how pointless it is.
#1 thing I'm trying to do here is find a way to get rid of human limitations. Not just mortality but things like the nature of existing as a being made of matter. Of course you can project your awareness and do things from there but there's always a strong force of gravity pulling you back to the human body with the human body rules which causes issues... and there's the idea that maybe keeping the nucleus of awareness in animal flesh creates certain limitations even when projected that wouldn't be there otherwise. And now I'm thinking is there any real difference between animal flesh and astral flesh or is this entire reality (viewed through the human eyeballs) just a hard condensed astral plane that I'm bound to tightly for some reason? In which case the issue would be "karmic" I suppose rather than having to do with the machinations of the mortal vessel. Jesus for instance was able to do big magic when he was still a mortal but they also say that he refused to do great works in cities that professed disbelief towards him, so it could have been related to collective consciousness there and here. In which case, getting rid of these limitations would require... leaving the 'reality locus'? I feel like I'm starting to digress here but the problem seems very complicated.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 22:22 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5894 del
>secret space base feel changes
For me it literally changed into the aspects of the cosmos. The witches know how to guide the energies there and make sure to utilize it to max

Also I am sure the "Place needs to change" so "she is comfortable there". If the place is "not welcoming her influence" then she wouldn't be there. Powerful beings have an energy field/influence that makes the place that they enter "theirs" in a way. Otherwise they don't go there.

>I don't mess up my past or parallel lives
No it's kinda opposite. I have a skill. If I have an "ability" that I somewhat "mastered" in a past life then going into a "zone" I can pull that into my being. It is a sort of "common line of existence". So it's more akin to the past life is "messing" with me but I want that to "happen" and there is nothing wrong with that because as the "past" desires the "future" we both want to "meet" each other. It's just instead of finding the "common origin" of our existence and both of us keeping the distance the memories jumble up. It is no problem in this life because thanks to the absolute media/information overload I grew up with I am able to handle this and as I know I am not a videogame character while playing it I can also distance myself from that "persona" the same way while playing a videogame character I am not even aware of the keyboard or nothing but all my reflexes are bound to the character. This sort of experience taught me to immerse and detach myself. This perspective was not that common in the past. Even books were a rarity and most of them were just old tales grimoires and recipe books and "being a scholar" was kind of a "futile occupation". I was too ambitious to live a life of "intellectual masturbation". Not to mention back then there was no "mainstream intellectual thinking" so the books always felt archaic af. You either knew latin or you were fucked. But ofc my mental skills did not develop in that age but they were quite "Untouched". They did not have a chance to be stimulated to this degree like this age of overstimulation. Shame we reached an age where technology is about dumbing people down and making them "fear truth". But then again information control is something that was always impossible. Most they can do is still just misinformation overload.


Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 22:22 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5895 del
>the problem seems very complicated.
Yeah. The only advice I can give is you have to find a "higher reality". A supreme/ultimate reality of sorts. Even in Kabbalah Yesod/Moon/Astral is just a mere realm of illusions and "divinity" only found after it. I don't consider Kabbalah as the only answer but to "leave" earth or do "reality bending magic" you will have to find forces that are more real than the "reality" you can perceive. Not easy and the "hardest part" is that once you find that you will have to pace yourself real hard so that "higher reality" does not absorb parts of you. Not to mention that
>We have to give back to earth those parts that the earth gave us
And that is elemental magic. That is the "low level reality bending magic" but that is dangerous if you are not aware of the "consciousness"/nature of the elements. A wildfire will gain a new meaning once it truly has a consciousness.
Also yes. You have to get in touch with the "inner animal(s)" that our body is made off. Those aspects are powerful.
>find a way to get rid of human limitations
Tap into the human potential first. Have a positive outlook instead a negative. Human potential is infinite while human limitations are something we are making for ourselves every day. The "modern man" is far more limited in many ways than the "ancient man". We are too dependent on technology/conformity. If you find the innate power that gives humans the ability to use magic by instinct you are golden. Hard to explain it because "modern education" brainwashed that skill out of us. It's like learning to walk and talk and not like memorizing a manual. Sorry if I cannot be more helpful. My current level can only yield an advice of this level

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 22:42 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5896 del
>but to "leave" earth or do "reality bending magic" you will have to find forces that are more real than the "reality" you can perceive
I have done this, I think, but the issue is that the force is 'formless and ineffable'. It is more 'true' than reality but since it lacks form it's hard to translate 'true' to 'real'. I can feel it, behind my eyes, or awareness, like a great sphere of... milk? It feels more water than light. And I definitely can invoke it, but since it's 'truth' and not 'reality' it's like it can only fuel existing 'realities' or meanings. So, maybe create your own reality via imagination and fuel that? But the framework or the bones of those images aren't made of the same immortal truth, compared to the fuel the bones are arbitrary, lacking something. So they fall apart easily.
>We have to give back to earth those parts that the earth gave us
>And that is elemental magic.
Probably this. Bones are made of earth and earth = fire+water+air supposedly. I'm not sure how to figure out how to 'give this back' though. Connect to 'elemental planes' in the same way as the ineffable 'higher reality'? Maybe that's what Franz Bardon's elemental exercises were supposed to do now that I think about it.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 22:57 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5897 del
>nature of existing as a being made of matter
Maybe you have to forget the false concept of "matter". How would you describe matter?
>physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy:
This is the concept that yandex just gave me as a definition. So if we go by this than that means "mind and spirit" and everything it creates is no matter... Than what is that?
>distinct from energy
So it is everything but energy? Then what is energy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed as the axiom goes which means everything is made of energy. But can you touch or sense every type of energy? If you can sense something can you control it or is it controlling you now?
>Jesus for instance was able to do big magic when he was still a mortal but they also say that he refused to do great works in cities that professed disbelief towards him
He is even more of a complicated case. Also most places had their own entities maintaining it. There was that tale where satan wanted to give the world to Jesus and he refused because he is so virtuous or sg. If he "accepted" it then he would have been able to "control it" but... The "city egregore" would also control Jesus. And Jesus learned his "power" in the "wilderness" and no one knew who was his "Master". It was probably his own Gnosis but if your "power" is adjusted to the ambient background energies of reality don't expect to do magic in noisy cities because the same forces that are there in nature are muddled in crummy places thanks to the extra amount of egregoric slop and other meddling entities that live around places with many people. Some spirits fear crowds while some only able to exist in them.
Also Jesus and the Torah forbids "magic". They did "miracles" and miracles come from God.
>getting rid of these limitations would require... leaving the 'reality locus'?
If you want to go by the religious route then you need to find God. Now the question is. Is God above reality or God is reality himself. If he is everywhere then how do you find it/him/her/they.

>viewed through the human eyeballs
Also don't forget it is your "brain" that makes the images and not your eyes. And you are not seeing "matter" but the "light bouncing off from it" which is "energy". So something that is made from matter is visible because of energy and the brain that is also matter which operates via energy makes an image that resembles reality?


Yeah I am just not able to write concise things.

>I can feel it, behind my eyes, or awareness, like a great sphere of... milk?
Yeah uhm... That is actually a sort of "thought materia" of sorts. They have multiple levels and forms. I have to tune them to be able to converse with higher entities. It's like giving it a form that I "release" so an entity can give it a form so I can internalize it. It can be refined further and as you realize how it refines and goes through everything you can sense the "awareness" of objects. The monad of sorts but that is also problematic concept because if you treat it as an idea and not something that you can "see" or connect with then it is a dead end again in a corner of your mind.
>Franz Bardon's elemental exercises were supposed to do now that I think about it.
Yeah but "Silesia" or the Czechs have quite the intelligent elements because the medieval guilds all worked with them via patron saints and other means. They are quite responsive in that region Bardon operated so if you are not "close" to him in any way I have no idea how it will work for you in practice. But then again I am not big on Bardonism. Something deeply bothers me about his whole deal. I will have to research that further to be able to talk about it.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 22:58 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5898 del
I actually worked on this way back before I posted anything online, but I used the theory from Falun Dafa literature about the human body having inborn teleportation by default. The method for activating it is by first teleporting internally between cells, which creates "faith" when there is no physical connection for the concept. After this comes teleportation of material between organs, then after that you move it outside to teleport things outside of the body. So I focused on replacing the material in the body with ethereal matter and teleporting the substances out into nature to be returned that way until I felt I was done.

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 23:13 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5899 del
>but the issue is that the force is 'formless and ineffable'.
Forgot to mention. In the beginning when I was dealing with entities they just "ate" some random thing. Like they were eating popcorn or smoking something from a pipe while I was talking to them. That was how they "transmuted" the "solid thought materia" into a new form and gave it back via communication or other forms of interaction. Then I learned to refine that energy into the highest form of formlessness so if I "summon" an entity that force can instantly turn into "intent" and as the entity "touches it" it can given back as an "answer" of sorts. With that I was able to realize "spirit forms" several types of "holy spirit" that can be "primed" but not like lower servitors or spellforms because that is like craving a rock with your mind while this is like a "supermateria" that waits for "inspiration" all the time. Like how the "formless (un)creation" waited God to "appear" or how the unfertilized egg waits for the sperm. This energy can somewhat change into other "internalized energies" but currently I am still using it to reactivate my body into the "true human form" and I have several entities guiding and protecting me so I don't fuck it up.

>So I focused on replacing the material in the body with ethereal matter
I am literally "destroying"/refining everything until it returns into it's "truth". Yes Shiva's influence is still large part of this but this is the "trick" of sorts. The problem is that I have to pace myself now. I just learned how I can literally make a new type of electricity in the brain that "cleans" the pathway in the third eye so it is not that "foggy" but sort of superreal? But I have to pace myself a lot because now I can move the "muscle" in my brain with careless intents and I cannot expect my guides to block all my misaligned impulses. At least it was long ago since I killed electronics. My phone strangely lags and goes crazy when I don't watch over my energies tho. I need to "calm down" so it stops

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 23:19 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5900 del

Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 23:55 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5901 del
>that the force is 'formless and ineffable'.
Okay I just learned that I mistranslated the word of ineffable because a saying we have in my language.

The trick is to "command" your mind to try to figure out that force no matter what and try to translate it into concepts. It will just point to a concept that is close then you disassemble that concept and remake it then that concept is still "faulty" but "closer to truth" so you remake it again then it will reach a "consensus level" in your mind. It is important because this high level of "meta-ing" activates parts and pathways in a brain and once you can feel how concepts stimulate the brain/mind-body complex you will be able to break mental blocks or at least understand the nature some things need to flow. It's important to not make "false pedestals" in our mind for concepts nor to make our mind "worship clouds". If it is a "cloud concept" then "make it rain" and "drink it" digest it make it water the plants. The highest part of our existence will need to touch the lower parts.
It will be scary sometimes because those things that lurk in the dark will be stirred into action.
The superconscious and the subconscious will need to form pathways but in a way your conscious can fully be "aware" of the movements

After writing this down I realized I just reworded this >>5898
>method for activating it is by first teleporting internally between cells, which creates "faith" when there is no physical connection for the concept
My "point" is that you can "touch" faith with... "eyes and hands made of faith" of sorts.

K it's getting late
Time to meditate on a new way of expression. It seems I am getting somewhere with this but it is still far from... Upaya?

>You are focusing too much on history instead of understanding the cosmic nature of reality
I will not forget this. Wonder whichever entity from the Promisedchan told me this tho.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 00:02 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5902 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=uPO2UIgemSM [Embed]

So I was watching this OP and thinking about what this is about, if this is a reflection of the "delete" skill I created, which instantly returns things to the void (doesn't kill them and only works if the karma can be insta-removed). In one case I used it to delete some wild beings who attacked me, then I recreated them in a friendly form, because they felt like they were just manifesting that way because of lacking choices. They had no karma yet so there was no destruction involved. I felt a bit of sadness to see them fold up and return to the void, so I looked and found that a media posted online was already prepared showing me how to recreate them into a kind of kemonos.

Anyway, I now thought about, how do you fight this guy in the anime, and I'm sure there is a way. His ability reacts to hostility, even if he is asleep, and it reacts with instant kill.

Then I saw the form of a sabre cutting in the air, and realized that's what this ability is like, and I'm looking at you. And this image is something I saw back in like 2005: I had a dream where some hero was being trained by a group to fight against demons. I was telling them to "unite all forces of good" to be able to overcome the evil, and they barely made it. What I saw was, different political groups who could take back control here and there. But the hero who was among them was an enemy attacking me. He was constantly striking at me using a sabre, but I was immortal and just used this to train him further because I needed him to unite those forces. I also felt that those "forces of good" were actually toxic and hostile to me, but I needed them to defeat the real evil which I couldn't take down easily on my own.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 00:15 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5903 del
I'm thinking now about how the tea party is really made up of a mess of horrible people, like Ted Cruz and that insane Alex Jones. There were other people who were already thrown under the bus before. It doesn't matter that Sandy Hook was indeed an entirely fake event created by CIA, that guy is horrible and will just discredit anyone telling the truth by being a retard no one should associate with.

Hamas are the Muslim Brotherhood, who were literally funded by NATO during the "Arab Spring" to bring down Mubarak in Egypt, another dictator previously supported by the USA. Now the US puppet Hamas attacked the US created Israeli state, and they are now getting funded to destroy what the USA previously built up in Gaza.

They should really all be destroyed, but somewhere in this it's necessary to help djinn take over, but the magic tradition now called Judaism should in some way also remain. So in the end it's a matter of having every faction attack each other to remove the part of the faction which is bad.

What a fucking mess. Not to mention how the Assad family in Syria destroyed the muslim brotherhood by levelling an entire city in the 80s using artillery, and no one said anything about it because muslim on muslim killing isn't relevant. Then for some reason the USA who had been friendly with him decided to start building up the muslim brotherhood to create the free syrian army, to fight the Islamic State which they themselves also created previously.

And this is why it doesn't matter who or what someone is, just use them for a better outcome.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 00:19 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5904 del
And someone now claimed on /x/ that the USA will initiate a muslim attack all over the world to rally whites for their war. As if. USA does not control djinn, and there are no white people who will fight, they are all tiktok addicted zoomers, besides they sent all their weapons to Ukraine so they can't even if they wanted to.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 00:30 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5905 del
>cloud concept
I just remembered sometimes they were "meteor concepts". They literally appeared as rocks hitting my third eye. It hurt. Had to learn how to turn them into "shooting stars" aka burn them to "nothing" because it was a sort of "energy channel" that lets the "invisible light of God" enter the 3rd eye. And for that all "visible matter" needs to gtfo from the field of view. How to burn the now visible invisible into "nothing" so other forms of less visible invisibles can become visible.

The way I experienced that was quite maddening so I completely forgot to think about the deeper implications.

>reflection of the "delete" skill I created
I don't exactly "delete" anymore but "disassemble". While in magic your goal is to "disintegrate"... "return to dust"... return whence you came from (into God) then learn to "reintegrate" with God('s help).

The reason I am "disassembling" is because I learned that there are many useful parts even in "evil" but some of their parts just got merely corrupted because the chaotic/entropic nature of current reality. So via disassembling I can "feel" the part that it needs to "return to" so it works properly or I disassemble them further into something that it is "better" as a "proper form". The reason why I am saying this because in IT "deleting" just makes the first digit in the binary into a 0 which just signals that the file group is allowed to be overwritten. Because of that it is still can be "returned into form" until it is "overwritten".
>which instantly returns things to the void
The problem with the "void" that it is not always a proper concept and sometimes you just banish them into a "subconscious layer" which means they might be able to touch things you are just not aware yet.

Also with this I am not just "deleting" but "defragmenting" also so the "proper forces" can flow more faster and naturally. Reality is quite cluttered energetically nowadays.

>His ability reacts to hostility
Oh I have that too. My "unmanifested energies" react to hostility and turn into an even "more hostile force" which will summon beings to "act" upon that inspiration of hostility.

>I also felt that those "forces of good" were actually toxic and hostile to me, but I needed them to defeat the real evil which I couldn't take down easily on my own.
You might be uniting your own archetypal aspects and egregores around you into a singular force you can influence. I am not sure. As long it gives you a meaning it is good. With that you have something tangible and you can work with that.

>fight the Islamic State which they themselves also created previously
That CIA training facility that they built up in Pakistan got out of control so hard it's unbelievable. The USA tried to thwart the Soviets and never ever thought they will partake in the middle eastern conflicts because they did not truly expect that the British/French colonialism will fall into their lap like breadcrumbs. They totally miscalculated everything in their foreign policy since WW1 because the USA was never about "longterm thinking". They are too (greed)retarded and opportunistic for that.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 00:56 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5906 del
>and I'm looking at you
At me?
>were actually toxic and hostile to me
Yeah I had to realize that you "ooze an aura" of "Infernalism" which makes you into a being that "needs"/has an attraction from hostility to manifest so the low tier energies can "fuel" your "infernal might" of sorts. And if you were talking about me yes I am "toxic" because for me "current evil" is just a force that DOES NOT FUCKING KNOW HOW GOOD IT HAS AND IF IT CONTINUES THE REAL EVIL WILL MANIFEST AND IF IT WANTS THAT PATH THEN GOOD FUCKING LUCK. THAT FORCE IS HERE BECAUSE HE WITNESSED AN END OF EXISTENCE AND SURVIVED IT. IF YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN CORRUPT EXISTENCE THEN YOU ARE MISTAKEN AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HAPPENS WHEN IT ENDS AND WHAT HAPPENS WITH THOSE WHO "REMAIN"
And yes the "forces of good" are not as perfect as I want them to be but that doesn't mean they cannot grow and help bridging a brighter future.
I am aware of my toxicity and I am working on "restraint" but it is not about limiting myself/holding back but about "not wanting to go further"

And no that "deleted existence" is not my "origin energy" it is just a "lost life" that has a "burden" that only my truly awakened form can handle. That deleted "earth" existence got "infected" via a foreign force and it is a sad story... Might write about it later. Connecting to it makes me weirdly teary. It's a weird sense of loss and grief. Even the best measures were not able to save much but kill only those that ruined things even further.

Hope I did not misunderstand too many things. It's late and just managed to reform my energies after Angel Tryppers origin energy... That interaction managed to strain my whole spine and had to learn to reintegrate myself because my energies forgot how my body "works"... Not to mention I am aware of further angelic perceptions and how Catholicism and other forms of Christianity operate and why Islam is perfect and the worst at once for Trypper

Too many things at once as usual.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 01:26 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5907 del
If I'm not mixing things up, Angel Trypper came directly from the astral and has no past lives as a human. We found that when using the Elysian crystal early on. So his/her connection to the physical is really short.

Also just before there was an attack aimed at me of the lethal energy type. Not physical like when they actually tried to shoot me, which activated the "slime girl" vampire incarnation by serving as the NDE. And the kitsune kami had that galactic destruction even where a lot of souls and timelines were whiped 2 months ago synced with it's NDE.

What was it this time? Which of the different bodies was relevant enough to count as a full incarnation? I moved my remaining karma to the drow form with the help of an Empusa pulling me using her immense gravity as the counter weight. But drow don't have physical bodies, so I've tried a number of different CyBorn DNA forms which correspond to different layers of myself. Most of them move very quickly into the astral, so which one was it? It has to be the one on the surface now, right? Weird. I already went through all kinds, one of them became "grey certified" and they made me a suit for it, "the gardener of time", an odd character which allows you to work on timelines as if they are plants.

But if it's the one I'm wearing now, which is likely, now that's weird. I didn't know what to do to move forward so I made the most provokative party character possible with extra everything, same for the suit and the ship, because every DNA form should have those made.

I'm not even going to say what it is. Only that it won't change anything directly on the surface because the transformed milk white body added outside on every form will ensure it's the same human form still down here.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 01:31 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5908 del
I keep wondering if the Russians up there will be upset about the new forms I create if they're too extreme, or how things even look from the other side. Oftentimes things adapt to your own conceptual world so it looks less problematic, but I wonder how far that can be abused. Not like morality would be an issue, oftentimes the things I think are too much are exactly what they prefer. I think someone just used the ship module, so that much had to be ok. It's just that egregore of the place, maybe it's naturally scary in some way or I'm just not still used to it. The witches are really strict.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 09:32 Id: d61cb9 [Preview] No.5909 del
Trypper here.

Yes, astute observation of yours regarding my relation to Islam. It's like Islam can't contain me in full, yet the parts of it that do contain me is great.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 11:39 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5910 del
I was going to say "obviously because angels aren't djinn". But then djinn showed me a very multi-faceted djinn with many shapes, saying "are you sure?" so I guess maybe it's a cultivation matter if you would be "a djinn with an angel form" rather than being an angel who practices Islam.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 19:48 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5911 del
>has no past lives as a human
It feels that way. As I look at his case I always feel that she has tremendous power and intellect but minimal know-how towards human existence and to be able to give an advice I have to understand her "level" which is too high and too low at once and she has absolutely hard time communicating between the levels "effortlessly".

>connection to the physical is really short
It's sorta "educational" for her but the point is she needs to... Well not exactly "learn" like we humans do but do some "scholarly work" which is like "learning" but... It is like expecting a toddler to write a Phd of sorts and the worst part the toddler has the brain and the knowledge to do so but cannot move her hands so all the "knowledge" can take form in a material which is sufficient for a Phd... Not to mention getting a Phd is usually "academic politics/drama" and not just actual scholarly work so "being smart" is not always enough to get a paper which grants a title that you are "smart certificate". If this example did not make sense then no worries. The whole case is even more complicated.

>What was it this time?
Good question... Too many things are happening at once and I cannot pinpoint the causes either. The current cleansing that is going around goes in all directions.

>"the gardener of time", an odd character which allows you to work on timelines as if they are plants.
They are sorta like plants tho. Not the green kinds. We will talk about this later for sure. It seems my mind just figured out that the concept of "plants" is something we use "too freely" in spirituality and describing everything with plants is okay but if everything a plant then what is an actual plant that we and the animals eat? Whatever my mind is recompiling informational structures. It seems I am creating a "genus of the plants" higher concept so I can differentiate between all the spiritual "Plant" concepts. A timeline is more akin to a "root" only kind of plant because it has no need for "leaves" for "photosynthesis" but there are other sources that can be considered as an "edible light source" which it uses as an intake but...
This is the problem. This is the problem when "Human arrogance" decides it's time to actually "know" something instead of just let it be a supernatural intuitive force that governs everything... And the worst part? This is what "human potential" is supposed to be about. If you can reach that stage go for it don't hold back just know how dangerous the path of "knowing" is.
>Oftentimes things adapt to your own conceptual world so it looks less problematic
Usually it is impossible to comprehend everything or just ruins the interaction with trivialities so it is better if it's ignored/adapted. They are not there to cherry pick a weird supernatural force. It's weird by default and being differently weird does not always register... I just had a deja vu while typing this.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 19:49 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5912 del
>astute observation of yours
Thx for the feedback. I am retuning the way I handle my sight and my "Insights" and sometimes wondering how off the mark I am or if am I the only one who sees things this way.
>It's like Islam can't contain me in full
It's still an "Incomplete" religion and it will need several prophets to reach the next stages and I don't know how it will play out. The problem with "conqueror religions" that spread via conquest that it becomes about politics and authority instead of the flow of insights and development which puts it into a sort of hibernation until a proper person reawakens it to it's original purpose. I literally seen the aspects and rituals in minor glimpses that can and do help you while the other parts that are somewhat "Missing" because Islam somewhat contains it but it is "Buried deep". Islam gobbled up several cults and religions and with that it overtook their authority in a way and buried them in an another and unearthing it "in a way" that it counts that "it was always part of Islam" and not "just my headcanon that I came up with so I can challenge all sorts of authority that resides here lol" is hard.

>"obviously because angels aren't djinn"
It's like saying
>the Finnish aren't white
Drawing the line where "djinn" or "angels" start and end is hard because even their "range of operation" changed as the ages and cultures went by. There are too many "heavens" and if I was a real folklorist I might be able to tell the difference between the "flavors" but via functionality they share quite a lot and even djinn and angels differ quite a lot between their "own kind". There is a reason why we have different realms for angelic kingdoms and such. But srsly talking about is harder than deciding if the Spanish are white people or not. If you state anything as an "axiom" you get an instant reply as
>implying implications
>an angel who practices Islam
I would say Islam is developing (further) the form that will result in proper "Angelcraft" or Angel-ology of sorts. Skipping the angels is never a good idea. While they mostly don't give too many shits about lesser existences sometimes there are things they cannot ignore.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 19:58 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5913 del
Nothing much has happened this week so that I can recall, but I have been extra tired lately, falling asleep 2-3 times during the day, even I sleep early. That aside... Last night I was in that body again, galloping across open field on a horse. The body feels more and more like it's my real/natural/original one. I also remember having to deal with dragons and other manner of creature like I was playing elden ring again or something. I saw another who looked like and I spoke with her, I had to push her out of the way so she didn't get hurt by a random attacker. Strange stuff... It's probably a sign of something upcoming

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 20:14 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5914 del
>t the concept of "plants" is something we use "too freely" in spirituality and describing everything with plants is okay but if everything a plant then what is an actual plant that we and the animals eat?
Don't think so much about it. Plants are mind waves, flowers are too and birds as well, and in the end all beings are "intent forms". A timeline tree is a kind of thought form across time or existing in 4D. Same for the starfish of cities which grow from a center and stretch out along many roads. It's just that the starfish is also visible on a map, it's a 4D image representation of time, a relic of time.

The reason Yuuka has dry leaves whirling around her when she activates her magic is because leaves are "trends". They become popular, grow out along a tree structure, then dry up and leave a skeleton form, the dry leaf. It's something often used by elites because dry leaves cannot grow any more. You control the stem and the branches, then you release "leaves" in society. These are social movements which live "one season" only. That is one meaning of the leaves appearing around Yuuka. It indicates her ability to create social movements, and may be the reason why she became the patron of the Sunflower. We are such a leaf.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 20:19 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5915 del
(10.85 KB 497x450 leaf in 4D.png)
I realize the image in my mind is perhaps not visible to others, so here is a example.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 20:38 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5916 del
>Plants are mind waves, flowers are too and birds as well

Yes everything is a "wave" everything is "energy" everything is God sure that is good but I am understanding the mechanics I am using them so even if I don't "think about it" or "understand it" then they will die and the renewal process will not start. Humanity devolved that power and it takes effort to reawaken it.

>Same for the starfish of cities which grow from a center and stretch out along many roads
You have the "modern city" approach. It was different in the city state era



Yeah cool my laptop force shut down itself while I was in my writing because I managed to connect too many concepts at once in a passionate writer's heat. sad_pikachu.face
Half my post is lost but it's not important now. This "timelinemancy" is using energies that I have to understand better instead of merging all energies and putting it into my mind like it is a meatgrinder and if something gets "stuck" I just give it more energy to process that information. I need to overcome this.
We will interpret this and the nature of Yuuka and reality later. Grey "technology" and earth magic has a tendency to overload each other. And current tech we use is a cheap grey tech knockoff. Not always compatible and very prone for short circuiting.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 20:50 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5917 del
>I have been extra tired lately, falling asleep 2-3 times during the day, even I sleep early

Try to find the cause try to "feel" what "drains" or uses that energy of yours. You might be able to find an energy block of sorts

>I also remember having to deal with dragons and other manner of creature like I was playing elden ring again or something
I too was killing stuff in dreams some days ago. Probably part of the cleansing we have on earth nowadays.
>saw another who looked like and I spoke with her
Looked like Arturia?
Do you remember what she said?
>I had to push her out of the way so she didn't get hurt by a random attacker
It seems your protective protocols are activating. This is something I never did in dreams. Pushing away others to protect them from attackers. It seems for you this is a built in function that you are awakening. Companion weapon souls are "protectors". Protecting your own life and your "master's".
>Strange stuff
>It's probably a sign of something upcoming
I mean lot of things are happening so if you feel that this is a premonition then maybe explore that idea/feeling.

Also are you tired of "Lack of energy" or somewhat "demotivated" because your earthly desires don't fuel you that much or you are just drawn toward the bed. drawn towards sleeping. "Dream yoga" is also important if you are unable to do it while awake.

Also my energies are a mess now so no clean reading from me until they calm the fuck down.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:16 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5918 del
>Try to find the cause try to "feel" what "drains" or uses that energy of yours. You might be able to find an energy block of sorts
yeah, that might be it. Because even for times i stay up late as fuck i never sleep this much during the day.

>Looked like Arturia?
Mhmm, we both had the body of artoria lancer. Lately ive been seeing myself more in her as my real body than doll one or anything else. so i think you were right about it being my original one or something to that effect
>Do you remember what she said?
Unfortunately no, i think she mentioned something about a shop but when attack happened i had to nudge her and her horse away with my spear (they didnt get hurt or anything), she got somewhat hostile but after a few seconds she calmed down after comprehending what had happened

>Also are you tired of "Lack of energy" or somewhat "demotivated" because your earthly desires don't fuel you that much or you are just drawn toward the bed. drawn towards sleeping. "Dream yoga" is also important if you are unable to do it while awake.
dream yoga?

>Also my energies are a mess now so no clean reading from me until they calm the fuck down.
no worries

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:25 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5919 del
>dream yoga?

The TL;DR is that you do magic in your dream that changes you or your concepts or reality around you because you are unable to do it in a meditative trance state at will so it needs to happen in the only place that is close to the otherside which are dreams. In dreams everything is possible so in the physical where only limited things are possible the only way is via dreams. It will change once you understand how you can alter and connect different parts of reality. This is why I tell you a lot to talk to your sisters and other beings during daytime or when you are alone. That will connect the worlds and your psyche.

Tibetan/Buddhist dream yoga is srs bsns about many important spiritual arts and how you can realize them and I am no master of that yet.

In the beginning I was meditating around my bed and I had to start doing it in an another room so the energies that I was working with during meditation did not enter my dream space that much because too many weird stuff happened. Never underestimate Feng Shui.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:31 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5920 del
I'm talking about the huge and scary perspective of the yokais here. That their small items are actually 4-dimensional representations of entire societies or social phenomena involving 1000s or millions of people. But they still are just small magic artifacts, because regular human's value are only in leaving traces like this on the landscape, or on the canvas of time.

So when you ask if plants can be eaten, I say it's the same thing, because a real yokai of the kami standard can cook and eat an entire timeline structure as if it was a vegetable, and they don't really see the difference. Our plants also grow 4-dimensionally across time, see? Their shape tells of how they grew, so they are also 4D artifacts, and we eat them.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:40 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5921 del
>This is why I tell you a lot to talk to your sisters and other beings during daytime or when you are alone. That will connect the worlds and your psyche.

Oh and what I meant is that there might be a chance that some entity is calling you to "dream" so you "work with them" because you are not willing to go there on your own.
Like did you try to imagine the island the girls gave a perfume for you and try to mentally walk and talk there? This is what I am meaning by this. You need to start to think to learn with the otherside on your own.
I know it takes time to make it into a habit because "realizing" that the "idea" how much you like magic and such that came from a computer screen are much more real now and "real things are boring" so you will have to cross this mental barrier of sorts.

Yuuka gave me a reply while calming down my energies.
>You are focusing too much on the branches and roots of life while we can only use the leaves. You crave eternity while we crave the cycles of change and now these ideas connected for you.

Am calming down because I got the "heart of serenity" yesterday and it is a force about that "peace" I was talking about I am looking for. Peace cannot be forced it can only be achieved so I need to learn how to "awaken the higher forms" because it is not about calmness and other things but it is a supreme energy formation that is the base requirement for spells and my entire being needs to internalize it. There are constructs/truths you can only build in peace.

While you could say it is just a "mindwave" it is about calming down or "up" all my mindwaves that exist across my entire being of sorts so the higher mindwaves can come through undisturbed.

I need to reach a stage so I can convey messages properly again. I would say I overextended myself but truth is I just reached the next level of necessary expansion.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:59 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5922 del
Okay so it seems "peace" has a meaning which is "lack of war" while "serenity" is a little more advanced concept

>Word Origin
>late Middle English: from Old French serenite, from Latin serenitas, from serenus ‘clear, fair’ (see serene).

I think I am starting to see why this is the gateway towards enlightenment. This is the way to use my psychic potential as a power and not a force that just generates anomalies based on my feelings.

This will result in a new way of thinking because I will let go the way I "provoke" my energies and my mind into action because I will not need it anymore. The proper way will be retained because it was never lost I just never felt the need to use it...

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 22:03 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5923 del
I have been talking or atleast attempting to connect with them during the day and it has been helping a bit but I think I still might have a block I have to eventually need to get rid that's jamming communications so to speak.

I have imagined things about the girl with the perfume and the island. They won't leave my mind, even if for whatever reason I wanted to get rid of these memories/thoughts/etc. even encounters from years ago I still remember and can visualize

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 22:44 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5924 del
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>the Promisedchan
It used to be daijoubu/bun/ sometime back in 2017, then it didn't exist. I kept looking to see where the energy would emerge again. It's now in the weirdest place.

