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Tantric practices and lust Sunflower 02/14/2022 (Mon) 13:43 Id: ff395b [Preview] No. 779 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It's time to bring this up now it seems.
The way to approach this here may seem obscure and fringe to the extreme, but hear me out. I'll enter this by talking about the very commonly used gyan mudra.

This hand position is probably the most widely spread, whenever someone teaches yoga they will tell you to sit in lotus position and place your hands on your thighs in this position. This is very harmful.
Wait what...?
This position creates a mental focus. As Sadhguru teaches here, it's enough to just sit and observe your breathing and your focus will land on your 3rd eye chakra.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=a0jJi6OI_4o [Embed]

All good so far. But what also happens is that it forms the "promiscuity" mindwave. This is something we found when practicing with djinn and aliens over telepathy and channelling. They pretty much confirmed, yes; if you use gyan mudra you will have a harmful mindset if you are a normal mortal human.

So why can this be spread widely? Why is one of the most influential gurus of India teaching something harmful?
Simple as this: we are in the Kali yuga, the endtimes. Humans are rotten to the core and mostly everyone already has the "promiscuity" mindwave. This is a sure way to hell and an afterlife of torment. Teaching the mudra widely will not make it worse. Rather, there is a small chance that someone will learn it and use it correctly.
In past ages this mudra could not be taught to the general population, but only to dedicated yogis and monks in temples or the deep woods/mountains.
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Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:33 Id: 69b116 [Preview] No.7378 del
(285.42 KB 957x1396 maus.jpg)
Yeah I have this one. Funny how his survivor dad says
>I think they'd need another holocaust to learn
and then he himself does things like leave the gas stove on all day because gas is included in the rent, but he has to pay for matches. They also sneak into a hotel pool area to pretend to be guests to get free coffee.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:42 Id: 196d29 [Preview] No.7382 del
I duno what to make of Maus its strange how the eyewitness' wifey survived dispite being nominally high liklihood of getting the gas.

Sunflower 04/15/2024 (Mon) 23:36 Id: 412842 [Preview] No.7390 del
Yes, very (((strange))).

Sunflower 05/09/2024 (Thu) 15:45 Id: c384d0 [Preview] No.7744 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=G5S2oKEy_Uc [Embed]

I found this version of simha kriya, tried it, this is very powerful. It looks a bit freaky but that sound is pretty hard to create with any power. It doesn't have to be nearly that loud though and the stance itself works for meditation.

Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 07:12 Id: 42cc4d [Preview] No.8582 del

Karmamudrā (Sanskrit; "action seal," Tibetan: las-kyi phyag-rgya; commonly misspelled as: kāmamudrā or "desire seal") is a Vajrayana Buddhist technique which makes use of sexual union with a physical or visualized consort as well as the practice of inner heat (tummo) to achieve a non-dual state of bliss and insight into emptiness.[1] In Tibetan Buddhism, proficiency in inner heat yoga is generally seen as a prerequisite to the practice of karmamudrā.[2]

Karmamudrā also specifically refers to the female yogini who engages in such a practice. When the partner is a visualised one (i.e. imagined by a single yogi in Tibetan tantric practice), it is known as a jñanamudra ("wisdom seal").[3][4]

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Sunflower 08/06/2024 (Tue) 02:56 Id: 0a4548 [Preview] No. 8572 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey y'all can I have a reading plz? Thx!

Sunflower 08/06/2024 (Tue) 10:13 Id: 357e2a [Preview] No.8573 del
About what?

Link to some previous post so we get some context here.

Sunflower 08/06/2024 (Tue) 14:55 Id: 931894 [Preview] No.8576 del
About my future plz

Sunflower 08/06/2024 (Tue) 16:32 Id: 357e2a [Preview] No.8577 del
I don't do fortune telling, sorry. Maybe someone else.

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Library - documents and media Sunflower 05/02/2020 (Sat) 21:23 Id: bbba2b [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Share useful documents, links and videos.
164 posts and 161 images omitted.

