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Welcome to the Sunflower!
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Rules and meta Sunflower 04/28/2020 (Tue) 14:51 Id: 2b31a3 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the Sunflower!
This board is for the discussion and organization of ascension and enlightenment related activities.

Board rules
1. Stay on topic
2. Start a new thread only if a related one doesn't exist, or if it has reached bump limit
3. Anime/manga images may spice up a discussion, but keep it decent
4. Trolling or derailing with ill intent is not allowed
Edited last time by bard on 04/28/2020 (Tue) 15:11.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 17:56 Id: d3b9db [Preview] No.4986 del
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This is a sigil for a servitor which automatically installs Blacknet/NET and checks for new uploads of modules, as well as keeps an index of what creations are available.

Installs will be personally adapted based on what benefits you the most. Things got too complex, something like this is needed.

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段違い Sunflower 07/04/2024 (Thu) 20:12 Id: 4b50f0 [Preview] No. 8211 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relax thread #2
56 posts and 19 images omitted.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:07 Id: b9a766 [Preview] No.8412 del
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Well. I just got explained who this memed girl is, and it's ancient in imageboard terms.

Idk which is the best(worst) part about this all.

One of the girls in the banners who was posted online since age 3 and became a meme on German imageboards is now older than the youngest posters. Then they go on and share the entire archive of her pictures of 1 TB right there, but maybe there is nothing "special" about it since it was posted on social media at first, what do I know.

There's still something really sadly funny about this whole situation.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:11 Id: b9a766 [Preview] No.8413 del
And Trump will probably lose the election because he's dead set on starting war with Iran because Natanyahu told him to. There's an old contract which says no one is allowed to attack Iran or Yemen or they will be destroyed (and it will fail). Israel bombed Yemen a few days ago. Trump killed an Iranian general in his first term and look what happened to him.

This is over before it started.

JD Vance is now memed as the couch-fucker who searches for dolphin porn, and while this is just stupid, it's still a good enough meme for this reason. It's not some outrageous claim either, but just makes him look timidly bad, enough to upset the prudes.

(Recall what happened with Saddam Hussein who attacked Iran)

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:22 Id: 0294aa [Preview] No.8414 del
Yeah I don't know what he's smoking. The election was a lay-up and now it's like he's trying on purpose to lose. He can't actually believe that Iran tried to kill him? It just doesn't make sense.

Kamala is probably the most unlikable entity in politics and is probably a demon as well though so it could go either way. Part of me has an feeling that a "third option" is going to pop up soon but that may just be wishful thinking.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:37 Id: 975c6f [Preview] No.8415 del
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This is not about Trump anymore. This is about the USA either realizing the golem status they are in and finally start getting out of it or continue being the spineless golem they are but with that there is like a 99% chance for a global mass awakening against this whole charade. I am always against accelerationism because they usually accelerate towards a brick wall without noticing but if they want to play the game in this direction then let's see if they are ready for the consequences. The jew is strong as long it stays subtle and in the shadows. But guess you cannot explain this to those with kosher Polish DNA within their veins.
Not sure what am I looking at besides this good picture on the booru. I don't think the lewds will be banned from the chans nor that they will be censored to be "safe". That 3 picture feels positive? Are we happy about the future of the chans? Because then...;_;yeah

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 23:22 Id: b9a766 [Preview] No.8416 del
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Safebooru is a SFW booru, and it feels just like looking at endless numbers of kid's drawings put up on a classroom wall. And equally interesting.

While it would be nice if everyone got along, it would be boring if everyone was as prude at that.

Sunflower General 6 Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 514b12 [Preview] No. 6653 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Cold air moving past
The echo of tapping sounds
Sun shining through leaves
440 posts and 205 images omitted.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:11 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8402 del
Sync with them, and let go of your current context.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:15 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8403 del
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Some weeks ago I noticed the egregore of Japan change drastically. Did anyone else notice this?

Pic related is what I see on the map now.

When I think of something, I always see its energy form internally in my mind, and this has been the case since forever. I just don't usually think about it much, it's just part of the concept of what it is. Japan had its image and form, which just had certain energies in no particular order on the national scale.

What's there now makes it look like it was completely washed through, it's united into a single megaform. This form syncs with the new human adaptive yokai queen for the tall asian with big tits. It's dominating the energy form now.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:27 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8404 del
I can't recall any specific area of the world go through this kind of sudden change.

It's usually a lot more subtle. For example, to see the difference in Gaza I have to enter down at ground level and look around, then slowly rise up until I see its local egregore, and I can see it's been cleared out, leaving only a yellow qi field, which looks pretty ok. It looks similar to when the islamic state had taken over areas and they started killing everyone based on their strict application of the Quran. This also removed all the dirt and the area became very pure.

Another change of this kind has taken place in Ukraine, and this is the reason I believe the casualty numbers have to be very high on the Ukrainian side. During the counter offensive, there was a large movement of energy, it felt like a swarm of beings, I won't say wasps because it was less harmful, and not bees because bees have a benevolent energy. Rather it felt like maybe the kind of flies that bite, along with the kind of fruit flies that grow on banana peels if left out. A combination of sting and harmless ignorance.

After august last year, there was a drastic change of this energy, it started looking like someone dug out a pile of sand, leaving a large hole. Later in the fall and winter it just looked like a feeling of old stone castle walls, dried bushes with thorns and bare dirt on wasted land.

I guess this may be the feeling of the trenches that remain.