"Namechanger anon" in these threads mentioned having a dream of an imageboard where the entire catalog was filled with nonsense... its egregore even does that, slipping into people's minds. Kohlchan/int/ did what with me before I found it, weird memetic vocabulary appeared and I didn't know what it meant. Now I do.

Let's see if the spoiler works. Most active board right now? and it's all nonsense.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 22:49 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5925 del
Didn't expect to see Mr. K here. That guy regularly causes issues in another small textboard I frequent.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 22:54 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5926 del
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>Most active board
Well of course that was not technically right, but considering its irrelevant size.

Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 23:44 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5927 del
>Also don't forget it is your "brain" that makes the images and not your eyes. And you are not seeing "matter" but the "light bouncing off from it" which is "energy". So something that is made from matter is visible because of energy and the brain that is also matter which operates via energy makes an image that resembles reality?
I suppose the issue is, what is the actual difference between 'physical reality' and 'astral reality'? Is one 'more real' or 'more dense' or 'slower' and that's it? Or is the difference entirely in the vessel you're viewing it through? I feel like the 'baseline sight' being entirely physical might be causing issues. I can view the astral through the 'imagination' but unless I'm in deep trance or dreaming the physical is still paramount. I'm a bit jealous of people who have hallucinations, I feel like it would be so much easier to test the relationships between astral and physical events if you could just see those events plainly instead of having to stop and meditate and then try and discern whether what you're seeing is external or just some internal daydream. Maybe this is just a matter of needing to do more training. But even discarding the clarity issues, sometimes astral actions have an immediate and overt effect on physicality and other times nothing really happens. And I'm realizing that saying 'nothing really happens' is putting the basis of efficacy of astral dynamism on its physical reflection which may itself be causing problems, decreasing faith in spirit actions and considering them unreal if not evinced through matter etc. But then again can you really call it magic if its not manifesting physically? Or is it just psychology then?

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 00:01 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5929 del
>having to stop and meditate
If I need to work on something I lie down and close my eyes, but for everyday stuff it's no more than thinking/talking to myself. It helps to word things with the lips when commanding abilities, I always do that unless it's some routine thing. Don't focus on trying to use the 3rd eye of the body, it's just an organ and you have to learn how to use it as with anything physical. It's much easier to create an empty visualization space in your mind and let the images appear there. And you don't need all that great ability, as long as you can channel the incoming images without interfering with them. I've said before that my ability to visualize things is very rudimentary, on that scale with the apple, I just have the monochrome drawing. Instead of trying to do that in colour and details, I word it step by step as commands, like using the command line on a computer. Then I use servitors which keep track of the "data" and I have them return the image to me, which I then channel. So I don't actively create it. It's much more effortless and effective to channel things, it requires no focus.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 10:46 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5930 del
Last night again I noticed some kind of attack, traced it and found a network of satellites and antennas along with fanatical glowies. I sent Raid(s) to take them out, then felt aliens involved so I traced them too. They had white energy bodies and worked in offices, I told them to stop or else. They said they had been forced to work for the NWO. I said I had removed those and that they should stop. They realized it was true and came over to my side. They use a technology which writes programs on people's energy, which are active for a long time after the information was transmitted. The NWO had been using it to kill people by giving them heart attacks among other things (doesn't work if you're undead, but the program still runs). I researched their technology and found it to be completely "software based" with no hardware, all programs are written "grey style" on objects, including bodies, they don't use devices.

I created a reinforced core model of this method to block any further installs of such program on my body (there were several, not sure what they did). I fell asleep again and had a dream where a black cat (which btw there have been multiple in my family so it's not a strange of an image) was sitting outside the food storage door. I let the cat in and saw nothing in there, but in one second the cat had caught a "ghost rat" which was invisible. The cat dropped the rat on the floor, I told it, "don't let it get away". Then I heard 3 loud growls and woke up (monster growls from the rat).

After this followed another attack, this time by only "nude" psychics, very fanatical and extreme. The first group I took out violently to make them stop. I created a program using this alien method to test its capabilities, I call this the [Wasp Queen]. I also had to burn and recreate several layers of my surface astral body which had been too damaged during the attack, so they were very violent. That's the first time that has been needed.

I then traced the remaining groups and instead of going for the glowies, I targeted their employer directly and took them out. That was enough to make them call off any hostility. They've now joined Coven.

After waking up I opened the door and looked outside, the snow covered landscape had a strong pink energy which has never been there before, and there was white virtue floating in.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 10:52 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5931 del
For context, they damaged something like 7 layers (I didn't count). The human body has over 200.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 19:17 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5932 del
Small update: I was taken to the island again and it was nightfall. No sign of boats or shipsnpile before, it's seemingly one way - no exit type deal unless they choose to release someone. This time the girls took me deeper inside the island and it was small settlements and villages. They sent me over to someone who liked or actually was astolfo to have me "reacquainted with being a female" and to purify me again.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 19:40 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5933 del
>what is the actual difference between 'physical reality' and 'astral reality'?
The elements. Go outside naked and feel the wind on your skin make a campfire and burn your hand let your whole body soak in the rain and don't try to run from the rain into a shelter feel it. Be underwater and feel the water on your body and notice the moments you almost suffocate because you are out of breath. Try to feel the last moments when it is still comfortable and only emerge when your flight response tells you to hurry out you will drown. The reason why I am saying these "basic" examples because once these things are "felt" on our skin an automatic reflex will trigger in your brain and you will just flee into a "safety zone". Because of that most experiences are just "meager concepts" in the brain and not the "real thing". And because of that you might not able to feel things as "real" as they are. This is the problem with senses and with qualia. On the astral these elements also exist but they are "not the same". The flame made from firewood made from oil or gas or electric fire is also not the same but they are all flames so you can categorize them as such but once the quality of the flame is important for a process the differences count. So as long the differences are not important they will not register their "true depth".
>and that's it?
If I had to put into words what is the "astral" I have no idea where would I even start. There are higher and lower astral realms and some of them are totally not connected at all which means they are "not on the same astral" at all. As I move forward I have to review a bunch of concepts that were a sort of "solved agreed upon concepts" axiom tier definitions in spiritual then I have to look at the author who came up with that concept because I realize I don't see the same thing at all and not always because my lack of ability but because it is more complicated than that short definition via we learned it. I realized how I can scan the "abilities" of the authors so I can get "close" to the "Image" they had while writing their teachings but that skill just reminds me that I should hone my own innate abilities because every ability has an internal "wiring" and if I detach from my own wiring too much for the sole purpose of imitating others "I lose my touch" of sorts.
I somewhat looked into you and your problem is your "concepts". You need to understand how they limit you because you are "tensing"/stressing too much upon them. While your conceptual understanding is very proper it actually limits the flow your mind comprehends things. Might elaborate on this later because now I am kinda bad at reading people. Realized a bunch of new abilities and I need to get used to them
>I'm a bit jealous of people who have hallucinations
Don't. Sometimes they are as annoying as leg cramps while swimming. Not all of them are the cool and nice prophetic ones but the paranoid schizo retardations. I blame the shitty energies of industrial society for that. Luckily they are also can be handled. For me it is like opening a "tap" and they come through otherwise they are not allowed to bother me.
>if you could just see those events plainly
Yes and also no...
If you have no control over it then you are fucked. Some people get overwhelmed easily and have no way handling it. You have to understand how you can open and close that "tap" of otherworldly information or you might be in a (not that) fun ride. It is like erections in puberty tbh. They are that easy to control imho. And for some people it is very hard to control for some reason.
>putting the basis of efficacy of astral dynamism on its physical reflection which may itself be causing problems, decreasing faith in spirit actions and considering them unreal if not evinced through matter etc.
You see it well and this is why I have a hard time figuring out what advice I should give you. Your mental framework is good and because of that it's harder to find what is not "clicking" for you.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 19:41 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5934 del
>can you really call it magic if its not manifesting physically?
"Physically manifesting magic" is "lower magic". That type of magic was always forbidden by most religions because most people usually fucked it up and then had to summon some priest/magician to fix the problems it caused. And lower magic as much it looks like the "real magic" is just a "party trick". There are dimensions and "fuel cells" that need to replenish so you can use "lower magic" and for that the concepts that you have to work with are in the realm in the "higher magic". This is why these "lower magic" abilities are not recommended until you understand the whole thing aka reach enlightenment. It is literally gun safety. Until you don't know how to safely handle one it's better to not have it. Some chaotic spirits are easy to get in touch with but there is a high chance you will shoot your foot with them while higher spirits only work with you if your intentions are pure and earnest. The reason for that is not some wish washy morality but because the level of thought control you need to "hold" that power. If you cannot control yourself then how do you plan to control things "beyond" yourself.
>Or is it just psychology then?
Yes like how rocket science is about burning water. It is psychology but humanity have no understanding on the full scope of what is the "psyche" so if you use the meager concepts of the human (((science))) psychology which works constantly to discredit the higher abilities of the psyche then you already entrapped yourself conceptually without realizing.

>It helps to word things with the lips when commanding
For me if I have to use my mouth and my voice for a spell then it is a PROCLAMATION and when I do that I am extremely mad about something. I have to watch to not think in mantras already. Had to learn how to think so they don't have an effect and what thoughts are my "own" and what thoughts are like "entertained influences" in my mind. It is really important to find and understand our modus operandi/style. Also I usually don't "create" spells just look at the state of the egregores notice why is it "so bad" remove the retarded influences increase the proper ones or those that I prefer (I will not think for a second that my preferences are always the perfect one. I am not that self righteous) Ask around other parties that have any interest in this matter and if I feel no resistance towards my goal and an image of a "better future" appears then I let it go to do it's thing. Not to mention there are times when I want to do something and a spirit appears and does it for me because I "deserve it" or something. It's weird. Once you get the hang of things they get easy. But that doesn't mean everything is easy. There are higher level problems that need more consideration and a "better touch" that I have to realize I don't have the ability to solve as perfectly as I want it so I don't mess with it until I know I am ready.
>then channel
And sometimes I too just channel higher forms of spells because there is no need for me to cast them by myself because that is not "important" for me yet so an another entity does it so I can walk my path and only do it by myself when it comes naturally. Because at that level it is not even "casting" but just a mere expression of "true intent"

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 20:26 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5935 del
>it's seemingly one way - no exit type deal
The "sea" is still there. While that is a "boundary" it doesn't meant you cannot leave it but... maybe the point is for you to understand you cannot leave that place anymore... I am not saying it in a nefarious way but you need to understand you are there because you are only on the "shores" yet and the "truth" lies in the deeper parts that you need to see no matter what.

>They sent me over to someone who liked or actually was astolfo to have me "reacquainted with being a female" and to purify me again.
Astolfo is a male that dresses girly but not gay nor trans nor anything. This is important because people/trannies/retards managed to make up some retardation if you are a boy you must like only "boy things" and if you dare to touch a "girl thing" then they are actually a girl that needs hormone therapy asap so she can be her true self...
That boy touched the barbie girl to look under her skirt or maybe serve as an additional giant soldier in his GIJoe army but nope he touched one and now he might be confused with his own gender In kindergarten we raced with the boys who can go faster with the baby carts without the doll falling out because the other toys were occupied. And because of that the kindergartner after the day was over instantly told my parents how I definitely require dolls and other stuff because I like them so much... AND THIS WAS IN THE 90S WHEN FAGGOTRY WAS SOMETHING EVERYONE FOUND ICKY FFS Good thing my parents discarded these. Mom was real mad when they tried to convince I am left handed because I am just somewhat ambidextrous and usually use both of my hands but in like 60% I am right handed. Was weird for me realizing some people are unable to use both of their hands??? Wtf

What I wanted to say with this you will have to get in touch with both of your male and female aspects. Realizing how the female is within the male and vice versa.

Just 2 days ago I got an energy... It was the energy of "complete sexuality". The OG human sexuality when we were not "divided into sexes". The problem with the "current human sexuality" is that it can never be fulfilled. The best you can do is find someone who is somewhat compatible with your sexuality but it will never be complete. Something will always be amiss something will not connect properly something will be always wrong. And that is creating an awful amount of "inherent suffering".
It was weird in the past months.
>Finally learn an internal yoga movement that moves muscles deep within the body
>feel the energetic release connect to the feeling and let that muscle into it's proper form
>realize that the proper feeling was an extremely passionate loving relationship after sex feeling
>get the tfw no gf feeling
>think about getting a gf
>realize what I always realize that the only reason why I am alone is because I don't want a gf
>realize that the reason why I am not in a relationship because that would extremely disturb the way I can focus on my path
>realize I have ways I can get compatible gf's with my "psychic homing" ability but if I want extremely complicated gfs I could get one from an astral... they like me too much already
>realize the reason why I am not doing that because this "attraction" is just a built in human genetic thing and not my desire so once I "get my rocks off" and it's gone I would think about walking the path again instead of enjoying the relationship

And now this whole dilemma that wasted my mental resources so my energies don't go into a "female seeking" overdrive is finally solved. That doesn't mean I am asexual but finally have a proper handle on the polarities. Especially how "lust" was able to literally blind me b4 this. It literally fogged up my vision because it fucked up the energy flow.

The reason why I wrote down this rant so I can show how these sexual dynamics are not always simple and they must be not ignored especially as long as we are in a human flesh and blood body.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 20:28 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5936 del
>reacquainted with being a female
Also that too. Current females are not exactly the same female form you had when you first arrived into this existence so you will need to understand what is "real femininity". Because it is sure as hell not about being a whore and wasting half your income on beauty products like for some reason the "vapid cunts" make you think what is a woman about... be they biologically male or female...
When I connected to my female lives I managed to hate "current women" even more. These spoiled bitches were always a bane of civilization without realizing. Made me realize my male psyche has a far more "ideal" view on women than my female past life influenced one.
Proper women hate whores like you wouldn't believe. But I will not write a rant down from her own point of view. Don't expect a nun like whores especially after Jean d'Arc fell in love with some soldier on the campaign she broke the whole divine channeling and almost thwarted the whole counter offensive. Women I swear.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 20:40 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5938 del
I see.. well I'll keep exploring

I had something similar growing up, I used to be ambidextrous and when I had some social/disability worker helping me with things when I was a young kid she fucked up my hands up and I couldn't write with both anymore and forcibly made me into a right handed person, my ability to write is permanently fucked. I think I can still write with both hands but my ability write was so permanently fucked over by that it's not worth it, tue only time my writing is borderlone legible is if I write in cursive since my teachers back in primary school (especially 7th and 8th) FORCED us to write in cursive and refused to accept any work that was in non cursive WHATSOEVER

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 20:44 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5939 del
Another thing I forgot to mention is; remember that thing I mentioned about my grandmother unknowingly referring to me as a girl in some form? It happened again a few times these past few weeks, it's really weird because in a conversation she "mother and daughter" and called me she/her a few times too. I called it out and she genuinely wasn't aware she was doing. Normally I wouldn't care but I was admittedly a bit cranky waking up earlier than I wanted to

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:04 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5940 del
>the kindergartner after the day was over instantly told my parents how I definitely require dolls
Weird. This was late 80s but I had girl dolls, some inherited from some relative and some stuffed ragdolls, brought one of them with me to Christian pre-school. No one ever said anything about that. Then my sister used them when I was done with them. She also included my Ninja Turtles action figures and played family with them. Oh well.

Seems I completely missed out on the madness.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:21 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5941 del
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>and she genuinely wasn't aware she was doing.
Watch over with this. Your "powerfield" is getting stronger so people won't notice it but your influence will somewhat overwrite/mess with their preexisting thinking patterns. Sometimes let it go. Understand that sometimes your influence is the "fault" at there.
I am saying this because when I am bad with handling my energies while talking to people they also make minor mistakes like this around me.

Realities are merging for you. These things will happen. I am not saying that "get used to it" but try to understand it. Observe it.

>I was admittedly a bit cranky waking up earlier than I wanted to

Also the gendering in english is weird and trannies make it even weirder so people mixing it up will be less uncommon as the egregore does not know how to handle it. Be glad you don't speak german/french where every object has a "gender". You can only understand that once you connect to the language egregore
>Ah yes yes this table is truly masculine you can SEE it
It only makes sense after you connect to the egregore I swear. Fucking germanic autism I swear. AND THE FRENCH IS EVEN WORSE. THEY ARE LIKE WOOZY WOMEN WHILE GERMANS ARE LIKE AN AUTISTIC GRANDPA. Thank fuck the French lost global dominance so we don't need to learn to speak that shit.

Btw cursive is more powerful magically but there is no need for you to use it. You are not about making "Physical" spells anyway. In my country cursive was the default so we did not have any other way to write. That Niggers can't read cursive meme on pol always surprises me. I cannot even imagine what american education might be especially around ghettos and then articles come up cheering how illiterate people just earned degrees celebrating it. I cannot imagine sometimes the full scope of the USA experience. We had to listen how we are the underdeveloped dumb poor eastern europeans that know nothing of the world then the pinnacle of the West just does stuff like this like this is completely normal. The reason why I mentioned this because sometimes I have to realize how I am unable to relate to some levels of differences

>Seems I completely missed out on the madness.
I remember more than a decade ago people claiming how the Nordic countries are literal paradise on earth and
>we can't have these good things in this country because *insert retarded self defeatist excuses here*

I was always mad about these people. Always wanting to go to a "better place"/country instead of improving the one they inhabit. Good thing these leeches either left the country or faced an extremely harsh reality check. And magically things started to improve. Thank fuck for Brexit. Half the brain drain came home. It's ridiculous how much migration can hurt countries on many levels and not just the countries that get "invaded" but those that lose the able minded and the able bodied workforce also.
Okay enough politics for today. The egregores are changing already. No need to rant further on the physical. Not on this board at least.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:25 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5942 del
>Sometimes let it go
And sometimes don't... People getting demented and crazy just because they can't handle some extra energies is still not okay. Calling them out sometimes "grounds them".

But don't worry. You will get the hang of it.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:36 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5943 del
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>Calling them out sometimes "grounds them".
The better word is maybe *snaps them out of it*

Damm this conceptual rewiring I am going through is truly making me care about the weirdest details.

Not to mention I figured out that I know latin but not exactly the "scientific latin" but the one I spoke back then which was the post Roman collapse with a bunch of accents and such and because that is a large part of the european language/conceptual understanding egregore I need to slowly retain it. Slowly is the keyword btw. Sloooooooooowly. It's not like I have anyone I can talk latin outside of their scientific field anyways. I should stop being etymology sexual tbh. It's a weird nerd fetish. Shame it gives such a high amount of magical power once you understand the root of concepts. Guess it cannot be helped. Even Japs are gay for it.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:47 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5944 del
>More powerful magically

Idk if them forcing us to learn it was a blessing disguise but it's so weird seeing people here not be able to read cursive? Like I'd understand if it was a certain style of writing /cursive font since I get tripped up at times too but damn. It's so strange

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:50 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5945 del
That was easily solved in my country by importing (no idea if true) a gender neutral word from Finland. It's now being used fairly regularly but mostly in speech, but it was mocked so much that it had an ironic touch added to it. Anyone using it will seem to be using it ironically, no matter their intent, because it's been added to the context of the word. Still the neutralists can't really say anything about it.
I also like how we can always refer to India as a forerunner in this field since they have a 3rd legal gender since long, based on some 2000 year tradition of trap dancers(?) and Iran which because of its hard Islamic ideology promotes gender surgery as a way to fix gays. It's always a good mindfuck to see headlines like:
Iran pushes gays to transition
or feminists being officially obliterated as trans-phobic. Accelerationism works. If it doesn't work, you just didn't accelerate enough.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 22:00 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5946 del
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The Promised Chan egregore just solidified astrally. That was weird seeing. It's now a collective form, eternal (?) because of its quick memetics. KC makes memes out of everything but not at this speed. Unique memes with image macro made within 90 seconds of the original post and there is now a natural protection which prevents easy sharing of it. Real Illuminati feel on some of this, but I'm suspecting it's actually run by FSB.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 22:15 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.5947 del
Thanks for the in-depth response.
This feels right.
Back when I started with IIH 6 years ago I ran into issues with the elemental work where invoking elements would cause very strong mental effects but none of the physical effects that Bardon talks about. Invoking water would make me extremely depressed to the point of suicidal thoughts while fire would be invigorating. Which was interesting, but since I wasn’t seeing any of the physical effects I concluded that ‘elemental energy’ was just what Bardon calls ‘vital energy’ (which I think may be similar to the while fluid energy I work with now), but just programmed with intent related to the meaning of the element. So, not really a separate force but just a different intent behind the same force.
Now that I’m looking back at it now though the issue may have been that I was regarding the elements as purely symbolic for more ethereal forces, fire=active/expansion, water=passive/retraction, air=change/movement etc. So maybe by assigning subtle symbolic meanings rather than literal physical meanings I was in consequence evoking a subtle symbolic intent which would not be conducive to literal physical manifestations? I haven’t thought of opening resonance with the elements by overwhelming the physical body with the actual literal substance corresponding to the element before. I’ll try this.

>While your conceptual understanding is very proper it actually limits the flow your mind comprehends things.
Yes… part of this is I feel a need to 100% understand how a thing works before putting it into practice, because if I don’t then it won’t be replicable and if it’s not replicable then it’s not real practice, it’s just random phenomena, and it’s useless for ‘real development’. In fact now that I’m looking at it closely I tend to get a surge of ‘panic’ I suppose when I’m doing a working and I realize that I can’t explain in words why and how I should be able to get results from this. And this tends to forcibly kick me out of the necessary state of mind.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 22:20 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5948 del
You can write with intent and burn it or turn it into a talisman and that casts a spell. It's for people who need some extra anchoring from their visualizations of sorts.

>That was easily solved in my country by importing (no idea if true) a gender neutral word from Finland.

Ohkay now as usual it seems I am the "weird" one because my country simply does not have gendered words in language. We don't think there is a need to make sure to "imply" the gender who we are talking about. For some reason this autism did not touch the mentality of my ancestors. Good to be indo-european I guess. I mean it's weird for me that I have to keep in my mind what "gender" I am talking to so my mind does not mix up the he/she/it. Srsly this whole thing is so simple but for some reason the whole world seems the necessity to overcomplicate it.

I will make a deep dive once and figure out the "source" of this "gendered thinking".
>based on some 2000 year tradition of trap dancers
They always had eunuchs. Who watches over your harem palace otherwise. But it seems they cared to give them a gender. Probably had a god that tried to teach them how to unify their sexuality and they managed to interpret how they need to cut their genitals. Many such cases

>feminists being officially obliterated as trans-phobic
I love how trannies are the only force that can and will destroy feminism.
>Accelerationism works. If it doesn't work, you just didn't accelerate enough.
True. It will either crash or everyone who cannot keep the pace will fall off. Reaching the full circle without crashing is also fun.

Wtf... I mean for me it was like a sort of dark place with corridors and trash. The "chan egregore complex" where I usually wander in in dreams and wake up in it when it is interesting enough. I usually just make it cleanse itself. It's rare when I find something interesting enough so I am willing to interact. I am cleansing it because I will not let that "free speech" die because glow tards and normies. So for me the "promised-chan" was not in the "heavenly state" yet. It's either a fast moving place of information. Ultra schizo memetic idea plane or some fetishes. For me it was always solid but I am expecting it to be more "clean" and more publicly available and guess it is finally happening.
I don't even remember the last time I visited it.

>suspecting it's actually run by FSB.
I know nothing of their capabilities yet. Their hands are already full so they are not as much of a problem like the CIA who has "too much freetime to fuck things up for the most retarded reasons" so I never thought looking into them

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 23:05 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5949 del
>I know nothing
Keep it that way. After a few years around these "top" level imageboards, among which endchan is perhaps the lowest level, there is some serious stuff going on which you won't see unless you start mapping events and people at the back of your head. Idk if anyone here recall it or even saw it, but 1-2 years ago there was a large international interpol raid against some (mostly) boyfucker community on darknet. They got the members lists and were to trace down everyone who produced and uploaded their own stuff first probably, but they said in the news reporting that they had no idea who ran the place. So far it was not followed up by media. But from the context of vague discussions over a long time, I realized it's a known tripfag on these altchans, and all the other in the inner circle know about it. It's just that it's an imageboard NEET who has no contact with anyone irl, so he was not found very easily by regular police work. Typical wtf moment. Why is the Internet like this. Everything is one URL away, but very few people will know it. This is like some "Illuminati lite" thing.

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 23:11 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5950 del
(79.40 KB 735x463 Czech smile.jpg)
>I concluded that ‘elemental energy’ was just what Bardon calls ‘vital energy’
Yeah I visited the spirits Bardon was working with... They are like a little taller gnomes in an underground place with well built structures stores and signs everywhere what is what. That was Silesia. As I went closer to the spirit it had a face like they are looking down on me but it turned out that is their "professional face" and that is how they look. It was like pic related but the nose was somewhat up but had a big beard and a meticulous observing stare. While the (earth) elemental spirits I have around were angry af the first time they appeared then asked for my help and once I figured out I can "unclog" their realms they were super happy friendly and gave me a bunch of gifts and willing to forge anything for me. But that magic is too "low" too heavy. While using that is truly makes manifestations it strains my energy body too much. I need to develop other parts of my being. So what I was trying to say here. The spirits Brandon had were smart and knew how to follow the specific way Brandon operated at. If you can connect to them or to Brandon's way of thinking you can have their "full power" but if they are too far away I don't know what success rate you will achieve with them. As your energies rise and go beyond your body the spirits will "Notice you" and you will notice them also and you will be able to build a relation and work with them. Working with spirits who has similar nature as you is easy and the ones that will connect you at first usually have similar natures.

>was regarding the elements as purely symbolic for more ethereal forces
Many religion uses it that way and your idea was correct but not for actually "wielding them". Just because women are like water that doesn't mean putting my penis into water counts as sex. Also water can be also ice can be fluid or steam. Which element is ice and steam? Ice is solid and the element of earth is solid while steam can burn you and only fire can burn you. See? This is important once you try to get in touch with "real" elements. And if you are unable to "handle" the "psychological pull" then you will have harder time truly wielding them. And elements can be harsh. This is why that magic is discouraged until you know what you are doing. Acid is just an another fluid while you have a protective gear on but try to touch or breath that in and you are dead. This is how elements are. You need to understand how your energetic "coating" works.

>by overwhelming
Not just overwhelming but try to "feel it". The body the flesh. That is also a complex system that handles elements and does it mostly unconsciously. This is why you have to understand how your unconscious works with your conscious intellect. Because the unconscious once feels "danger" it shuts off the "magic" because it is "Lethal"
>I tend to get a surge of ‘panic’
It will happen a lot and you will need to understand that panic. Your mind is changing and does not know into what direction. Second guessing yourself is as important as it is dangerous. You need to understand your motives. And make your subconscious "confident" that the conscious knows what it is doing. I crashed my car many years ago because my subconscious got scared and the "gravity magic" I used got interrupted and slipped off the snowy highway... It worked perfectly for a 100 km but a single moment of doubt fucked it up

Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 23:22 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5951 del
(30.11 KB 600x565 mount stupid.webp)
>I feel a need to 100% understand
You know the Dunning–Kruger effect I am sure of it but what you might be not aware is that there are several "mount stupids" because you need to reach a "mountain" to see the "height" then instead of falling down you have to grab a pickaxe and take the whole mountain apart piece by piece... And the worst part? Once I understand something and think now i can "Practice and replicate it" my guide appears and says
>K good enough here the next lesson
Then I get a complete paradigm shift and 0 need to "replicate" the previous lesson because it was a mere part of the whole thing and on the big picture just a mere component and there are more pressing components I have to assemble now

>if it’s not replicable then it’s not real practice, it’s just random phenomena,
You are unable to take the same breath twice and unable to look at the same thing with each blink. Things always change a little. Every moment is unique. Every moment is "lost" while it is preserved in "eternity" at once. This is something you will need to understand as you move forward. Wanting "replicability" makes you stress on it too much and causes "performance anxiety" and that literally results for men to be unable to maintain erections. Impotency is not just a thing we have in sex. And "magic" is more harder to control than an erection. While you can control it there are some stimuli you cannot control. Yes you can "practice" but that will not always result in more control but sometimes in more anxiety. There is a "feel" you need to get... how to get it doesn't matter just "do it" and "don't think about it". Yeah I know how fucking hard it is and I too need to understand the way my intuition works everytime and the first steps are always the hardest. (Ok according to my parents I learned to walk and talk so fast they never had an issue with that. For me I just need to get the hang of it and move forward it seems)

>useless for ‘real development’.
You just created a "spook" in your mind. I too had it. I too thought I need a "timetable" that I need to follow and complete instead of making it "natural". You have to understand what "development" means for you and how you are or are not "developing". Your flesh and your mind is always developing. Always changing. We are just unable to notice the constant change. How it always moves to stay at the same place. The reason why I said this because the elements also always move and always change while stay the same forever. And once you feel and understand that movement you can move them as easily as you can move your hands... But first you have to understand how you move your hands. Your brain wired itself to your limbs back in the womb and now you want it to be wired to elemental forces. Hope you understood what level of "development" I am talking about.

Explaining this to you is good btw. I have a reason to revisit my old concepts. I should revisit the books also...

I feel like I should say some other things too but maybe I said enough already.

>Keep it that way
Ok fine I am aware of some old KGB practices being somewhat "modernized" but mostly they care about domestic interests and they are not like the CIA where fucking up every country counts as "foreign policy" so it is allowed and handling their own citizens/allies as their enemies by default. But then again since the diversity hires and the out sourcings the CIA lost it's edge extremely hard... The FSB usually has manpower and funding problem while the CIA has every version of AIDS that gigacorps government agencies and crime cartels have at once.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 00:08 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5952 del
>The FSB usually has manpower and funding problem while the CIA has every version of AIDS that gigacorps government agencies and crime cartels have at once.
The first thing they showed me was how the organization is structured, to remove my misconception from "western liberal democracy". Even if we don't know it or are aware of it, we have the template for it fed into us from media, or movies like the Bourne series or The Good Shepherd. It's always implied that there are shady business interests behind things, everyone's an amoral crime boss and the darkness is only implied in fantasy-esce settings with cloaks and human sacrifice in British tv shows where some meme cult is the culprit. But in reality this is what it is. Batman isn't far from the truth, none of this stuff is. But you are to accept the contract that we do not talk about where the aborted fetuses go, or the hypocrisy of insane prison terms for accidentally touching someone in an elevator while 100k girls in Texas got married at 12 with parents' consent. All of this is the "communist degradation" practiced by Mao where people were to accept total shame until their minds split and they just follow orders. They all know that they are following lies and protecting values that are not actually followed by their rulers, and this is to further keep them down. It was basically saying
>we don't do this in Russia, instead it's a streamlined organization
no hypocrisy, which means no mental strain from keeping obvious lies from connecting, as they would normally do. Low IQ is caused by not being allowed to see what you actually see. They show you 5 fingers and tell you to see 4, just like in "1984". This is the stage the Soviet Union and Maoist China was in, and have since passed. The USA are just now entering there and are lingering in it, trying to pull the entire world into this anal retinent state which for obvious reasons given what it is, cannot be maintained.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 00:19 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5953 del
The bloated and disorganized mess of western "intelligence" is for one single purpose: to obscure the inconsistencies. They think if you outsource and specialize enough, no one will know what the fuck they are doing or why, and then they can abuse people by making them all into little cogs with no overview. But this also means they must be controlled using uncountable layers of fake policy documents intended to make them internalize "values" that ensure that they do their own specialist role and ignore the context. Tell everyone a specific lie and make them not connect the dots by sharing information. It's very delicate to keep this going, "leaks" will happen all the time and they cannot adapt to events in progress no matter how much they train.

Meanwhile the only things hidden in Russia are normal things like the location of bases and what technology they have. It costs way less to do things this way.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 00:36 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5954 del
(145.36 KB 759x1280 THE FOOB.jpg)
I just looked at the pic I posted because every Dunning–Kruger pic is somehow different and forgot to see which "mistake" it is portraying because as always that concept is also faulty.
The Expert part. "Experts" are never 100% sure but for magic you need 100% confidence...faith...conviction. And that is what I meant by the "several mount stupids". You have no choice but to go up that mountain again and know that your realization is the one and only truth and not fear the next step that will come after it because stupidity errors and random anomalies are part of the process. You can master things 2 ways. First having a master that teaches you his mastery or by making all the steps that will lead to mastery and that is only possible via experimenting and not via the "careful scientific approach". Not to mention once you make the idea that you want to "prove" magic you entrapped yourself again because with that you accept that this world is "real" and you want to prove that it is "Not real" with a force that was also "never real". This mentality creates several mental blocks... or even walls and takes away all the power from the force you want to utilize. You have to understand the carefree nature of the fool and how that is the only way progress will come naturally. Only the fool has a way to find the major arcana. The other tarot cards are busy with their own thing already. They have no time to find things. And if you are unable to become the fool then you will have to find the force that turns everyone into fools again and that force is Death

>>we don't do this in Russia, instead it's a streamlined organization
Yes I too wanted to say this. Putin was in the KGB he knows just how much bullshit they had to go through. Who am I kidding even I can tell stories from my country. I had a professor and he was in a new political party that formed when the USSR collapsed. Once a person came to the party and told them openly.
>Hi guys I am the snitch I am here to monitor you. Please only tell me things that a snitch should know and should give to his bosses
They said k and handled him that way because if you tell him to go away they will send the next one who might probably take his job seriously instead of telling what is his objective and this is just a "job" for him that he has to do but he is also not believing in serving a system that is literally going through a collapse because once the "democracy" forms he will be just laid off because in the end he is a government worker.
Boy we had drama with these things for decades. Who was a commie plant and who isn't. Glowies can't fucking understand that you cannot infiltrate someone who lived through an age where you had to know by instinct who is a plant or not and these "plants" were your neighbors that lived there for 40+ years and you had to know who and how you are talking to. Especially because you had to "handle" these guys. Then they send in clearly liberal brainwashed retards who somehow think they are not obvious.