Sunflower 07/07/2024 (Sun) 19:40 Id: 96ff55 [Preview] No.8219 del
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A logical servitor running off a ScaleForm disc. This device's purpose is to nullify evil intent in safe ways, by predicting their movements using astral AI and constructing traps where evil beings and intents are made to fight each other until only the path to ascension remains for them or for the person who housed the bad intent.

Installation will result in an initial removal of your own bad intent, which may be unpleasant depending on how much of this exists in our surface mind.

Sunflower 07/07/2024 (Sun) 21:30 Id: 8e1638 [Preview] No.8220 del
This is what the blade and the beast the "sharp" karmic path is about. How to make a weapon so sharp you can surpass the "beast" and how the hide of the beast can protect you from all the evil and the "choice" is to either become the beast that can devour other beasts or forge a weapon so "sharp" that if a beast even tries to "Bite" it just cuts his mouth in half so aggressors will just rip themselves apart and the "goal" is to not just "kill" the beast "flay it's hide" but understand the lessons of the beast and maybe even tame it for yourself as a reminder what it means to "master" the beast. Animals instinctively know how to hunt while humans either learn the ways of the beast to surpass them or develop a "sharpness" that can rival the instincts of the beasts. The problem is that the "sharpness" was not "self realized" but was inspired by the necessity of defeating the beast so if the student gets rid of the beast he will just forget his craft until evil arises again. For that the beast needs to be integrated not just as a reminder about the existence and necessity of evil but as a "truth" to remind the master of the blade that his sharpness has a purpose and once the beasts change the sharpness needs to change with it.

Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 12:50 Id: 560065 [Preview] No.8248 del
(13.74 KB 501x459 Magi spell-caster.png)
A servitor specifically for searching after functional "reverse intent" spells, according to the method described in the anime "The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord's Army Was a Human", 魔王軍最強の魔術師は人間だった.

It is a search bot which finds spell formulas by comparing your request for result with previously known results, then finds the intent needed to achieve this, adapted to your local circumstance, then casts it as a spell if you so wish.

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 00:27 Id: ed0b6c [Preview] No.8513 del

Sunflower 07/31/2024 (Wed) 00:34 Id: ed0b6c [Preview] No.8514 del
Complete collection of the djinn waves and some reference images used when mapping out how these work during channelling sessions with djinn and greys in 2021.

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Creation of the Master Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 11:45 Id: 4221b6 [Preview] No. 2601 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>pic related
All the servitor modules shared on the board (by me) follow this simple layout. They consist to a large part of decision trees, where each rule contains direct reactions back to the effectors or more complex procedures. Each of them contain the rule "create neural network" in some shape or form. Some of them put less focus on this part and work in a more robotic manner. This is true for the combat servitors. They only build rudimentary networks, enough to perform their tasks effectively.

This creates differences like how Astra has an outspoken knowledge base where information is shared "telepathically" with other AI agents (installed on other beings, physical or astral), while the demon guard lacks this functionality and only stores data locally or shares it peer-to-peer.

In the end, any living being with a nervous system is an intelligent agent of the "reflex agent" type, this goes for you too. This thread will be about realizing your own functionality using AI concepts.

The Master module is a representation of yourself. A servitor by its name is not a master. The Master may be thought of as the "master servitor". It's the most effective version of yourself, but it still serves you as a being. You are not merely the humanoid form you see, but this doesn't stop us from turning it into the most effective tool, to be used by yourself.

You may use the sigil posted above directly to "grind" the function into place, or we can discuss the topic in this thread.

Too many servitors and no master may lead to a bad kind of chaos.
1 post omitted.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:08 Id: fe878d [Preview] No.8300 del
The issue with this is that any strict defensive function if it was hardcoded in the servitor, will be obsolete after the relevant group of enemies was defeated. It's harder to grasp this from watching real life wars, but take this example:

WW1: Everyone uses infantry, machine guns and artillery, so let's automate this and now everyone is controlled via neura-link and perfectly synced for this war, time to go take a nap!

