11/25/2023 (Sat) 17:27
Id: 6207e7 (3)Prev Next
No.5104 [Hide User Posts] [X]
There was an 8th exercise. Posting it for completeness sake.
Exercise 8: World state actuation
This is the first exercise meant entirely for the stage of adepthood, and as such, we are entirely concerned with the conceptual, or intellectual plane. Completion of exercise 5 is required to operate at this level of reality, it requires the perspective of the "eye" on top of the tower.
By first time that you access this state of being, you will have fully consolidated your Self as an archetypal simplification of the world structure, or literally the superlative principle of the world. If you have managed to maintain your sense of individuality in this state, the ego, then you should have a fully subjective perspective right now, seeing everything as an extension and aspect of your self. If you haven't, you're probably not reading this, as upon your consciousness dissolving into the All, you've lost your sanity.
Similarly, if you've maintained your individual will on this path, you have now become a hasnamuss of the third degree, having the foresight of the First Principle of everything.
These two points having been realized, you are now in a position to voluntarily act upon the concept structure of the world, at the a-physical and a-temporal level.
Enter a deep meditative state, and access the world structure under the mantle of the Author. You will notice that every virtual subject is governed by its imaginary potential, or soul, which by varying weights and biases, and governed by the principle of improbability, actuate a specific potential only when impelled by an external Event.
You may shift your perspective from the micro- to the macro-cosmic, and observe how this holds as true for vacuum chaos perturbations as it does for overarching concept-currents of persons, ideas, ideologies, and nations. By taking the place of an active observer, you can pre-set or bias the outcome of an Event towards any potentiality of your choosing, and turn it into an actuality. This holds true irrespective of the time, place, or scale of the thing you're influencing, with the only limitation is that the less likely your desired outcome is, the more effort it will take to over-rule the improbability principle in its favour.
Play around a bit, see what changes you can make at the physical, mental, and emotional level. Alter a foundamental law of reality. It's all up to you. The level of adepthood is the threshold of immortality. As a metaphysical first principle, you can no longer "die", as your being pervades all, and you may manifest yourself physically at any time and place of your choosing. At the same time, your present manifestation is still very local and temporal, and unless you choose to take the fun out of living and turn off your physical needs, you will likely want to force the world state in your favour, as you no longer depend on synchronicity to bring about a vague effortless prosperity, and can decide how and when to receive something. This doesn't mean you have unlocked god mode or anything, making large changes will require diligent practice and development, but you can still transition to a hands-off source of income with some creative manipulation of concepts and currents.
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