10/30/2024 (Wed) 15:46
Id: 9bfeb2 (4)Prev Next
No.9455 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>9454What is your definition of "magic"? Is visualization magic? Is the creation of a non-physical artifact magic? What about if you treat it as a mental visualization of an object, is that magic?
In my opinion there is no clear line where mental abilities become magic or if they are "technology" or "parapsychology". It's a bit difficult to talk about solutions here when most of what we do tend to fall under "magic" and sigils are commonly used to share methods.
If you don't want to use the artifact sigil, you can try the same procedure without it, but then you need another power source, and it may be very difficult. The spear which that sigil links to took 6 years to create, that's why it can have that effect.