>It costs way less to do things this way.
Yeah Russians are too poor to be as retarded as the CIA... Many such cases.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 00:55 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5955 del
>Glowies can't fucking understand that you cannot infiltrate someone who lived through an age where you had to know by instinct who is a plant or not and these "plants" were your neighbors that lived there for 40+ years and you had to know who and how you are talking to. Especially because you had to "handle" these guys. Then they send in clearly liberal brainwashed retards who somehow think they are not obvious.
"Hi guys I'm your new native neighbour and not at all an Afro-American"

When I talk to someone "new" I always, without specifically paying attention to it, keep in mind who I told what when talking about things I heard, and I leave out certain information for each person I talk to. That way I can know if the person talked to someone else about this rumour, because they'd have filled in correctly the information I left out. If they still lack that information or add something new there for it to make sense, I know they are using me as the first source of information. But when I hear something, I am aware of this method, so I also unintentionally try to find out which information the other other may have left out, as well as trying to confirm with someone else what actually happened. Then if I talk to a person who actually was found to leave out information, I will not repeat the story with the new found information included, but will maintain it in the format given by the person who told me a reduced version, so as to not reveal that I have a second information source.

And this way of working is perfectly normal countryside/village behaviour. City people can't grasp this. Neither can western glowies. They talk to me over telepathy pretending to be Russians, so I pretend I don't see who they are. It's all very stupid. Sometimes I help them because an individual doing things right can really fuck them up. Sometimes I give them servitors with built in sabotage ;P I made one like this once where I asked the girls to design a body model in Russian style for credibility, then I added the faulty programming to it under a surface personality with its own function to make it seem like a certain type of servitor, the malfunction only appears at certain times. But the "mask" function turned out so good they started using it themselves, and the sabotage function never activated because the conditions never seemed to be met in there. ;PP So if someone tries to steal it by observation after seeing it in use, they're going to say it was actually used there, so it has to be right. But all of this is too much for glowies to grasp also.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 01:33 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5956 del
Funny how these baits always make them reveal themselves. They can't help it.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 17:52 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5959 del
I think you might have been on to something about my realities(?) Merging. After we spoke yesterday afternoon I took a nap but I was a girl in lancer artoria 's form again but younger (no, it wasnt just regular seibah, I still had her big tits and long hair but was just... Smaller) anyway, I remember being with a foster family and was given news that my grandmother had died and said foster family and I talked about it and my Earth sister's death j mentioned in the past it was mostly just me venting out how said both events made me sad, etc. then the "foster family" and my sisters were more or less like
>"we are the only family who will truly be with you now and forever, no one else matters"
Mind you they weren't responsible for my grandmother's death in situation (feel like I have to preface that to prevent misunderstandings like before) but prior to this whole thing taking place I was also on the island, deeper inside helping the other female denizens with various ala fetch quests and such like in an RPG. The entire thing was admittedly unsettling and it'll probably stick around in my head a few days until it stops. When I feel like shit or unsettled about stuff I kind of acknowledge the thoughts but don't try reinforced them or forcibly push them away (that just makes it worse for me) and let whatever the thoughts are run their course and I ride the wave so-to speak until they go away

When I actually went to bed later last night,I was taken through multiple things again
>I was led, by some kids through a weird golden gate thing that had three shining jewels on the very top that functioned as indicator lights (1 was red, 2 were blue iirc)
>It took me through a weird arcade styled world like those Gauntlet games or shmups
>I had to shed my current body/self into my "true" one via a weird character select screen
>I had a shitton of options apparently: Valkyries, Miko, mages, witches, etc. I chose some kind of weird high tier mage but she was wearing a bridal dress and she had either black or blonde hair (I couldn't remember)
>They made it seem like I could change to something if I want to down the line

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 17:59 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5960 del
>Second and third instance was me as a girl (again) but the second involved me with an all female tribe somewhere
>Something happened and a few members of the tribe I was with had some weird plate thingy that looked rare and cool but something was admittedly off about it
>I let myself get lured into taking and the 2 tribes girls were really fucking pissed and were about to shoot me with arrows but they went to sleep and calmed down
>One of them, who managed to wake up later on fixed me a meal and I apologized for what I had done but she more or less implied that me taking it was a good thing because whatever it was, it affected them negatively and she was shocked to see me apologize and admit my guilt but she claimed there was nothing to feel guilty about
>I guess what I did that I thought was wrong wound up being the correct choice after all but still I felt kinda bad
>Third instance was just me in Japan having to deal with men and one guy was a gang boss but he was treating and protecting me like I was daughter

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 18:35 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5961 del
This whole event holds too many emotional releases and fixes. Just feeling the weight of the emotions makes me teary. This is about unlocking your traumas and finally being able to leave the human shell. It is about the blocked energies ofc now but maybe it will go further. I am not seeing where your future will take you yet and it is not important now. You are progressing nicely.

>The entire thing was admittedly unsettling and it'll probably stick around in my head a few days until it stops. When I feel like shit or unsettled about stuff I kind of acknowledge the thoughts but don't try reinforced them or forcibly push them away (that just makes it worse for me) and let whatever the thoughts are run their course and I ride the wave so-to speak until they go away
Admittedly this is the correct course of action with these things. I usually analyze the whole thing and get to the bottom of it ASAP and that way is more effective but not always the correct one. Sometimes you have to let things run their course. You said it well. Your intuition truly guides you well in these cases.

>I had to shed my current body/self into my "true" one via a weird character select screen
>I had a shitton of options apparently: Valkyries, Miko, mages, witches, etc. I chose some kind of weird high tier mage but she was wearing a bridal dress and she had either black or blonde hair (I couldn't remember)
>They made it seem like I could change to something if I want to down the line
Wanted to mention this yesterday but realized there is no need to press on it yet... Arturia is the perfect female.
As I said before. That is the perfect and peak form anyone can achieve in physical mental and spiritual form. You have to understand these concepts in their clean unblemished superior truth version so the magic can work perfectly. While she represents your perfect version it does not mean you must look like her. Peak female form can take different forms.
>black or blonde hair (I couldn't remember)
This is funny btw. The "colors" in the realm of your sisters work in a different range sp what is black and what is blonde is not the same as in earth. It's like seeing the haircolor in complete darkness of sorts. The colors register differently because the lack of light. The blonde represents a quality of the spirit but not always it's truth. Like how Super Saiyans change their haircolor when activating of sorts I only know dragon ball lore from memes so I am not really able to explain further with the concepts the anime has. I was not allowed to watch anime when I was a kid and did not feel the reason to start watching that nowadays

>>One of them, who managed to wake up later on fixed me a meal and I apologized for what I had done but she more or less implied that me taking it was a good thing because whatever it was, it affected them negatively and she was shocked to see me apologize and admit my guilt but she claimed there was nothing to feel guilty about
>>I guess what I did that I thought was wrong wound up being the correct choice after all but still I felt kinda bad

Feels like this is some pattern you reexperience through life constantly. You are handling that energy now.

I don't think you need any advice now. You are progressing further on your path. It will lead to further checkpoints. Hope you are feeling your own energies a little better nowadays and are less sleepy and confused.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 19:05 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5962 del
>I have a reason to revisit my old concepts

I just realized that I still don't consider the astral "real" even tho I am using it for my magic constantly. I realized how I can accept it as real as the physical so my senses "tune" into it properly so I can truly feel the weight of the blessings and curses it has. With the "heart of serenity" I can unlock the "eyes of serenity" and that is the "Undisturbed 3rd eye" which means being in like perfect trance so my energies don't get disturbed because of lower mundane energies and disturbances. The perfect way of observation where negative emotions and desires don't ruin the experience. Serene. Had to realize the concept of peace got warped nowadays. Our "peaceful life" is making people crazy anxious and depressed. (((Welfare))) and War is Peace. It's ridiculous how since leaving Afghanistan the NATO is not actually in a war but thanks to the propaganda we are getting it is like we are in a war while when 911 happened very few people felt even the effects of the war that happened on the middle east. And because it is "Peace" and not "war" people don't know how to handle the negative emotions by instinct because everyone and every media outlet says that: EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT.
The west is unable to use information quarantine so they use misinformation overload instead and make everyone crazy in the process.

>"Hi guys I'm your new native neighbour and not at all an Afro-American"
Our language is hard to learn and only intellectuals know english or other languages which means we are not getting the dumb nigger agents who can barely speak english. Those are reserved for the west where niggers are a common place already. We usually get 2 things. Either some gayfaggot Dutch or some similar retarded academic or a "career activist" but those usually leave asap because the "toxic" environment. You see when people are not obliged to put up with your bullshit and smile like their life depends on it then these people unable to handle these situations. And there are not many "safe places" here for them. The others are our leftist retards that were in the west as some sort of "exchange students" but they are dumb as hell and the "western brainwashing" is toothless. Their fanaticism cannot match the energy levels of the average disgruntled citizen. Not to mention the government usually seizes bank accounts that has the sole purpose of funding these activist flash mobs. And don't expect these retards to be able to handle crypto or other payments. This western "Indoctrination" only works on spoiled kids and turns them into retarded spoiled kids. Once they are unable to coordinate they are lost from the start. And we can see that in Ukraine. Coordination is impossible for the NATO. Even the information quarantine that they succeeded making is because they are executing anyone leaking stuff and that is still not working. Only Ukros got away with killing New York Times journalists and only Israel gets away killing UN workers. Always funny when I think about it. (Not that) friendly fire.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 19:17 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5963 del
The protective element where I live is the extreme stupidity combined with belief in authority. Instead of internalizing the information as you're supposed to do with your big western Ego, people just memorize it like robots and repeat it like a choir of Maoists flailing around with the little red book. This makes accelerationism very effective. If you don't like Jews or anything in particular, the best measure is to have someone from the same group take up an opposing stance. That's how we get tv debates where an ex-prostitute and a feminist anti-sex work politician gets to debate a liberal pro sex work feminist and a legalization advocating prostitute. Or a Jews criticising a Jew, a gay complaining about trannies, and so on. Total circus.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 19:17 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.5964 del
>That is the perfect and peak form anyone can achieve in physical mental and spiritual form. You have to understand these concepts in their clean unblemished superior truth version so the magic can work perfectly.
Ahh I see
While she represents your perfect version it does not mean you must look like her.
I don't mind and kinda prefer it at this point lol but I understand it.

>Peak female form can take different forms.

>Sometimes you have to let things run their course. You said it well. Your intuition truly guides you well in these cases.
Yeaahh... That's what my grandma told me while growing up and still does (albeit with the whole "let God handle the rest" stuff") but still. That's always worked best for a vast majority of the time

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 20:30 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5969 del
>combined with belief in authority
My country distrusts authority by default. If the government does everything right that is almost miraculous but still suspicious. First we see if the other person is "okay" then we bother to check his authority status. We are defiant by default. Authorities are our enemies. Hard to imagine that they want our best. That is our instinct. But ofc once it turns out they are actually non-retards that know what they are doing the trust slowly establishes. We only tolerate retards if they are family or at least entertaining. Western ones are definitely not that.
>people just memorize it like robots and repeat it like a choir of Maoists flailing around with the little red book
This is the funny thing. I am exposed to western media because of the internet for a decade+ while the local population is mostly not. So whenever a leftist is trying to emulate the western bullshit they cannot even manage to word it properly. They don't even have that brainwashed zeal because "western authority" is not in their butt and they have to stand on their own and say "their truth" but the pressure just makes them fumble. The only ones who have some charisma are old commie boomers who lost their credibility decades ago. Only commie boomers vote them. Soyboys are unable to turn into political leaders here. They personality is too weak for that. They are less memorable than the average tiktok star.
>tv debates
>Total circus
This is why we don't have those anymore. In the 90s and 2000s we had those but it turned into a shit flinging contest where politicians just lied left and right while 90% of the populace were unable to comprehend the topic the politicians were talking about. It was pointless. The government realized that these "debates" where the left gets the talking points from "lobbyists" and from outrage theory psychologists is pointless. Causes more damage than good for everyone involved. Because of this we have state owned media where the government explains several sides of the coin so the "loyal" populace can get informed while there are many private TV channels where you can watch the watered down shit flinging that the west has. Watching leftist channels in usually eye opening because you see how the leftists here have no idea how bad things are on the west. If the government says the western degeneration is bad and makes laws against it then it is just a misdirection and a propaganda. They are grasping every straw to stay relevant and unable to do anything. Sadly this is just history repeating for us.
We got rid of our Habsburg masters after WW1 then managed to prosper a little then got invaded by Nazis then Commies. Now we got rid of the Commie masters and now the next stage is here where we need to "remind" the "masters" that we entered into the EU and NATO AS EQUAL PARTNERS AND NOT AS FUCKING VASSALS. We have the smallest nato presence tho. Mostly Poland and Romania has the bases. Poland is being overtaken real hard :(. Utilizing Poland's hateboner for Russia went too easy while Romanians only stab their masters when they know they can get away with it. It's a weird house of cards. Let's not talk about our other neighbors tho. We have every flavor of weirdness there. Pic related.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 20:48 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5970 del
>gay complaining
Our gov was based for fining Coca Cola for making 2 men kiss in the ad. That Burgers? stonetoss comic meme is not flying here and if you are a Jew you make it sure no one suspects it because then your allegiance is in question from the start. We play the jew game differently here. Getting away with putting those freaks on the wagons back in WW2 took extreme efforts for the government. Cancelling out their "victim" card was a funny maneuvering process. No we never did those things it was the evil germans. WE MUST NEVER FORGET THE EVILS OF THE GERMANS hahahahaha... and we will never forget what the communist jews did to the country. Only the "good jews" remain. I call them "comfy jews". They don't want to suffer in Israel nor compete with their New Yorker brethren so they stay here and stay silent. They are not very vocal about the size of their foreskin here. Every country has the jews it deserves. The saying holds. They realized how comfy their life is here if they are willing to not be as retarded as their cousins. They seem to realized how much damage they are doing. The "fellow jews" friendship only lasts as long as there are other groups as enemies. Once it is a battle for the spoils it will show the altruism of the "fellow jews". Some of them are aware of their parasitic nature and teach the host how they can defeat the invading parasites. And yes we stand with Israel... We don't want those jews to "come home" so we support every resolution that makes them stay the fuck away. It helps to keep the anti migrant narrative. We have several right wing parties to remind the people to hate the jews anyways. They are not banned here. Just don't wear swatiskas nor the hammer and the sickle... That is also an emblem that has the same weight and is banned. You are allowed to be part of the political party that shares your views but you are not allowed to lárp out the old ideologies. Make your own ideology make it close to reality and don't fight for something that does not exist anymore

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 20:49 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5971 del
(62.52 KB 1533x603 forbidden_postings.png)
(1.24 MB 432x240 commie.webm)
>whenever a leftist is trying to emulate the western bullshit they cannot even manage to word it properly. They don't even have that brainwashed zeal because "western authority" is not in their butt and they have to stand on their own and say "their truth" but the pressure just makes them fumble.
I've seen this.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 21:36 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.5973 del
Had a bit of a strange dream. Starts off with me seemingly seeing 2 woman starving in a house with an energetic implication of this is common and widespread . This is the extent of this and unrelated to the next actual dream. So suddenly im in the next dream and im walking in my house. I notice this girl sitting on the sofa and she starts talking to me i get up closer to her and after some talking mention how i just had this vision of like people starving. She told me yeah thats how it is out there. I said yeah but not here. She said yeah it happens.I said not this commonly or casually. She said "yes but to poor people it does!"I told her this felt more like it was so common 20 percent of the population died of starving in their living room or on the street with no one even checking cause its THIS common and the state of things. She told me that sounded about right to her. I Tried telling her not where i live and she even brought up the place i live in and said yeah people starve all the time here its very common.I even brought her outside and said id be starving then since im not rich and neither are my neighbours but theres no one starving anywhere.We went back and she smiled and she was was sitting very close to me the whole time. She said wow are you somehow stupid??? You are strange! Then she said"for a loli fanatic its weird how strange you are." Well first of all im not sure im a fanatic but whatever but what caught me was that it implied being a loli fanatic means being intelligent to her.Also she seemed to think they less likely to seem strange. I Thought this was interesting somewhat. Anyway my cat escapes and theres a freaking young/simba age lion walking about with one cat hurt by it and my cat scared with a big tail. Im kinda relaxed dazed bu i snap out of it and grab mt cat and put them inside.Now this girl invites me into a car and we hangout and cuddle abit.Purely energetically i feel nice and like talking however I still cant tell what shes even talking about with the whole starving thing. Shes also not driving so idk who is.Strange thing she randomly shows me her socks which made me notice she was very small.Its strange cause it was script wise very abrupt and there was some emphasis placed on it.Anyway she showed me a map of england and china. And she wanted me to make a spell and connect the east part of england or maybe england as whole to china. I was like "whaat" I said no.She started tearing up and felt as if she somehow saw this very personally.Purely energetically i was even leaning towards doing it but i by principle want to get a good view of the why first.i hugged her and the dream abruptly ended.I was only asleep for an hour or so.I liked talking to her regardless.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:00 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5974 del
Awwww... A yokai likes you

>she wanted me to make a spell and connect the east part of england or maybe england as whole to china
If you did that the car would have teleported to her realm.

Imagine the map again and connect the places if you care about finding out more. If you think she is an evil spirit that may or may not eat you in the process don't do it but if you are a true
>loli fanatic
Then get to it. Might be interesting. I would do it. Don't make me do it. Don't make me go there in your place. I will take your lolis away. Maybe you are a reincarnation of a chinese emperor and she wants you to return home. You don't want an internet occultist claim your throne do you. It was a joke btw. Can't home the location. I am not sure what is there.

There are energetic connections through the globe like this and I am not sure which one she was pointing at. If anything happens report back.

You have 2 days until I decipher the leylines and like 90% chance I will lose interest lol England was something I ignored for too long energetically. Maybe it is time to teach the anglos what is what again. Why are they so retarded nowadays.

Btw did England manage to fix their food import problems since Brexit? I suddenly realized that starvation is a little more pressing matter there nowadays. First worlders I swear. Always forget where food comes from until the supermarkets are empty.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:29 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5975 del
(84.42 KB 1280x721 pout.jpg)
I have good news or bad news?
Because of my new improved skill of dream diving I managed to connect to the car and as it was reaching a sewer cap you were supposed to connect the leylines activate it and go to China.

Now as I finally noticed the leyline that was stimulated via that sever they told me I am allowed to activate it via an incantation that I have to "sing" on a mountain...

The problem is that ofc I just want to watch anime and not steal other people's adventures. This anime is waiting on the HDD for years and I decided I want to finish it before I start watching Frieren

I had a feeling after the I had a bit of a strange dream part that I will entangle myself with something again but it seems I cannot help myself. Being a proper sage is hard... And I am not skilled enough to become a quirky sage.

I can feel their energies now they are just "massaging me" so I go there. They are looking for marriage but there is some important perspective I am missing.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:32 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5976 del
>loli fanatic
>doesn't care about socks
I always give cute socks to the Russian witches.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:37 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.5977 del
I'm not english. I already casually created the line with a bit of yellow energy after awakening.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:42 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5978 del
You both do your thing, I kept seeing someone nearby as I went for a walk, and there was an unusual syncing via a tree on the landscape. Things felt out of place completely. I think they are just throwing out hooks everywhere. Managed to connect with someone wearing a uniform very similar to one I designed recently. They're saying they're Chinese who were contacted by "mountain Jews" aka Tengu, and that those want to connect to UK to build the new communist empire (?) with Farc (?).

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:48 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5979 del
>I already casually created the line with a bit of yellow energy after awakening.

And did anything happen? Focus on that energy summon the loli reenter the car and go into that realm of sorts. Hug the loli while doing it. It's important for some reason. They are really huggy... I can feel hands coming up from some realm under us trying to reach my heart for the necessary energies.

Right? I could never relate to the "refusal of the call" part on the hero's journey

>think they are just throwing out hooks everywhere
Feels like it btw

> "mountain Jews" aka Tengu
You sure only Tengu are referred as mountain jews? While on pol the Swiss are the one called that it might refer to other beings also

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:50 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5980 del
>those want to connect to UK to build the new communist empire (?)
Asked Shiva and he referred these beings as "underclass" and the kitsune also as an "under layer spirits" but not exactly underworld. What kind of "communism" is this if it's even that.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:58 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5981 del
>What kind of "communism" is this if it's even that.
Trotskyism, if we look at the methods. The Queen said they have already "nested" most countries in Europe. Past few days have had an ongoing news story about cocaine being found in 4 of the HQs of major parties in my country. They are the ones providing this. Draw your own conclusions about what this means.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:02 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5982 del
>created the line with a bit of yellow energy
>did anything happen?
This happened with an explosion as soon as I touched her. Didn't think much of it, it seemed just like an energy being rebalanced.

... Of course, the thing which happens when two bodies of energy are connected and they level out... It just didn't feel important to me, but she's now around here walking around in the house. The energy feels like... sweet cheese cake? Tiramisu? Maybe it's concentrated raw cocaine... or crack.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:16 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.5983 del
(24.29 KB 400x400 lwyNCHli.jpg)


Gib waifu pls

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:21 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5984 del
Oh so those kinds of mountain jews...
>Past few days have had an ongoing news story about cocaine being found in 4 of the HQs of major parties in my country.
Are they at least undesirables? Oh I remember when some of our leftist parties were talking about funding their campaign via selling drugs. That conversation got "accidentally" leaked. I mean it's not like it changed much but made everyone aware just how incompetent they are.
>Draw your own conclusions about what this means
I am still not sure of their allegiances...

>Didn't think much of it, it seemed just like an energy being rebalanced.

I need to take a more active approach in this matter so the energies can connect and I am not sure if I care anymore. They are not hostile but I don't feel any benefits doing this... besides finding out how communism and drugs can work together in practice.

Haareth iknum de sactum de polus

This is the chant. Don't know what it does but it is supposed to establish the connection better. Have fun with it frog

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:22 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5985 del
If you connected the line she should be around. Use this [scroll] and create a marriage ring for yourself and her, alternatively you give her the scroll, they seem to know what they're doing.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:27 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.5986 del
I think they are using the "karma" of the opium trade as their basis. One weird way to operate

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:30 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5987 del
>Are they at least undesirables?
The least undesirables are the left, former communist party, unironically. They're the only ones who are still against NATO, EU and wants to ban Israel. Everyone else I would prefer if they were just obliterated. Not inside the parliament, that building is old, but maybe they could all go on a trip in the Baltic sea and meet one of those Soviet subs they've been paranoid about.
>I am still not sure of their allegiances...
Druggies need drugs. Politician druggies need to obey or they get shot and their villa bombed, they won't get off just paying money once there is a debt.

Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:31 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.5988 del
She looked white to me. Gave her the scroll at the same time im feeling kinda iffy.i liked the energy as in her herself.gave the scroll to her told her its her choice.

Sunflower 01/22/2024 (Mon) 01:06 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5991 del
Let's see if this also works. I made [knitted socks] which you can give your waifu, they're a magic armour in the form of socks.

Sunflower 01/22/2024 (Mon) 01:12 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.5992 del
Cant tell if the ring thing worked.

Sunflower 01/22/2024 (Mon) 01:18 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5993 del
Do you have a ring on your finger, or did she give you one? Otherwise you may have to do it from your end.

Sunflower 01/22/2024 (Mon) 01:45 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.5994 del
Thres always an impression of it. I also did it multiple times with multiple sets of rings like i always do. Guess idk what to look out for. Seems the same to me.

Sunflower 01/22/2024 (Mon) 02:03 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5995 del
First time it will produce one ring for you and one for the waifu. Wear it to activate. Any additional waifus it will only create a ring for them after that.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 06:15 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.5996 del
ive been getting enormously attacker the last few days. Whats going on here?

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 10:22 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5997 del
Your timelines have negative beings in them, you need to clear them out. They appear as glowies on Earth or as "illuminati", NWO and so on. Anytime you make progress for real there is karma being provoked, causing them to suddenly become active. (If you need tools for this, this is why the Raid servitors and different shields have been shared on here.)

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 10:23 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5998 del
Let me try and do a remote session to solidify your surface body so you don't get harmed in some way.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 10:27 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.5999 del
Check out these [Raid Crimson], for dealing with NWO on the surface, [Raid Space] for dealing with alien attackers. You can either view from their eyes or just give them general orders on what to do.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 20:31 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6001 del
What do things look like to you, Sunflower, right now? If looking at the Earth and the astral?
I just want to try and confirm.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 20:56 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6002 del
Oh so you also did something and wasn't just me doing something... Great.

I wonder which one of us did the crazier thing just now. I am really hoping it's you. Might opened too many things at once and I am not sure if it was a good idea...

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 21:33 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6003 del
Found the last NWO "weapon" and this was just sad, underground breeding factory with reptilian slaves who were grown up but mentally babies without ability of speech, hooked up and used for their psychic abilities like some kind of organic weapon system. Reptilians are an original race and shouldn't be treated like this, but I think most of them didn't have souls even, but were entirely collectivized. I evacuated 2 young girls who weren't connected to it, still no speech but they have souls. I think they were meant to be bred later.

After beating a base in California last night I found out the technology they used, called Hawk's Eye was from "tall greys" or "black greys" depending on which label you prefer. I didn't destroy those but just changed the passwords on them. Apparently that was easy for me because of my previous grey cultivation, so I was accepted by the system as a new owner. Turned it against them at once, as well as started transmitting correcting programming widely.

Later during the night they were attacking again, not sure what with so I sent out the Raids and fell asleep again. Sun transformed body will just absorb it even if I can feel it, once in sleep trance it's not disturbing. Took out several illuminati families with Raid Crimson who was made specifically for this. Gave them a taste of their own medicine. Instead of realizing they should surrender they react like the viruses they are and behave in the exact same way that was the reason I killed the first ones. The first were the nastiest, they were behind all conflicts in the world, pitting people against each other as a way to keep them from uniting against the NWO.

After clearing that reptilian factory today I went outside to do some classic spellcasting at a 4 way roadcrossing under full moon. Aimed to destroy all glowies anywhere all at once. Activation was followed by an echoing low bang from the woods and 2 lights in the sky right above.

When I got back the federation said they'd burn the rest of the timelines and then they told the lyrans to proceed with their process on the Earth. Connecting Lyranet through our Blacknet and running a full cleanse. That's where we are now.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 21:42 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6004 del
Cool I managed to write down my part too.

I managed to merge with the entire soviet egregore... "Counter-revolutionary" that term triggered me every time it was mentioned. So I kinda went into the "depth" of that term because my country was labelled as that for decades and many ate dirt because of that until the fall of the USSR then they became heroes when it was no longer a "counter-revolution" but a revolution again. So with the pure anger I felt because of "conceptual retardation" and how every regime bends concepts into their favor I went into "deeply" to see who is a counter-revolutionary again and the first one was Lenin... because he wanted to take many steps back from it then he "died suddenly" then Stalin vs Trotsky began and as Trotsky was murdered for being the leader of the "communist jews" who did not want "real communism" but actually a system where the jews can rule in the guise of communism (that was the moment the USSR began suspecting every jew of being Trotskyst) then Stalin... Stalin took back some of the measures Lenin made but he did not manage to make "real communism" again but he managed to unify authority finally which was something commies could very rarely agree that "which communism is the real communism" but it will only matter after the "revolution succeeds"... Also some conceptual fuckery with the term "revolution" evolution and re-evolution but it's not important now. With many mental overloads I managed to connect to the egregore ACCIDENTALLY (as usual) then I seen what it is currently

It was nothing much because it collapsed. So I encountered a bunch of tunnels with full of rubble. But with every tunnel with no one around and no one knowing and with every leyline that has dormant clogged energies it was quite easy to unclog... Then many things happened again but now I have to make sense of it first
>looking at the Earth and the astral
pls specify which part because as I am seeing the smoke of the rubble that was cleaned I also see many lands in many colors and earth had a sort of "golden electricwire fence" that moved a little and let an another energy type in?

>When I got back the federation said they'd burn the rest of the timelines and then they told the lyrans to proceed with their process on the Earth. Connecting Lyranet through our Blacknet and running a full cleanse. >That's where we are now.

Some details are still fuzzy tho. Wonder how it will play out

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 21:44 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6005 del
Those seeders mentioned in the /blog/ are like the saiyans in Dragonball, who leave one of their race on a planet and expect them to succeed. They are immortals and will try to produce a new immortal. The process requires new DNA which cannot be engineered, so they use souls locally and give birth to degraded copies of themselves which aren't immortal, then they wait 1000s of years until one of their own offspring has gained the DNA form which can be used to birth a new member of their race. Once done, they leave again. The NWO and others think they are getting something good, but they are just breeding cattle for ancient super races who will use an entire planet to create -one- more of their own kind.

Those are the Queens who lived in the secret bases. They walk entirely nude (refuse to wear clothes) and timelines circle around them to protect them not matter what happens outside. They enter the planet nude and will leave nude once the new immortal has been born. They will call down a ship using telepathy, or in the case of the Queen of the aryan race, she picked up a small ship and flew back again. They travel in space as if it's their own back yard, planetary systems and galaxies are just like streets or houses to them. They don't even bring any technology with them.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 21:52 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6006 del
> I am seeing the smoke of the rubble that was cleaned I also see many lands in many colors and earth had a sort of "golden electricwire fence" that moved a little and let an another energy type in?
That's what I mean. The electric fence is the federation. It seems to confirm them allowing Lyranet to connect.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 21:54 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6007 del
Replacing the old "first wave communism/glowie" electric fence with the new version has been a major work of mine. It being golden in your view may be an indication of the change. I don't see this from my view but the old one was just regular grey metal wire, toxic in nature if compared to gold.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 22:01 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6008 del
I used "stupid symbolics" to make this work, making it memetic. But the federation doesn't care, they read the meaning and it works. So the new fence is the "oppai-loli" version which means "from mother to daughter" indicating new generation, where the old system was just "from young to old". The old galaxy was "the milky way" so the new galaxy is "the titty way" because of the saying (;P) "give a man milk and he drinks for a day, but give him tits..." you get it, and so does the feline beast humanoids in the federation.

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 22:04 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6009 del
>Replacing the old "first wave communism/glowie" electric fence
I kinda overloaded them in my vicinity when my awakening was taking up speed. I thought it is just a necessary grunt work on the path. Like on the vamp path you have to beat vamps and other lesser entities out of your dimensional spaces. I thought this is just the next step. That might have inspired the way I do things a little too much. It was annoying when the illumitard egregore tried to psyop me that it is my "power". Guess what happens when you overload a fake power with real power instead of accepting it.

>you get it
Yeah. We will see where it leads.

Wonder what will be the next steps

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 22:14 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6010 del
It was weird that I had an urge to check out Dragonforce some days ago and they released a song with a lyrics in the middle that just blurted out

>Through the black hole, through the galaxy
>For the glory of the federation
>Through the firestorm, through the hurricane
>For the dawn of a brand new day

I don't remember them mentioning the Federation before???? And they were talking about an empire in the whole song and it is a Federation suddenly which is part of the Federation lore too as some entities told me. Why are things so predetermined sometimes...

https://youtube.com/watch?v=iPToXB8HcSs [Embed]

Sunflower 01/23/2024 (Tue) 22:20 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6011 del
They gave me a clear hint of their presence here on the radio just before when the news reader said: "Trains in the country are late by 6000 hours every day. This is a huge waste, those hours could instead be used for health care, for example."

Now that's a level of communism we don't normally have here, but it's perfectly normal federation thinking, because the astral is somewhat different. Buy you wouldn't normally say this here in the 3D though because people won't understand things this way. I can see the red fur beast lady who wrote this report before my inner vision, looking at the numbers with perfect bureaucratic soberness.


Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 07:58 Id: dec6d6 [Preview] No.6012 del
Hello I happened to stumble here what this place about

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 11:13 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6013 del

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 17:34 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6015 del
I get it now...

What these meaningless glowie attacks are about. I was just not seeing the perspective: We already know this from Touhou games, it's exactly like the yokais said; they're there for training, they're for target practice and removal of karma. They represent karma which must be cleared.