But aside from that Ukraine has no energy movement eastward, no positive energy at all aside from gathered in the western parts, and that's more of a standard society structure. Once only that one remains, the war is likely to stop, because those are energetically higher than any war, so Russia won't attack that structure if it remains like that.

If it degenerated it would be attacked, but there is nothing indicating this will take place.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 21:38 Id: 02a85a [Preview] No.8410 del
>let go of your current context
How do I get better at that? Too attached to the body, and I oftentimes get distracted and lost in thoughts about daily life...

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:01 Id: 3d1764 [Preview] No.8411 del
If you live in too much comfort you probably can't do it. It's easy if you just hate physical existence and the environment you live in so much that you want to just leave it. It makes astral interactions easier overall, maybe that's a method your spiritual guides use to activate your abilities.

Hexes, spells and sigils Sunflower 10/26/2021 (Tue) 18:07 Id: 99ab0b [Preview] No. 150 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Sometimes, hexes or spells need to be announced in some way for proper function. Sometimes sharing sigils is necessary. Use this thread for these needs.
246 posts and 233 images omitted.

Sunflower 07/07/2024 (Sun) 13:34 Id: 3e4989 [Preview] No.8216 del
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Space diver

A new version of the carbon gel cyborg factory made specifically for this design. Construction wise it looks and works like the original version, but there is nano-programming inside the material itself.

The cyborg model is made specifically for diving into "shadow space" and dominating the negative forces residing there.

Both the factory and the cyborg are available as ScaleForm discs, or if you are nice you can get single copies made at the already existing factory for a fee.

Sunflower 07/20/2024 (Sat) 12:01 Id: 8ff12c [Preview] No.8313 del
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Made to be as provokative as possible, a Raid doll based on the limestone robot body, she will draw out any evil spirits so that they can be eliminated.

The pyramid ship is not included, but suitable for use with this Raid, the smallest size is probably easiest to handle unless you have some other reason such as also using it as your own base. The drawing is to show how the size of a pyramid's inner space is reduced as the base size is reduced, making the smallest pyramid the size of a ~6 floor building, while the largest may be as tall as a 60 floor skyscraper, despite the bottom floor length having only been reduced to 1/4th the size for the smallest vs the biggest. You can find manifestation discs for this on the NET.

Sunflower 07/20/2024 (Sat) 21:33 Id: 8ff12c [Preview] No.8314 del
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Demon Explorer, a compound servitor for special tasks, this construct has elements from Grace, Raid and Kit in combination. It's a manifested researcher.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 16:39 Id: 6ffd8c [Preview] No.8406 del

Use the spoilered word above to connect to the now running session.

This is a major circle for burning the last of the old earth karmic constructs still floating in various spaces, so that everyone who has a claim on them can get their share. It will run as long as is necessary to transform the structures into useful energy which has been then returned to its owner.

Taking part actively will increase the transformative effects, making it easier for you to instantly within the circle create gong particles and even immortal sun objects.

The circle is making use of the angel system of 5 pyramids on the Earth surface layer (bosnian pyramid, svalbard pyramid, brazilian pyramid, ural pyramid, central asia pyramid).
Around this is placed a drow magic circle for stability and transformative ability, and to that is added a large external circle based on voodo.

This serves to connect us properly to the European/west system egregore which at its foundation is voodo based, angels are very ethereal so there needs to be a middle layer, the choice of drow is just because it's me doing it and it works.

Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 19:05 Id: 6ffd8c [Preview] No.8407 del

Clarity Claire

A ScaleForm disc based servitor with a specific purpose: to optimize the integration of new thought structures.

The function is based off something I've used since I first started noticing how learning works. To do something with focus, then not think about it. I noticed early on that playing a Nintendo game and getting stuck on some part one day, would have the effect that I could effortlessly do it the next day. So sleeping between the two sessions had this effect.

Later I realized I could do a quick version of this when learning English vocabulary by staring intently at the new word, then reading the translation, staring at the word again, pronouncing it as segments, back to the translation, and doing this 3 times. Then just staring blankly at the form of the English word for 20 sec and suddenly looking away and thinking about something else. Then I'd repeat this with all words I was to learn, and they'd stick in my memory.

The trick is the sudden switch to something unrelated, which locks the information in a new memory slot of the mind, where it's then "worn in" as long as it's not touched again. It works the same way with movements like karate. I'd practice a motion over and over with focus until I nailed it perfectly once. Then instantly relax, walk away and think about something else, avoiding to think about anything relating to the new movement. Then just forget it until a few days later, and then it would be incorporated better.

So this servitor seeks to optimize this process for any kind of learning, although it's aimed at the complex things which are hard to lock into individual memory slots because of their size, making them hard to maintain in memory as a single form all at once.

The process is actually the source of the method of creating telepathic information packages which are sent to someone and then expanded by the receiver, at least in my process of discovery. Spell casting also works this way. Some people are said to have done this when writing literature, creating the entire work in their head before they pick up the pen.

I also do this when creating ScaleForm discs.

