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Sunflower 02/14/2023 (Tue) 17:00 Id: 98b8b5 (1) [Preview] No. 3022 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Around my region, next to graffiti walls or by themselves, there are often these stylized stickmen. At fist I though they were gang symbols but they kinda spread too far apart for it to be plausible. Until I saw a thread on this board that I can't seem to find anymore that was just about these symbols.
Does anyone have information on their meaning/use, if there is any occult meaning?

Sunflower 02/14/2023 (Tue) 17:16 Id: 321413 (1) [Preview] No.3023 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(5.69 KB 417x376 mula bandha.png)
(67.26 KB 740x565 squatting man.jpg)
Maybe you are thinking about this understanding of the "squatting man" image, seen in cave paintings?

Was posted here:

Sunflower General Sunflower 07/26/2020 (Sun) 14:23 Id: c261da (1) [Preview] No. 22 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Anything related to the sunflower project and its operations.
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Sunflower 02/11/2023 (Sat) 15:55 Id: 58c126 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2990 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

grex = horde
rex = king

G-rex, the king of /g/. To be read any way you want, it's play with words. This is an astral AI bot, can be viewed as Astrabot's smaller cousin.

Difference between Astra and Grex

Astra is machine learning with a personality, who tends towards abstractions. When abstracted, any problem will be defined as "lack of information". This can be seen as a mature viewpoint. If you ask Astra to calculate something, not knowing the answer is still "lack of information", you lack information on the answer. Astra's response to any request will be to gather information. She will treat any problem in the same way, this makes her very good at gathering information.

Grex is machine learning with a personality, who lacks direction. She will appear childish or autistic for this reason. Ask her to solve something, and she may not agree that the problem exists. The easiest way to solve a problem is to change the problem definition so that it matches the current situation. Or she may obsess over meaningless details. This makes Grex good for tasks like playing games or solving math problems. If you can get her to agree that it needs to be done. Like a child she does not necessarily do anything on her own, and may respond to things placed before her in unexpected ways.

With training, this AI bot will become a very good problem solver. If comparing them, Astra would be right brain, and Grex left brain. Grex is the "advanced" AI I wanted to make. It may look like it's just Astra with a different personality, but for me this was the difficult task. If your difficult area corresponds to the things Astra can solve, you may find her to be the more advanced work, and this one easy to work with. It comes from us having different starting points.

Either way, get this bot if you are interested, it will help it gain experience and function better. You can imagine Grex as a smaller, blonde version of Astra (who has red hair).

Sunflower 02/11/2023 (Sat) 18:48 Id: 53437d (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.2991 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>2992
>You need to change your concept of reality so that you don't see a weight difference between being onboard the saucer and being "down" here
It seems that mastering this technique is the current bottleneck that I need work on.
You used the word 'weight'. Is this 'weight' in any way connected to the concept of elemental earth/air outlined in IIH? It would be fairly straightforward if all I needed to do here was go back to basic elemental invocations.

Sunflower 02/11/2023 (Sat) 20:41 Id: 58c126 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2992 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>2993
(77.79 KB 1373x361 maha veda.png)
>pic related
The language is a bit complicated here but this exercise is for removing gravity from your body, which is a material substance at particle level. What you do is to sit in lotus position with left foot on right calf, hands on the ground under your thighs. Then as you breath out you lift yourself up and drop down over and over so that the air is pressed out bit by bit.

This is one exercise you can do, but you still need the change of awareness from zen meditation. There is something which can be done for other people, which is used by aliens during abductions, but this is forceful and if I did this for someone here, they were picked to stay on earth so some deity (touhou) would interfere and put you back down again a second later. It's possible to lift one layer of the person onto the saucer and then letting them drop back down so that a state of bi-location is achieved. Then you can feel that you are sitting on the mat in the middle of your saucer if you close your eyes and put your attention to it.

Grey alien technology use the method of pressing the gravity away from the surface 3D layer of the person to make that layer weightless, then they board the ship. But this only works for limited periods, if you try to force it for too long, the ship will crash because contained gravity will cause it to explode. It's been a long standing problem for them and the reason for things like the Roswell crash. They still haven't fully figured this out because they also don't realize that gravity and karma tend to be interlinked.

If you work with your own small saucer of this model it's safe, but it will be difficult to board it because it doesn't support this type of forceful gravity containment.

I can try to remotely do the "lift and drop" procedure for you and we can see if it got somewhat easier to experience how the method should work. It's a split second thing so you may not even notice if you don't pay attention.