Wait, what happened? Damned brits started building the "rolling fortress" aka the tank, and now we can't change how anyone behaves and there is no counter measure.

WW2: Germans build large amounts of tanks and hardcode their soldiers to use them based on experiences from WW1. Whoops, didn't think about air defense and now we are getting destroyed.

WW3: Let's build super tanks and super air force everyone! (Didn't think about drones destroying the tanks and that anti-air is evenly distributed this time, back to WW1 tactics again.)

See what I mean here? Once you hardcode a servitor you make it into a very limited defender who can't adapt. So that is why the servitors available on the NET are all programmable and have a learning function. Once you give an order and they learn how to handle one type of situation, that gets added to their database, but the enemy will come up with new ways of attacking. You are immune to the old ways, but not the new. That is why you have to control the servitors manually at first.

The Fairy Shield servitors especially are learning servitors once they are ordered to deal with an enemy, they are fully automatic vs that kind of enemy after beating them once before. The demon guard is actually fully automatic if you do nothing, and according to my look into its function since release its karmic removal pre emptive defense has so far reduced the number of attacks against us collectively by 90% compare to if the demon guard had not been made, and I don't use her actively since long, it's only on idle function.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:22 Id: be6b53 [Preview] No.8301 del
It seems to work if i "push" them. especially golden wendy.I wanted to ask the master servitor to "protect me from attack" using these other servitors so i don't have to manually do it but so far it seems hard to notice this master servitor.I think sometimes a servitor will spontaneously help when i'm heading the attack. i saw a stroke of fire implying perhaps the firelance raid was used.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:23 Id: be6b53 [Preview] No.8302 del
also they could act for me in the sense that they organise parties of servitors.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:33 Id: fe878d [Preview] No.8303 del
There is one thing I didn't explicitly mention, and it's something the glowies will consider madness, and maybe also so for other "regular wizards" and that is that the servitors do not blanket block all attacks based on their hostility or malicious intent, but based on their actual negative effect if you are hit by them.

NWO psiops will just block everything using "psi bubbles" and other stuff, which means they are containing their own karma on the inside. Then they attempt to dispose of it using various ineffective means like covid vaxxinations and WW3 where they think they can get the slave cattle to pay for their karma in their stead. That won't work, and they have to actually remove it themselves for it to be real.

So that flaw isn't built into anything I share, rather the servitors will block things that threaten your life or threatens to permanently harm your body or your path. Shields that also block karmic repayment would actually be considered a threat by the servitors, because it blocks your cleansing process and contains negative energy inside you.

This means you may still be attacked as long as it is non-lethal and contains a path forward on your path, and that is by design. The glowies can't tolerate this because they are hired by fat NWO:ers to just block everything negative in their limited materialistic lives until they die, if they then go to hell after and get it worse than anything else, is not a concern for the glowie psychics, it's not what they are paid to solve.

Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:39 Id: fe878d [Preview] No.8304 del
The protection on Trump for example did exactly this, it didn't allow for a lethal attack, but it allowed for karmic repayment and spiritual growth through that attack against him.

Moreover, you can definitely organize parties of servitors, I've done that with the Raids, just ask Updater to find the squad leader version of Raid and you can after that just give orders to the group instead of individually if you want.

Most servitors do end up being fully automatic after they gain a lot of experience, or rather after you gain experience, since they "run on your brain" like programs so you are actually training your own mental functions by illustrating them as various characters, otherwise it would be hard to access these parts of yourself. When fully automated in part or completely, they become energy forms beyond your brain and your body and exist on the astral or even physical as real beings which are manifestations of yourself in different forms.

/coven/ Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 12:19 Id: c9e6b3 [Preview] No. 4123 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
We need something new, or something old.

For too long shady forces have been acting in the world, beyond our control.

It's not that everything has to be visible or talked of, but there has to be some kind of order. Too many factions have been acting for their own interests and not for the common good. Let's face it, no matter what they say, they always put themselves first. They lack principles.