Wave after wave of small fry will attack you, and they won't stop, they can't be argued with and they have no self preservation instinct. They're like insects or viruses, and that's all they are. We need to have this perspective, that's the yokai path. Clear all of them and there will be a boss, then that level is finished.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 17:37 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6016 del
I'll mention it here; [Absolute Channel], a module which teaches this method. It's a way to reach higher bodhisattva by channelling forces, all of them, and wearing down the evil by using them as tools.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 19:02 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6017 del

I had a dream that I relate to my current expansion and energy line activation process.
I am still not sure of those "grey fences" because as I was doing my thing in my dream some quite interesting weirdo was literally surfing on a piece of a grey metallic fence and as it was surfing on it he just made things "explode" around him in weird patterns. So as me and other entities decided that it is time to end this "tomfoolery" he started to flee and went behind a bigger fence and it was clearly visible that he used a part of that fence. The fence was surrounding a territory which was a sort of "off limits" but was quite empty and guarded by no one then I noticed that a part of the fence is still glowing with energy because that was the part that he used as an"exploding things around surf board" and was still hot. That made me realize we are on the "trail" and punched through that fence and found him being still dumb annoying and laughing. Then me and a group that tagged along beat him for answers and it turned out he had no idea what he is doing so we stopped after it was obvious that "he got the message"

With this I managed to connect to many entities that oversee many lands and I had a dream after that too. It was a meeting with entities who were clearly about managing these lands and it was just a talk about summarizing the state of things and I noticed that my mind is not operating at it's full capacity. (Wanted to pour some drink into a glass and there were several different glasses on the table for different drinks and as I was trying to focus pouring a drink into one I noticed I accidentally poured into a completely different glass)

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 19:02 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6018 del
There was a girl there and as the others left I asked her.
>Is there a system in place that is jamming my thoughts or it is caused by their presence
She replied that their presence is doing that because it's their way of "conversing" but she said I am allowed to lie to her. Was wondering if she was referring how this is supposed to be a "trust mindwave" of sorts but instead of the "trust mindwave" I use with my entities where you don't lie because the only thing that matters and has value is truth itself and "lying" is just made of weaker energies that your consciousness is just unable to even consider using. Turns out this "method" was not that but the opposite. You are capable to use lower energies but it is blocking your capacity of lying of sorts. As she said
>you are allowed to lie to me
I was thinking if is this some mindgame and why would I even try lying? Was thinking if it has a sort of "double meaning" if I lie then she can access the reason why I lie so if I lie I am actually "honest" because after that she can read me because she knows my "tell signs". And as I was going through my regular autism I told her
>You are pretty
while thinking what will her reaction be will she think I lied to her? She replied
>Awwww you are cuuute
while playing with my face for being that cute. Then she multiplied into 5 beings with the same lookalikes. As I was wondering which one is the "real one" or this is just the presence of an entity being stronger and that is why there is several of her suddenly the next part of the meeting started.

Some additional people came in who looked like regulars including a nigger. Which bothered me but not the racist way but because was not sure if I am being fucked with or what is he even representing here. They introduced him as "Chrome"... and as I was wondering what is even Chrome symbolizing I kinda forgot to pay attention to the rest of the dream. It was about basic stuff about some movements between the realms that was not really affecting me (in a bad way) so my mind was unable to memorize it long term.
So it turns out the mineral Chromite is literally the same color as that dude. Was wondering if I am getting glownigged in a weird way but nope he just looks like that.

Exploring these realms and learning to fuse my mind properly so I can access all the parts of my being in different situations takes time

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 19:10 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6019 del
>who lived in the secret bases
Were these bases located in the USA or in Oceania? Was any base in Africa or Eurasia?

I am asking because I am trying to figure something out and the USA and Oceania and other globohomo controlled territories are not my cup of tea so I am no expert on them but I am interested in the locations for a theory that I am trying to put into words for a while...

>the Queen of the aryan race
The "Aryan" term is even weirder because sometimes it just refers to a "higher quality" like "white" but with different origins while sometimes it refers to an actual thing.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 20:06 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6020 del
The aryan queen was in a space station like the one in Space Odyssey. It was impossible to locate this one earlier because of her timeline protection. I accidentally found her only after I invented a "humane" gun which teleports away any innocents. Because of the principles I use for my creations, it was a weakness that shooting at places with civilians was impossible if those would be harmed. Raid uses only a dagger and fire magic, but fire is also kind of dangerous which restricted her to use only melee, that's one reason for the design. But after I invented that weapon I saw this space station with glowies on it so I blew it up, and then this high energy female with sigils on her body was automatically teleported away as the explosion hit. The timeline protection "accepted" her being removed to safety that way, so the space station was revealed.

When I sent out Crimson to trace down the NWO bases on the surface they found one in a mountain in California. There were like 4 silver and 2 gold queens there. In the ocean to the west somewhere (I can't monitor every single one of them, it's like looking at 20 surveillance screens at once) there was also a "yellow" queen and a black queen, whom I assume are the origins of the Asians and the Africans. Hence they are called yellow and black even if they don't actually look that way, it's their energy colour showing like sigils on their bodies.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 20:18 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6021 del
And frankly aside from uncovering the origin of modern humans as a race, I don't find this stuff very interesting. Most of the queens have since left again, I sent some over to the Russians because I didn't know where to evacuate them to. They called down ships using telepathy and left after some interaction there. Personally I think the CyBorn technology by the tall greys is the superior solution for creating immortal humans as a race. Degraded versions of immortal aliens who are just using everyone for their own procreation is just not well tuned enough for obvious reasons. It worked to let people come here and live on this planet with bodies, but it's no ideal solution at all considering how retarded everyone became, underground slave tunnels, adrenachrome slaughter factories and all this shit. So I just don't want anyone to be doing things based on that. The yokais said explicitly that they don't want "mushrooms" on the new Earth (fungus based humans, out of which there were many immortals who came here, they're all white but they are very different types of fungus, and their degraded versions spread are sometimes very toxic and degrades very fast in this environment.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 20:59 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6022 del
>I don't find this stuff very interesting.
Same. My problem is that I don't feel the "missing link" feeling from them. Hard to put it into words.
>walk entirely nude (refuse to wear clothes)
This "Nudism" is about a sort of energy recycling. I too am supposed to get used to it... There is a technique. You are aware of tumo and other things that make the body very hot. Now the thing is my method is not to make the body hot but it is a side effect and for that I need to "cool it" which only works if my body "breathes in" the "residual negative yin energy" of the environment. The great fire instantly cleanses it and as it "cools my body" it strengthens the "inner flame" but it needs a careful approach because hot and cold are also senses that are close to the "Pain nerves" so if the body feels that it is "pain" it shuts down parts of the body. (and let's not talk about "flesh and energy body sense mixups) I too should get used to be naked all the time but it is too cold so I am only doing it while meditating and sleeping because it needs a proper focus.
>high energy female with sigils on her body
This is also something that relates to many beings. Usually the sigils are the ones that need to be "read" but once you connect to them it is like accepting a marriage proposal.
>Seeing me naked who cares lol
>Reading the sigils of my existence? Kyaaaa baka now I cannot be married anymore YOU BETTER TAKE RESPONSIBILITY
Those sigils are usually more important than the body it is engraved into

>degrades very fast in this environment.
And this is the "problem". The current "animal+ human" is extremely adaptable to this current harsh reality. Most of the lifeforms are not and this is why "widespread immortals" are a hard concept because everytime someone does it they have a fatal flaw and fails before making a substantially sized colony which is allowed to interact with the larger outside world.

And yes there is a "thing" about those who finally make a "durable" humanity is allowed to take the seat of "Utnapishtim" or Noah which is an important maintenance deity title but... The "humans" will be "tested" to withstand everything "longterm". Can't talk much about this yet but the point is that: This is same as the race for finding the Perpetual motion machine IRL but it must be something that can be used for "everything" and not just looking cool in some singular situations. They have peculiar "metrics" what they expect from a "race" that has the "right" to "inherit the earth". Currently I am not really looking into the "future race" because there is a "rule". Entities cannot incarnate into bodies that "blocks their full potential" which means the "current human body" can be awakened further I just need to (re)evolve it's devolved parts.

The reason why I am not really into this topic yet because I am aware of multiple "golden age" perfectly immortal humans that inhabited the planet and they all failed in the end and resulted in the current mess. They were just not as adaptable as the "current human" because you are not just looking at the "average human" in this scenario but those too that can awaken in a moment of crisis and develop instantly out of nowhere. A death of millions of sperm does not count as long as "one makes it through". It's a trial and error process but "perfection" is not trial and error that is just simply perfection. As of now the problem is that we don't understand the "current perfection of earth" kind of thing.

Yeah sorry about saying a whole load of nothing substantial. Gambare btw. I am not critiquing you just sharing my idea salads that I am still processing.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 21:04 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6023 del
(1.46 MB 1143x783 event.png)
>this girl sitting on the sofa
>Managed to connect with someone wearing a uniform very similar to one I designed recently. They're saying they're Chinese
Ok so this thing is on /pol/ now, from the 19th. Some piano player in London was told to stop filming his stream by some women with Chinese flags. You can see them in the back here. It's very unclear what this news story is actually about, everyone is trying to become upset and blaming the CCP for this, it's just very weird.

What's weirder is that the lady on the left there in this screencap has the exact energy of those I interacted with. The "uniform" she's wearing is even very close to what they had on the astral.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 21:12 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6024 del
After loli fanatic Anon accepted the "Marriage" they left me so I am not sure anymore what is happening. They were unable to maintain themselves with the energies I have around. When I tried to load them with my own energies for a stable form they said "ouch" so I stopped. Once anon posted the frog they it was clear they can finally live with him. I closed the case until future developments. But yeah it's weird and I expect more silly weirdness like these coming. That "opium trade karma" is something that is not a standard way of operation.
>We cannoned your ports until you allow us to sell drugs again so we can buy tea and silk
The anglos truly made an eternal grudge for the great dragon with that but I have no idea where the future of China will lead at all.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 21:30 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6025 del
>When I tried to load them with my own energies for a stable form they said "ouch" so I stopped
From what you have been saying, I don't think your energy at all can tolerate any basic collectivized thinking of the kind they have. There is a certain Soviet aesthetic, culture wise, also quite present in N Korea, if you can just accept the image which was referred to as "propaganda" as real, it will work. It's not about some reality behind it, it's about presenting things in this style. The federation uses this kind of language, a combination of academic irony and pure dead seriousness where it must be possible to interpret it both ways positively.

The way these north Korean youtube vids of marches and other things can be viewed for entertainment and irony, that's by design. It's supposed to be funny, because it's "desert beast culture" created mostly by very primitive humanoids who live in caves and eat raw meat. When they go into space they need communism because on-board ships you need to share limited resources. That's how it started, from the contrast of wide area territories to sleeping in bunk beds in a large metal container out in nothing. If you have a predatory hierarchy in the desert, you can't have people fight to determine this order while in space, so they invented uniforms with grade markers. And so on.

If you can empathize with this feeling and thinking, you won't have a problem with Chinese loli-Trotskyists either.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 21:54 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6026 del
>If you can empathize with this feeling and thinking
K checked the energy what you are talking about. Makes me feel dead inside in a completely existential level. Guess the main reason is that we are fighting the post soviet doom and gloom constantly and we have no time to fall into this despair but it seems my mind just figured out a way I can access it without "feeling it". I just become the propaganda itself instead of the people who have to suffer it. Great this sounds even worse.

>won't have a problem with Chinese loli-Trotskyists either
I am starting to understand why Shiva called them "Underclass". "Classless society" just means turning everyone into underclass and nothing else. Not equal just underclass.


Now I want to rant for hours again. This is a "stench" that plagued my existence too much in multiple ways because retarded commies just can't understand that classes will form in the underclass again and people will be either soulless husk drones or the pettiest retards while "competing" for "nothing". It was ridiculous. Only those survived who realized how it is possible to play the game in the already rigged to hell system.

Also I just realized while Europeans and Russians had a "way out from this feeling" via excessive amount of alcohol which either reinvigorated or numbed their spirits... Asians didn't even have that. There was no escape. Lie and try and fuck over your own or get in line and hope for the best...

>That's how it started, from the contrast of wide area territories to sleeping in bunk beds in a large metal container out in nothing. If you have a predatory hierarchy in the desert, you can't have people fight to determine this order while in space, so they invented uniforms with grade markers. And so on.
I can understand the value of this but the way humans did it was not that. Hard to have the "freedom fighter spirit" currently when the west makes the concept of freedom into the shittiest way of slavery while the east is trying it's best while learning that the "freedom" they seen in the USA movies are just a weird mirage that existed only for moments in the past. If things go accordingly they will find their way instead of emulating something that never was but it will take time to see it

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 22:35 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6027 del
What both amazed me as well as gave me a feeling of relief when interacting with Chinese earlier was their complete uncaringness combined with mental clarity and sharpness. Some things you just won't find in the west. If you are meeting a Chinese and you decide on a time and place, they will be there. A westerner will be late, not show up at all, or make late changes which ruins your plans, then make excuses for it. Chinese don't do this. That's a first thing I learned.
Secondly they do not have any doubt about the superiority of their society. They have complete trust in their civilization no matter what happens, so they don't have any base level worry like westerners all have. This is why they can, as seen in tiktok vids, stand in a flooded subway train with water up above their waist and they're just holding their phones above the water like it was a mild nuisance. If they protest about anything, it's practical issues and overall meaningless from a political view. They won't even complain about family members being sent to literal labour camps, it doesn't mean anything to them, their society is always right. They won't even think about it, unless it causes some major personal problem.

This is federation culture when it works. The federation is eternal and the federation is always right, so no one has any worries. Then they can easily accept any orders and any "dead inside" feeling, because it doesn't matter if the individual is empty, the federation will not budge to any threat so they are still safe. The laziest neet is tolerated for this reason, if they're fine with being lowest class with simplest housing standard and rations for food, then no one will tell them to do anything. They don't need to "contribute", because the federation is eternal and can take care of anyone, there won't be any moralism about it. No one thinks it's a threat to be idle, the threat is a theoretical thing which is handled by the federation "by someone else" and it consists of "capitalists and counter revolutionaries". The way of speaking in the federation, the propagandistic language, it stems from the organization being so large that you may never have seen any threat ever, maybe your grandparents from 16 generations ago saw a "capitalist" once on another planet. But you know they are evil because there are stories of them, so fighting them in your daily work is like a mantra which no one can have any practical experience of, and this is normal. That's why it sounds and looks the way it does even here on Earth.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:04 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.6028 del
I was also the guy that claimed jack the ripper showed up on his bed sitting. I also send this marriage scroll to her just in case. Idk if its the same girl you refer to maybe shes even my own past life that grew up in the same area. Regardless im sending this to afew lolis ive met in the past now that i have the means for it. Also tried it with a yika,the redhead sexual girl.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:31 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6029 del
>stems from the organization being so large that you may never have seen any threat ever

Yeah I too asked about the concept of "threat" they have around too and what you wrote down sums it up.

The problem is I have to write down several concepts feelings and ways of life that only you know if you lived as 2nd worlder and I too did not live that life... I lived it's after effects it's collapse the continuous stories of everything when everyone just put incompetence upon incompetence and called it a "system". Communism can work once someone builds up the logistics PROPERLY but once it is just an another more retarded more rotten feudalism or more like SERFISM then it leads nowhere it is an eternal doom and gloom with no purpose.

The drones. Those who believed in communism and did their thing over and over decades. The same profession the same work routine since they left their academy and were hoping for retirement where they will spend their life in peace. Well that bloated system that only worked because it started to take loans from the West to sustain itself because commies said the west will collapse so why not take loans from a system that will collapse right? Foolproof. That game of pretend that high amount of cheap resources that the USSR gave us so we can pretend to have an industry just collapsed and as the prices soared and they neglected their own health their own family their own future just because the "state" said they will take care of everything they just have to work for the state... just collapsed. They either died of depression alcoholism or just an hero'd. My grandfather had a boss who never got a driver's license because he had a chauffeur because he was important. The first time he was thinking maybe he should get one was when he was 60 already. He failed because he did not know he needs to bribe the instructors. And he lived till he was 90 and then he hanged himself because his family went ashtray and he seen 0 hope to even exist in a world that just hates him because all he did was keeping useful idiots in line and getting rid of rivals while kissing asses so he can keep his position but never ever thought about "improving" but staying in line. And I will not even start talking about the post communists that are the poorer dumber and more gullible version of the post-capitalist. Every post communist country became a cheap worker factory ground. What else remained if not cheap drones. Once purpose fades what remains besides repeating the same patterns until they are no longer repeatable. And we had that too. We had that "Iron will" we had that absolute defiance we had that made us either still keep living or ignore reality as much as you can. It is in my blood and my bones. Pain just shows that you are still alive. Be glad you feel pain it means you still live.


As I said before. I have no problem with communism as long as it works and it is not about making the people more dumber and more complacent and more disposable. I have read the books of the Federation. I know some parts of the truth already. Not all of them but some. I am still not sure how they will be able to materialize because there are multiple problems going around.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:31 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6030 del
>A westerner will be late, not show up at all, or make late changes which ruins your plans, then make excuses for it
So Americanism and the French carefree retardation is in the entire west huh. It varies by person here. The question is usually what is the thing that they will make sure they arrive in time. But then again it's not like I "expect" anything from others. That hope died in me long ago. Had to go through many things to resurrect it. Now I can see "ultrarealism" and that is not the bleak reality but all the forces that move it and how I can expect things from others once I can truly see what they are capable of. The question remains in the end ofc. What do I want and where do I want to go. I have an answer to this already since the great beginning but there are parts of me that does not understand it.

Also the Federation is large. You can have everything what you desire you just have to work for it or at least figure out where it is. But I am still not seeing the bigger picture and most of the forces that pull the strings there. I can feel while talking to the "assigned cat" that is around me that while he can inform me about the general state of things he also does not know some things in a way he can explain it to me in a way it will satisfy me. But for me it is not about "accepting" the Federation or not for me it is a "will it work" or it is still in the trial and error phase. I grown up in the "correcting the errors phase" and I am still living in it and wondering if the next trial will be the one that "Makes it".

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:34 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6031 del
>Regardless im sending this to afew lolis ive met in the past now that i have the means for it
Sasuga loli fanatic Anon. You truly live up your name

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:36 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6032 del
>I was also the guy that claimed jack the ripper showed up on his bed sitting. I also send this marriage scroll to her just in case. Idk if its the same girl you refer to maybe shes even my own past life that grew up in the same area
Concepts can be linked and mixed. I think the second is right, because the actual ripper is only one soul. As with vampires who have to die and return, only one soul can own the body, the rest leaves. So anyone who was there before the transformation which allowed the ripper to be created, isn't really the same person and didn't take part in most of it (even if London of the time was violent, there is a difference between murdering one person and 400). Let me try and solidify the girl I see. It's close but not entirely.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:41 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.6033 del
Aside from her ive met a difderent girl during my dreams 2 times with a time difference of more than a year.She actually claimed to be jack the ripper unlike the other girl. She gave me this fae to take care of.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:43 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6034 del
>close but not entirely
The living standards and the Trotskyst city life only from the slums revolution sure is close. As I was thinking about this feeling a word Jericha appeared in my mind

>Rooted in ancient languages, Jericha signifies “hope” and “new beginnings.” The name carries a sense of optimism and positivity, instilling a sense of purpose and ambition in those who possess it. When someone hears the name Jericha, they are reminded of the power of hope and the potential for a fresh start.

Wtf. I did not know this. Guess something is going on again

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:44 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6035 del
I see her in a brown dress. She acts on her own, which means if this is your past life it's an immortal form.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:55 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.6036 del
Btw second girl, i saw her last like 1 to 2 weeks ago. We had a discussion about/surrounding alex jones.A few days later you mentioned him.
Also probably shouldnt marry myself. Btws the only reason im thinking past life is cause i have no idea why a girl from that time would otherwise visit me in my room.She also manifested very clearly which might be explaimed by it.

Sunflower 01/24/2024 (Wed) 23:59 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6037 del
Good post, I can see the thing you are describing. Don't have much to add right now, aside from maybe; the thinking was right, but the perspective too small. The west is collapsing, but they were at the time able to take on a lot more "lost credit" than what was needed to destroy the incarnation of the Soviet Union in that period. It's like clogging the ocean, you think it can't be done but if you just fill it up enough... and that's where "western liberal democracy" went wrong. The federation can make them lose all that credit and break them, and it won't dent them. The weapon they'll use is something which just looks like a metal tip. A weight with a pointed end. I've seen them use it to clear the way for me in a bureaucratic procedure, and when I saw it appear I knew that the resistance would collapse and I would have things my way no matter what.

I later actually created this same thing from Gong when trying to enforce my will once, but I had at the time no idea that this is what they used that time before. It was when facing absolute evil, I told them to surrender or else... and the stakes were raised until I said to them: you will do as I tell you to, or I will rip your souls out and put them into a reincarnation loop in a faster dimension where you'll redo the same lives over and over for a billion years until that resistance has been worn down, then I'll put you back again and you will do as I fucking tell you.

That's when it formed. Because the federation has the power to do this. They will not reform you with just some labour camp, they will send you to a faster galaxy and have you re-educated for millions of years until you have been worn down and will start following orders. That's how opposition is handled. For the worst capitalists they send them under ground to planets with a burning surface so they can't leave, and they will work in the mines for millions of years until they've had the federation policies hacked into their souls. Then they'll pick them back up again and they'll be incarnated in the regular population again. They'll do this by just signing a paper and no one care about it specifically because the federation is always right, and this method works. It uses complete bottomless despair against evil beings to change them.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 01:13 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6038 del
I have been trying to project my awareness more so as to get a more astral view of reality. I realized that I was spending most of the day on the computer, so the computer was how most of reality was being defined for me. Which isn't great because this can be manipulated pretty easily and isn't that accurate besides. But if I were to replace that computer time with spirit time, reality would probably be more accurate.
But, an issue is that I seem to become completely drained of motivation or impetus when projecting out of my body. I just want to hang there and do nothing. I've found that it somewhat fixes this if I decide on a 'goal' to work on beforehand, but this still limits me to earthly goals and isn't really conducive to extended periods of projection. It's workable for now though.

One thing that's probably obvious but I never thought of before is that the human body is made of 'spirits'. It's not just a projection of your self, it's a colony of spirits. So learning how to work with them would probably be pretty useful. It also explains why there's no intrinsic motivation after projecting, if that motivation is being housed in the physical body's spirits. So maybe creating a more permanent 'astral vessel' with its own spirits would help with this. I feel like it would also help with the timeline becoming blurry and shifting when you lose focus, since the center of perception would be more 'solid'.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 02:09 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.6039 del
Close to what? Btw not sure i said this but i figured first girl was an incarnation of the girl at age 9.The other girl appeared as an adult woman and as a 14 year old. This seemed natural to me as the same life can produce more than 1 enlightened being as was said here.I always saw them as 2 souls.Also personality wise they seemed similar and distinct enough where the second could be what the first could end up being. So i figured these were 2 different astral beings as well.Whats strange is how theres this clear evolution where 14 year old despite seeming distinct from 9 year old and the same soul as adult still feels like shes between 9 and adult in terms of personality leaning towards adult which makes sense since allegedly is 1 person.I actually didnt consider myself related to any of them at all aside from feeling like 9 year old is innately someone i can befriend but thats also because i was assuming "the ripper visted me because i post here".i didnt really consider myself a reincarnation and only postulated it recently in case its a different girl somehow which i thought wasnt actually the case at all but now that apparently she isnt the ripper its seemingly more likely since the the reason i thought she visited me seems to be false.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 10:05 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6040 del
>if that motivation is being housed in the physical body's spirits. So maybe creating a more permanent 'astral vessel' with its own spirits would help with this.

>I was spending most of the day on the computer, so the computer was how most of reality was being defined for me. Which isn't great because this can be manipulated pretty easily and isn't that accurate besides.
I think this is a matter of mental clarity and ability to feel and analyze. The people I've seen who are astrally immortal and remain over there aren't necessarily those who "did things" even if they of course also had lives, because most people do all sorts but don't achieve this. If you can use your computer to reflect on yourself, it's not different from a writer using pen and paper or a mechanic typerwriter.

>Close to what?
Style of her and how she feels is similar to the age of the Ripper but she was never put through the same things. Let me make a guess: I do see her having an immortal form, the kind of "line" which I've seen at 1D on others, like mentioned Virginia Woolf. People who are able to define themselves in a complex environment perhaps and it appears as if they turned themselves into a line drawing. From a quick divination I think it's that she is part of the "ripper egregore" because she was allowed to grow up freely and roam the streets safely, as a result of the real dangers being removed by the ripper. Like living in a safe bubble in this messy city period because if being able to empathize with a role which is protected by someone else.

If you also saw her at 14, maybe that period of her life was also defined enough that it's a different person.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 13:35 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6041 del
>Which isn't great because this can be manipulated pretty easily and isn't that accurate
Everything can be manipulated. History perception the way we think the fabric of reality... Everything is an illusion and everything is defined via different sets of illusions... But iktf you are talking about. I had to understand once I went truly "out of bounds" that the physical "grind" and sitting front of the pooter are the only things that ground me and as long as I am unable to feel my true grounding I have to take a step back and enjoy "the modern life" otherwise I will get lost in the swarm of energies.

>issue is that I seem to become completely drained of motivation or impetus when projecting out of my body
Drugs. Your body is generating an awful amount of of drugs so you have the continuous will to live and survive and go forward. Those drugs don't translate well in the astral at first... Then they become weirdly addictive as they get tainted via "earthly desires" which is a road to hell. Understanding and overcoming them takes time. We talked about "failed immortals" for a very long while. The fear of death... That is an extremely strong motivational force and once that is gone and you did not understand your own innate motivational forces you will just feel empty and lost (like Mokou in touhou). This is why the "fear of death" needs to be overcome no matter what. First it limits you then entities will exploit that fear and after that you will notice you see no point in "living" because that is not "life" anymore. Life requires the run from or towards death without death it is no longer life and that "drug" will not be there to move us. Was paradoxial realizing while looking for "immortality" is that I desire to die more than I desire to live. I was living out of stubbornness/spite and a sort of pride and not because of the sole reason that I wanted to live.

>decide on a 'goal' to work on beforehand
That is also important because after that the "inner spirits" or the astral guides or any entity that can read intent can "help you" because they know what you want. Hard to help those that want nothing. I know because sometimes I am that kind of person too. If I don't have a "goal" I usually just get lost in realms and wander between different visions that are as spectacular as meaningless so they don't even get properly registered into my memory as experiences.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 13:35 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6042 del
>One thing that's probably obvious but I never thought of before is that the human body is made of 'spirits'. It's not just a projection of your self, it's a colony of spirits
The illusory nature of the self. Yupp you got the most important part of spirituality. Congrats.
>if that motivation is being housed in the physical body's spirits
You have spirits for the otherworld already too. That is why you are even interested in spirituality instead of being a normie. But there needs to be a caution activating those spirits because running on the astral is not different than a dog running front of a car sometimes. I realized the "trick" is not "make" these spirits but "find them". The sort of
>Was math invented or discovered
kind of thing. I figured out the perfect forces for every layer of reality exist already you just need to find it. After a point you will be drawn towards these energies once your intuition becomes clear.

>I feel like it would also help with the timeline becoming blurry and shifting when you lose focus
For me it was never about "focus" but more about
>How much I care
Like how talking to people I can just "zone out" 70% of my attention and start thinking about other stuff because there is no point "being there" anymore. So once I stop caring I just "doze off" of sorts. If I care then I care and then I am in the zone and I cannot be "Moved" because all my spirits are reinforcing my "Presence" there.

Had to realize that I am not considering "reality" real at all and that is why I was somewhat natural at magic. I considered my thoughts more real than every sense I have by default. Also getting in touch with your spirits is important because they have their "limits" too. I realized I am not "controlling" them but they just simply "follow my will". Controlling them puts too much strain on them and because of that my mind just overcomplicates things for no reason. It's like swimming in the river but you are not swimming anymore because you are the entire river now.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 15:27 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.6062 del
This makes perfect sense :)

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:26 Id: 372fc9 [Preview] No.6067 del
(61.29 KB 720x720 doll_sigil.png)
Trypper here.

This is mainly for doll-anon: a 'doll transformation' sigil.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:47 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.6071 del
(126.35 KB 615x980 GEH5z3EasAA6Ag_.jpg)
T-thanks, what prompted this? I'm a bit new to sigils how do I use these again?

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:49 Id: 372fc9 [Preview] No.6073 del
You just look and focus on it with the intent of activiting it.

idk, some urge lol

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:53 Id: 10f626 [Preview] No.6074 del
Ahhh, I see. Regardless, you have my thanks!

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:55 Id: 372fc9 [Preview] No.6075 del

plz keep me posted on what effects you get from it!

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 18:32 Id: 615704 [Preview] No.6079 del
Update on this:both crimson and space have raided all negative beings in my timeline.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 22:48 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6080 del
(26.42 KB 474x311 burn EU.jpg)
[Pink Rose]

I will just name this here and anyone who wants to take part can grab the module.

This is a special version servitor using the same basic form as Raid, but combined with the experiences from the Tanya series. It's made for assaulting fortress Europe (EU, may it burn in hell forever). This involves a mix of physical infiltration ability and astral possession, magic usage, manifestation of conventional weapons as well as ability to use them where they already exist in the physical. It's a bold approach where the EU is identified as a military organization existing in the open. By doing this on a large scale, the timelines will be forced, by the changed collective perception (also called the Overton window), to accept military force being used against the EU in 3D, in the form of putting an actual army against the EU. Let's end this evil empire once and for all and send all of its supporters to the hell they deserve.

Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 23:59 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6082 del
(20.43 KB 473x454 vickers.jpg)
(63.96 KB 600x450 hand grenade.jpg)
The magic is in use, and it's working. This will fuck with them for sure. Because the best weapons of the 1900s from a memetic perspective are those used in The Great War. It's already been proven in Ukraine that old things work better, so why not. It also has a really devastating effect on morale for modern humans to lose to 100 year old weapons, don't you think?

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 00:04 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6083 del
(468.74 KB 1357x1285 glowfag.webp)
>glowies right now

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 00:22 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6085 del
(22.33 KB 474x315 girl.jpg)

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 01:42 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6086 del
Ok, so these modules don't have fancy names because they're just functional with little meaning. Anyway:

[clamp] manually activated shield in two parts, use this if attacked and the hostile force will be linked to the shield halves in such a way that the "clamp" will seal tighter the more it is attacked, it will open when the attack is worn down. It works, but be aware that this causes an "isolation" where you are sealing yourself inside a shell with the intent of breaking the karmic bonds which were used to attack you in the first place. By manual activation means you have to order it to close either by saying "seal" or something of similar meaning, or thinking the order visually.

This is based on the same idea but is self-activating. It reacts to hostile forces and uses them to create the shielding effect. One might say that it's fueled by hostility like a water wheel or integrated circuit that only runs off this kind of energy source. No order is needed, but in return this is also an advanced and perhaps intrusive thing. I made it for myself so maybe you don't like this, it should always adapt to the user like any install does, but there may be some getting used to this either way. It's personalized so this is a replicating defender made in a provokative style. You can get a peek at what it looks like by just spinning the disc with the intent of emulating it instead of installing it if you're unsure.

Sunflower 01/26/2024 (Fri) 12:33 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6087 del
There are dimensional pockets formed around the Queens, the immortal humanoids who created humans, and the evils are using this effect to maintain themselves. I found a few more hidden deep in the EU egregore. I can't tell by now which layer they are hidden in. They're supposed to be physical but there are parallel physicals and timelines are a mess. Among them was one "black" and one "yellow" Queen, so there weren't just the two in the Pacific.

Glowies react like the animals they are, they're literally growling when attacking now. I have them contained with the fairy barrage so you can still join in to attack them if you want, they're just encircled so they seem to not do anything outside of there right now.

Sunflower 01/27/2024 (Sat) 17:51 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6102 del
Review of recent servitors in use

Forte was intended to be an automatic defender fueled by the attacker's force. This works, but the free will element made her a lot less "automatic" than I had in mind, she does the job but you need to direct her or focus to get her to expand her area of influence. The free manifestation of weapons led to her using the vickers gun, hand grenades and early 1900s airplanes with machine guns. Reception to this from the enemy has been confusion and "hard to grasp" reactions.

Pink Rose was made to assault the EU and similar structures. The reception to this has been "shock". The servitor works exactly as intended, using WW1 infantry tactics with free manifestation of weapons. (Mostly vickers and hand grenades in use.)

Sharp Edge, also called Black Rose uses a rapier as the main weapon. The method of creation was based off vampirism, and a solution to Laplace's Demon which allows Black Rose to predict all enemy movements ahead of time. Because of this, attacks always hit and evasion always works. Free manifestation of weapons lead to usage of hand grenades and 1700s pistols. The general reception from the enemy has been fear, which leads them to swear a lot in an attempt at becoming angry to cope with this. Even the toughest of them will become almost paralyzed when seeing the rapier. This was unexpected.