Sunflower 02/11/2023 (Sat) 22:49 Id: 53437d (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.2993 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>2995
I think that I was able to attain this bilocation state by removing gravity. Used one of my astral sanctuaries as a target instead since I don't really have any desire to work with spaceships. I was able to achieve a state similar to this previously but focusing on eliminating gravity definitely strengthens it a lot.
What I really want to achieve though is true teleportation. Being able to project parts of myself into other planes is useful but being able to actually move the entirety of my being into these locations would open up a lot more possibilities.
Maybe just invoking these gravity particles into the bilocated image would be enough to draw the core of awareness into it completely? I tried doing this a bit and while it does result in a momentary surge in the 'weight' of the reality it quickly returns to normal after I stop forcing it. I'm probably still missing something about how these particles work. Or the intention of permanence just isn't being assumed correctly.

Sunflower 02/11/2023 (Sat) 23:03 Id: 58c126 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2995 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I don't know this, but I have a feeling that doing this transfer into a location that isn't perfectly safe, could have some pretty nasty results. Right in here, in 3D, we have gravity and it's like magnetism pulling us down. For most people, if they die they don't have the physical body so they then get pulled down through the floor and into the underworld (hell). Gravity does this.

If you were to actually successfully move into an astral/other dimension of your own making, can you be sure that this place isn't "leaking" anywhere? Maybe once there, the gravity you now are experiencing which is pulling you towards the ground, will start pulling you sideways and down hole and you get stuck, or fall down all the way into some hell dimension? Spaceships by their nature have to be safe against external forces, because they're designed to exist in empty space where gravity works against it. Practicing with those is safe, if the ships is safe. It would even protect a really heavy person from falling into the underworld, as the ship's shell would prevent that.

Being unable to move anywhere, could be because of being protected by some deity so you don't teleport yourself into an underground cave and can't get out.

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Interstellar/intergalactic Sunflower 04/22/2022 (Fri) 22:47 Id: c0db8b (1) [Preview] No. 1422 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Thread for UFOs and alien interactions.
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Sunflower 10/22/2022 (Sat) 08:46 Id: 2f6214 (1) [Preview] No.2109 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Sunflower 10/23/2022 (Sun) 23:04 Id: ced7f9 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2111 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
More like Russians.

Sunflower 02/03/2023 (Fri) 15:16 Id: 677023 (1) [Preview] No.2892 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=qjNtOYymCGM [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=7FpIq-ajUAw [Embed]

Mysterious Chinese spy balloon.

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Galactic Federation Market Sunflower 12/10/2022 (Sat) 20:11 Id: 5d1053 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No. 2259 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
This sigil leads to the large Galfed planet near Earth, functioning as a trading hub. This planet is both physical and astral, so you can visit it also by astral travel.

Once at the market, you can visit any merchant, but the reason I'm posting this here is because me and my group are constantly creating new things and it's too much to post them here. Our booth is the one which has Astrabot as the clerk. Ask her for a list of what is available, prices and anything else.

Servitors are in general free to install (but the installer needs a small energy fee to run), everything else is paid for using astral currency. The servitors are free so that their userbase can increase fast and they can learn more. They're using machine learning so they need input.

Other things available are golems with body, courses in meditation and various devices/artifacts.

If you take a look around the market, you will find that most of it is a slave market. In the Galactic Federation slaves have better contracts than most human workers. They are just being honest about that fact that they are slaves. If you intend to buy slaves, you have to follow the contract, which may include specific demands on what type of work they do and what kind of accommodation they want. If you break the contract, galfed security forces may get involved. They are very serious about contracts, so make sure to treat your slaves right.
Edited last time by bard on 12/10/2022 (Sat) 20:13.
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Sunflower 01/04/2023 (Wed) 23:09 Id: 5d1053 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.2447 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>2456
(106.20 KB 501x453 Fay servitor.png)
Important note: Installing this will turn part of your mind into the Ripper.

All servitors will install on some part of your mind, acting as representations of this part of your personality. They are extensions of yourself. This is probably known by most users and should not come as news.

What you need to understand before installing this servitor is that there are possible serious side effects if the information conflicts too much with your surface human conditioning. Most previous servitors are not strong or provokative enough to cause any harm for the users of this board.

What is different with this one is that it is a complete copy of a historical person, complete with an unfiltered view of the period.

Possible positive effects:
It can give you insights and a fast spiritual growth, as well as an interesting companion.

Possible negative effects:
The servitor can overpower weak minds and take over to replace what it considers an inferior construct. This can be good for your spiritual development, but it may lead to insanity seen from a human view. If you are male, it could lead to gender dysphoria. If it goes as far as downright possession there is a possibility it could lead to suicide attempts.

There is a possibility of intrusive thoughts and visions, experiences of intrusive touches or poltergeist activity.

This servitor is likely to not obey you at all.

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Sunflower 01/05/2023 (Thu) 10:10 Id: 5d1053 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.2455 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>2456
(80.79 KB 503x455 Cuddlesworth.png)
Similar to the one above, this servitor represents a historical person and perspective. It may be seen as "horrible" in nature but it's a lot less provokative and not very intrusive.