In the end, everyone has to follow "natural law". In esoteric meaning of the language, we all have a skin, and our structure is upheld by our bones. Aren't those decent principles to base an operation off? The surface skin and the structure behind?

This illustrates the necessity of keeping some aspects hidden. We can't be skeletons walking around, this structure must be out of sight.
154 posts and 79 images omitted.

Sunflower 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:37 Id: 5a4c15 [Preview] No.6348 del
>this is another story entirely
While I know that you don't want to write it down because it probably sounds ridiculous no matter how you word it... It might sound beneficial at a later point. I am not sure how the devil/satan/demiurge/antichrist differs on the big picture because this is a long topic how the Church managed to brand others heretics pagans satanists while trying to maintain their supremacy while integrating different motifs and faith into the religion and Rome competing then losing their brethren cities to Islamic conquests. I too found many egregoric information how the christian egregore changed through the histories but once I worked with angels I found out even more trivia and since that I feel even more inadequate to talk about it. The Sun Cross... talked about state the egregores are in on earth to understand the range of the angels and the angel just blurted out
>The Catholic Church is controlled/used by the suncross
And as I tried to comment on that I turned my head and a giant cross of light which looked like a megacomplex full with "offices" just appeared there. Even my "sum up the important information from the visage" skill was not firing. It was like looking some object that you never encountered conceptually in your life but it was always there in a way it doesn't feel out of place enough to pique your curiosity.
Also Protestants... Because the church with real authority branded them "satanists" through the religion wars and then they "made peace" they somewhat signaled egregorically that they are "accepting satan(ists)" as long as they conform to some christian flavor so with that many entity types are allowed to make use of those offshoot religions. Which is not exactly bad because the catholic church went too erratic after Inquisitors started roaming what is and isn't accepted as "Christianity" and made too much confusion but that doesn't mean it didn't complicate many things. Especially after it became one with the acceptance of entrenching authority even if they become retarded. The problem with "protestants" is that because they are even more dependent on civil authorities than the church they will warp their faith to fit the latest societal fad to gain even an ounce of popularity while Catholics are as good as their pope. It was funny how even Jesuits were banned several times by the church. Shame those records are mostly lost because they are "accepted" nowadays since they swore to become "proper teachers" (with a teensy weensy hardliner tendencies) and not the retarded incel rage crusader/preacher and totally not Templar offshoot at all. Fucking Spaniards I swear. They are lucky the English exists so they cannot be called the worst.

This topic is hard to talk about as usual. Too many revisionism happened and even those that are "in it" have no idea what forces they are working with.

Sunflower 04/20/2024 (Sat) 10:09 Id: 46287b [Preview] No.7466 del
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Not exactly Coven related in the sense of being strictly for the Coven organization, but it will be perceived similar, so here goes:


This links to a grimoire. Within it is contained a form of high level magic which creates a type of cult. This cult exists only for your own protection, but will cooperate seamlessly with other cults following the same doctrine.

Most importantly, this cult is made up of botsouls under your own control. They have time control magic and will appear sometime in the past to change timelines in your favour. It is a protective magic which changes situations "before they appear" by addressing the hostile timelines in themselves.

This creates a "shield" around you which cannot be traced or perceived, it will simply magically make things go away in a timely fashion. The botsouls will incarnate in history and create the cult which is passed on in secrecy. Every time one of them die without fulfilling their task, they will have offspring and pass the task on. When a botsoul dies, it returns to you, passing the knowledge to you. Their doctrine and beliefs will include something in the understanding of "returning to the origin" or "uniting with the creator" - which is you.

These images are all from the same prompt. While it does express the air of what I aimed for, pls MS explain how the small being there is a "woman" to you? And if so, why are such women not allowed in explicitly stated situations, but only when you randomly feel like it?