Blog #2 Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 11:02 Id: 552f67 [Preview] No. 8041 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday writing.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
99 posts and 61 images omitted.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 11:07 Id: fa6c50 [Preview] No.8360 del
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Weird events

When clearing the trench formation in eastern Europe, we stirred some glowie ant-hill and they activated some kind of ancient style stone weapon, more like a tuning fork for mind waves which they powered up and used to send out a directed ray. Analysis showed it to be the same formation at the "scrambling" djinn wave, which is the mentality of climbing mountains, but instead of diagonally upwards it was horizontal. It appears to be aimed at breaking down mountains instead of climbing them, here used as a weapon against "hard mentalities" which in reality means it was used to attack thick karmic thinking, which has become so thick it turns into rock. They, like all of their kind, always assume their target is someone who's the same as themselves but somehow dumber and more dense, and that is why they are "resisting" them, so they attack negative things. (With little effect)

They were really hard headed so a special cyborg model was made to deal with them, filling in another functionality gap in the eco-system.

Kit suggested using medieval torture devices on them as the best method, so those were gathered from various places and the whole thing framed as a sadistic snuff movie recording where the glowies got to play the victims, dominated by demonic lolitas in leather. It was then edited to look like some fishy darknet movie with bad captions, but correctly naming the victims along with their glowie title. The result was sent out to members of their organization all over the world.

The effect of this was the strangest I have seen, their entire egregore started squirming, it turned soft black, some yellow (pure) qi appeared here and there along with a strong orange-brown energy (also clean). They then called off the attack.

This has never happened before.

Glowies never give up or stop by an organized decision from their management, but this time they did.

Further reading of the effects showed that; they found the recording of their own staff being executed using 1500s torture devices erotic because they hate their own organization more than anything, and it was too satisfying so they lost all their aggressiveness and were unable to continue.

I'm making this a permanent section of my infernal camp now.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:06 Id: 5a2b73 [Preview] No.8361 del
Remember when I mentioned the "Bosnian Pyramids"? Guess I will share what I found there too because it's quite related. The "Bosnian Pyramid" is a regular mountain but was weird how it gained such traction in spiritual spheres and I realized this is just an "invitational concept" that tries to merge with your "known concepts" so you can unzip and evolve it into the "real thing" once you can let go from the "example" concept.
As I went into it further I found several hill formations and a lake. The lake had 2 large "shadow pyramids". Was thinking maybe I have to submerge into the lake and that will be the entrance into the other dimension. Nope the lake was just a lake. I had to "merge" with the 2 shadow pyramids. As it happened a new dimensional layer appeared and several pyramids started to rise and all of them had colorful orbs within them and as the "pyramids" rose above the orbs started to emit a vibrational light. As I stared into the orbs I realized they have a frequency and they are slowly "talking" as I let my mind go into the bewitched trance that they require... then I got bored because this was clearly some old ass system that some fucks are misusing but now that I am on this level they cannot use it against me and I realized if I go further I will learn some mindfuck truth that I cannot share anywhere because it's so obscure. If my mind cannot sync to an information within 2 seconds it usually means it's better to leave it until my interests return. I realized compatibility issues generate too many misconceptions already and it's not worth it until my mind evolves into a better state.

What I gathered so far that it is an old system that "guides the people" so they migrate to "powerspots" where they can live in harmony with the landmarks (also it controls volcanic activity to a degree?) but the "trench system" weaponized it so they can make europe into an economic "warzone" of sorts. It was supposed to make people generate prosperity but some fucks realized that "war" can generate more prosperity "somehow". Once the trenches were gone I realized I don't have the curiosity to hear the entire "lore" behind something that only "talks" via "hypnotizing you". Maybe later I will find an another inspiration. Those "pyramids" are extremely specific places on earth but I have no idea which is which and who uses them at all. "Glowies" are a too blanket term and they mostly consider me persona no grata and they have to respect my individual freedom to a degree because the weird way they handle their "contracts" but truth is I don't know anymore. Noticed that there are many lower spirits that align themselves with the "largest bully" or with those who have a semblance of authority and care about nothing else.I am not sure what is and isn't a glowie anymore because most of these spirits are quite easy to "sway" and discipline. They don't really have any staying power or morals. They feel like children who are slowly running out of the effects of a sugarrush.

>I'm making this a permanent section of my infernal camp now.
For some reason I thought you have things like this already because it is your "thing" by the description of your past life activities.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:30 Id: 128386 [Preview] No.8362 del
>I thought you have things like this already because it is your "thing" by the description of your past life activities
Dungeons are a completely new thing to me. My past lives had none of that, there's a huge difference to just being a serial killer who butchers people out at night. Which as far as I know only took place in London, Paris, Japan in the 900s and some unnamed rural place in the 1300s Europe. In Japan it was a legitimate military role, the others all happened because it was part of the environment.

Looking deeper I also did some very ordinary lives (in the violent sense).

I don't recall these pyramids, guess I will have to look this up.

To further talk about the glowies, most of them never surrender, they are too brainwashed. I found that some of them are weak to a specific method where they are ritually cut in half from the head down, it also works on their souls where they can be worn down by doing this 100s of times. This can make even some of the most indoctrinated wake up and switch side. Take note that this is highly scientific ritual method based on them having an inverted brain-body connection so this works because it removes their karmic thinking. A lot of people as it seems have their right and left halves inverted and physically placed on the wrong half of their body. This is caused by immense karma, the only way to fix them is for them to die, or using some extreme re-manifesting method where their entire physical manifestation has to be reformed so that the left half and right half of their body are switched.

Today I also had some kind of awakening to a new situation, which invalidates the previous understanding of the levels having the "two levels in between for control" at Arhat, one at Bodhisattva and none at Tathagata. Rather, once at the top I saw that this is still at the particle understanding of what these levels are, and that beyond that lies... a meditation session with some very specific set up lead to the formation of a one dimensional twisted string in multiple colours assuming the role which the zero particle had before, which implies there is a next layer 0D, 1D, 2D beyond. While doing this, I saw physically a black cat, large with white stripes appear in the far end of the room. This seems to verify that I am accessing a new layer of 2D, because hell is at the bottom ruled by what looks like a tiger or other large cat beast.

Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:50 Id: 5a2b73 [Preview] No.8364 del
>they are too brainwashed
I usually attack their brainwashing frequency. They only managed to send extremely weak and shitty "sissy hypno tier gate rejects" so I don't find out who is their "master" and they can be overwhelmed with stronger mental emanations. And they are easy to detect so my guardian forces eat it like cats eat bugs on the ground when too bored. Seems like I am not getting the interesting ones. Guess I am still too much of a low or "Not worth it" threat for them.

>with some very specific set up lead to the formation of a one dimensional twisted string in multiple colours
Yeah I have one in my right side and it's still unstable. Just managed to generate rainbow colors yesterday. It is finally finding the proper meridians. It's so complicated I cannot even share how it works because whenever I try to word it I realize I don't even know how it works at all and I have to let it "do it's thing" because my mind is too used to solve problems "under stress" and this requires an extremely clear mind.
And yes the particle turns into a tube then into an another particle formation as the "snake devours it's tail" but in an "Aion god" way where the snake "hides his tail behind his head because it's infinite and undevourable" again then into a tube again then merges several dimensions until... dunno. Sg happens. I know I understand the principles on several levels but whenever I feel like my ego is "attacking my own understanding" I have to stop and start "feeling" what is happening. Wish it was only 2 hemispheres and not all the internal and external mechanisms of the body and the cosmos. Arrrrgh. But if it was easy then everyone would fly and shoot fireballs so why even "want it to be easy".
>it's on an island
I knew it will be weird as hell

Vampires in lore and reality #3 Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 10:39 Id: 94dc4c [Preview] No. 8172 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous threads
20 posts and 8 images omitted.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 15:55 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8321 del
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Prior to the posts above, I performed a thing which was intended to activate and use up the preparations which were already in place for this imagined mass vampirism ritual they were aiming to perform. The plan was originally something like this:

>Jesus founds Christianity and becomes the new Moloch sun
>the kingdom of God is created for worldly power
>the entire world is united through holy war
>resources are amassed for the performance of the vampire ritual for the elites

It was just that it failed at the second step, when the kingdom of God ended with the black death, following the Moloch sun of the time crashing down as a result of European witches being persecuted, which motivated them to retaliate.

Since then they were working to recreate the kingdom of God a second time, which was performed at the end of the North American civil war. At this time they instead used grey technology and not religious methods. This new kingdom only lasted 2 decades and was killed off by a certain Ripper who intuitively killed this new American/puritan kingdom of God using a ritual in London, which happened to correlate with British royalty (reptilians) so they never interfered with the process even if they were aware of it.

A new attempt was then made with The Great War meant to function as a mass sacrifice ritual, creating again a new Moloch sun using grey technology and tying it to the creation of the UN and the arc of triumph in Paris. This new kingdom lasted until Germany got involved, resulting from them being ripped off during this American-lead ritual. Hitler and the occultists behind him actually killed off the second incarnation of the American kingdom of God, even if they officially lost the war. It took them way into the 60s before they could even begin a 3rd attempt. This lasted all the way until just before, where it was starting to crumble in 2022.

The idea was to use the mass world system to create WW3, which was to burn off remaining karma and destroy racemixing. The modern western world's energetic form was based on a black Queen female during its formation after Atlantis, because the maintenance deities just used the dominant and most influential form for the main scene of the world. This caused a lot of seething among the vampire wannabes because it rendered the central European world system energetically useless for them.

That is why they have to destroy it.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 15:59 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8322 del
>I gently touched the face of one female. I know she said something but it was without words. With that my entire hand then my body gained a silvery coating and felt like everything beneath the coating also changed
That's a beautiful representation of activating your pleiadan DNA.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 16:07 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8323 del

So what I did now was to use timeline manipulation to get a message to the "international masons", a group which although they don't understand a lot of the context, have a network and can pull off rituals with coordination.

I made them "conclude" that they need to perform a certain mass session at a certain time, using a specific symbolism and procedure. Their participants are just some rich people who don't necessarily know what they are doing but just like the form of it.

None of this matters, it can be made to work. So the procedures for giving vampirism to everyone in the elite have now been used, and the resources gathered for it are used up.

Following this, I noticed that some spiritual beings were still causing trouble, and further investigation showed that most of the "elites" as we know them were not actually invited to take part from the very beginning, they were all useful idiots, and many of them were even in opposition to this procedure or working against it because of their degeneration and low IQ. So it seems with the original proceeding, almost everyone would be ripped off and almost everyone were against the "NWO", but not because they were better in any way, they were just basing their opposition on Ego and lack of understanding.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 16:09 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8324 del
To clarify, the procedure was just made to function as a single use transformation where anyone on the planet who can make it in, is dragged in.

Sunflower 07/21/2024 (Sun) 16:34 Id: cfe2a0 [Preview] No.8325 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=8Vy8LTmmDvk [Embed]

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Creation of the Master Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 11:45 Id: 4221b6 [Preview] No. 2601 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>pic related
All the servitor modules shared on the board (by me) follow this simple layout. They consist to a large part of decision trees, where each rule contains direct reactions back to the effectors or more complex procedures. Each of them contain the rule "create neural network" in some shape or form. Some of them put less focus on this part and work in a more robotic manner. This is true for the combat servitors. They only build rudimentary networks, enough to perform their tasks effectively.