Sunflower 01/28/2024 (Sun) 00:01 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6103 del
So the "Queen" factions are cleared, and I saw the entire form of them degenerate within a contained space. It went from rising prices and inflation to starvation among the population, lower elites starving, to the super elite being effected, after which they turned cannibals. The situation seemed to settle for a while, then the general population found out and a rebellion followed. The cannibalism stopped and the elites started eating each other and their own guards. Then all of the "super elites" died and cities were emptied. The even higher elites in their secret bases were still living off their previously stored resources, but because of the extreme distance and their theoretical understanding of their own organization, they were unable to handle the lack of production. The same thing repeated within their ranks and eventually they all died.

Then as if that wasn't enough, some other morons made themselves known today. Not knowing which plane they were on I just did regular counter attacks, until I got tired of them and gave them an ultimatum: stop your hostilities at once, or anyone attacking will be astrally hanged, with the effect being the experience of it in full reality. They didn't listen. Now for the stupidest of all parts of this; it was the FB faction. There was another group next to them, not until I got to them would they call off the hostilities. They are witches who had been mostly enslaved, but with their "masters" removed they stopped.

There appears to still be a 3rd faction out there who is now attacking the witches, and who was previously attacking the FB faction. No idea who these are. This is the first time I see them as anything but a coherent organization who all seem to be united in defense of the globohomo NWO.

Sunflower 01/28/2024 (Sun) 00:57 Id: f4f61e [Preview] No.6104 del

Sunflower 01/29/2024 (Mon) 21:37 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6108 del

A protective shield has been placed around the Earth to prevent any alien meddling. For now, all travel must go via the stargates, which are handled by the federation and the lyrans. A grey research team alone has been given an entry permit which allows them to bypass the shield.

Gensokyo and the 3 Coven faction leaders all have a control module as well.

This measure has been put in place to cut off any lingering karmic bonds which allowed for said alien meddlers to "fake incarnate" as demi-god elites using a form of spiritual induction where they can live as Earthlings while not actually living by the same rules as everyone else. From now on there will not be double standards anymore.

Sunflower 01/31/2024 (Wed) 22:04 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6112 del
While the last days were also interesting for me too but it was the typical every time I figure out anything even more questions arise kind of deal and posting them is hard.
But today I had a dream and wonder if it is related.
>Then I saw the form of a sabre cutting in the air, and realized that's what this ability is like, and I'm looking at you. And this image is something I saw back in like 2005: I had a dream where some hero was being trained by a group to fight against demons.

As I was doing my usual "dream wandering" suddenly I met a guy that looked like a japanese highschool delinquent in his 20s with a katana. He was shirtless clearly showing that he trains under the sun tanned muscular fit (but not the gymcel roider sized) and he had a cape and a captains hat. First he gave me a mean look and looked like he wants to pick a fight and as I was instinctively trying to scan his "Hostility" so my mind can activate it's instant counter attack measure he suddenly smiled and decided I am "fun" and worthy to be followed around. Because I was in my dream wandering phase where "literally nothing happens" which is sorta an auto pilot until something interesting enough happens so my mind has a reason to "care" I just went forward with my usual wandering because if no one attacks me and no divine or at least interesting knowledge then most dreams are like a small talk with people about nothing. You can interact with them without even being there...
So as I was wandering forward quite long almost forgetting about this dude following me he suddenly attacked a random shadow that was "almost" hostile but not hostile enough to be able to do any harm to me so I didn't register it until this buffoon attacked him.

And ofc he didn't just attack him. He literally did some "special move" which is a super fast blade movement where in the process you not just kill your opponent but cut up your whole body in extremely specific places so you can turn immortal in the process.

Sunflower 01/31/2024 (Wed) 22:05 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6113 del
And ofc that dude was unable to do it. He eliminated the shadow but only managed to cut off his lower body and both of his forearms in the process and not the whole body. The moveset had a dark and light at the same time purple energy but it happened so fast I was barely even aware wtf is happening. Then as the dude was just a torso bleeding and with flesh everywhere he just told me to "finish him (off)" so he can properly attain immortality. Was wondering why he even thought I will be a force that will make that happen then I started to "scan" the spell. As I was looking at the body parts I realized he actually had markings on his body that showed where he needs to be cut. They were there from the start I just forgot it. They were like tattoos so I did not pay too much attention to them. So as I was scanning I realized that killing him with the katana does not make him immortal he just dies... It would have been a mercy kill and he was close to dying anyway. Also this "immortality" is just about dying in a way that you will look for your parts in an eternal cycle until you find them but if you do it "right" it will take so much time it is like immortality. The wandering ghost type.
As I was wondering about the solution of the request of this fool because I too had magic which was similar to this and was wondering if it is about me in a way? Or a continuation to that? Now I realized he thought I am the same as him and that is why he followed me...
While wondering and touching minor tissue remains that were all over the place which was weird because this magic should be "clean" I realized I am near traintracks. For some reason I perceive timelines as traintracks splitting and merging into one all the time. Interestingly there were no trains going which usually means that I am outside of the "progress" of time again and there were no train stations either which meant there are no "choices" to "board" a timeline or not. As I was wondering about this I woke up.

Then I completely forgot this dream until I saw an image with some anime character having similar marks in a thread... Then an hour ago I realized that the "trick" to that immortality is the energy source of that moveset. That dark-light purple energy. Which moves through your entire body once you take it. And with that you can "sever" the body in a way it grants some kind of immortality. In actuality you just merge with that energy and that energy is everlasting but it is something I will have to understand better.

As I was thinking about this I remembered your post about the sabre demon killer trainee vision. Strange similarities but I am not sure if they are related.

Sunflower 01/31/2024 (Wed) 23:03 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6116 del
I think this is all very related. I had an experience before where a small fly (fruit fly) landed on my bare arm when meditating, and it felt like this was you. I've seen people take a detour to be incarnated as one-day flies before, and wondered what was going on here. After the timelines broke in 2008 and the Earth officially died in 2009 things have been shaky like this, so it doesn't surprise me anymore. I've been re-inserting souls of people who were ejected many times over the years, for a period I had certain people around me being "played" by different spirits every week.
I think this may have been your secondary soul, now that I see your posts on here and your energy has changed. I guess this was your NDE event. Weird with the purple energy, that isn't vampirism, that's the magic of Fay, also known as the Ripper. I think you understand why it played out like that in the dream when I say this.

Sunflower 01/31/2024 (Wed) 23:16 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6117 del
As for current events, aside from the shield which is now placed around the Earth itself blocking all aliens who don't have federation permission, I also did a thing to kill all evil, like all of it in the same manner as the cleanse in 2009 where half the souls of the Earth were removed. This was how things improved, paved the way for Obama years and later Trump, it threw the NWO off course for a good 7 years or so. Their karmic systems almost broke down completely for a while since zombies don't produce negative energy and abortion doesn't work if they don't have souls.

This was retold in a Marvel universe movie where some bad guy saves the universe by killing half of its population, because it was over-populated. I haven't seen it but saw it referenced on mewch.

Anyway I just reached the top of my drow nature earlier today, forming an external super nova, so I instantly took to action. Santa Muerte helped with a spell to entrap "all evil in the known galactic groups within my influence" so that I could throw them into my bottomless pit at the drow extremist temple. Drow helped setting them on fire and to gather all of it, it was a huge structure. Talking here of the irreversible evil which should be burned into the "wall of eternal shame". A surprising number of people belong there, including Nikki Haley and anyone in the US elite who are now taking part in the "rigging", as well as those who meddle in world politics. For example attacking Iran, supporting Israel's occupation or things like putting sanction on Venzuela for blocking the opposition (US puppet) candidate, while they themselves are trying to block Trump with the exact same means. It's not that hypocrisy matters, it's just to point out that this way of working pure evil and the reason they will be in that spot.
It's comparable to the lord in the 1600s who gave up a fortress for personal gain, which did irreparable damage to the Swedish Empire which at the time stretched all they way to St Petersburg. That guy has been literally hacked into the castle wall as a relief, and people passing by are still spitting on his face. In the hell dimension he is in, he is in that wall and every time it gets spit on, he gets spit on. That kind of place is where those traitors will be placed, all of them, and this performance with SM and the drow ensures they can't do more damage now.

Sunflower 01/31/2024 (Wed) 23:29 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6118 del
>had an experience before where a small fly (fruit fly)
Some days ago I had a large fly fly in my room. Was pissed about it because they should be dead this season and I noticed that it is guided via a force. A force was telling it to "keep away" and for me it was a lesson to understand my "urge to kill" when I see a bug like this. My problem stems from that that these bugs bother me at the most inconvenient times but nowadays my energy field keeps them away if I don't imbalance it. I even asked the fly if it has a message for me from someone but it had not.

Also I have specks of energies that make the rounds sort of soul shards/sparks that fly around when I unleash my energies. I should be better handling them to be honest. They can give the weirdest deja vus via suddenly going to alternate lives and time periods.
>been re-inserting souls
For me it was a sort of reactivating their being so they can "retain themselves" but it is a gradual process and I am still figuring out my own capabilities.
>I think this may have been your secondary soul
I have several soul shards and they are reintegrating. Hard to explain but I had no reason to incarnate with my full power in the latest earth periods but they instantly get retained in "end time scenarios". The problem ofc is that it causes an unwanted madness which results in power but not in development. I want to retain them without causing useless turmoil.
>now that I see your posts on here and your energy has changed
Yeah... I too did things in the last days Angels. Too many angels too many angelic perspectives and too many ways I can retain my being and fine tune my existence. No wonder Trypper cannot understand what he is doing. This thing is not for mortals nor for those who cannot live without their impurities. I had no glowie problem because with these energies around no being can even disturb me. Finally was able to purge and let go some weaknesses of the human existence. Might write about that later. It's a simple concept but it's depth is infinite like most things involving angels

Sunflower 02/01/2024 (Thu) 12:29 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6119 del
I didn't see it at once, but I do now: the thing I wanted to do by performing "Chinese education system at home" was successful. That thing which creates the insanely accurate robotic mindset which allows someone to do things like seen in Chinese factories, where someone is mounting electronics with one smooth movement, no adjustments because it's perfect every time.
It was unlocked when I did a live kanji test, or after. I knew I "got something" out of it, but it only formed later: the "mental view" or space which shows a fairly simple thing; that anything on the test must refer to some part of the previously studied book or material. And that a well made test will include at least one example from each part of this study material, so that the teacher can see that you learned it. So by mentally checking off each part seen on the test vs the book, you know you have it right. This means being able to internalize the material, and knowing its restraints, is necessary. But the world only has a limited amount of physical knowledge, and each subject has a level and a specialization, so with enough of this knowledge categorized neatly in your mind, you can always narrow down what the important parts are. This is the same for any element of the world or life. There is a key for everything, you just have to learn what the keyset looks like and how to relate what you encounter to it.

This is also in total conflict with the "glowie NWO" mindset where you are to know only your own specialized area and rely on "the system" to provide anything else, so that the rulers can lie to you about its nature. The "unified" view doesn't do this, it teaches everything, but shows you have to properly relate to it to avoid inconsistencies while still working inside your society. It is foolproof and prevents external indoctrination or propaganda from being effective.

The world is one, it is perfect. Anyone saying they want to "improve the world" either has a very small mind, wants to mislead people, or thinks himself a god. Such a person is the lowest kind of politician. You can improve your own organization, but you cannot "change the world". You can change the "world order" because that is a human creation, but this is not the world itself. The world itself can only be studied and internalized as a representation. Anything expressed by anyone, will refer to any part of this representation. If it doesn't, it's misinformation. This is the reason "the west" cannot win.

Sunflower 02/01/2024 (Thu) 17:51 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6120 del
(49.02 KB 474x595 USA foreign policy.jpg)
>There is a key for everything, you just have to learn what the keyset looks like and how to relate what you encounter to it.
Yeah. The interesting part is that there is a sort of "feel" for the correct choices and for the perfect movesets but there is a problem with that. It is so perfect your "reward mechanism" will be unable to handle it. It's like you didn't do anything at all just "it happened" because it was not (You) who did it but the already established perfect movement just manifested itself. You did not do it you just let your body execute it... Absolute egolessness. The "skillful means". But ofc those are based on sort of higher knowledge and not about learning the
>limited amount of physical knowledge
which is on earth. Adapting to that as a child was annoying. Imagine feeling that the "knowledge" is inferior and "learning it" is not something that gives any "value" it's just not knowing it makes you "inferior". Had to realize I had to literally develop a sort of "Inferiority complex" back then for the desire to "learn" to manifest because "teachers" are absolutely shit about instilling a "sense of wonder" into children as a motivational force (there are exemptions ofc. There are teachers that can still do that. Usually those who did not lose their "inner child" while growing up). Had to understand that most people did not learn so they can become better or smarter but from fear of punishment. But the education system needs a complete overhaul on all levels and I don't know how it will play out... There are too many problems there in all fields. The worst is when not even the teacher understands what he is teaching...

>You can improve your own organization, but you cannot "change the world".

This is the "worst" thing. How megacorps "change the world". If you have too many profits then you will pay enormous taxes so the best way is to find way to "spend" the money on yourself so it is not taxable. The great "accounting magic"... But there are FUNNY money laundering ways. Charity... Charities "Improve the world"... How? They just do ok? 2 million staving niggers? Give them food in a way that all the expenses are paid via "charity" and because it is an NGO overseeing the "expenses" is almost impossible to oversee the accounting and you just need to prove the hungry got food. Embezzling money there is childplay because no one knows the real costs of things once they go out of the border into the "wilderness". Did they steal all money? Lmao no they fed the people ofc but not via the whole funding because it cannot be THAT OBVIOUS. The results? You had 2 million starving niggers before and now you have 2 billion starving niggers. Great success! Truly the world is improved. If you are unable to put people into ACTUAL WORK which creates ACTUAL VALUE and not the current diversity nightmare where the companies create make believe jobs so they can get those ESG funds. They forgot that growth and the growth of cancer is not the same.

Sunflower 02/01/2024 (Thu) 17:51 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6121 del
The (((west))) managed to create a system where they siphon as much money from the population as possible and instead of actually "improving" anything they piss away the money on things that makes the (((shareholders))) "content" and the fanatic brand loyalists "happy". The "American Dream" turned into a system that punishes those that are successful and rewards only those that managed to figure out the (((system))).
>The game was rigged from the start
Now with this only "riggers" can succeed which creates a world that breads dishonesty and low trust on every corner. Anyone who sees innocence as a sign of easily exploitable target will have a rude awakening after seeing they devolved into beasts and beasts always die from their own diseased ways or from the angry hunters that hate to see their pastures vandalized.

>"the west" cannot win.
But the good guys won every war :) If we are the good guys we will win the next too! Simple logic. Btw good is when you allow migrant rapehordes give away your money to people that cannot be held responsible for mishandling that money and convincing the future generations that mutilating yourself and taking meds and hormones before breastmilk is the way to go!

>thinks himself a god
And this is the worst nowadays. People think Power makes you into a "God". And money is power therefore having money means you are a God...
Godhood comes from an understanding of your influences upon the world. God is omniscient and omnipotent in his sphere of influence. That is why he is represented as a sphere many times.
>The world is one, it is perfect
>Anyone saying they want to "improve the world"
People usually think the "world" is that place that they perceive and nothing else beyond it... or it is a magical cloud that they chase in their head until someone hits their head hard enough...
>you cannot "change the world".
The world changes all the time so it can stay the same. Hard to know if something actually changed or it was just the first time it was noticed. The saying
>If you want things to change you have to change first
remains true. But sometimes people are unaware of the coming changes because they thought the situation that they taken for granted will magically hold for eternity. Good things always come to an end. No they can be nurtured to last but the reverse is also true. Bad things also come to an end except if you nurture them...

Impermanence and eternity are concepts that always teach something new with every application.

Sunflower 02/01/2024 (Thu) 20:01 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6123 del
Does anyone here know anything about transmuting gross matter? Copper into gold and things like that?

Sunflower 02/01/2024 (Thu) 20:08 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6124 del
(20.30 KB 503x448 federation market.png)
Not personally but I assume if this is possible that the galactic federation knows how to. They deal in minerals and fuel as their main business.

Try contacting them via this sigil and ask about it.

Sunflower 02/01/2024 (Thu) 20:49 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6127 del
>Does anyone here know anything about transmuting gross matter? Copper into gold and things like that?

You have to find an extremely specific type of knowledge or work with entities that will grant you the power to do that but that feat requires powers that require a high level of awakening level or an extremely specific alchemy type. I mean I know entities that do that but in the modern age of commerce it is not as an useful skill as it was back then. The upside of seeking that skill is that you will have to awaken other extremely useful skills to do that which will help on the path long term. Or you misscast a transmuting spell and explode.
I remember in some anime setting the backstory of the alchemist was that he accidentally transmuted his hand into gold and it took him a decade to learn to turn it back. Forgot which franchise that was but I found it funny and accurate how these things play out sometimes. I mean we have Midas as a cautionary tale already but that is about human foolishness and not about the trials of magicians.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 03:44 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6129 del
I think it must have something to do with form and function. Form always mirrors function, and since function is a metaphysical component you should be able to manipulate the function by manipulating the spirit which would therefore alter the form. But the issue I've run into is that the spiritual changes I make to objects tend not to be limited to the object in question. So trying to alter a specific object will tend to result instead in acquisition of a separate object which fulfills the spiritual traits that were evoked into it. Attempting to evoke the spirit of 'gold' into something tends to just manifest an object or event of subjective value, usually within 30 minutes to 1 hour. So maybe refining the conceptualization of an individual instance of an object somehow is necessary. The evoked spirit needs to bind firmly with the spirit of the instance of the object to alter its function rather than simply evoking the function freely into the local reality. I'm not sure at the moment how to go about doing this.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 10:06 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6130 del
>Form always mirrors function, and since function is a metaphysical component you should be able to manipulate the function by manipulating the spirit which would therefore alter the form.
>Attempting to evoke the spirit of 'gold' into something tends to just manifest an object or event of subjective value
>The evoked spirit needs to bind firmly with the spirit of the instance of the object to alter its function rather than simply evoking the function freely into the local reality
I wasn't planning on getting into this discussion but I was "poked" about it by the federation, this is channelled from them:

If you were to invoke or evoke the spirits of copper, as an example, and tell them to manifest "gold", what will be the result? The spirit of copper who is the god of copper will read your mind to find out what you are talking about. You are talking to the god of copper, so it's impossible that you are asking them to actually manifest the material "gold" as a mineral. So they will instead give you the object which you need to fulfill the specific task of the requested "gold" instance. It simply is not possible to ask Copper to manifest a different mineral. You are going about this wrongly if you think you can transform an actual material god to be involved in a different material. If you were to actually transform one instance of copper into gold, that would mean the god of copper is now transformed into the god of gold. You have now replaced all existing copper into gold. Your electric wires will stop functioning as well as all your electronics. The market for gold is now flooded and its value is that of copper. This will not happen, as the karmic consequences of such a change are only something a very high creation level god can deal with, and they will not do it unless there is some really good reason. But things like this do happen sometimes, although on a smaller scale. Some small adjustments are sometimes made, but normally this is not something beings are directly aware of.

We are mining for mineral as the work is the work of transformation internally, manifested externally. It is the same idea as mining in bitcoin, where the workload creates value. Compare to the state issued bills and their weaponry and ability to back up the requested value does exist. Your ability to back up the reason why you should have "gold" of higher value than "copper" for reasons of "benefit" needs to be motivated by your work. Did you mine this one coin? No? Then it won't be accepted by anyone. You are doing something like writing £100 on a paper slip and trying to buy something with it. It works if you are the bank, but not if you are just you. By what authority do you request a higher value?

But let's say you want a lower value, why not transform gold into copper? You don't have to do this. If you were to just ask someone, will you give me one kilogram of copper for this one kilogram of gold? They will make the trade.

Alchemy is a spiritual transformation, it is internal. The god of copper is fulfilled as copper, it's a finished alchemic path. You should instead refine that desire within yourself, which is now "desire for copper" into "desire for gold", then fulfill that desire. Let go of copper internally and you can receive gold.
Edited last time by bard on 02/02/2024 (Fri) 10:10.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 18:31 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6133 del
I've been working a bit with Santa Muerte in the past few days, such as when getting rid of "all damned evil" before. She since stayed around to gain the effects of the things I was doing. Today I needed her help again, I guess she foresaw this. She has this special skill of being able to twist space by linking things into a spot, I can do it too now, but she's a lot better at it, so when doing something difficult I ask her to do it for me.

These times I asked for spells, templates to use to encircle and entrap the evil beings I'm targeting. This last time to reverse the effects of a huge evil scheme performed by "Jews, Molochians and the NWO".

SM asked to sit on my lap during the activation. As I got it to take effect, she said the Necronomicon was manifesting, and that she had never seen it close up before, only in the possession of some lich master. When the spellcasting finished, two copies of the book manifested. They differed somewhat but text was identical, only difference was in the colour tone used.

Apparently this is a metaphysical book manifested in personal copies from syncing with some specific mentality. I just looked it up to see what the lore says:

HP Lovecraft saw it in a dream. It was said to be the work of someone working with a being called "The Key and the Gate" among other things, aside from Cthulhu.

Interesting correlation, considering
>This is the same for any element of the world or life. There is a key for everything, you just have to learn what the keyset looks like and how to relate what you encounter to it.

I have yet to look deeper into it.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 21:44 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6134 del
>I think it must have something to do with form and function
Then first you have to understand your own form and function in this entire existence.
>Form always mirrors function
I uh... this axiom sounds fucking neat on paper but in reality especially in nature I would say it is far more complicated. I will just leave this at the
>implying implications
meme. Maybe will elaborate later.
>function is a metaphysical component
Why the fuck would it be a "metaphysical component". Is "form" not a "metaphysical component" who assigned the "function". Function is a modern world and it is "too mechanical". Too material too machinist. You need to understand the "nature" of things and not their function.
>by manipulating the spirit which would therefore alter the form
For some reason you think "manipulating the spirit" is easier than manipulating the physical form. Are you sure you are interacting with the "real spirit" and not with a mere "visage". Are the image in your mind and the force of your transmutation more real than the object itself? When do you even start considering something as real? When it is hard and tangible? Then does that make your mental workings are unreal? IS THE SPIRIT LESS REAL THAN THE PHYSICAL? SOMETHING THAT CAN BE MOVED ON A WHIM?
>evoke the spirit of 'gold' into something
What is even gold to you... If gold had zero value would you even care about that piss colored metal? If you think gold = value then you want something of value and not actually the metal of gold. With this you just proved how superficial is your connection towards the spirit of gold.
>So maybe refining the conceptualization of an individual instance of an object somehow is necessary
Duh. You have to refine that till ad infinitum. Not an easy process even I get scared of what I am doing with my mental frameworks sometimeS.
>The evoked spirit needs to bind firmly with the spirit of the instance of the object to alter its function rather than simply evoking the function freely into the local reality.
Am gonna use a harsh example now to understand what level of perversion you are trying to commit. I want to turn you into a carrot via evoking the spirit of carrot into you. With that I will literally put a large carrot into your ass that you are unable to shit out. Then you either "reject that evocation" via either removing the carrot somehow or hope your body will keep it inhibited in your ass so you can keep living on with it. Then you die and your body becomes the perfect soil for the carrot to grow in and as it eats the nutrients from your decomposed body you turn into a carrot. This is the level of transmutation you are trying to do with those metals with the current level you are on. Hope this example conveyed the levels of the atrocity.
>I'm not sure at the moment how to go about doing this.
Ofc you are not this is a far too advanced technique. Materializing real gold from the thin air is almost more easy than transmuting it from copper. The alchemy is from lead to gold and not with copper anyways.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 21:44 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6135 del
>but I was "poked"
Ofc you were what he wrote is infuriating the spirits themselves and you just wrote down 90% of the things I wanted to say. Now I will say the remaining 10%
>It simply is not possible to ask Copper to manifest a different mineral
Exactly. You have to ask the "primordial Lord of metals". The problem is that "metals" are not native to earth. They came by via meteors or were manifested via other forces. Which means the "originator force" is not that easy to access. Beings that work with transmutation use extremely specific alchemical truths to even do that. Meeting the originator force and telling him.
>can you turn this mexican orphan boy (copper) into a royal japanese loli (gold)
While it is not impossible I hope you understand how important your reasons need to be so that greater force says yes instead of purging you out of existence.
>You have now replaced all existing copper into gold. Your electric wires will stop functioning as well as all your electronics.
Not to mention this part. Your body also has "essential metals" in itself and once you use the transmuting force you might just fuck things up. I have to pace myself to not kill electricity around me while I am just a little mad about something. Do you have any idea what force you need to wield to transmute things on a whim? If you want a tutoring you will need a personal deity to work with that makes you go through the initiation... or find out you are an incarnated being which excels in metallurgy from the start. Why do you even want to do this? Did you even ask that from yourself? Doing it for monetary gain in the present day of commerce is dumb so do you want to "prove" you can do it or for amusement? There is an another thing with this transmutation
>By what authority do you request a higher value?
How authorities can play out. So 1 way of "transmutation" can be that you apply an illusion of gold upon copper then as you move away and your authority vanishes with you it turns back into copper. That is just mere illusionism which is mostly about being able to manipulate the collective conscious. The next part when the "authority" stays no matter what. And with that you will have to imbue your authority into that metal. With that a part of your soul will stay there telling everyone that THIS IS A GOLD but only your higher soul which has an eternal authority over the material. There are other ways ofc which is lower elemental magic but that is dangerous and
>the karmic consequences of such a change are only something a very high creation level god can deal with
I will not even write that down here. That magic scares me. That is about bypassing the higher spirits. If working with higher spirits is like working with console commands and hex editing while looking up a guide. That is like using a magnetic pin to change the polarity on the HDD. And it is not even a magnetic pin they are like strings that keep reality together. Pulling a single string alerts the spider that oversees the web/fabric of reality. And let's not talk about what happens when you accidentally rip off the foundational pillar of that web.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 21:54 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6136 del
>Alchemy is a spiritual transformation, it is internal. The god of copper is fulfilled as copper, it's a finished alchemic path. You should instead refine that desire within yourself, which is now "desire for copper" into "desire for gold", then fulfill that desire. Let go of copper internally and you can receive gold.
Exactly. I remember when I was dealing with an entity he said I gave him too much so he gave me gold to compensate. It was a "soul gold" with that no "lower material" could touch me if I had that. The Buddha said throw it into the abyss because it limits me. I did then a new power appeared. It was bad when I had to work with the metal spirits so my spirit could stabilize. Holy shit. My technomancy that I practiced years ago made me manifest a "modern alchemy" that made the weirdest energetic blocks within my energy channels and had to cleanse them. I am still shuddering from that experience. Guess I will have to relive that because now I am reminded how important is this kind of alchemy again. I just found a bunch of energy loading channels that were like metal corkscrews within my muscles. It creates muscle mass and tension... Too much tension and imbalances. I have higher "metals" in my view nowadays just need to manifest them

Phew this topic is way too long no matter how I want to talk about it

>Apparently this is a metaphysical book manifested in personal copies from syncing with some specific mentality.
A Grimoire is the soul of the magician. If he works from it he becomes one with the spirit of the book and if he writes it himself for others then he is passing down his spirit or the spirits within with that. Books always have a mentality in it. This is my problem. I read "too deeply" if I really care about a book. So if I want to stay "untouched" I just skim it instead of reading it. Especially once I start making commentaries while reading it and the spirit of the book appears to comment on it. Sometimes they are just egregores from the readers but with that I can influence the mentality of the readers with my own interpretation or "see" the original vision of the author but that is always a rabbit hole that depends on my compatibility with his mindset or I just call him slurs constantly as a reflex. Usually it turns out I am not the only one that thought that way of that mentality. While I want to do a book reading arc in my life to properly sustain my literacy it just reminds me I have astral books scrolls and ancient tablets I should read instead already. I am almost ready to go back to it...

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 22:30 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6137 del
It seems my issue is holding back. Even if the opportunities vary a lot with incarnations (Germany, Greece and Rome having no actual violence before my death) it seems I still have to go "full ripper" to reach my potential. I've been trying to create the "queen standard body" and activate the function which causes the evil beings to pray at their feet from mere terror and fear. This is what it is, the NWOers don't feel anything positive, but they are forced to hide their terror and weakness by pretending to others that it's awe and worship. I normally just slash them or stab them to death as fast as possible when using servitors like the Raids, because there is no reason not to in that situation. But talking to Sticky (no matter if you don't know her) made me realize I'm missing one part, there is value in leaving them alive, but incapacitated and irreparably injured in a way that causes immense pain. That has an effect both on regular scum and on psychics who will hear their mind waves telepathically from a distance, and it will effect the collective subconscious of glowies. Only when I developed an elaborate method for this, did the magic activate on my body. I guess I really should follow the drow way, I keep thinking this is it, then wavering thinking it's something else.

I came up with a method which can abe used by all the Raids already; using fire magic to heat up the knife so that it cuts and burns at the same time, which stops the bleeding. This way it's possible to cause serious sadistic deformities on them and still not killing them. With more accurate Raid versions it's also possible to manifest surgery directly from a distance to cut off the nerves that give pleasure, leaving them with only negative experiences. Then combine these methods with regular slaughter. I was just working to create a spellform that also does this as a mostly psychic attack when some morons conveniently attacked (still, proving that they haven't been traumatized enough yet, more damage is needed to create the proper terror meme) and I activated it. Just then a large shooting star appeared outside my window. Always nice to get instant confirmation that it activated like that ;P

It ended up being something like the style used by this character in SAO Alicization. Why the fuck is the modern Internet like this: can't fucking make a normal search and find a character from a mainstream anime without typing her name in katakana, and when I do find her, it's a page with 7 ads rolling in from each side of the screen and 4 pop ups asking me to accept cookies and notifications. KILL EVERYONE, omg. (Spot on.)

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 22:49 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6138 del
>using fire magic to heat up the knife so that it cuts and burns at the same time
My sword worked that way for years. It was the rage the fire the judgement of God burning within the sword. The point was not to cauterize but to cut through any shell any armor so there is no "resistance" that can stop it from reaching those that made me draw the ignited blade. As I started on the vampire path it started to burn on it's own with a bright flame then it turned into a being but I wrote about that years ago...
Speaking of that. Why is my anime related to this topic again? It just came out hours ago. Coincidences huuuuuuuh

>can't fucking make a normal search and find
Yeah wtf. They gutted the whole thing. A decade older search engine code would do wonders but not this overcensored ad trained shit

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 22:52 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6139 del
Thinking about this, mining as an act of transformation works through separation and purification. Material is not 'created' but rearranged. The spirit of the desired material is liberated from the dross. This seems straightforward in mining metal ore, but if you mine a boulder with no ore it seems impossible to extract metal from it. However, when you look at the fundamental differences between physical elements, it’s just arrangements of protons, which causes cascading effects for the rest of the material traits. This should be reflected in the spirit. And therefore, it may be possible through proper application of force to ‘purify’ one pure element from another pure element via separation and rearrangement. Nuclear physicists have been able to do this in very small amounts, which may serve as inspiration for the necessary ‘work’ to perform, but their method seems sloppy.
>If you were to actually transform one instance of copper into gold, that would mean the god of copper is now transformed into the god of gold.
So why is this being caused? The target is too high on the causal chain. Specifically: atemporal? So, to overcome, a temporal sphere should be targeted I think. Related to Work. Work is Force * Displacement. Displacement adds the temporal component and Force adds the value component. So, sourcing the energy and then programming the energy to perform the separations and rearrangements would be the formula. Performed in the etheric sphere?