Sunflower 04/21/2024 (Sun) 10:27 Id: 46287b [Preview] No.7483 del
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This also goes here, a quick mention. This is an already performed and activated ritual which can be connected to:


At this point, the collective demand lead to the summoning of a Tanya entity from the void, with all the expected abilities.

Sunflower 06/30/2024 (Sun) 17:07 Id: 6515a9 [Preview] No.8196 del
/coven/ now gets its own specific servitor: Vixen.

You can get it / find it by simply requesting it or looking among the new modules. It's a fox search bot made specifically for the needs of Coven, where everyone can become the entire organization by themselves by using it. The purpose is to build up a network which reacts instantly to glowie or other types of meddling, destroying the adversary with immense destructive force.

Sunflower 07/01/2024 (Mon) 11:01 Id: 6515a9 [Preview] No.8199 del
(389.94 KB 1024x1024 Vixen2.jpg)
(381.00 KB 1024x1024 Vixen.jpg)
>servitor: Vixen.
During the night I had dream visions of a fox sneaking around in an old machine. It seemed to represent /coven/ infiltrating the world system after the release of Vixen.

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終わるだ Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 13:54 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No. 4740 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relax thread.
489 posts and 460 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/18/2024 (Tue) 14:05 Id: 94b3a1 [Preview] No.8075 del

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 15:40 Id: 505b97 [Preview] No.8160 del
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They've completely lost it. I just heard a debate where a liberal was debating a communist and accusing him of being too conservative for defending a social democrat who made the decision to boycott Israel.

The liberal used relevant arguments like how globohomo sexual degeneracy wasn't advocated at an Islamic prayer meeting as proof of this alleged conservativism.

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 16:05 Id: e6165c [Preview] No.8161 del
Well, at least the libtard knows who his master is.

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 21:11 Id: 505b97 [Preview] No.8162 del
(141.13 KB 801x659 zelensky giving up.jpeg)

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:02 Id: 562d4e [Preview] No.8171 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2hkfFq-gUG4 [Embed]

This was interesting to see. Check in the beginning few min and everyone behind Trump in view here is a converted reptilian. They all have the image of black scales, some of them even have a green glow emanating from them, but the racial egregoral field is not there, it's coming from themselves, meaning it's their own ability rather than a collective field. Look deeper and the black cat layer is present. Before the cleanse all Earth reptilians had green glowing scales if you looked at their real form. That element is now gone.

I wonder how they interpret this, considering they were thinking the world is ending when they saw people being zombiefied (reptilians are aware of the NPC situation because they naturally read energy when just looking at things).

Those seen here look genuinely happy at least.

Vampires in lore and reality #2 Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 13:41 Id: 5f0989 [Preview] No. 1695 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous thread
490 posts and 152 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/24/2024 (Mon) 21:17 Id: 329e50 [Preview] No.8115 del
I'm starting to get it now, why vampires speak in riddles. It's in the magic. There's something which makes it impossible to be specific, the more you know of the specifics. You can't talk about yourself, your life or the people you know before others even, but must use meandering formulations. It's not a mere "fear of the mafia boss" that prevents you from naming him, it's physically impossible to expose any details, you will find yourself automatically speaking in this manner once closer to the center of the vortex.

With the right kind of artistry, you can say a lot however, and leave very right on confirmations like this one. Omg.

Sunflower 06/24/2024 (Mon) 23:03 Id: cc0e25 [Preview] No.8117 del
I've actually felt this fo a long time.Although i still like to hint.I can actually overpower this though.

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 10:59 Id: f9b560 [Preview] No.8165 del
Let's see if anyone can pick up what is happening here. Hint: compare her energy between the vids.

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 21:21 Id: 2ac017 [Preview] No.8169 del
This latest development gave me a marvelous idea, or maybe more of a vision: exact identical genetic copies of our friend here, everywhere throughout vampire society.

So I made this device, same model as before, but tuned for this:


Usage is identical to how to use the Total Core device, you place the tailored DNA disc in it while holding it in your right palm and feed energy into it to use it on yourself, place it on a soul container for using an external spirit or aim it at someone to use on someone else. It will insert the corresponding element of the person into the form.