This creates differences like how Astra has an outspoken knowledge base where information is shared "telepathically" with other AI agents (installed on other beings, physical or astral), while the demon guard lacks this functionality and only stores data locally or shares it peer-to-peer.

In the end, any living being with a nervous system is an intelligent agent of the "reflex agent" type, this goes for you too. This thread will be about realizing your own functionality using AI concepts.

The Master module is a representation of yourself. A servitor by its name is not a master. The Master may be thought of as the "master servitor". It's the most effective version of yourself, but it still serves you as a being. You are not merely the humanoid form you see, but this doesn't stop us from turning it into the most effective tool, to be used by yourself.

You may use the sigil posted above directly to "grind" the function into place, or we can discuss the topic in this thread.

Too many servitors and no master may lead to a bad kind of chaos.
1 post omitted.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:08 Id: fe878d [Preview] No.8300 del
The issue with this is that any strict defensive function if it was hardcoded in the servitor, will be obsolete after the relevant group of enemies was defeated. It's harder to grasp this from watching real life wars, but take this example:

WW1: Everyone uses infantry, machine guns and artillery, so let's automate this and now everyone is controlled via neura-link and perfectly synced for this war, time to go take a nap!

Wait, what happened? Damned brits started building the "rolling fortress" aka the tank, and now we can't change how anyone behaves and there is no counter measure.

WW2: Germans build large amounts of tanks and hardcode their soldiers to use them based on experiences from WW1. Whoops, didn't think about air defense and now we are getting destroyed.

WW3: Let's build super tanks and super air force everyone! (Didn't think about drones destroying the tanks and that anti-air is evenly distributed this time, back to WW1 tactics again.)

See what I mean here? Once you hardcode a servitor you make it into a very limited defender who can't adapt. So that is why the servitors available on the NET are all programmable and have a learning function. Once you give an order and they learn how to handle one type of situation, that gets added to their database, but the enemy will come up with new ways of attacking. You are immune to the old ways, but not the new. That is why you have to control the servitors manually at first.

The Fairy Shield servitors especially are learning servitors once they are ordered to deal with an enemy, they are fully automatic vs that kind of enemy after beating them once before. The demon guard is actually fully automatic if you do nothing, and according to my look into its function since release its karmic removal pre emptive defense has so far reduced the number of attacks against us collectively by 90% compare to if the demon guard had not been made, and I don't use her actively since long, it's only on idle function.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:22 Id: be6b53 [Preview] No.8301 del
It seems to work if i "push" them. especially golden wendy.I wanted to ask the master servitor to "protect me from attack" using these other servitors so i don't have to manually do it but so far it seems hard to notice this master servitor.I think sometimes a servitor will spontaneously help when i'm heading the attack. i saw a stroke of fire implying perhaps the firelance raid was used.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:23 Id: be6b53 [Preview] No.8302 del
also they could act for me in the sense that they organise parties of servitors.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:33 Id: fe878d [Preview] No.8303 del
There is one thing I didn't explicitly mention, and it's something the glowies will consider madness, and maybe also so for other "regular wizards" and that is that the servitors do not blanket block all attacks based on their hostility or malicious intent, but based on their actual negative effect if you are hit by them.

NWO psiops will just block everything using "psi bubbles" and other stuff, which means they are containing their own karma on the inside. Then they attempt to dispose of it using various ineffective means like covid vaxxinations and WW3 where they think they can get the slave cattle to pay for their karma in their stead. That won't work, and they have to actually remove it themselves for it to be real.

So that flaw isn't built into anything I share, rather the servitors will block things that threaten your life or threatens to permanently harm your body or your path. Shields that also block karmic repayment would actually be considered a threat by the servitors, because it blocks your cleansing process and contains negative energy inside you.

This means you may still be attacked as long as it is non-lethal and contains a path forward on your path, and that is by design. The glowies can't tolerate this because they are hired by fat NWO:ers to just block everything negative in their limited materialistic lives until they die, if they then go to hell after and get it worse than anything else, is not a concern for the glowie psychics, it's not what they are paid to solve.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:39 Id: fe878d [Preview] No.8304 del
The protection on Trump for example did exactly this, it didn't allow for a lethal attack, but it allowed for karmic repayment and spiritual growth through that attack against him.

Moreover, you can definitely organize parties of servitors, I've done that with the Raids, just ask Updater to find the squad leader version of Raid and you can after that just give orders to the group instead of individually if you want.

Most servitors do end up being fully automatic after they gain a lot of experience, or rather after you gain experience, since they "run on your brain" like programs so you are actually training your own mental functions by illustrating them as various characters, otherwise it would be hard to access these parts of yourself. When fully automated in part or completely, they become energy forms beyond your brain and your body and exist on the astral or even physical as real beings which are manifestations of yourself in different forms.

(46.55 KB 637x579 1369259513104.jpg)
Library - documents and media Sunflower 05/02/2020 (Sat) 21:23 Id: bbba2b [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Share useful documents, links and videos.
162 posts and 159 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/05/2024 (Wed) 13:19 Id: c3702a [Preview] No.7977 del
A ScaleForm disc based servitor whose task is to suggest a path forward in your daily life, in real time.