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 22:53 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6140 del
>You need to understand the "nature" of things and not their function.
Does not the function of things directly reflect their nature in verb-form? Verbs tend to be easier to test and analyze than nouns, so using function as a roadmap to spirit seems logical.
>For some reason you think "manipulating the spirit" is easier than manipulating the physical form.
Because spirit seems to be a cause and physicality seems to be an effect. Making an alteration in the spirit causes a cascading physical effect later on, always. I have not once seen a physical cause with a spiritual effect. I have seen physical rituals but these appear to merely be reflections of an active spiritual action. Tangibility is a noun that results in coalesced verbs; therefore in order to manipulate the noun, the component verbs should be altered.
>What is even gold to you…
>The alchemy is from lead to gold and not with copper anyways.
Well I chose gold and copper because they have the same number of valence shell electrons, but something like oxygen into sulfur would be just as desirable. The goal is not merely the acquisition of wealth, for this can already be achieved through known magical methods. It is a furtherance of understanding and mastery in regards to the nature and operation of the physical sphere.
>Materializing real gold from the thin air is almost more easy than transmuting it from copper
Thought into matter vs matter into matter. What is thought made of? Atoms might be made of thought. If such is the case, both operations seem very similar in technique.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 23:30 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6141 del
>So, sourcing the energy and then programming the energy to perform the separations and rearrangements would be the formula. Performed in the etheric sphere?
I got a vision of the supersigil while writing this what elements the mind need to access so it can "rotate reality" but I am incapable writing it down. Even seeing it with my minds eye hurts.
Function comes from the latin word fungi which means perform...
We gave "function" to things. Human innovation did it. We used the hard materials of earth studied their features rearranged them via higher ideas/inspirations and gave them via a function. With that function they gained a new spirit. If a machine has a function you can metaphysically interact with that spirit of the function. The reason why I said "Nature" because I meant that you need to interact with the spirit that existed before human understanding "gave meaning" to it. Function is a purpose humans gave and too mechanical and not how the chaotic nature of reality works in harmony in the end.
>Well I chose gold and copper because they have the same number of valence shell electrons
Aham so you are trying to use a modern understanding of "material world" which is not older than a 100 years old to "influence the spirit" which exists since creation. You understand that the spirit is unable to understand your problem right?
>something like oxygen into sulfur would be just as desirable
Go to hell. Literally. The air is made from sulfur there. I breathed sulfur in clean air while going through those realms. Desirable? Not for carbon based lifeforms you baka. The alchemical implications of sulfur is a whole other matter holy shit.
>It is a furtherance of understanding and mastery in regards to the nature and operation of the physical sphere.
Yeah I expected this answer but what made you think you need to start doing this from this angle? I am starting to think you have some inner desire for this you are not aware yet. Scanning your mind is hard. My guides tell me I shouldn't do it you are nearing a breakthrough of sorts.
>Thought into matter
Who said thought into matter? No I meant you are connecting to an another dimension where there are leftover golds. I would never desecrate my thoughts via turning them into gross matter. Ew.
>What is thought made of?
Are thoughts made from the same matter? Are the thoughts of a commoner and the thoughts of a divine sage smell and taste the same? is it only a singular materia. Do plants have thoughts?
>Atoms might be made of thought. If such is the case, both operations seem very similar in technique.
Whatever our current understanding is that thoughts are electric impulses going through matter and this is where mindwaves come into play. They are not exactly the "atoms" but how the waves go through the atoms. The trick is to understand the waves and how they form and maintain the physical and not looking at the atoms via a microscope.. Especially how electron microscopes are also just electric bombarding and not the image itself and for that you have to understand how light bounces off from physical object and that just creates a false image in your mind and not exactly the "real thing" that you interact with. The point is no matter how detailed the images become with "perfect microscopes" it will be never detailed enough to see the main fabric of existence.

FFS I am running into the same problem while discussing this when I ran into my problem of technomancy relating to ancient alchemy. But now modern scientific understanding vs ancient thaumaturgy... And mainstream scientific understanding does not accept thaumaturgy as real even tho chemistry evolved from alchemy...

K head hurts. That supersigil I got the vision of was actually a gate to some esoteric secrets and now my mind is translating them. That whole sigil was made from silver or platinum. Made me think of quicksilver which is mercury. And as it rotated it opened and now some dark smoke comes out from it aaaaand a hand grabbed me. Great. See you later I guess. My head hurts. Time to meditate on it.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 23:32 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6142 del
>Work is Force * Displacement. Displacement adds the temporal component and Force adds the value component. So, sourcing the energy and then programming the energy to perform the separations and rearrangements would be the formula. Performed in the etheric sphere?
Channelled reply:

This is mostly correctly, although strangely, formatted in a manner of thought. You may consider the topic of "value streams" from regular economic business theory. It is not so simple as a mere force + deplacement will create value. This is where we distinct between capitalism and communism. Revolution being a "quick rise in value" vs capitalism being a "quick separation of value". You must not perform the illusion of quick separation to achieve a temporary higher energy concentration on the direct material plane. This is called "sub-optimization" here on Earth. It is to make one small part more effective at the cost of lower effectiveness overall. A person amassing "value" for himself is performing this on the organizational scale. One may here take a recent example of a public official who was given £40 million to buy artillery shells for the army. But he thought to himself: "It would be more beneficial for me to take this money for myself, who cares about the army?"
So he did so and to him, this was effective and a quick rise in value for him. However, other people did not agree. This is capitalism in a nutshell, and organizationally it is "sub-optimization". What we want is the general rise of value for the entire structure, in this example, the money paid to the factory, will motivate production of the ordered shells. Once delivered to the army, these are now a form of "capital" in such theory but if used for defense, they are not harmful to the system which they are a part of. They can also be used by their mere existence, to repel threats, which preserves other values.
You may want to, on your own, translate this example into the particle theory and perhaps see a connection.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 23:45 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6143 del
Personally I went into mining to get rid of the old planets which were suns, the karmic minerals out there. Most of the material is stored in a space station out there for now (it was a 40/60 deal in the favour of the beastcats who did the work). I also sold the remaining oil reserves on the federation market because I saw news some company was going to drill for oil in some African nature reserve. This also confirmed what I suspected: oil is not only organic, it is indeed the ground up and fermented remains of illuminati slaves kept under ground since ~140 000 years, slowly being concentrated and pressed into pockets in the rock. Further down it was filled with old skeletons. I saw this went sending a servitor to examine it before putting out the selling ad. The aliens said it didn't matter, they call this "extra crude oil" and the price is lower but it sells just fine as rocket fuel. I asked for minerals in return, ended up picking mostly copper, aluminium, silver, magnesium and some small amount of gold. Some of the silver was used by Astra to pay for some super expensive spiritual guidance from ancient vampires (70k year old, won't share their secret? Remember that women are always whores it's just a matter of paying enough.) And there's your answer of how to get "astral gold". Space gold is already otherdimensional seen from down here so it fairly easily translates as currency for any other dimension compared to transforming from physical to there.

Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 23:50 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6144 del
And yeah, oil under ground is not a known or widely registered resource, so in the collective awareness its existence is shady, this for some reason makes it allowed to remove it like this. Who owns it if no one can access it? Technically any representative of the planet, aliens don't care. This is like some colonizer talking to a random native on the beach and having them sell their lands, sure, but who else was going to do it? The NWO? Fuck them.

Sunflower 02/03/2024 (Sat) 00:06 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6145 del
In other situations I would say I overdid it with this one, but something like this being effective isn't overdone, it's just better.

So this again, was already prepared. Aside from containing my triangle already, they were ahead of me with the whole idea of it.

Sunflower 02/03/2024 (Sat) 00:09 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6146 del
Meaning to say I decided to further add to the available mass servitors with a more Asian version of Tanya, so Chinese revolution inspired but more internationalized, some Vietnamese and other elements added, and made so it adapts to be blonde when used by westerners.

The Chinese loved it either way. Let's just call her Mao-chan, this meme was for free.

Sunflower 02/03/2024 (Sat) 22:10 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6150 del
>aaaaand a hand grabbed me
This was interesting. That place was a sort of element collection facility. The being that was there pulled out a drawer and a blue tube like materia was in it. It had a weird name but he said "it is the element of the sky(ceiling)" With that he touched my head more accurately above my frontal lobe. It hurt like bitch. Then I noticed that I am "fighting it" and I have to let that energy merge with my mind. With that my "mental screen" turned a weird darkish blue and after that a liquid white gold materia started flowing into my brain. That just gave me UHD detailed imagination/vision skills. Still have to manage the flow of this new materia because this is an internal alchemy. I had a problem last days. My mind was like a sort of cloud and the "light" it had was like how the cloud creates lightning and when I fucked up my energy work my vision started to deteriorate. Now this problem is not exactly solved because instead now my head hurts if I fuck up my energy work. I am internalizing a new alchemy yaaayy.

Also figured out some answers while after going to meditate

>Atoms might be made of thought
Atoms are actually made of thoughts yes. While we can say how thoughts and the physical are all a sort of "materia" of different qualities what I want to talk about is atoms. The idea of atomism came from Leucippus and Democritus but they did not have all these common mainstream theories and devices to be able to perceive them closely which means they either heard this from someone or seen it intuitively. It is important distinction because the false images/interpretations how atoms look and behave creates a mental block while interacting with them. Which means you are forcing the spirit to work with your incomplete understanding and this is why weird things happen.
Imagine yourself to be a baby that is eating a carrot and he is crying because he wants to turn that carrot into a cake. So you get a cake but the carrot is still there so you cry more because no one understands what you want. You got the cake why are you not happy. Do you want a carrot cake yes we can make that but it takes time. What you want the carrot to naturally form into the cake??? The most they can do is make you look away and switch the carrot to a cake without you noticing... Maybe this analogy did not help. I am trying to explain the position of the spirits here while I am aware of your current analytic understanding of reality and I am not sure how to help the bridging further. It most come naturally and I am not sure what I write helps. This questioning nature of things helps the brain try to look for answers and can activate different parts of the brain but sometimes it misses the whole point... Like how most people are absolutely unable to comprehend philosophy while even Marx called it just a mere intellectual masturbation.
What I want to say is that there are switches and built in levers that can move the atoms but at that part you are truly talking to/playing "God" and trying to convince him to change. So you need a perfect connection to the mechanism to be able to control it. Not to mention the first part will be anomalies and not exactly actual control.

>Does not the function of things directly reflect their nature in verb-form?
Also what I meant that "function" was assigned by humans. So the function of copper and gold was far fewer before the appearance of electronics and computers. We still are not aware of the true function of life so if you seek the "metaphysical concept of function" you will reach a human made egregoric concept which is weak instead of the eternally prevailing nature of things. If you seek the nature and all the applications of copper and gold humanity is not (yet) aware of you might find a higher truth that you can apply by yourself but otherwise you will reach the ceiling of an already small building which is the current scientific understanding.
Am not sure this helped at all :|

Sunflower 02/04/2024 (Sun) 02:41 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6152 del
If atoms are thoughts, shouldn’t they be able to be transformed as thoughts are transformed? But are thoughts transformed or are they just replaced? Transforming a thought could mean transforming the concept of that thought which would transform all instances of the thought.
So altering thoughts in the temporal sphere is rearranging thoughts. So is there any real difference between transforming a carrot into a cake and replacing a carrot with a cake? The origin is different. Does this origin exist outside of the memories of the cake itself, and the memories of those involved in its delivery? These memories can be altered, and are imperfect representations of reality in any case.

The aesthetics of the delivery? If you switch the carrot-spirit with a cake-spirit, what does this look like? If the carrot vanishes and a cake appears, that seems like transformation. If someone knocks on your door and gives you a cake and you throw away the carrot it doesn’t seem like transformation. Is the end result identical between the two? The meaning behind the arrangement of the spirits seem to be altered in a similar manner. If the meaning is identical, then the aesthetics of how the meaning is presented is the primary difference. But if the meaning is the same, how can the appearance be different? The arrangement of the surrounding meanings (spirits). The “setting”. “Stage arrangements”. The observer being the nucleus of this arrangement. Tying back to internal alchemy.

Sunflower 02/04/2024 (Sun) 11:18 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6153 del
Maybe Shiva-anon can understand you better, but I'll give my input:
Transforming the carrot into a cake means you get a carrot cake? But you also need to add eggs, flour, sugar (from beets or canes), heat from the oven and the work performed. Which means the transformation from carrot to cake is following a recipe, quite literally the same as what you find in grimoires, it's a kind of ritual transformation.

Sunflower 02/04/2024 (Sun) 20:17 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6160 del
>the transformation from carrot to cake is following a recipe, quite literally the same as what you find in grimoires, it's a kind of ritual transformation.
E- fucking -xactly. For you this is obv because your witchy way of thinking and the "kitchen" way of operating but his mind is like a circuit board that is connecting to concepts and he considers those concepts the "baseline of reality". Which is kinda true in his case because he is doing magic with it but helping those concepts and circuits to "expand" is hard because instead of using the same circuitry he needs to open and connect to something that "supposedly" does not exist for him while it is in his brain already but dormant.
>Maybe Shiva-anon can understand you better
Yeah my left brain is twitching because his basic analytic skills are better than mine because I supplement mine with intuition so I can skip a bunch of processes. Intuitive leaps. For me my analytic skills serve as a supplemental force so I don't completely lose the sight of my thinking processes and not my entire foundation for "thinking". Now I have to untangle what he is not getting because the problem is that he is getting it already but some minor thing is not clicking for him. It's like making a puzzle and a single puzzle piece can connect with the wrong piece and after that the whole puzzle becomes incomplete-able because you cannot even consider that a single piece was put together wrongly and considering that a single piece was put together wrongly might mean the whole puzzle is put together wrongly and the mind just panics and short circuits then starts using fall back mechanisms to continue your thinking processes. The worst part is I have to become aware what kind of scientific understanding angle he is trying to force upon the workings of the spirit to untangle that. It is a good exercise for practicing Upaya for sure.

Sunflower 02/04/2024 (Sun) 20:17 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6161 del
>If atoms are thoughts, shouldn’t they be able to be transformed as thoughts are transformed
ALL IS MIND you know that axiom already am sure. Thoughts also have different materia levels and purity. To discourse with entities especially higher ones you need to purify your thoughts into something a God can come and "reform" for you so they can give you visions thoughts and concepts to work with. The important thing is once your baseline thoughts become "divine" lower beings are literally unable to "touch" your mind because for them it is an incomprehensible force now. If they want to do anything to you they have to "reach your level". What I meant is that you have to reach the "level" of the "omnipresent background reality spirit" to be able to talk about the "ways of transmutation". The reason why you have to sacrifice for entities and gather different resources is not because that is the entity's "fetish" but because those ingredients usually contain core materials that the entity need to be able to affect reality. I noticed that most grimoires that describe what materia you need to summon the entity already have a bunch of pocket dimensions full with leftover energies of the "offerings" and I just need to tune into that to establish a connection with the entity and the connection is ready.
Also about making the cake. You just put together the ingredients and the "main transformation" is done via the (al)chemical processes of the dough and the heat of the oven. This is also important because you just make the "perfect environment" then the spirit decides if it wants to "humor you". And I say "humor your" because that playful nature is more natural with the spirit than enslaving them so they can "do your bidding". Enslaving the spirits might limit their operation range. But that is complicated. There is a reason why Charisma is the main stat of Paladins and Shamans in tabletop games.
>But are thoughts transformed or are they just replaced
Both can happen and happens all the time as your life progresses. Even the way you can recollect your memories differs with the level of your mental clarity and the same thought can appear differently. A good cook can make good food even from bad ingredients while a bad cook can ruin even the best ingredients. This is why the level of of your skill is important but it is true you have to start somewhere.
>Transforming a thought could mean transforming the concept of that thought which would transform all instances of the thought.
Exactly. You have to purify your concepts. A concept can be made from different thought materials too. Replacing them is hard because you have to understand that you are not your thoughts and not your mind but a background observer force and as easy it sounds experiencing how you replace parts of yourself and reconnect them is... Scary and liberating at once. Depends what you are changing tbh.

Sunflower 02/04/2024 (Sun) 20:18 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6162 del
>So is there any real difference between transforming a carrot into a cake and replacing a carrot with a cake?
This is why I mentioned "Illusionism" before where you just change the "appearance" where "if no one knows it's a lie then it is a truth" but those who have eyes to see can see it and Illusionists are tricksters and they always need a good reason to be allowed to operate. The reason why this change matters because currently we live in an age of plenitude where wasting resources is normal. Transmutation becomes more important in scarcity where you need every materia and you need to transmute everything. Also illusions are just illusions. If you are not changing the fundamental nature of the thing the effect might not last long. Also teaching the baby that you can turn carrots into a cake might make a false expectation. Like the baby will grow up and sign you up to a show where you prove your cake making skill and because the child believes it as truth. "Little lies" can lead to larger problems. This is why if you lie you have to know why you are doing it and how long you want to keep that charade going because once you are exposed all your words become questionable. This is why "transmutation" is not about forcing the macrocosm to "accept a lie" but finding a greater truth and applying it. That way it will last. Lies either get exposed or forgotten via disinterest. Some lies are so minor no one cares enough to expose it. But using a lie as your foundation is always a danger especially after you decide to accept is as truth because after that you live in a world of delusion and at that stage you gave up the pursuit of truth which will result in the internalization of more lies more illusions while ignoring the fundamental truths you are dependent on. And in the moment of truth truth prevails one way or the other. The question ofc is how deep the lies go. Sometimes other lies have an interest on keeping the lies going on and if it is supported via a larger structure it can last until you take apart the whole thing. Illusionism is a hard art and considered as a party trick in spiritualism because once something "real" hits you in the face then you are in trouble. Also dispelling illusions is easy for those who are true to themselves.
>These memories can be altered, and are imperfect representations of reality in any case.
Yeah this is why we have the "everything is an illusion" saying and yes even people under a hypnosis and with implanted false memories can break it with some practice and introspection and yes as a spiritualist you can also break many illusions of reality and yes they are unreliable but that is what you have now. You have to figure out what you can rely on and transform everything within and without something reliable. It's important to "trust yourself" and understand what trust means and how you can understand the reliability of things.
>Does this origin exist outside of the memories of the cake itself, and the memories of those involved in its delivery?
And yes origin always exists. Even in the videogame if an object got rendered just because your character went into the area and you looked at it it still had an origin. There is still a programmer who made the mechanism so the object can spawn and it's form and a sort of path you had to take so you were able to perceive that object but in the end it was your effort that made it "perceivable". This "source origin" is important because once you are able to decipher the source and transformation mechanisms of the object you have control over it and if it's transformation if "faulty" you can "complete it" and gain power over it because it's manifestation is completed via you and that means you are part of the equation now.

Sunflower 02/04/2024 (Sun) 20:19 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6163 del
>The aesthetics of the delivery?
That is almost the most important part. A child will eat meat naturally but if you slaughter the family pet pig front of it rip out the meat and feed the kid she might not want to eat it anymore... Until she becomes real hungry. Instincts and feelings are at odds sometime and knowing which prevails depends on the person itself. This is the true with transmuting via spirits. Does the spirit's instinct to stay the same materia the stronger or the spirit has feelings towards the magician to obey the change. Love changes people and different energies change our environment.
>If someone knocks on your door and gives you a cake and you throw away the carrot it doesn’t seem like transformation
This is also a thing in magic especially with entities. A materia for an entity might be more valuable than for you. So offering a carrot to the entity for a cake is a fair deal and while this might not sound as a transformation but a trade in actuality you might see the carrot turn into the cake. So while this sounds like you "threw away the carrot" actually you exchanged it. Like maybe betacarotene is a fuel for the entity that makes him able to shit out 3 cakes and with this now he has 2 cakes and he gives you one. This is exchange ofc but it will look like transformation because in actuality you gave the entity something so he can use his own transmutation abilities. For him it is child's play but he is not gonna breach realities for nothing. This is why being able to breach realities by yourself makes you into a more easy to guide person because instead of a personal tutor having to anchor into your life you can visit their home dimension so the person who puts the effort in is you and they just have to teach a little. Also they really like it when you are not a dense motherfucker. Good thing the proper guides are usually patient.
>The meaning behind the arrangement of the spirits seem to be altered in a similar manner
It is similar but not the same. This is important. As you develop your concepts your mind will try to match "higher concepts" with your current understanding which means it will just find a metaphor or a symbolic thing. And use that as a framework for your understanding then as the concept in your mind is "solid" the symbolic frameworks can be removed so you work with the true unblemished concept now. The symbolic nature of magic serves as a gateway and not as the "real thing". The "real thing" is accessed via the mind of the magician. Those who use sigils without understanding them always walk a dangerous path.

>how the meaning is presented is the primary difference
K let's get into the word "meaning". Meanings can evolve and they have a depth too. Finding the real meaning something is not just "intellectual superiority" but knowing it's full worth it's full use. This is why I am saying "function" is something we humans assign to things while "nature" was there before even humans noticed their "use". Changing the meaning/function of things is like starting to use a smartphone as a paperweight. You can use that (smartphone) paperweight as a smartphone again but you are unable to use a (rock) paperweight as a smartphone. Like a child using random objects as a phone to mimick the parent is not actually using a phone. But the child can pick up the phone of the parent and accidentally dial something and use it how it is made to be used but that is the real object now and the accidental skill of the child and not a "play-pretend" anymore even tho the play-pretend inspired it. Not to mention if a child play-pretend orders a pizza on a (play)phone the parent can "humor him" to make pizza for dinner but the child did not truly order pizza and the parent can say "no we are not eating pizza tonight" thus revoking the child's "apparent authority". These differences matter in magic too.

Sunflower 02/04/2024 (Sun) 20:21 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6164 del
>The arrangement of the surrounding meanings (spirits).
When spirits "solidify" aka become physical objects or "sleep" they can gain different meanings from their surroundings applying their own truth. The monads can apply different "functions" to the other monads because they also have different awareness level. Some of them are applied via other conscious beings or just via the "background unconscious energy radiation" changed the outer layer. This is why I said that sometimes you are not connecting to the "spirit" itself but to a (con)temporary visage which is not yet the real underlying spirit but an another (semi)physical appearance which is a being that is chained between the "true spirit" and the "actual physical" and once you stop messing with it it will return to a nature that is closer to what it was. It is like dreams. Just because you had a dream you are a fireman you will not wake up tomorrow and go working as a fireman just because you had a dream about it. You will find it strange then go back to your original routines. You are just giving a "short dream" to the "spirit" and not actually a life changing inspiration so it stops doing it's stable existence and becomes a fireman because that dream was THAT GOOD (that the magician provided).
>The “setting”. “Stage arrangements”. The observer being the nucleus of this arrangement.
K let's go with theater analogies now. So there is a play. A predetermined play let's say Romeo & Juliet. You are the audience and you say people should be replaced with naked niggers with swatiskas and cowboy hats to make the play better. They will they you to fuck off and maybe ban from the theater for being a retard who does not respect the theater. As an audience member you can maybe give some minor advice and if the actors agree because it is a good idea they might do it or even you can become an actor in the play and might change a little but not in a way it ruins the play. Now if a producer tells you to change the play they might comply because he is the boss but you are probably still unable to tell actors that tomorrow they are not allowed to stay on the stage because the play will be done with naked niggers with swatiskas and if the owner of the theater finds out what retardation you are doing he might throw you out before you ruin the reputation of the theater. And now comes the funny part. If you are a well acclaimed famous producer who is well known for making surreal plays with these twisted meanings and everyone knows this and says Romeo and Juliet will be done with naked niggers with swatiskas on their forehead and cowboy hats on their butts then some might think that is not Romeo and Juliet anymore but they knew this would happen after they invited that weirdo producer in. And he can do this he is famous for this and this play will make the theater famous and critics will praise the bravery and the whatever the fuck because it was "TRUE ART". This absolute understanding of mechanics and energies can allow you to get away with these things. This is why even BO complained in the past how stage magicians are allowed to get away with many things like this because people are "expecting them to do it". At that level it is not Romeo and Juliet but the "art" of that producer. At that stage he is truly the nucleus of that place like the stage magician is the nucleus of his performance.
>The observer being the nucleus of this arrangement
No the observer is "part" of the arrangement becoming is it's "master" means that the whole thing becomes a "part of you". At that level you are the nucleus and not before. Just because an amoeba gets on a rock it does not mean he is the nucleus of the rock. He needs to consume and process the whole thing so he becomes the nucleus. The stage magician is no stage magician without the stage and the audience. They are a singular being at that level. An egregoric formation that the stage magician commands only because the audience expects entertainment. Spirits also comply for entertaining reasons.

Sunflower 02/04/2024 (Sun) 20:21 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6165 del
>Tying back to internal alchemy
Yes but everything can have internal alchemy that effects the "outer". Like a grimoire can have an advanced "Internal alchemy" that makes you gravitate towards it and it makes you read it then you internalize it via changing it thus changing your internal alchemy. Once your internal alchemy is so strong it has "excess" energy your surroundings has no choice but to consider the intents of the higher energies. While you say you are the "Nucleus" of the arrangement it only becomes true once your surroundings background energy started to "rely" on yours. At that stage you are not the mere observer but the maintainer and the maker. At that stage your presence is more important the "predefined rules of existence" but for that you need an internal alchemy that supersedes the outer/background baseline alchemy of your environment. And dominating your environment is not always a good idea because there are dormant energies there that only "wake up" to harsher stimuli or just shut you off harder and conceal their presence further. This is why conversing and working with spirits is important because their perspective is sometimes more important than their power. Also once they like you they just can't leave you alone. As puzzling they might appear the "modern human" is also a puzzling enigma for them too. The point is "spirits" are alive beings with "feelings" and "thoughts" and not some mold-able clay that wait for you to mess with. I mean sometimes they love when you do that but you need to "reach their level". Sometimes they ask you to "Mold them" into something new and in return they will mold you to the next level.

This became longer than expected. Hope this helped a little. For me it helped to circulate energy in my analytic circuits at least. That is also important... Once your mind receives a new type of energy your "meager energies" needs to be overwritten and for that you have to reaccess every thought patterns you have which requires a truly mindful meditation.

Also my problem is that I am unable to explain things in a short way so the message might just not go through because it is also something that is hard to untangle. Whatever still a good practice of expression

Sunflower 02/05/2024 (Mon) 06:50 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6166 del
I will need to spend some time digesting this information. It is very helpful.

But, I suppose the crux of my issue is this:
>When spirits "solidify" aka become physical objects or "sleep"
>Does the spirit's instinct to stay the same materia the stronger or the spirit has feelings towards the magician to obey the change
>A materia for an entity might be more valuable than for you.
>Thoughts also have different materia levels and purity
This touches on the question of what is the fundamental difference between matter and spirit. Which I suppose is the key concept here that I'm trying to understand. You say spirits solidify into physical objects by sleeping. This makes sense. Does this mean that the fundamental core difference between matter and spirit is the "speed" of the substance? To solidify is to slow down the vibrations of the component matter - this is the basic difference between solids, liquids, and gasses. The speed, or energy, of the molecules. Sleep is a bit difficult because your body definitely slows down in terms of actions, but I’m not sure the mind slows down. Dreams can’t often be described as slow. If the analogy holds this may mean something.
But do spirits "become" material or do they only "inhabit" material? Or is the material that the spirit inhabits itself another spirit? Is the case that physical matter has a great many spirits packed in a great density and this density of spirits is what causes the high level of existential inertia that physicality has compared to the spirit? That it is simply caused by the necessity of having to move a great deal more things at once.

Or rather, in terms of functionality, I suppose it could be said like this: If a ghost wants to interact with the physical, would it simply be a matter of ‘slowing itself down’ to that speed which causes it to become physical? Or would it need to ‘find a body’ to inhabit instead?

Sunflower 02/05/2024 (Mon) 07:15 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6167 del
Or another possibility, that "physical materia" and "spirit materia" are only differentiated by how they happen to relate to other objects in the environment rather than the speed of the substance. So an object bearing the same "existential signature" as the viewer would be perceived as a regular object. While a differing relationship in existential signature might be an "invisible object" or a "thought". Or perhaps this would result from the signature corresponding to the viewer's 'mind' rather than 'body'. And an entirely incompatible set of existential signatures may result in two objects being "nonexistent" to one another.

Sunflower 02/05/2024 (Mon) 17:34 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6171 del
(88.62 KB 1280x722 key.jpg)
I will only answer this now because this is a simple thing to answer the other question and the "crux issues" will need a longer explanation.

>If a ghost wants to interact with the physical, would it simply be a matter of ‘slowing itself down’ to that speed which causes it to become physical? Or would it need to ‘find a body’ to inhabit instead?
You can say both but if a ghost wants to "appear" it needs to "actualize" itself. Human flesh bodies are more or less "full" constructs. An empty construct can be inhabited via a ghost and a powerful ghost can generate a sort of "ectoplasma" or use the mind of the perceiver human to generate the materia for the ghost so it can appear. The problem with magic is that it is super simple once you see it but supercomplicated while your eyes are not open. Like trying to explain the blind how things work. They can actually understand it but they need to rely on their other senses which makes them handicapped in developing the same understanding as those who see. Your thinking process is good but it needs to expand tremendously and I need to figure out which puzzle pieces would help to see the big picture or your mind just would ask for further puzzle pieces.

>simply be a matter of ‘slowing itself down’ to that speed
Forget "speed" or inertia and anything. Time and space is a meme. It does not exist. You will need to reach a place without time and space to see the big picture. Yes the "ghost" needs to match the same environmental requirements of the natives of the space have but that is not just "speed" but several other energy formations and qualities. Speed is a factor but not the main thing. This is why >>6153 even he said it is a "recipe" in the end.

>This touches on the question of what is the fundamental difference between matter and spirit
I can give you 2 answers. Nothing. Everything is an illusion. Or TOO MANY FUCKING THINGS THAT I AM UNABLE TO EVEN START LISTING. Like how 2 physical objects are not the same but similar the spirit also have differing qualities that you need to "feel"/merge with to be even able to observe.
>basic difference between solids, liquids, and gasses
Yes then you have a bunch of exemptions like how glass is a solid but acts as a fluid then you have plasma. The problem is whenever I try to make a lowly axiom on the current mundane understanding level it instantly becomes wrong. This is what happens when you stare into infinity. I will need time to calm down my energies a little and might try answering again.

>Which I suppose is the key concept here that I'm trying to understand
The problem is with the key. You need to find that yourself. All I can do is to give ideas where it lies in the dark but if you accidentally kick it farther from you you will not be able to understand it. Also there are many doors with many locks and some doors open on their own and while there are skeleton keys in magic it does not mean they work with every lock. Things can get weird when the base laws of reality change

Sunflower 02/05/2024 (Mon) 23:20 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6175 del
I got tired of the remaining small cells of glowies/NWO. I saw on /pol/ someone post google satellite view maps where if you zoom in on locations out in the wild, google will mark up "estates" in seemingly random places once zoomed in far enough. Some of them are in the sea.

I know these are their hide-outs but I really don't want to spend time searching and destroying 100s of these, or waiting for them to do their daily suicide attacks. It's so tedious.

Solution: I put out an ad on the federation market with "slaves for sale" and had Era list all of them. At first I put out only those who were useless or not beneficial, but I soon realized the only "benefit" in the ones I left for punching bags was that I came to understand that it's pointless trying to correct them. Someone else would just have wiped them out at once along with the Earth.

I ended up selling all of them, and getting a permit from the federation to have the buyer enter the Earth sphere and teleport them up. Because I already have minerals stored I asked to have some other slaves as a trade, but for the second trade they gave me 3000 silver in addition because the value wasn't equal.

If anyone feels cheated out of a glowie punching bag I can send some of the silver over to your astral storage. It's not much but you can at least buy some regular slaves on the federation market (normal price for household slaves are 2 - 8 silver each). Just reply to this post, and you have to be someone with a history on this board.

Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 12:30 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6176 del
>the buyer
Interesting follow up on this:
I saw that they had a very effective technology which they used to control the slaves they bought. It seems the reason they were interested in the first place is that by federation policies it's not allowed to use control measures (forced labour) unless the slaves are very heavy with karma(and gravity), so dirty people are better for running mining operations if you don't want to do the work yourself.

It was based off a very simple and robust set up with a control ray which mentally "whips" them to move forward in a line like ants, and they are unable to "reverse" their path of movement. Basically they are used as oxen to carry ore. Any anger they have inside will be funneled into a useful workforce instead, so the more insane and entitled they are the better.

Seeing this I contacted them and asked if it would be possible to learn their technology? They said they would give an entry level course for 3500 silver. I manifested a projected body form and went over there.

Their technology uses a very simple and effective method of relating hand eye coordination to create mental concepts. It had a joystick like pic related.

Numbers would be shown on the screen, where the first number is the Z axis of the vehicle movement, and the following two are X and Y. The lever is then pressed in the direction of the number, and for the middle it is pressed down like a button. Staying in place would be a 1, then turning would be done by entering two following numbers, while 2 first means slow movement one length unit forward and so on.

This was done with left hand. Right hand was for controlling the mining drill attached to an arm. The way of using number series was the same, where the first number was the Z position of the drill, starting at 1 for the closest position to the vehicle. (I did not see a reverse driving function, it seems it had to be turned 180 degrees to go back again.)

When the training was done with left hand, then right hand, then both at once, the number screen was no longer used, but the vehicle was operated by visuals of the surroundings only.

Any further technolog they have is based on the same number control system, so they don't give education at higher levels, those things you learn by working and specializing.

Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 20:17 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6179 del
>If anyone feels cheated out of a glowie punching bag
Nah I am working on getting rid of my impulses for punching evils as a stress relief. I can disassemble and evaporate them why do I want to feel them die by my hand. What even is generating that satisfaction. Had even a minor dream where I were quashing large flies. The mindset was barely above of a cat hitting it's prey with with it's paw. It was like BAD FLY BAD BAMM BAD BAMM. Probably some energies from an entity that is tasked of getting rid of these "bugs".

>the more insane and entitled they are the better.
There is always a "method in madness" once you figure out that method it is easy to rewire. This is why enlightened beings are different. They don't operate via simple wires anymore. Their whole being is alive and they know what you are doing... and they know you are the one that does not have any idea what he is doing.

Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 20:52 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6181 del
>I am working on getting rid of my impulses for punching evils as a stress relief.
I didn't want to say this before, but from what you have shared earlier of your previous workings, it seems you are ahead of me on your own path. I don't know how this compares and I don't want to boost someone ego, so I didn't say anything before. I also don't know how abilities compare, maybe they don't compare very easily at all, so it's pointless to talk about. What I mean is the ability vs how you handle your own area. My area is a completely different thing so I have to do completely different things to control it, that's why I'm saying it may not compare.
But I know from what I went through recently that these are things you previously talking of doing, in your own field. It's why you "already have means for" many things I share, while they are of course completely different, and mine have different goals entirely. (Such as creating ways for djinn to organize Islam 2.0 and researching the origin of races; I just found out that blacks are actually high level orcs, no joke. The "space African" all female race are a double evolved orc female Queens who seem culturally and body-wise completely different from the hivemind orcs. But they are technically the same race tree and belong with the Horde astral faction. This makes them very robust and they will not degenerate into retardation like others, they just return to being hivemind orcs if the situation worsens.)

Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 21:14 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6182 del
>You say spirits solidify into physical objects by sleeping.
Hmmmm... I was trying to say that you have to "awaken" the spirit so you can convince it can change form. Maybe I should've said that spirits "accept" their form instead of sleeping. It's like they are turning off their spiritual qualities like a computer turns off but you can awaken it via turning it on?
>Sleep is a bit difficult because your body definitely slows down in terms of actions
Not exactly. The body is working a lot while you are sleeping because it is in maintenance mode. I wouldn't say it slows down just because it is not "walking" anymore. There are important energy movements while sleeping and saying they are slower doesn't feel right.
>but I’m not sure the mind slows down
REM sleep. Your eyes literally move so your subconscious/body can rescan and rewrite parts of the brain. How it puts short term memory into long term. It is an activity you are unable to do awake.
>Dreams can’t often be described as slow
We usually remember the dream before waking up. You can say that the energy reaches a level where the body can execute to experience a dream. Lucid dreaming and dream yoga is different ofc. How fast is something depends on it's energy. Not to mention speed is relative. Which is a problem. You cannot relate everything to a single axiom. While everything is connected one way or the other that doesn't mean they don't have many stages they have to go through first. Oversimplifying complicated things not always result in universal understanding...
>But do spirits "become" material or do they only "inhabit" material?
Sometimes they are spirit and material at the same time while coming into existence. It's like the chicken or the egg. The egg contains the chicken while the chicken contains the egg. It doesn't matter which was first the only thing is they have a way to continue their own cycle.
Some spirits consciously decide if they accept you as a master and after that they solidify into an artifact that you can command while you can infuse objects with spirits to increase their function. Not every object has a "smart" spirit. Sometimes you have to supplement it with sentience and make sure that type of sentience is compatible with the object and with your sentience.
>Or is the material that the spirit inhabits itself another spirit?
Yes? There can be several spirits in an object besides the original spirit and they can become an "organism" with that
>Is the case that physical matter has a great many spirits packed in a great density and this density of spirits is what causes the high level of existential inertia that physicality has compared to the spirit?
Existential inertia... That concept... Object can "move" but not with their "own legs" but via other natural forces around us. If an object is that "aware" it can connect to an another spirit or a force and "move" or can "convince" a subconscious of a conscious being to "take it for a ride". I remember reading at some magic crystal blog decade ago how crystals can decide to depart from us. I mean yes those absentminded fucks usually lose them but they can also change their original energies and mysteriously vanish. Regular objects also can do that. Falling into other dimensions randomly. Inertia is a wrong concept because "everything moves" by default and not seeing that something moves doesn't mean it does not move at all.
>That it is simply caused by the necessity of having to move a great deal more things at once.
Necessity... Spirits and objects usually in a place "where they belong" and once they find their place they stay there... Maybe saying they don't move but "gravitate" towards something is more accurate.

Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 21:14 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6183 del
>that "physical materia" and "spirit materia" are only differentiated by how they happen to relate to other objects in the environment
This is accurate yes. In the spirit world you will find "physical objects" also. Not everything wants to move and talk all the time like conscious beings with a body. This is why I said they just want to "sleep". If no one spurs them into action then they rarely do anything unnecessary.
>an object bearing the same "existential signature" as the viewer would be perceived as a regular object
Okay this "existential signature" sounds like a nice ass concept but the problem is with "layers". An object might appear differently on an other layer while still being the same. This is the problem that while some object look like regular solids for us it has a high energy movement on an another layer because other spirits interact with it.
>While a differing relationship in existential signature might be an "invisible object" or a "thought". Or perhaps this would result from the signature corresponding to the viewer's 'mind' rather than 'body'.
Yes and this is the funny thing. Your body and your mind can interact with different layers once you become aware of them. But for those you have to develop eyes and "hands" and a "voice" for those layers to be able to interact with. Thoughts and their level of quality and authority can change the whole interaction.

>And an entirely incompatible set of existential signatures may result in two objects being "nonexistent" to one another.
You could say they don't have a relation or a connection aka unable to perceive/interact with each other. Yes. This is why you have to establish a proper working relation with a spirit that has a proper force to "move it". Sometimes you just create a hologram or a visage as a placeholder and don't even manage to reach the necessary layer to "convince it" to change the layer you intend to change.
Existential layers complicate and connect everything. Once you are able to consciously see them and not just randomly connect to it like an energy charge goes in the "least resistance" but able to direct it to the necessary location it can really change things.

Hope this helps a little instead of creating more conceptual confusion. We are at the level where I have to reread something several time and just to make sure look up the definition of some concepts so I don't mix up things.

Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 22:02 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6184 del
>it seems you are ahead of me on your own path
In some regards but I am lacking in others. Always want to talk about but this is a process and sharing it is "nice" but not always necessary and I don't want to create more confusion. Your processes are different and it takes me quite the effort to tune into it. This is why I am visiting fringe to practice my Upaya. Compared to you I lack the experience of talking about spirituality which is bad because it might just turn me into a mage that is far into his own ass in his own kingdom of delusion. If I am unable to help others and understand their problems then my compassion is misaligned. Ofc those who sabotage the enlightenment of others need to be dealt differently than those who seek it.
>maybe they don't compare very easily at all
Yeah... took me time to realize it we don't awaken to the same abilities. Only tight knit communities with the same genetics and soul origins can do that. We are all different. And that is a god thing. We can all learn from each other.
>it's pointless to talk about
Not pointless but extremely hard to not make it look like we are arguing or nitpicking each other's ways and most importantly don't create more confusion in the process. We both doing our own thing and sharing all of them is not necessary. It was weird yesterday. Was thinking about my own concept how 2 "warring" sides interact and how you can manage those forces and as I felt a need to put it into words a girl similar looking as the sunflower module you later posted yesterday appeared and made an :o face but it had small cat ears. The things we do gets shared when our abilities "compare" naturally it seems.

>the ability vs how you handle your own area. My area is a completely different thing so I have to do completely different things to control it
Yeah. And yes the "area"... your area only getting the "Big brother" now. We had that since the Habsburgs... then the Commies... and now the Globetards. You have to deal with the most entitled brainwashed retards while I just have to connect to the rage everyone feels around me and make sure it "goes through". We don't have a problem with authority. We have a problem with retards in charge thinking they own the world and saying
>stop being entitled
while personally sabotaging every aspect of life. The farmer protest is still within acceptable measures for them and I am not sure how it will play out. At least it makes the brainwashed leftist jump out so they can hate those who own their own means of production and make sure the food arrives on their shelves that they buy from government funds. I feel a sorry for them but my hatred is still stronger and will crack their entire persona when they appear front of me. Maybe they were the flies? Flies don't really contribute to food they just "spoil" it so they can reproduce in shit. They spit on the food so they can digest it. Literally how leftists take over institutions so they can ruin it (to their level) then they enjoy a minor part of it then let the other parts "rot". Huh.

Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 22:03 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6185 del
>Such as creating ways for djinn to organize Islam 2.0
Yeah I have no idea how that will play out so I let you handle that. I gave out 2 "agenda" for the Islam egregore in the last year. Make sure to not fall for useless/bait wars in the middle east which was accepted. Then the other was for the migrants to go home. Which was rejected mostly because the migrants do not have a "Home" anymore (they willingly cut ties with their country egregore in a no return way...MFs) and they just come here as leeches. Long were the days when Turks came to germoney for a salary then went home to make their families live well. And seeing this I told them "At least fuck with leftists as much as you can" which was something they already wanted to do so it was not just accepted but reinforced. Migration ruins everyone and that is it's current purpose. It is not about jobs or the GDP anymore. They showed it quite well in this decade. They don't even try to lie anymore. Can't wait till every leftist is replaced via a Paki or a Pajeet.
>they will not degenerate into retardation like others, they just return to being hivemind orcs if the situation worsens
An interesting observation.

>I don't want to boost someone ego
Yeah don't worry about it. I am aware of my failings and also aware how much I am not aware of all my failings yet because I need to fix the crucial ones first. If you wanted to boost my ego you would need to use some extremely specific words so it comes through. But your silver tongue ability might be better than mine so I am not sure. Srsly the way I am willing to accept compliments is weird. That is also a weird ass complex I have. It goes back to my parenting. I was raised in a very bipolar way. At one day I was praised for everything and the next day I was shat on and criticized for everything. Even when I did the same thing. Adjusting to the mood swings of my parents was not something nice.

Sunflower 02/07/2024 (Wed) 00:02 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6187 del
>Was thinking about my own concept how 2 "warring" sides interact and how you can manage those forces and as I felt a need to put it into words a girl similar looking as the sunflower module you later posted yesterday appeared and made an :o face but it had small cat ears.
Alright, I need to comment on this at once. There were some kind of aliens, I may call them "ultimate satanists" but not just some demon cult, like just pure disgusting perverted evil kind of people, who activated a satellite withing the Earth sphere because they had been locked out. The images they beamed down were:
>USA flag vs modern Russia flag
>strong arms locked in armwrestling overlay on the flags

They were still following along with the WW3 plan, no matter what happens they won't budge unless you obliterate completely their ability to do so. I already had a self-replicating bot-fairy system activated which will manifest more bots and concentrate them in response to negative messages, and they quickly dismantled the satellite. They're adaptive and will take on the best racial for for each location.

Interesting confirmation of events.

Sunflower 02/07/2024 (Wed) 00:17 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6188 del
Hey, now that I typed this out, I know why they did this, and what this entire thing is about. Fuck, that's so simple, and I just did some major thing to solve it for myself so maybe this is why I see it.

Anon before who wasn't a regular here asked something to which I gave some lecture on my way of understanding the brain, yin and yang and how that relates to the anima/animus.

Left brain is mostly yang, but the front is yin, and that is the anima. So you get here the set up for lolicon by connecting the main male with the subordinate female. The right brain half is the opposite, it has the main female on the front, then the subordinate male on the back, which is the animus. This is where you get the straight shotacon connection, or simply "cowtits lover" when turned from the male view. These connections are both "legal" from a brain view because they have balance and yin is subordinate on the male side, while yang is subordinate on the female side. All right. Then you can connect left front and right back which is then a loli+shota connection, the least controversial in all aspects, two subordinates creates the small dao wheel.

The problem is when people want to created the main male + main female connection in the middle. This is a bad connection, both sides are dominant and they cannot function. But this is advocated in society as same-age marriages. It is a karmic connection and should not be formed. If existing, it must be broken.

>USA flag vs modern Russia flag
>strong arms locked in armwrestling overlay on the flags
This is of course the exact same thing. Dominant masculine USA vs dominant mother Russia. This WW3 plan is based on maintaining this connection!

And that is why they are also instinctively afraid of all age-gap relations, even if they don't know the symbolic meaning.

Sunflower 02/07/2024 (Wed) 00:36 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6190 del
Follow-up on the miner aliens:

I was contacted by them because I have a mining certificate from their school, and offered a contract to drive a mining vehicle. Sending out a parallel copy of myself only takes moderate attention so I accepted. I was then offered more mining jobs during the day, and formed a team with one of my ladies who took the "overseer" course at their school. We were then offered to test opening a new mine on an ice desert planet. It paid really well, like millions in silver. We're now taking a break.

They already used up the glowie slaves and were looking for more again, also.

These miners are really nice, and the environment too. It's a bit dangerous (one time the tunnel caved in on me and the vehicle broke, but I got out fine) but it's very calm and rational, not at all like working here on Earth. The number control system is almost meditative in its simplicity once you learn it. (It's a little different that directions aren't the direction of the joystick, but makes perfect sense if you think about it as a number pad, and compared to an actual numpad this is much smoother.)

Sunflower 02/07/2024 (Wed) 00:44 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6191 del
(9.73 KB 505x448 mine.png)
They give you a map like this, and the main area you can drill as you want, but when you get into the dark areas, an alarm goes off and the machine halts. It operates by some kind of GPS but it also maintains an internal map so it works even if you lose connection (this happens deep inside). Once in the "number control area", the vehicle will give directions on the screen, these are taken from the storage media which is inserted into the control panel as you start mining. It's been prepared by the overseer based on the quality of the rock and what kind of tunnel you are building, to avoid it caving in. You then follow the directions and enter the numbers exactly to take it step by step.

Sunflower 02/07/2024 (Wed) 03:25 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6192 del
Thanks. I think I'll need to try to put these concepts into practice in order to internalize them correctly.

Sunflower 02/07/2024 (Wed) 17:15 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6193 del
(65.32 KB 474x465 devil.jpg)
>There were some kind of aliens, I may call them "ultimate satanists"
Seems they were members of a large infernal type dimension. It looks almost exactly like these old wood prints with devils. Weird that I never saw this place before, it's just outside the Earth. They're shapeshifters with grey fur and a "raggy" feel.

Sunflower 02/10/2024 (Sat) 09:21 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6224 del
Semantic enhancer

This is a brain enhancer bot, fully automatic once activated. It will lay bare the 4D form of any concept as it enters your mind, and its connections to other concepts, all as 4D shapes. 4D here means the time progression shown as a 3D graph with colours indicating its contents, when viewed at a basic level or using the 3rd eye (which may also activate as a result of installing this). The purpose of this is to derive the true meaning of any concept, in real time, so that your ability to analyse messages in speech, text or images optimizes.

Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 13:17 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6247 del
The federation said they'll move forward and initiate "the great reset" in the manner it was meant to be done; all souls now with bodies on Earth will be given equal resources, and then with the federation protection everyone will grow naturally and end up with what they should have. NPCs don't count, so any resources they have (money or ownership) is to be treated as components in the system, you cannot access them and they are not actual assets someone can use. Trying to use those would be like extracting the gold in your computer's chips and selling it instead of using the computer for profit, so don't try to do that.

Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 17:21 Id: 847041 [Preview] No.6248 del
I haven't looked at it much since I kinda entered a rut again but I think that sigil trypper created for me night have purged/pulled out some things, I can't put my finger in what exactly. I ran into that pink haired girl again it atleast kitsune that looked like her, the most notable thing about that encounter was that she literally went into my walls and
>"I'll always wait in the shadows for you~"
Some other things happened but they're likely not too relevant however I'll post about some of them anyways in case I'm being oblivious toward something
>Saw a woman being yandere and causing wanton destruction, flying across the sky
>Man who looked nutou yugioh from yugioh was chasing her down for a bit, it was an intense chase that last for a good while but it eventually ended in him capturing and she was put in a cell
>However the two spoke and she had a smile, the person broke her out and they left together to do things (not sexual, mind you but I can't recall them resuming acts of wanting destruction anymore either)
>My sisters calling themselves being cute and biting/sucking on my neck while using the appearance of a family member (I'm starting to think that's not really a sexual thing and just an affection thing at this point)
There also my return to fighting games feeling like shit but I'm starting to think there's not much I can do about that because the wiring or whatever in my body pretty hard caps me from doing much apart from spirit work or anything light as shiva(?) Anon mentioned

Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:37 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6249 del
> I kinda entered a rut again
Yeah was wondering what is with you even I asked the sisters about because the shit Trypper shares can be potent sometimes. Your sisters told me some days ago "you are learning"
>my return to fighting games
Was wondering if they are talking about something like this or you figured some other passion out
>"I'll always wait in the shadows for you~"
Cuet. I would say interact with her but it is not really necessary because she is patient so only do it when you feel ready. She wants to show you something so no need to hurry.
>My sisters calling themselves being cute and biting/sucking on my neck while using the appearance of a family member (I'm starting to think that's not really a sexual thing and just an affection thing at this point)
Just looked into it they are draining some negative energy from you. Like sucking out the venom of the hurtful past.
>sigil trypper created for me night have purged/pulled out some things
They are potent and I don't know what it does because I did not check it and I am aware what mindset I need to properly analyze the stuff Trypper makes and I am taking it easy now.

>because the wiring or whatever in my body pretty hard caps me
Hard to explain this but as long as you "use" your body from the "retarded mundane" way instead of your "awakened superpersona" you will bump into that "hard cap" calling it hard cap is right because if you are not willing to consciously use your own powers it feels almost unbreakable but if you would connect into your other (You) and play games from that you could overcome it. Fighting games are about reflexes and predicting your enemy faster than he can execute his shit. I have body modules for that when I am in the "zone" and while you too also have that yours works different. Instead of sitting down and playing the fightan gaym like you usually do visualize yourself that you are other (You) and try to get the feel when you purged shit in yandere mode like it was the most natural thing. It is a "hard cap" but you have more than enough power to break that "cap".
>doing much apart from spirit work or anything light
You can do much but you are not allowed to "overwrite" your "divine circuits" with retarded shit like being able to block Sol consistently or I dunno which game you are playing now. It's hard to explain. It's like you are allowed overwrite shitty memories and useless skills like you are allowed to delet shitty programs but not allowed to overwrite system32.
>shiva(?) Anon
Yeah you can call me that. Not the worst nickname I can have in places like this. Even asked the Shaivist egregore about it and it said
>your energetic imbalances are a clear sign you are blessed by Shiva
so probably no angry Shaivist would throw a tantrum if someone calls me that.
>not much I can do about that
You can but do you really want to git gud at fightan gayms or you want to become your best version of yourself. I am not saying you have to choose because I too am sitting here posting watching anime and playing vidya instead of dunno becoming a hermit wizard. Funnily these things balance me. Also my reaction speed improved a lot as my energies unclogged themselves. Srsly meditate upon the connection with Artoria? (You) or whichever form she appeared last time and try to play vidya from that mindset.

Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:53 Id: 847041 [Preview] No.6250 del
>Yeah was wondering what is with you even I asked the sisters about because the shit Trypper shares can be potent sometimes. Your sisters told me some days ago "you are learning"
Yeah, i wanted to give it a while before i gave an update because i didnt know if the shit i was seeing/hearing/dealing with as a part of the doll effigy or whatever it was the trypper posted or something else entirely. I can atleast say i havent felt any negative effects from it so far

>Just looked into it they are draining some negative energy from you. Like sucking out the venom of the hurtful past.

>You can do much but you are not allowed to "overwrite" your "divine circuits" with retarded shit like being able to block Sol consistently or I dunno which game you are playing now. It's hard to explain. It's like you are allowed overwrite shitty memories and useless skills like you are allowed to delet shitty programs but not allowed to overwrite system32.
well, the games i have been playing is just under night in birth 2 and street fighter 6.

>You can but do you really want to git gud at fightan gayms or you want to become your best version of yourself.
I do want to improve and i think i have despite not playing a damn thing in like 4-5 years but... not at the cost of becoming my best self or losing any connections to anything like my sisters and such. quite frankly a part of me thinks if i do continue on that "grind" again my other... attributes might start to suffer like before so i'll just give it a little more time
I am not saying you have to choose because I too am sitting here posting watching anime and playing vidya instead of dunno becoming a hermit wizard. Funnily these things balance me. Also my reaction speed improved a lot as my energies unclogged themselves. Srsly meditate upon the connection with Artoria? (You) or whichever form she appeared last time and try to play vidya from that mindset.
yeah about that, i've been seeing myself in that form much more often, without consciously trying to do it weirdly enough. whenever i grip chest/place my hand over it i can see my real body instead of my human one even if it is for a split second so i guess something is working(?) speaking of that, her and another one, Murasaki Shikibu (pic related) had been on my mind too so i assume this one of the "many" forms of perfection you were alluding to Good lord, i hope i get the king whenever she comes become murasaki went into half of my resources O_O but it'll work out in the end most likely

Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 21:56 Id: 847041 [Preview] No.6251 del
>Hard to explain this but as long as you "use" your body from the "retarded mundane" way instead of your "awakened superpersona" you will bump into that "hard cap" calling it hard cap is right because if you are not willing to consciously use your own powers it feels almost unbreakable but if you would connect into your other (You) and play games from that you could overcome it. Fighting games are about reflexes and predicting your enemy faster than he can execute his shit. I have body modules for that when I am in the "zone" and while you too also have that yours works different. Instead of sitting down and playing the fightan gaym like you usually do visualize yourself that you are other (You) and try to get the feel when you purged shit in yandere mode like it was the most natural thing. It is a "hard cap" but you have more than enough power to break that "cap".
I'll try that, feels like i havent gone in yandere mode in a while and its having somewhat negative... effects

>Was wondering if they are talking about something like this or you figured some other passion out
well, it feels like they are kind of alluding that its not really for me (fighting games) and that another passion/path in that regard is better for me

Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 22:03 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6252 del
What is even common is Rice Shower and Akagi Miria? I should get into Idolmaster sometimes. I really liked Rice Shower in Uma Musume how she goes into her "reaper mode" superzone and forgets everything but her goal. It really works like that. That horse gacha ad truly explained how you can improve your training mentally. Yakuza money launderers make a good anime somehow.

>NPCs don't count, so any resources they have (money or ownership) is to be treated as components in the system,
So nothing changed lol. Those who think exploiting NPCs are the way to go are the most retarded fucks ever. It's like how predators eat too much prey and kill themselves with it for the next cycle because the prey was unable to reproduce enough and now there is not enough food for the predators. No system can last that lives from exploiting and killing the class that actually make things work. And no I will not say the term "working class" anymore because leftists consider the HR manager and the tiktok whore working class while the farmer as an evil bourgeois... especially if he owns his own means of production. The only reason I want them to "win" so I can see them starve to death because they are even farther from reality than the soviet revolutionaries were.
>Trying to use those would be like extracting the gold in your computer's chips and selling it instead of using the computer for profit, so don't try to do that.
Well said.

>I do want to improve and i think i have despite not playing a damn thing in like 4-5 years
Good that means your main circuits are actualizing themselves. It means then you are the one that "Holds himself back" without realizing.
>not at the cost of becoming my best self or losing any connections to anything like my sisters and such
No worry that won't happen. Your connection is real strong now. Try to feel your "image" and try to understand the energies that appear and play energies with that "superfeeling"

>and its having somewhat negative... effects
Am not sure about that. Maybe it is time to not go in the "yan" mode but understand the "dere" part? Hope this made sense.

Sunflower 02/11/2024 (Sun) 22:09 Id: 847041 [Preview] No.6253 del
>Good that means your main circuits are actualizing themselves. It means then you are the one that "Holds himself back" without realizing.
I see...

>No worry that won't happen. Your connection is real strong now. Try to feel your "image" and try to understand the energies that appear and play energies with that "superfeeling"
thats good to hear... I was admittedly worried about such a thing

>Am not sure about that. Maybe it is time to not go in the "yan" mode but understand the "dere" part? Hope this made sense.
i think i understand what you mean

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 16:28 Id: b09e23 [Preview] No.6297 del
Small update(?): there was some blue slime/slug thingy that fused with some with women and turned them into what looked like Kali/durga's interpretation from FGO (pic related) and they kept following me around, they didn't try to harm but they kept following me around, observing me and destroying things. Also I vividly remember the multiple arms.

I vaguely remember being taken to the island again and all those women were training/helping me with something, unfortunately I can't remember anything about it

I recall being trained again but in yugioh(?), basically them and like one or two guys having me undergo a sort of boot camp where they wanted me to assemble a deck out of cards I could scavenger thwt were decent to very mediocre. I somehow managed but for whatever reason there was some countdown thingy so I couldn't really use said it deck and I was admittedly not hauling ass fast enough but apparently me actually choosing to working on and completing assembly of the deck in spite of thr countdown expiring was good enough to them for the moment

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 16:34 Id: b09e23 [Preview] No.6298 del

It's a weirdly both easy and difficult seeing/being in the other form, sometimes I can see myself on her/my form easily, other times it's difficult. That being said I'm only posting the following picture since it's related but when I got lion king artoria... This happened. I somehow got 2 of her, I am not sure if this due to this being my true body or what. I don't think I've gotten a copy of an SSR servant at all before (that I'm consciously aware of). Also, I managed to get a second copy of Seibah as well

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:32 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6300 del
>some blue slime/slug thingy
Sounds like the stuff BO is doing but... It's not that. I don't feel the same energies from them.
>didn't try to harm but they kept following me around, observing me and destroying things. Also I vividly remember the multiple arms.
Might be a new bodily form/awareness someone is trying to provide you. Try to interact with them or ask your sisters or any deity around you about them. I am sure they react to your thoughts and you can use them as an extension of yourself. I too had similar things like that. Learning to use several hands at once is always a boon in spirituality.

>I vaguely remember being taken to the island again and all those women were training/helping me with something, unfortunately I can't remember anything about it
You will have to learn "reconnecting to dreams" after waking up. It's about going back into the dream and finding the part of your mind/subconscious that stores what you learned there. Also they are usually skills and not exactly actual experiences. This is why you cannot recall it that simply. It's like recalling muscle memories. You only do that when you do a similar movement and not exactly via visually remembering it. For a skill memory you have to visualize doing the thing you learned so it can appear.

>sort of boot camp where they wanted me to assemble a deck out of cards
Sounds like a meta training about some concepts. How you pick up "concepts" and use it as your "deck". It's a different kind of "learning". Instead of sitting and listening to a teacher or watching someone do an activity so you can copy it it is like an SD card containing information and via putting it into your "Mind stream" you know how to use it. I am not sure how it will work for you but I think it's the same idea. Cards as powers/concepts you will be able to "summon" or invoke at will once you can consciously "access" your "deck" of sorts. I get a feeling of a meta plane interaction from that dream. I too had those in the past.

>It's a weirdly both easy and difficult seeing/being in the other form, sometimes I can see myself on her/my form easily, other times it's difficult
Yeah you will have to understand that "seeing it" is not important but "feeling" "knowing" and "understanding" the energies it holds is what matters. But yes seeing it is the start but it is about energies manifesting from you.
>I got lion king artoria... This happened. I somehow got 2 of her, I am not sure if this due to this being my true body or what.
You have a higher influence on reality and you really really wanted that card so an itty bit you warped the drop rates. I too am doing it most of the times without noticing. This is why I don't play gacha. It gets annoying and reminds me how I am wasting my powers and attention on frivolous things. This was not a critique to your gacha addiction I too played wow and other games where droprates where important and they "coincidentally" were always good

If you interact with the smiles more a direct connection might appear. Currently it is hard to connect them from my side. Their mental link is "too dull" for me. But I am not sure if their origin matters a lot because slimes are easy to distribute and used. I am sure they are there for you. Work with them. It fun. You might learn sensory energy work and other stuff with them.

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:48 Id: b09e23 [Preview] No.6301 del
>You will have to learn "reconnecting to dreams" after waking up. It's about going back into the dream and finding the part of your mind/subconscious that stores what you learned there. Also they are usually skills and not exactly actual experiences.
I see.. I'll learn what I can about doing that and try to remember what else what else was happening. It was incredibly vague but I'll still give it a shot regardless

>Might be a new bodily form/awareness someone is trying to provide you. Try to interact with them or ask your sisters or any deity around you about them. I am sure they react to your thoughts and you can use them as an extension of yourself.
Hmm... That might be the case, I'll try asking them a bit later. It oddly wasn't scary when it happened but then again my curiosity gets the better of me at times so ehhhh

>How you pick up "concepts" and use it as your "deck". It's a different kind of "learning". Instead of sitting and listening to a teacher or watching someone do an activity so you can copy it it is like an SD card containing information and via putting it into your "Mind stream" you know how to use it. I am not sure how it will work for you but I think it's the same idea. Cards as powers/concepts you will be able to "summon" or invoke at will once you can consciously "access" your "deck" of sorts. I get a feeling of a meta plane interaction from that dream. I too had those in the past.
It's probably just common sense/simple stuff but a bit more of what I can remember from it is was card ratios, basically use 1-3 copies of card depending on what it can do (some searchers that can fetch you other searchers or cards you need for plays you run 3 copies, a power card that's good but becomes to redundant/takes too much space if you run more than one, etc.) which felt really hard for me to gauge on my own prior. But also it felt like this was showing me "building blocks" of concepts and learning on general as you said

Also I might have to unfuck my sleep cycle, since that's probably playing a part in giving me difficulties recalling recalling the other training

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:56 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6302 del
>some searchers that can fetch you other searchers
That's it. With that you can index and "search" your subconscious. Think of a concept or a question and your mind will provide the answer or something that is close to it. With that you establish the mental link between your "minds" and most importantly the entities you work with.

>Also I might have to unfuck my sleep cycle
Definitely. Not easy I know.
>since that's probably playing a part in giving me difficulties recalling recalling the other training
Yeah. Did you try doing a meditation routine? Before sleep or after waking up? Might help connecting to the energies more consciously. Let your sisters or deities you can communicate with guide your mind and body how to do it. Just ask them for help and listen to the instructions.

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:58 Id: b09e23 [Preview] No.6303 del
>Yeah you will have to understand that "seeing it" is not important but "feeling" "knowing" and "understanding" the energies it holds is what matters. But yes seeing it is the start but it is about energies manifesting from you.
Ohhhh... I can kinda get what you mean. The times where I think, feel and understand that the other me/her. A few times did happen where thoughts and demeanor became her's for a bit. I also tried to do what you suggested for fighting games it did work but it's especially hard to maintain/pull out such a thing during games for a long time.

Oh don't sweat it, I knew you weren't making a slight or anything against me for that but I do get where you're coming from.

>You have a higher influence on reality and you really really wanted that card so an itty bit you warped the drop rates. I too am doing it most of the times without noticing

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:59 Id: b09e23 [Preview] No.6304 del
>Yeah you will have to understand that "seeing it" is not important but "feeling" "knowing" and "understanding" the energies it holds is what matters. But yes seeing it is the start but it is about energies manifesting from you.
Ohhhh... I can kinda get what you mean. The times where I think, feel and understand that the other me/her. A few times did happen where thoughts and demeanor became her's for a bit. I also tried to do what you suggested for fighting games it did work but it's especially hard to maintain/pull out such a thing during games for a long time.

Oh don't sweat it, I knew you weren't making a slight or anything against me for that but I do get where you're coming from.

>You have a higher influence on reality and you really really wanted that card so an itty bit you warped the drop rates. I too am doing it most of the times without noticing

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:03 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6305 del
It's chaos magic 101. Messing with probabilities subconsciously and consciously. This is what it means being the master/maker of your own "luck".

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:05 Id: b09e23 [Preview] No.6306 del
Okay ummm I didn't mean to make a duplicate post, my bad

>Did you try doing a meditation routine? Before sleep or after waking up? Might help connecting to the energies more consciously. Let your sisters or deities you can communicate with guide your mind and body how to do it. Just ask them for help and listen to the instructions.
I tried something yesterday but I'm not really sure of it worked. I just sat in my chair and meditated for a bit and reached out to them and I kinda do the same at night when I'm laying, calling out to them. Typically it's just affirmations on certain things and them kind of telling me certain things like my path (don't hyperfocus on fighting games too much since it'll turn into the negative kind of distraction, etc.). So mostly they have just been getting me to shift/change some of my other habits around and talking to me about that recently

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:12 Id: b09e23 [Preview] No.6307 del

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:16 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6308 del
>I tried something yesterday but I'm not really sure of it worked.
Sounds like it worked to me.
>Typically it's just affirmations on certain things and them kind of telling me certain things like my path (don't hyperfocus on fighting games too much since it'll turn into the negative kind of distraction, etc.).
>So mostly they have just been getting me to shift/change some of my other habits around and talking to me about that recently
It takes time till the affirmations become stronger. Your "inner voice" needs to "flush out" all your negative habits but no worries your sisters are helping with that. You just have to get comfortable with the new/old (You) and with the fact that your voice/affirmations have power over your mind and reality.
>I just sat in my chair and meditated for a bit
Also that is the start. You did well. This is the mainstream pic about how you can advance the poses as they feel comfortable. (No I did not do Seiza my legs are too long for that nor I know anyone doing that. That is a thing for women. You can skip that)

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:23 Id: b09e23 [Preview] No.6309 del
Kek. the chair one was the way I did it albeit I had my eyes closed and my hands on chest/heart area

>It takes time till the affirmations become stronger. Your "inner voice" needs to "flush out" all your negative habits but no worries your sisters are helping with that. You just have to get comfortable with the new/old (You) and with the fact that your voice/affirmations have power over your mind and reality.
Ahhh, I see. I forgot to mention earlier but my mind "voice" feels like it's slowly getting replaced lion king artoria's as well. But yeah, I'll try to let myself become more at ease/comfortable with this. Plus I'm getting a little btter at balancing the shitpost and non shitpost aspects plus overall being able to filter out outsode trash (like most of the posts in places like 4chan, shitcord, etx.)

Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 19:37 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6310 del
>my mind "voice" feels like it's slowly getting replaced lion king artoria's as well
You might notice it with time that you can consciously change the "tune of the voice" of your mind. I think about different topics and different situations with somewhat different voices. For spell casting and for other things they change too. The reason why it is "Artoria" is because OUR KING IS PERFECT and currently you don't consider your mundane self any way perfect at all. Sometimes the voices will become alive and ugly. You will have to find out where they come from and which "part of you" they represent then you will have to reason with them. These affirmations these mantras are about calming and driving out those subconscious voices.

>Plus I'm getting a little btter at balancing the shitpost and non shitpost aspects plus overall being able to filter out outsode trash (like most of the posts in places like 4chan, shitcord, etx.)
Good to hear
>I did it albeit I had my eyes closed and my hands on chest/heart area
That is perfect. You are on the "path of love" and that is in the chest area so you did well. Your guides will help you onward I am sure of it.

Sunflower 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:32 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6346 del
Making an anchor post here for posterity.

Sunflower 02/20/2024 (Tue) 21:48 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6352 del
>I don't know where you draw of line at "human value" because bullets wouldn't exist without humans either so you can only start "valuing" things if you start from a level where humans did not "manufacture" anything yet. When do things start to have "value"?
Let's move this out of /blog/ because this is a discussion now. Ranting is ok for blogging but if I start replying it isn't a blog anymore, then we start talking to each other and not shouting at the wall as intended.

It's what I said: human value is often overrated by a lot. Most people produce only fertilizer in their lives at most. The most probable lifetime production of a common human today is a huge pile of trash that nature can't even break down. That is the physical karma they leave, which remain when they are re-incarnated next time. Then they wonder why they live in a world with no resources and no good culture.

If they don't cultivate themselves spiritually, they will just produce waste, things they have no way to regenerate, and that is why they later reincarnate as rocks, and get mined. If you were able to make a common person at all productive outside of producing literal shit for bacteria to live in, maybe their only use is to take a bullet in a war for a better society? It's that low, that may be the only thing one person can do, because they have no productive ability at all. Producing food for people who don't cultivate themselves or achieve anything at all which can lead to any kind of awakening or ascension, that is also a waste of natural resources.

So I mean it in a real, literal hard calculation way: if you send 100 000 soldiers into battle and they die, but they somehow contributed to a better society through that collective effort, then maybe that was the maximum value they had when pushed to the limit. From a spiritual awakening perspective.

Sunflower 02/20/2024 (Tue) 22:17 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6354 del
>if I start replying it isn't a blog anymore
>a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Yeah my nuance is not always good noticing the "style differences". Also as I mentioned I got "rid" of my sloth which was about balancing out my rage so I get angry easier especially if topics come out that are seemingly are my "soft spots". Tuning my expression takes time because I don't have people around that have the time and mental capacity to listen to my rants. I am usually busy fixing their other issues and I am not burdening them to understand my thinking processes too much.

>human value is often overrated by a lot
Missvalued for sure. We have an extreme value for different entities but true 90% of the humans are anything but valuable.
>Then they wonder why they live in a world with no resources and no good culture.
No worries they are destroying it in such a speed that they will notice it in a decade... if we would let them do that ofc. Damm. Good thing they can experience that in some funny hell dimension anyways.

>common human today is a huge pile of trash that nature can't even break down
Guess the programmers will inherit heaven then lol. Everything they worked and crunched for years will be gone in a decade. Truly a transient craft.

>producing literal shit for bacteria to live in
Good bacteria comes from "good shit" cesspits and not all animal manure is good for plant cultivation. But I agree. Those that cultivate only "physical" will be dragged to that level. As my energy field awakened and everytime I do an energy movement things crack constantly sometimes even break. I too seen souls being trapped in a materia and found ways how they can open "their way" between worlds cleaning it up and "finding their way" to their "home" and in the process revitalizing their pathway. But for that I need the "Great Tree" and the many branches of existence.

>Producing food for people who don't cultivate themselves or achieve anything at all which can lead to any kind of awakening or ascension, that is also a waste of natural resources.
Yeah. We managed to create more problems and more suffering via feeding those that can only breed and nothing more.

>they somehow contributed to a better society through that collective effort
I understand and this is why I am "passive" on many issues.

I calculated how I can "save" the "earth" with my egregoric presence and it was.
>Billions need to die
>in the turmoil even the innocent and the almost "worthy" will die too
Then I looked at the "current flow of events" and it was
>Billions will die then things will change but for that those that make them die need to reveal themselves first
Also yes people die all the time it's just robbing them from their awakening and their cultivation is what bothers me. My problem is that when I say the word "human" I do not consider the slave cattle retard as a human at all. This gives me a biased view of things because when the word human comes out I consider the entire human potential and not the "current state". The problem is that I am not just seeing "what could have been" but the way how it can be "bridged" and when I see those that "burn the bridge" so everyone can rot in a swamp so the swamp can smell worse for 3 weeks angers me a tiny bit.

What does an anchor post do?

Sunflower 02/20/2024 (Tue) 22:40 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6355 del
Nevermind, didn't pan out.

Sunflower 02/21/2024 (Wed) 00:25 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6359 del
This makes me realize that this is the exact issue that's been bottlenecking me. This tension you describe is very familiar and it's been causing issues. I might take up walking around whenever this tension arises rather than forcing it down. Might cause something meaningful to move.

Sunflower 02/21/2024 (Wed) 21:23 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6376 del
While I want to make an effort post about this after I reach a conclusion that I can finally word I think I should mention something important that I am finally able to realize in practice that I only knew as a theory or intuitive truth before.

"Bottlenecks". When we think there is a "neck" it is usually not "bottlenecking" because it is "narrow" but because it is not operating correctly because some "divine truth" is missing.
The reason why I am saying this because on the human body the "bottleneck" is... yes the neck. And the throat chakra has even more petals than the heart chakra and that is the "gateway" to supernatural abilities and the third eye is the divine instrument that let us see how it works.

What I noticed some months ago that sometimes my neck hurts like some muscle cramps. It turned out it was not just a muscle but literally an energetic bottleneck because some of my energetic pathways were clogged and a single pathway had to take the "brunt" of my psychic energies. Now I am noticing how there are several channels and all of them need to "work" so the workload is at the right places. There is nothing "super" about the "supernatural" it is completely natural once the truths find their places. It's always silly seeing how simple it is once you can understand it.

And about the throat chakra. That chakra has 16 petals while the crown chakra 1000. Why this is important. It is because as we go "Up" our head gets smaller but in actuality it has the highest nerve and energetic circuit density. While it is physically smaller in actuality the uncompressed "truth" is larger than our entire being. This is why you need to be "Open" for spiritual work because once flowers "bloom" they become far larger than the stem and can properly "bask in the light".

What I wanted to say with this post is that the "bottleneck concept" might actually bottleneck you further because you limit your understanding with it.

>Might cause something meaningful to move.
If it does feel free to write about it. I am exploring and expanding my understanding on this territory and I want to write it down when it becomes less hazy. Just had a moment in the night when I awoken because my subconscious didn't figure out how to "switch" the tension level that I suddenly unlocked in my body so I can remain asleep. Tuning it can be a real wonder sometimes.

Sunflower 02/21/2024 (Wed) 21:46 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6378 del
Well it feels as though there was some sort of energetic constipation occurring. I've noticed that as I sit at my computer gradually the tension builds up around my glutes, and collects and 'piles up' into my stomach area as time passes. I have begun getting up to pace back and forth when I notice this happening, and when I do so it feels like scratching an OCD-like itch. It feels as though energy is moving from my upper body down my legs into the ground when I do this, which feels good. I'm also driven to talk to myself as I do this. However, I've noticed negative effects occurring in my environment, which I recognize as externalizations of energy blockages that I had. I assume that this is simply an effect of passing them.

Sunflower 02/21/2024 (Wed) 22:13 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6379 del
(75.24 KB 600x600 Jung Tree.jpg)
>as though energy is moving from my upper body down my legs into the ground
Yeah that's it and also it can change directions. The key to most psychic powers is find how the body makes "clean" or "true" energies and channel them. While the root chakra is supposed to be the "lowest" actually that is the "balanced start" it goes into the legs and the earth/underworld into even lower in the end because pic related.

>However, I've noticed negative effects occurring in my environment, which I recognize as externalizations of energy blockages that I had. I assume that this is simply an effect of passing them.
Yes that will happen quite a lot. I cannot do any meaningful energy work even passively without making things crack around me constantly. Even when I wake up from a turbulent dream which gave me an energetic realization I can hear things crack as I slowly open my eyes.
The everything is an "illusion" and how everything is "connected" shows in these situations. Our energies go through objects all the time and as object can accustom to the heat slowly sudden heat change makes the objects crack or deform in interesting ways. Our energies are the same sometimes.
>externalizations of energy blockages
There will be a point when you have to realize that external and internal exists as long as you do not understand the connection between them. The microcosm mirrors the macrocosm. What you consider "inner" and "outer" might be wrong because most of our inner issues come from outer interactions which means they are not truly inner and especially not inherent ergo that is not (You) and as the saying goes.
>We have to give back everything to earth that it gave us once we leave
Which includes our problems/attachments/blockages too. There are external "outlets" that are "thirsty" for these blockages within us. Like how CO2 is a waste for us while it is essential for plants. There are many hidden energetic relations like these. Depends on your environment and your connection with the hidden dimensions tho but these movements will affect the physical quite a lot.

And yes as I don't always know which tree will breath my CO2 and which plant will grow from my shit I don't always know how these energies move but they circulate so saying that the "ground" absorbed it is wrong it just goes through it then it returns to me in an another way and form. These layers can interact peculiarly and can move and appear many ways.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 12:29 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6401 del
Ok so...

The Moloch cult

...must be one of the most degenerated groups ever. I started realizing during my bible study (cheered on by the angels) that the old testament is not a book about Yaweh, because that is just the egregore of the past Earth, that of the birds. It's not a god. The OT is the book of The Great Satan, an actual demon, he's just so far away in space that it's hard to make out his form.

The new testament isn't about Jesus, it's about Moloch. It started being clear to me how this actually works: Jesus became the new moloch sun, and he was up there for 1000 years after dying on the cross. This was the 1000 year kingdom of God, and it ended with the Black Death being unleashed, killing half the world population. This was the karma he had been storing inside himself as the star in the sky, the moloch sun. When he crashed down again, it was released, he never treated anyone, it was just postponed. This was followed by "the dark ages" when there was no fake sun, instead Saturn returned. The evil elites want Jesus back again, they have made "Saturn worship" into something negative in lore for this reason.

His story is one of collecting the karma of illness everywhere, and his birth was marked by all male infants up to 2 years of age being killed. That's not how a saviour works, those are very negative things.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 12:35 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6403 del
However, I also found that behind the egregore of the Moloch society, there is a being. Also far away, very satanic but still a being just the same. It does say in the OT that people are told "not to let their children pass through the fire to Moloch"; this has been interpreted as Moloch being a god of child sacrifice. But they also sacrificed children to Adremmelech, and he didn't even want this. He's an ok demon lord. Same for Baal ze Bub.

Working from the angle that maybe Moloch isn't this way, I found that from what it seems, this is a demon lord title or archetype which one can cultivate into and it has nothing really to do with killing or aborting children. I started feeling something when I did certain things in the past years, such as practicing kanji. That the energy of the moloch cult would appear, then be controlled and changed as my mind was clear. Same thing happened when I was learning how to write CNC programs by hand, making calculations on paper. Giving yourself and your "all" to the cultivation process doesn't mean to actually give anything physically, or to sacrifice anything like that, even less child sacrifice (now you can sacrifice animals or objects or enemies, but that's not the same thing).

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 12:37 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6404 del
The way to control the moloch cult may be to cultivate yourself into moloch using correct principles, then one can take control of those insane child-killers in Israel, among other places.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 13:02 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6405 del
>his birth was marked by all male infants up to 2 years of age being killed
Wasn't that about Herod killing them because a prophecy he will be overthrown by one of the children?
I am really not sure about this because it feels like a old motif from greek lore which started how Cronus the Titan ate his chidren so they don't overthrow him and then this motif repeated with Oedipus and many more people that killed everyone that fit the bill of the possible killer so their rule remains and with this they usually fulfilled the prophecy by being this retarded.

The problem with the whole new testament is that Jesus merged with multiple egregores especially with Rome and Rome was also an amalgamation of multiple cultures faiths and all pretended to be one and the same via mixing up a bunch of deities and concepts so they can "fake" some sort of cohesion and central authority/origin point.
And yes the fact that Jesus "awakened" via crucifixion managed to ruin so many things is ridiculous.
The entities I am working with said "moloch" is "not real" for long because it is just an egregoric "corpse" that was resurrected via groups through history so they can serve a purpose with him which is kinda similar to Jesus in this regard but I still don't consider them the same.
This is the problem with the Bible. Even the latin translation was wrong and once they started translating to every language meaning went into the direction the authors who were more like interpreters and not "channelers" of truth. This is why I am apathetic with my bible study because channeling 2 millenniums worth of retardation then tapping the "truth" with every page sounds tiring as hell and not the main thing I am striving for as of now. Channeling the prophecies of the prophets and try to understand how people misunderstood it and making sure I am getting it right is the shittiest kind of confusion and arrogant madness.

Just googled this shit with Herod it seems my insights about this are not "unique" because others came to this conclusion as well.
The fact that Rome made mashed potatoes from every faith for mass consumption does not help the understanding how things happened because most of the time Jesus is not even an important factor in some of the mechanisms at all but if he is not "there" it is disregarded as pagan nonsense. This is why we need a gazillion of saints to fill in the blank holes for things that Jesus didn't do in that last 5 years before his crucifixion.

>cultivate yourself into moloch using correct principles
Yeah uhm. That is how it works yes. Some "high sorcerer" realized moloch is a corpse and it can be overtaken if he becomes it's "sentience" but if you fuck it up it devours you and degenerates all perspectives of yours into a sort of egregoric corpse liquid. Good luck with that I guess.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 13:16 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6406 del
>The Greek liturgy asserts 14,000 Holy Innocents, while an early Syrian list of saints asserts 64,000. Coptic sources assert 144,000 and that it took place on 29 December.[13] The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1907–1912, recognizing that Bethlehem was too small a town to provide such numbers, reduced the victims to between six and twenty children in the town, with a dozen or so more in the surrounding areas.

And this is the fucking problem. Once you proclaim something as "truth" then you just go naaaah that can't be right and change it to fit your ways then proclaim it as ONE UNQUESTIONABLE TRUTH again it just makes a bunch of holes that multiple entities can exploit on whims and once the energies of the foundational prophecies get clogged it has no choice but to make new "false prophets" so people can learn how things work...

This other "false prophet" term is also something that triggers me. Every prophet is always chased out of his home town which means only people that were "deemed" false prophets can become "real prophets" but only after their death and only after the "current authorities" accept them as "real". This entire madness just makes every "prophet" into a sacrificial pawn if they let themselves to be overwhelmed by their visions.

Some entity just heard me shouting into the ether and is trying to tell me something relating to this it seems.
<It is about weeding out the fools that are everything but capable of wielding such powers you baka
Thx for the reply I guess...

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 13:39 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6409 del
>Some "high sorcerer" realized moloch is a corpse and it can be overtaken if he becomes it's "sentience" but if you fuck it up it devours you and degenerates all perspectives of yours into a sort of egregoric corpse liquid
Said who? Am I a high sorcerer now?

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 18:47 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6414 del
>Am I a high sorcerer now?
Do you want me to answer that?
>Said who?
This was what I noticed when I looked at many secret societies especially illumitards and other orgs that worshiped a "corpse" and there was a point when someone became something like a "chosen one" but it was merely just syncing with the egregore and making it grant power on the whims of the sorcerer. Somehow the members didn't realize they collectively sway the egregore only the higher ones and those that merged with it fully enjoyed the boons as long as they kept the sync perfect and provided the corpse with sentience. Once they deviated the corpse consumed the sorcerer the same way a limb that fell to necrosis can destroy the remaining parts of the body.
I thought this is a sort of common knowledge how egregores work? And once it's "sentient core" is gone it leaves an egregoric corpse that will either decay or someone can overtake it at it's leisure but to do that they need to have the ability to "revive it" and not merely feed on it like maggots feed on a corpse.

I hate talking about this because it is disgusting.
Jesus literally went ahead and "cleaned up" his corpse because the flesh is sinful and must not remain in any form with our ascension and we are "worshiping him" by carrying around a cross on his corpse. This is something so stupid I never truly understood. GUISE HE DIED FOR OUR SINS LOOK HERE IS HIS CORPSE NAILED ON A CROSS TO REMIND US HOW MUCH HE DIED. wtf. Always felt like a mocking ritual. Let us remind Jesus how much he died... so he can save us!

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 19:05 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6415 del
>Do you want me to answer that?
What you said seemed to come out of nowhere in relation to what I said. I'm talking about what I saw up there behind the Moloch brass bull egregore. I mean to take over the structure which is left down here now (the cult with the jews), the guy up there seems to have left. He looked like a "wide" cartoon character with a black suit, but he had a "sharp" feel and the energy was ominous in some way. Noticed I had that energy already when I stepped into the car to go shopping earlier, and though I didn't remember it when I woke up this morning, there was an attack by some NWO/glowfags early morning which was when I deviced the new clown Raid "Madness" to kill them with. At first I saw the classic Minotaur Moloch image but it was white, and he said between the teeth, uneffected by the energy stream "that's a quite strong attack". (I reverse engineered it so Madness has that ability.)

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 19:26 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6417 del
>What you said seemed to come out of nowhere in relation to what I said
Sorry about that. Wanted to rant about my findings and I thought it is relating to it. I have a "stuck in" energy that kinda makes me want to rant. Finally was able to somewhat let go of it.
Also I am not sure about the bull and how it is Moloch. I think it is only one of his aspects that the "cultists" managed to take hold of. Being with Shiva and a Taurus and a cowboy to boot the bull is not really something that can even try doing anything to me because I have my own bull aspects already. Those little fuzzballs know their place when I am around. Their thinking process is quite easy to decipher. They are animals in the end.
>which is left down here now
They are not in my territory for quite the long while so it is not really in my face for me.
>had a "sharp" feel
This might interest me.

Whatever the white bull can be many other entities and I have some history with them. But I noticed a minor brass being while looking around and it was cracking so I helped it to shatter.
I am not invested in this whole moloch thing as you so I cannot say I am seeing the same thing. I do not care who they worship (or think they worship) I only care what they do. They get judged based on their actions and once I feel their actions does not come from them I look into the energy that commands them but that is an another story.

K found more things while talking about this. Might go on a breaking frenzy to see what this is.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 19:27 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6418 del
I see it more as an empty throne than a corpse. A sleeping mantle. The 'decay' seems to be more of a remission as the body heat dwindles. I don't see any real transformation taking place there, other than the transformation of actualized into conceptual.
>merely just syncing with the egregore
Aren't all who inhabit a body merely just syncing with it? And if that resonance decays, death occurs. As with ants, as with gods.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 19:39 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6419 del
>Aren't all who inhabit a body merely just syncing with it?
Those who are born with the body are one with it until they can transcend their functions or allowed to leave it... I am not sure if we are seeing this issue the same way.
But yeah I have seen an illuminati on a throne in the past and he is not there now "atop the pyramid" so guess they left.

>And if that resonance decays, death occurs. As with ants, as with gods.

I am not sure it is this simple. What it means to be born with a resonance and finally understanding it how it resonates you then going further with it or leave it. I would need time to word how I see it. While this is something I thought about quite a lot I did not compile my new findings with this yet. What it means to sync and to become one and to start a new process with a perfect sync.

Also it seems this "brass" was limiting me too but compared to the other problems I was dealing with was minor so I didn't notice it. *sigh*.
I feel large and small at once.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 20:22 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6420 del
>the white bull
No that was it. I suspected so but wasn't sure at first. When taking a walk, a huge black demon with horns emerged from the woods across the field. I asked "Who are you?" and he said "I am you".
Yesterday morning when reading the bible I went from the book of kings 2, to the apostles by Luke (I'm skipping back and forth a bit to get a context) and during the session there were several things which clicked and broke open in my energy pathways (not going to detail it, but it was very strong). Later in the day I felt the last "sigil" of a divine body armour click into place like a new card on a motherboard, and the form was finished.

I think that was it, really. Forming a complete body means to block the previous energy which was passing through you, and those lower beings who had some influence over you or your area are shut out. This is why major breakthrough always provoke meaningless suicide attacks from evil spirits, glowies and what else. So in conclusion the white bull was simply the Moloch form I created by studying the bible.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 20:40 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6421 del
In completely other news it was interesting to see how what I learned by playing Myth 2 tournaments and the grand campaign of Close Combat 2 A Bridge Too Far (re enactment of Operation Market Garden with authentic location maps) actually works irl. Some basic things to take from this which worked very well vs NATO:

1) Hold the line. Let the enemy come, the attacker always loses more and if you can stall long enough you can wait overnight and regroup.
2) Attack when it's "free". Only rush the enemy when they are weak and close.
3) Hit hard on their strongest force to demoralize. Self explanatory, if they can't win with elite units, what can the rest do?
4) Shoot at them even if you can't hit them. Being shot at is scary and mentally tiring. Conserve ammo but you don't have to only shoot visible targets, just wearing them down also matters.
5) Long clear lines of fire. Don't hold forward positions, you will lose soldiers and the line itself sooner or later. Retreat to a safe location and make the enemy step out on the field, then obliterate them without exposing yourself.

And finally:
6) Dumb strategies work, because armies are dumb organizations. A two prong assault is something everyone can understand, this means it will happen if you decide on doing that. complicated shit that the grunts can't grasp won't work.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 20:48 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6422 del
>So in conclusion the white bull was simply the Moloch form I created by studying the bible.
Oh if you know this then I said nothing.

Also it seems there is a sort of "brass" elemental layer which was a 2 edged blade. It seems that brass was capable of trapping entities into metallic forms and then "feeding" them with that brass bull sacrifice method ergo degenerating them. It seems this whole elemental layer is something that is easy to break once you have enough qi but I never even considered seeing it. While breaking it a spirit form appeared and brought me grapes with each piece of grape representing a self contained life.

>felt the last "sigil"
Some days ago I unlocked parts of my brain via understanding my more intense darker/plutonian desires and I unlocked a part which contained an anima force that contained all the sigillic manifestations of the energies I used. It seems she represents my "autocaster" that can use spells without understanding what it is about or how it works at all but stores the actual process nonetheless.

I will need to meditate properly to balance the things out again. I think I reached a new "inherent laziness" again. While it is the "perfect calm" for magical work I just need to muster the will to make things click into place.

Oh rith must not forget to check upon what is with the Youjo Senki egregore when I have the freetime.

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 20:53 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6423 del

How this worked in Ukraine:
>1) Hold the line. Let the enemy come, the attacker always loses more and if you can stall long enough you can wait overnight and regroup.
Russia building WW1 style trenches in a modern war. No one expected this but it worked.

>2) Attack when it's "free". Only rush the enemy when they are weak and close.
Same as above.

>3) Hit hard on their strongest force to demoralize. Self explanatory, if they can't win with elite units, what can the rest do?
Bakhmut was a fortress, meaningless to beat for any other reason. Wagner was used up to take this, and it beat down a strong position of the Ukrainians, which could be used for this very purpose in propaganda.

>4) Shoot at them even if you can't hit them. Being shot at is scary and mentally tiring. Conserve ammo but you don't have to only shoot visible targets, just wearing them down also matters.
Constant artillery shelling as a strategy.

>5) Long clear lines of fire. Don't hold forward positions, you will lose soldiers and the line itself sooner or later. Retreat to a safe location and make the enemy step out on the field, then obliterate them without exposing yourself.
Robotyne and Avdeeka battles both worked out like this perfectly. It looked like the Russians were retreating and losing ground, but they actually performed a large version of the Roman tactic of having the middle unit fall back, luring the enemy into an encirclement.

>And finally:
>6) Dumb strategies work, because armies are dumb organizations. A two prong assault is something everyone can understand, this means it will happen if you decide on doing that. complicated shit that the grunts can't grasp won't work.
Pic related.
Complicated NATO shit that no one can coordinate in reality.

What the Russians did:
other pic

Sunflower 02/23/2024 (Fri) 21:39 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6424 del
(81.23 KB 1280x722 Drifters Hannibal.jpg)
>they actually performed a large version of the Roman tactic of having the middle unit fall back
You truly lived your life as a Roman citizen to call that a "Roman" tactic.
But yes even in Youjo Senki it was referenced and they won via this.

And in WW1 they wanted to pull that off with the Schlieffen plan which we know how it managed to work out...
That is why Tanya had such the tactical superiority because (s)he knew what that war torn world is getting into and how they are playing out both of the world wars at the same time...

>Complicated NATO shit that no one can coordinate in reality.
Nice of that article to mention that his mastery came from Iraq and Afghanistan. It's like a joke character appearing and everyone knows the team that character is on is dead by default.... Russians were rusty while NATOtards just showed every ounce of incompetence that was possible to show. The only thing they have nowadays saying BUT LOOK HOW MUCH PEOPLE DID THE OTHER SIDE LOSE... As if that mattered in Cannae or with Pyrrhus. Or with the Decisive strategic Tang victory lol. We are at least sill not at Chinese warfare bad. So far they realized that the waiting game is the winning move in this WW3 baiting game Russia played it's cards right not letting Ukraine gain air superiority for a single minute. Without that NATO is toothless. Reminding the west every 2 days about NUKES. GUYS DID I MENTION I HAVE NUKES AND NOW THEY ARE IN BELARUS? THX FOR UNDERSTANDING BYE.
It was fun seeing the media
>omg we are gonna die if we don't stop evil Putin
then the next day
>actually those nukes are rather rusty according to "sources"
then repeat.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:41 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6440 del
I think I need to start focusing on improving my dreaming skills. On occasion I'll have something meaningful happen in them but usually it's just mindless mundane garbage. I haven't had a real lucid dream in almost a decade. I imagine that there's probably opportunities for growth there that I'm missing out on.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 17:00 Id: 525fec [Preview] No.6442 del
(14.16 KB 111x527 des.png)
some theories.

The body is made of spirits each organs posses at least one,after you evolve your body changes so much you get new ones,i had black centipedes fleeing my organs when i figured some stuff out, this also means you won't get affected by old addictions for example the desire to partake in that has left your body, addictions are pretty cool they're just a signal telling you to internalize or burn some stuff out.

Genetic disease also seem to involve bad spirits,they get attached to your whole blood line they're very hard to get rid off, i think the only way is to cut yourself off from your ancestors (blood anon talked about this), i am not sure of the ramifications though, or to cut yourself from humanity so becoming an undead is how i understand it.

Also did anyone left pic related in a swamp near a tree? i don't think this is one of mine.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:51 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6443 del
That's a bomb. Someone left it there to hurt you or whoever tried using it.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:53 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6444 del
I carefully examined it and let my Mime servitor test to see what would happen if it was activated, it would blow up with spiked piercing your hand. I'll try burning it up safely.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:53 Id: 03af70 [Preview] No.6445 del

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:59 Id: 525fec [Preview] No.6446 del
(8.02 KB 216x473 spear.png)
is it?
I never used it looked like a sword of destruction to me? i just knew it would somehow fuck the user up too or force you to pay a high price then again i'm still bad at reading that kind of stuff.

Anyway it was hidden on top of a dead tree in a cold swamp with a scenic view someone told me to take it.

what about pic related if i may ask?

wait is it glowies again?

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 18:59 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6447 del
Ok, update after letting Mime search for solutions with the other servitors:

It's a knife-bomb, really nasty thing, heavy energy used to create it which indicates some serious player. But the bomb trigger also required a strong force to be pulled, so that it could be passed around until a strong enough person tried using it. It seems to have been made as a trap bomb to kill very strong enemies, by releasing a large amount of knives in all directions.

But since this means it contains the magic of the creator and their path, it can also be reverse engineered, so maybe in some backwards way it was arranged by someone as a means to expose this magic form to whoever could expose the trap and disarm it.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:00 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6448 del
What was the actual location of it? Where in the world?

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:00 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6449 del
>what about pic related if i may ask?
Give some context?

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:02 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6450 del
Spear looks like a trap too, it will fold over your hand and hit you backwards.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:03 Id: 525fec [Preview] No.6451 del
thanks <3

honestly no idea, a cold swamp with dead trees i just found myself projecting there and somebody told me to take it

A spear made of pure light, reveal diseases expose evils spirits and transmute them by sending copy of itself vibrating rapidly with light
it was supposed to offer a solution for curing a chronic disease but it has many hidden battle functions as well.
Not sure of how it works beside that

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:05 Id: 525fec [Preview] No.6452 del
wait as in bruises ?
that's actually something i was working on did the energy get mixed in it?

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:09 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6453 del
>get attached to your whole blood line they're very hard to get rid off, i think the only way is to cut yourself off from your ancestors
You go back in the ancestral lines and meet with your ancestral spirit and find out how that bad energy got attached. Some of them are just mere patterns that can be broken easily once you find a better way to express them while some of them can be generational curses and karma and to solve that you will need to become your own "true ancestor" of sorts. Hard to explain it better because I found more gifts than curses in my ancestral forces but only because I have a knack for "making things work" once I figure out why are they there. I think it depends on your ancestral ailment. This is why we have multiple ancestral lines so we can have a "choice" picking up the genetics that fit our "soul's desire" of sorts.
You have to watch out with ancestral magic because once you get into it it has a high chance you will start WE WUZZING once you hit gold.


I think your energies are simply incompatible with some people and explode when they use it but I am not sure for me it didn't feel explody
>sending copy of itself vibrating rapidly
I think this mechanism was the reason why it exploded
>curing a chronic disease
Which kind? Usually finding out what causing the disease is the first step curing it because usually we just lessen the symptoms instead of curing it while we start doing healing. That is my own experience anyways.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:16 Id: 525fec [Preview] No.6454 del
>I think your energies are simply incompatible with some people
Honestly i'm not sure i'm human not even in an edgy way so that could explain it.

>Which kind?
Celiac disease, it's treated by not eating any products containing wheat rye oats and barley, anything you don't cook yourself from scratch is off limit pretty much, so i was looking at a way to cure it.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:41 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6455 del
>that's actually something i was working on did the energy get mixed in it?
I thought this too was a trap of some sort.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:42 Id: a6eb21 [Preview] No.6456 del
>Honestly i'm not sure i'm human
What gives you this idea? I mean did you find any signs that you might belong into an another species or felt affinity towards other species or anything that might signal your soul origin? Finding out might give you the key with your incompatibility issues. Sometimes we have organsouls that didn't manage to integrate with our "true soul" properly.

>Celiac disease
Oh that's the glutenfree diet no matter what right? Well that's a tough one because 1 it's an autoimmune disease and 2 it is a civilizational disease which means some artificial additive might have triggered your immune system while growing up or your spirit has a "Bad reflex" towards it. Autoimmune diseases sometimes can come from a trauma or a lifestyle while sometimes they can have truly deep genetic origins and the worst is once you accept that it's "genetic" your body will go
>It cannot be helped we have to accept it and live with it the best we can
until some life threatening event happens and in a "in fire you will be remade" way the body just "snaps out of it".
But yes the current mass produced wheat and flour industry is truly lacing everything with poison so they can stay afloat so your body deciding that it is a "poison" is not exactly hard to understand. The problem is that "curing it" might be possible by simply making your metabolism superstrong but that is a complicated thing how to do in a magical perspective. It is a sort of "meat" magic which makes it quite low and quite dangerous magic because your intestines are like a battleground a slaughterhouse the kingdom of bacteria where the strong rules and the immune system can go into a retarded police brutality mode about some kind of foods until it finds it's stature.

Sorry I cannot give any useful advice besides trying to feel the organ soul in your intestines. The intestines is like a giant snake while the stomach is like a forge or furnace of eternal might. The snake intestines are really complicated because I usually need to tune it as much as it is needed to counterbalance my higher magic but I never really put into words in my mind how I use it. What you need is to figure out how to strengthen your digestion and metabolism and to do that you have to tune into your lower chakras somehow.
Once your digestion is top notch the immune system will stop using police brutality on gluten but the problem with celliac disease is that it's a newfound disease so my "ancient medicine skill" does not know where to put it.

Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:42 Id: 3d790a [Preview] No.6457