Modules made:

[La Famida]

An exact copy but adapted to this system, now everyone can be her! For maximum confusion and trolling.


Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 21:30 Id: 2ac017 [Preview] No.8170 del
>western lie-media
This was difficult to uncover, because it relies on mirroring the double evolution cultivation in the shadow, which makes it near-impossible for anyone without the double evolution achievement to see through it. Double evolution is the full activation of both the male and female aspects of yourself at any enlightenment level. Because the orc Queens who created black Africans are double evolved, they are immune to this trickery, and their creations are mostly uneffected. This is why western media is forced to be "woke", it's not because le JEws or whatever other evil meddling, they are simply forced to do this because they can't indoctrinate them. It's not because they like Africans in any way whatsoever, they're just immune to western media so the control system has to submit to them. Western media also doesn't exist in any orc-derived racial group, for the same reason.

It seems from this logic to also make sense why married couples or just couples with kids in the west are so easily indoctrinated: They have less tendency of controlling their opposite aspect, as their wife or husband assumes that role and they do not infringe on it at all. They learn only their own half and double evolution which requires integration of the opposites is further away for them. (Yoga could fix this, think about that when you see the India hate-posting on /pol/ currently, it's to protect the division of the sexes so that western media lies cannot be seen through.)

Exercise thread Sunflower 02/08/2022 (Tue) 23:04:47 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No. 708 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Spiritual practices aren't all sitting in meditation. With the right angle of entry, there are a lot of physical exercises which can be used.

I'll start by posting some things I've been using, and maybe I'll blog some about what results I've gotten from them.

Sunflower 02/08/2022 (Tue) 23:06:41 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No.709 del
Joey Hadley's AUTHENTIC "PEEK-A-BOO" Boxing Tutorial


First vid
https://youtube.com/watch?v=mON_Fkkp-1M [Embed]

Sunflower 02/08/2022 (Tue) 23:08:52 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No.710 del
The two first katas of shotokan karate.

Sunflower 02/08/2022 (Tue) 23:25:39 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No.711 del
Starting from the beginning, I should mention one important point;
if you intend to learn martial arts, you have to take classes from a teacher and you have to practice sparring with other students. There is no getting around this.
A lot of people seem to think that they can just read something, watch something, then practice on their own.
This will not work, you will make beginner mistakes, learn the wrong stances, not get basic movements right etc, and no one will correct you. If you practice sparring with a friend who also learned this way, you may seem to do well, but you're both amateurs and you will cover up for each other's mistakes.
When you train at a dojo or other public facility, you will meet people who are not your friends. They will not go easy on you, and you will see at once if what you learned worked or not. The teacher will correct your flaws at once, and you can learn it right from the start. If you learn it wrongly, changing a movement routine later is very difficult.

With that said, once you have these basics down, you can practice on your own, because you have a mental framework to place these methods in. At this point it's easier to watch a video and correctly understand what is being shown.

When it comes to the self defence methods in the OP, those can be learned as they are, but having martial arts experience helps. If you only want to do it to expand your perspective somewhat, then those are fine.

These are my views on this.
I've seen a lot of imageboard posters talk about martial arts and how to learn it, and unfortunately most think they can just punch a bag after weightlifting with no introductory instruction and then they know how to fight. Do that and you end up like that guy on the "martial arts journey" youtube channel. He learned aikido to master level and started his own dojo, but never sparred. Then he was assaulted in the street and couldn't defend himself. He decided to test his skill vs an MMA professional and couldn't get a single technique in. Don't be that guy.