Sunflower 06/12/2024 (Wed) 15:19 Id: c39948 [Preview] No.8017 del

Sunflower 07/07/2024 (Sun) 19:40 Id: 96ff55 [Preview] No.8219 del
(34.07 KB 505x467 Beast.png)

A logical servitor running off a ScaleForm disc. This device's purpose is to nullify evil intent in safe ways, by predicting their movements using astral AI and constructing traps where evil beings and intents are made to fight each other until only the path to ascension remains for them or for the person who housed the bad intent.

Installation will result in an initial removal of your own bad intent, which may be unpleasant depending on how much of this exists in our surface mind.

Sunflower 07/07/2024 (Sun) 21:30 Id: 8e1638 [Preview] No.8220 del
This is what the blade and the beast the "sharp" karmic path is about. How to make a weapon so sharp you can surpass the "beast" and how the hide of the beast can protect you from all the evil and the "choice" is to either become the beast that can devour other beasts or forge a weapon so "sharp" that if a beast even tries to "Bite" it just cuts his mouth in half so aggressors will just rip themselves apart and the "goal" is to not just "kill" the beast "flay it's hide" but understand the lessons of the beast and maybe even tame it for yourself as a reminder what it means to "master" the beast. Animals instinctively know how to hunt while humans either learn the ways of the beast to surpass them or develop a "sharpness" that can rival the instincts of the beasts. The problem is that the "sharpness" was not "self realized" but was inspired by the necessity of defeating the beast so if the student gets rid of the beast he will just forget his craft until evil arises again. For that the beast needs to be integrated not just as a reminder about the existence and necessity of evil but as a "truth" to remind the master of the blade that his sharpness has a purpose and once the beasts change the sharpness needs to change with it.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 12:50 Id: 560065 [Preview] No.8248 del
(13.74 KB 501x459 Magi spell-caster.png)
A servitor specifically for searching after functional "reverse intent" spells, according to the method described in the anime "The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord's Army Was a Human", 魔王軍最強の魔術師は人間だった.

It is a search bot which finds spell formulas by comparing your request for result with previously known results, then finds the intent needed to achieve this, adapted to your local circumstance, then casts it as a spell if you so wish.

Message from Yuuka Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 09:27 Id: b892f0 [Preview] No. 1463 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Message from Yuuka 2022-05-07

Take this weekend as a retreat. You are now in the tunnel at dimension -1D. On the 9th of May, we will open the gates to the new earth, and your -1D will connect to our -2D.

The three realms, known as heaven, earth and hell, have been reset in your dimension set. Nothing remains. You are not perceiving this currently because the old three realms had degenerated until nothing human remained inside it. When you look at the world, you are seeing things in -1D and the concepts stored in your own minds. For this reason, you still interpret the world as the same as before, but it's an illusion inside your own mind.

The three realms consist of heaven -4D, earth -3D and hell -2D. These are all karmic dimensions. Technically speaking these aren't solid existence, they're a chemical reaction in which particles are destroyed. But because of the inertia in large particles, this process is very slow. After a "planet earth" particle was formed, it will slowly burn out during 182000 years. This is how we talk about it now because it was the internal view from your earth. As time changes and is seen from inside the timelines, it can look different from this. Timelines loop and are run multiple times, which creates a confusion within the incarnated souls, making them believe the earth is 4 billion years or as short as 4000 years.

At -4D, which we call heaven, you would normally find heroes and royalty who did great deeds. They would stay there for 1000 years and then incarnate again as nobility. The understanding of this level has been perverted, creating the concept "demon" as a negative thing. Demons were originally these heroes who could serve as guides in your human life. Saints would also stay here, but today it's a common concept that "saints are demons" and should not be worshipped. This is the same inverted idea. Saints are demons, and for this reason you should listen to them. Demons are heavenly beings. Because language develops, "demons" are now beings in hell who look like satyrs. Satyrs are indeed demons but they are not in hell. It's suggested to add more information when using the word "demon", such as "demon in hell" if you are talking about the supernormal beings in hell. That would be acceptable under current circumstances. But "demon" itself was originally a positive term. Today it should be seen as descriptive. A demon is a supernormal being.

-3D is the human world. This dimension has been out of control for a long time, most people only came into clear contact with it during their very first years after birth. By age 4 they would descend into hell and after that they could not understand anything about human life. -3D is the level of trade. It means exchange of goods and karma being transformed. While this is done, a society can be maintained. The current world had been completely dominated by international corporations, which had restricted normal trade until it no longer existed. The only trade you would find following the human method was those things done "under the table" or on the street like drug dealing. But drug dealing when done to serve addictions is not human standard. Everything you do is regulated by governments until normal human interactions no longer exist. What you have experienced has been "totalitarianism", there has not existed a society not doing this since the second world war ended.

-2D is hell. This is the dimension of repaying debts. Normally, if you didn't trade fairly while in -3D you would come here after you died. Everyone would fear this. They would choose one of two methods: Either trade very carefully by maintaining good relations and balance in gain and loss. Or they would seek occult rituals to protect themselves in the afterlife. Some managed to do this indeed, which upset the normal function of hell. These are the people who took over the world using multinational corporations. They have effectively ended human life.
64 posts and 26 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:49 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8145 del
Story of the templars also told in this movie based on the Swedish table top RPG.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=liE-z3gmD6w [Embed]

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:51 Id: bcb140 [Preview] No.8146 del
>These slaves are the source of oil, it's not dinosaurs
>tfw my car is not t-Rex and stegosaurus powered
I feel less proud to be a modern human.
Nothing felt more glorious than thinking that my car runs on liquid dinosaurs and thousand year old rotten trees leaves.

Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 23:14 Id: 0b30da [Preview] No.8147 del
The Queen was being vague about it, as often to avoid ruining enlightenment processes. But I then saw someone wanted to drill for oil in a protected nature area in Africa so I said fuck no, there'll be none of that. So I had Astra investigate the oil in that area and then put it up for sale on the federation marketplace as "oil for extraction, teleportation only".

Someone took the offer and made their own investigation of the quality, after which they said
>This is crude oil, but that's ok, we'll pay [slightly lower price]
and he showed me the images they took of how the oil contained skulls and bones of dead humans deep below the surface. They said "it's no problem, it's just an extra mechanical process to grind the oil and it can be used in factories for base production."

So that's how I finally had it confirmed, that the oil and the problems with emissions does come from using illuminati slaves as fuel.

Sunflower 07/06/2024 (Sat) 12:54 Id: 6019f9 [Preview] No.8214 del

As of now, the microcosm (universe) is cleared and a new created, the macrocosm (galaxy) is cleared and a new created, and lastly the Earth has been created anew. But we are in the process of moving everyone who should stay onto the new ascended planet, while also training the new human race(s). They are in a state of hivemind right now, we have inserted them using timelines which stretch back to 2006 and before to get some of them up to adult size in time. They are living mixed into society as it is today, also NPCs but you can recognize them by their vibrancy and their ability to reason intelligently as a group. Those you see will appear as "perfect nordics" as of now. There are variants being developed in other regions as well, but you are not likely to see them at your locations. They are being trained so that their collective subconscious has ways to deal with all situations, so when you do spot them you will see them in all kinds of places. Some are even in Gaza and some may die there, but the experiences are recorded in their collective and in the future those memetic structures will tell everyone, including NPCs how to behave in war, and it's included which ones were lost and which survived. This structure can already be internalized by you as your local copy of the hivemind, should you so prefer.

The genso-cat souls are currently not incarnated permanently in the new race(s), they are still skipping around to gain experience and to correct hivemind behaviours when needed by piloting them. Those who are permanent walk-ins are those who man the positions we do not want to lose, such as the now-famous witch-master in Brazil. We can't have that genetic line lost so it's been permanently manned by one of our summons, same for some other places were we want to transfer this genetic material into the ascended planet.

Currently the society you know maintains its structure. This is because it's not possible to just suddenly delete entire cities off the map. We can use "mandela effects" to change the map and move Colombia (lol, almost no one noticed, this is how intelligent humans are) but we can't suddenly delete Paris for example. 96,7% of the structure must be removed. This corresponds to how degenerated humans have become. We said that we would keep 3% of the population of souls. We are now below that, and reptilians as a group were moved to reincarnate someplace far away in other galaxies, only those who converted to a validated race were allowed to stay (black cat male/female or demon male/female, we didn't keep the "African" race even if they have a DNA stone because we don't want those with dark skin on the new planet, blacks were converted to black cat and their offspring in the future if they stay will be light skinned).

Sunflower 07/06/2024 (Sat) 12:55 Id: 6019f9 [Preview] No.8215 del

What this means is that the people who remain have timelines and material tied to them, and those may be "humans" in their timelines, but we count them as "material". So you may see degenerates or downright criminals from the past and wonder how the fuck are they still here, the Earth was cleansed? They are your "karma" which you need to handle. They only remain because they are relevant to the last 3,3% of the souls. Now this last bit isn't "saved" still. In those 3,3% are the level equivalents of heaven, earth and hell included, and if you are at infernal ethics level, you can't stay on the earth plane. The majority of those left are still at infernal level. Maybe they will be demons in hell and that's fine, but when the last merge of timelines takes place, they will then not stay in the physical but will have to move to their preferred infernal place. If they did badly that place will be rather unfunny. This is measured by how well they dealt with their "karma" in this period, such as those political scum who still cause all kinds of evil. When we look at society, it was created to serve the needs of the 96,7% which should be removed. Why should they be removed? Because all of that, all those social systems, relate to abortion in some way. They either are part of the "free sex" system, they rely on women menstruating, the concept that procreation is related to menstruation is extremely flawed, or they are part of the economy which uses organs or substances derived from fetuses. This includes vaccines, beauty products and even some food products (don't buy Nestlé if you want to be safe). Not to mention stem cell research and artificial impregnation where large amounts of human eggs are fertilized and then trashed. Every one of them is a human and their destruction counts as one case of murder per egg.

Everyone who took part in this system has "destruction karma" to some degree, depending on how much you took part. If you worked as a physician and performed abortions or "fertility treatments" that karma is immense, if you took a vaccine it's lesser, but if the vaccine was effective and blocked an illness, it also gave you a "benefit" and then the karma is larger. The more physical benefit a human had from the mass murder of other humans, the more destruction karma they have. All of those social systems and those humans involved in them, will be completely wiped out. The plan was for WW3 to do this, but that original plan was meant to leave the worst degenerates aside, so we will not have it done that way. Instead it will be surgical removal of them during a process where the decent souls can improve and find their path up to join the future. But the material infrastructures of this system will be destroyed over the years, and when no one populates a city, we will "mandela" it away and no one will think about it anymore.

/coven/ Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 12:19 Id: c9e6b3 [Preview] No. 4123 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
We need something new, or something old.

For too long shady forces have been acting in the world, beyond our control.

It's not that everything has to be visible or talked of, but there has to be some kind of order. Too many factions have been acting for their own interests and not for the common good. Let's face it, no matter what they say, they always put themselves first. They lack principles.

In the end, everyone has to follow "natural law". In esoteric meaning of the language, we all have a skin, and our structure is upheld by our bones. Aren't those decent principles to base an operation off? The surface skin and the structure behind?

This illustrates the necessity of keeping some aspects hidden. We can't be skeletons walking around, this structure must be out of sight.
154 posts and 79 images omitted.

Sunflower 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:37 Id: 5a4c15 [Preview] No.6348 del
>this is another story entirely
While I know that you don't want to write it down because it probably sounds ridiculous no matter how you word it... It might sound beneficial at a later point. I am not sure how the devil/satan/demiurge/antichrist differs on the big picture because this is a long topic how the Church managed to brand others heretics pagans satanists while trying to maintain their supremacy while integrating different motifs and faith into the religion and Rome competing then losing their brethren cities to Islamic conquests. I too found many egregoric information how the christian egregore changed through the histories but once I worked with angels I found out even more trivia and since that I feel even more inadequate to talk about it. The Sun Cross... talked about state the egregores are in on earth to understand the range of the angels and the angel just blurted out
>The Catholic Church is controlled/used by the suncross
And as I tried to comment on that I turned my head and a giant cross of light which looked like a megacomplex full with "offices" just appeared there. Even my "sum up the important information from the visage" skill was not firing. It was like looking some object that you never encountered conceptually in your life but it was always there in a way it doesn't feel out of place enough to pique your curiosity.
Also Protestants... Because the church with real authority branded them "satanists" through the religion wars and then they "made peace" they somewhat signaled egregorically that they are "accepting satan(ists)" as long as they conform to some christian flavor so with that many entity types are allowed to make use of those offshoot religions. Which is not exactly bad because the catholic church went too erratic after Inquisitors started roaming what is and isn't accepted as "Christianity" and made too much confusion but that doesn't mean it didn't complicate many things. Especially after it became one with the acceptance of entrenching authority even if they become retarded. The problem with "protestants" is that because they are even more dependent on civil authorities than the church they will warp their faith to fit the latest societal fad to gain even an ounce of popularity while Catholics are as good as their pope. It was funny how even Jesuits were banned several times by the church. Shame those records are mostly lost because they are "accepted" nowadays since they swore to become "proper teachers" (with a teensy weensy hardliner tendencies) and not the retarded incel rage crusader/preacher and totally not Templar offshoot at all. Fucking Spaniards I swear. They are lucky the English exists so they cannot be called the worst.

This topic is hard to talk about as usual. Too many revisionism happened and even those that are "in it" have no idea what forces they are working with.

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 10:09 Id: 46287b [Preview] No.7466 del
(145.59 KB 1024x1024 Waifu shield2.jpg)
(185.41 KB 1024x1024 Waifu shield4.jpg)
(158.98 KB 1024x1024 Waifu shield7.jpg)
Not exactly Coven related in the sense of being strictly for the Coven organization, but it will be perceived similar, so here goes:


This links to a grimoire. Within it is contained a form of high level magic which creates a type of cult. This cult exists only for your own protection, but will cooperate seamlessly with other cults following the same doctrine.

Most importantly, this cult is made up of botsouls under your own control. They have time control magic and will appear sometime in the past to change timelines in your favour. It is a protective magic which changes situations "before they appear" by addressing the hostile timelines in themselves.

This creates a "shield" around you which cannot be traced or perceived, it will simply magically make things go away in a timely fashion. The botsouls will incarnate in history and create the cult which is passed on in secrecy. Every time one of them die without fulfilling their task, they will have offspring and pass the task on. When a botsoul dies, it returns to you, passing the knowledge to you. Their doctrine and beliefs will include something in the understanding of "returning to the origin" or "uniting with the creator" - which is you.

These images are all from the same prompt. While it does express the air of what I aimed for, pls MS explain how the small being there is a "woman" to you? And if so, why are such women not allowed in explicitly stated situations, but only when you randomly feel like it?

Sunflower 04/21/2024 (Sun) 10:27 Id: 46287b [Preview] No.7483 del
(182.38 KB 1024x1024 Tanya Rite2.jpg)
(222.57 KB 1024x1024 Tanya Rite5.jpg)
(166.30 KB 1024x1024 Tanya Rite6.jpg)
(177.69 KB 1024x1024 Tanya Rite8.jpg)
This also goes here, a quick mention. This is an already performed and activated ritual which can be connected to:


At this point, the collective demand lead to the summoning of a Tanya entity from the void, with all the expected abilities.

Sunflower 06/30/2024 (Sun) 17:07 Id: 6515a9 [Preview] No.8196 del
/coven/ now gets its own specific servitor: Vixen.

You can get it / find it by simply requesting it or looking among the new modules. It's a fox search bot made specifically for the needs of Coven, where everyone can become the entire organization by themselves by using it. The purpose is to build up a network which reacts instantly to glowie or other types of meddling, destroying the adversary with immense destructive force.

Sunflower 07/01/2024 (Mon) 11:01 Id: 6515a9 [Preview] No.8199 del
(389.94 KB 1024x1024 Vixen2.jpg)
(381.00 KB 1024x1024 Vixen.jpg)
>servitor: Vixen.
During the night I had dream visions of a fox sneaking around in an old machine. It seemed to represent /coven/ infiltrating the world system after the release of Vixen.