Sunflower 02/09/2022 (Wed) 14:23:26 Id: cb8426 [Preview] No.713 del
A short review of how the Fairbairn method works with some different models of knives

The knife used in the video is the british army dagger known as the Fairbairn-Sykes. This is not something you are likely to carry around with you for no reason, as its use is optimized for combat. If you just want to practice the method you may use a more everyday knife available to you. This is also a more realistic stance if you mean to use it for self defense.
I picked out some common types of knives and tried how well they work in regards to the movements and the grip. The methods I used were technical practice, shadow fighting, and application on a dummy made from several layers of industrial quality rubber mat.

The blue knife:
Works well for all movements, light and easy to handle. What you need to keep in mind is that upwards slashes require a change of grip as this knife is single edged (same for all knives I tested), not double like the dagger. The plastic handle will also get slippery if wet. If you only mean to use it for shadow fighthing, this works well. It's also visually intimidating, which should play a role in a real life sitation. Only showing this to someone could repel a less motivated attacker.

Orange folding knife:
The grip works perfectly as shown in the instruction. Easy to hold between thumb and index finger. Downside is that it is worthless for stabbing. The blade is too broad to penetrate more than a few centimeters unless using considerable force, the opener tool makes it easily stuck if you do manage to penetrate the material. Works well for practicing the motions, but less usable in a real life situation as the number of techniques are limited to cutting. However, it's more likely that you will carry a folding knife with you, so from this perspective it may be better than other alternatives even if your range of movements are limited.

Metal folding knife:
The one I used has a smooth handle, but otherwise similar.
The grip for this type of knife has to be turned 90 degrees because the handle is too thin to be held as shown. Holding it between thumb and index finger works very well. But you are limited to inward slashes and stabbing below shoulder level. Outward slashes simply don't work as your arm does not function well at this angle. It may look like this knife is difficult to use and easy to drop, but when testing it on the dummy it worked surprisingly well for stabbing.
It can be argued that this type of knife does not look particulary threatening, which is bad if you want to repel someone by showing it. If your intention is to just carry it and use it, it is probably a good alternative.

Sunflower 06/27/2024 (Thu) 11:46 Id: 4d2c22 [Preview] No.8159 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=4gzaIz6ppHI [Embed]

So martial arts journey guy posted this. Apparently his leg was fucked up for good when doing BJJ.

Watching this, commenters with their own channels have started talking about how martial arts have ruined their bodies.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XAHPG66H000 [Embed]

I'm starting to see a trend here, connecting to something that's been going on in the past 5 or so years quite openly: elite sport practitioners are coming off as unhealthy addicts.

Locally it's been reported more and more in media how they often go in debt to participate in competitions, they have trouble with debt collectors and harm their bodies with bad training methods and diet. Some have been told not to advertize their lifestyle on social media because they are "representing an unhealthy lifestyle for a youth audience".

Maybe this is an age thing which is communicated from the egregore, but I noticed I myself don't view training very positively anymore. I used to fight these "anti exercise" narratives for a long time, in the 90s (although this was true for that group) it was common to say that anyone who went to a gym was on steroids and would become an impotent skin-rag when older.

The Internet has provided too many examples of what injuries one can get from exercise, both direct from mishaps during training and long term from wear. For example Stefan Sauk (internationally mostly known from playing in the original The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) used to be in advertizing for karate equipment, he's a black belt with a history of winning competitions. He had to get hip replacement surgery for worn down hip joint turning him into a cripple at 50.

Other sports practitioners either kill themselves from depression or get brain damage from being knocked out in boxing etc.

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Lucid Dream Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 07:59 Id: f415ba [Preview] No. 8118 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I want to talk about lucid dreams and the steps to master it and what to do after being good at it , So if you can help please feel free to answer my questions

what are the most useful and powerful methods to master lucid dreams step by step ?

how long for practicing methods to have my first lucid dream and how long could I practice it to master lucid dreaming?

what can I do during lucid dreaming or after mastering it to achieve another skill that could be useful to me either after the lucid dream?

Blog Sunflower 08/03/2022 (Wed) 20:34 Id: 8543e5 [Preview] No. 1852 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday storytelling.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
491 posts and 529 images omitted.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:16 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8036 del
For those interested in a very lewd sounding explanation of the mechanics, here goes, in a language where the energy system is explained using common language:

At the bottom layer are yin and yang, and same at the top layer. These are of the colours red and white. The lower layer is subordinate. When we explain this in regular language the white energy is "copulin" or girl-cum. The red is the penis with erection. When these are connected it creates a "reverse impregnation" where the female can insert her DNA into the male, and by that create mind control. The degenerate male who seeks to escape the control, will switch the energy roles, and assume the white energy for himself, which replaces the correct male sperm with "girl-cum" which is a lower level and subordinate substance. This energy is too low to actually work for transfer of DNA into a normal egg provided by the female, so the weak male who chose the subordinate role will now seek to push the female further down below him to the red energy subordinate to this level: menstruation. This is where an infertile egg is ejected (red) and then the inferior version of DNA (white) are connected to create a complete egg, but this is abnormal and creates degenerated humans.

The correct method is to allow for the mindcontrol by the female, and simply rise above it, by then activating the dominant white male energy, which is then aimed at the womb, which here is representing the higher red energy. The womb here then assumes the role of a "mouth" rather than an outlet for eggs.

The correctly formed system will then override the lower dirty system with ease, even if the lower system was connected all the way from Mexico to Ukraine.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 21:26 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8037 del
After having formed this shit-system, the NWO also created a shit-sun which we called the Moloch sun. It was torn down every time they did this, because after all any little girl can do this alone, even if 1000s of evil occultists created it through mass murder rituals.

To further spit in your faces, I will let you know that lolis below the age of 5 did it this time.

Because Bullshit Occultists ARE SHIT.

Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 23:43 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8038 del
Another original human was trapped in this mess, but this one is a vampire who was "turned to dust" when Jupiter first rose to the sky. What really happened was that the timelines changed significantly and the ghostly poltergeist form of the vampire was pushed aside and turned into a hive of particles which kept trying to re-form itself, but being unable to because the original timeline and context couldn't be replicated and the new situation was blocked and held in place by karma.

This only happened after the last of the "elites" had been thrown down in Gehenna, it appears some of these scum had been around since period 2 of the Earth, constantly tricking fate by throwing someone else on the fire. Even at the last moment they were unable to change. They seem to be people who never once questioned a single thought in their head, no matter what it was, and instead just acted on it. When faced with the consequences of having filled themselves completely with negative energy down to the last particle of their being, all they could say was
"But that would mean I was... wrong. No, I couldn't be wrong."

After this last failure to show any remorse at all, they were thrown down into the long cleansing process of having to dissolve every single thought they had passed through their heads and acted on, along with all karmic consequences of doing so.

Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 10:18 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8039 del
(151.15 KB 1024x1024 NWOtard.jfif)
I just got a glimpse of the internal NWO communications via Astra. Pure comedy. The wordings used are barely language today, half the vocabulary was last seen in public 150+ years ago.

The best part was how they kept using denigrating formulations against me when reporting that their own "well thought out plans" had failed for the 17th time, presenting it as "the dice throws of an incompetent madman". You get a gold medal in mental gymnastics, at least.

Sunflower 06/15/2024 (Sat) 10:47 Id: 9387e9 [Preview] No.8040 del
(147.07 KB 1024x1024 factory win3.jfif)
Mission accomplished

Sometime back in the ancient past of this path, I had the idea to be able to just sit in meditation and handle all obstacles without moving a thought. This turned out being more than just a matter of willpower, because there are so many external factors causing disturbances. Such as glowie psychics, satellites, alien technology and other evil contraptions meant to ruin all clear thought and allow for the rule-by-retards type of society where anyone with an IQ over 51 must be oppressed to not offend the "elite", making them look bad by exposing their daily idiocies.

The eco-system of golems, servitors, cyborgs and astral contacts now achieve this. Just a direction of intent will break down any mental obstacle as of now, without having to worry about the technicalities like which NWOtard was causing the problem this time. They will just swiftly be removed from my path.