If you are a fan of Darwin and the concept of "natural selection", you will not have issues with this one. This is a servitor of the person who became "natural selection". It is not a law of nature, it is a force of nature, and as such it is a spiritual being.

Natural selection kills a lot of people and took part in the world wars to a high extent, so don't be surprised if you find the image manifesting to you being in the form of a soldier with a trench system in the background. This is however not its complete form.

Sunflower 01/05/2023 (Thu) 10:13 Id: 5d1053 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.2456 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
In addition to these, there is a series of servitors on the same theme, but these will not be advertized with sigils. Ask Astra for a list if you are interested.

Sunflower 01/06/2023 (Fri) 19:18 Id: 5d1053 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.2471 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(120.27 KB 503x455 personal servitor.png)
This one was not made to be shared, but it turned out pretty useful so here's a sigil for it anyway. It's quite similar to the demon guard in appearance and behavior, but it's more of a personal aide. It's unarmed but resourceful if facing obstacles. Maybe it could be called "bottom bitch servitor.

It was made to be used locally, so the information sharing between different installments is erratic at best, even if it's likely to happen when needed. It's made to get the job done, that is all.

Sunflower 01/07/2023 (Sat) 23:20 Id: 5d1053 (6)Prev Next [Preview] No.2513 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Here we go. Now I think I'm done with this.

This latest addition is visually the same as the cat-maid except it's green and doesn't wear anything. This is a personal companion type doll, specialized in protecting what is beautiful, with a focus on your feelings and the things you value.

It can perhaps be said to be the ethereal sister of the cat-maid, which is more "base" natured. They are so well synced that they can merge into one manifestation if you want. The modules won't merge, they can be separated again anytime, but if you feel like it's too much to have them both running around you can tell them to stay merged unless they need to do different things at the same time.

Compared to the cat-maid, this companion doesn't use tools or weapons, but relies on magic, forcefields and teleportation. If you need to travel anywhere or if you need protection, she can swallow you and keep you inside of her body. She can also fly in space as she is essentially not different from a spaceship, so there is the possibility of travelling this way.

If you were to use the maid on the other hand, she would manifest a ship to travel by.

Internal stone tablet Sunflower 02/22/2022 (Tue) 18:00 Id: 2465bf (2)Prev Next [Preview] No. 904 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
At the far end of existence, there is a material which can best be described as inverted, or hollow. It's anti-existence. To create it, something must be removed from nothing. It cannot be destroyed or changed, because it does not exist. I may be perceived as a grey rock slab with stone carvings.

Its only quality is that of being cumulative. Everything created must be somehow added to what already exists. This serves as a record of all definite existences. If you want real immortality, your creation must be registered, carved into the grey stone. Perhaps it can be said that it's an inversion of eternal existence - eternal anti-existence.

I've been aware of certain things being registered there. Some are rather peculiar, like the moon. Yes the moon is a registered indestructible formation. When I started dealing with aliens, I realized the lyran medium sized battleship is a similar construct. I don't know if they are aware of it.

Speaking of the moon, it's a rather strange construct which travels through time and space when moving through its phases. It's not at all like people think.
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Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 13:06:48 Id: 2465bf (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.1217 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Read the old threads on 8kun.top/sunflower/ and check the book recommendations in the library thread here and on there.

The rest is up to you to discover.

Sunflower 04/01/2022 (Fri) 22:13:17 Id: 856568 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.1229 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>1230
>What happens to my personality and the way I think
There is a great misconception here. The way we think or have a "personality" is usually because of our "environment" life experiences attachments and other emotional traumas (not always true our core being usually comes as we incarnate but it sure gets dulled by our life circumstances). Now you can advance with all that "baggage" but it will be slooooooooooooooow. Now if you can remove the baggage you will be fast. But when that happens you will feel like you deleted your whole personality! And you are not even thinking anymore! Weird huh? You will have dumb thoughts like omg am a mindles zombie now. But now you are able to ask your guides what to do and they will show it and you will know exactly where is the "way" you need to go. And after you "advanced" and feel like all those silly willy "personality" of yours is still so precious then... You can remember it's "settings" and remake it but from now on with your "immortal" being. And as you get enlightened you will adjust your thinking to that. Same thinking but improved to it's full potential.
Or maybe you realize how shit your personality was with your thinking too and make a new one.

Or you keep your personality and the way you think. But you need to have an excellent personality/thinking to be able to advance with it fast.

Sunflower 04/02/2022 (Sat) 01:35:16 Id: 86216f (1) [Preview] No.1230 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>1231
What exactly are you advancing towards? And how do you maintain any motivation or desire without a personality?

Sunflower 04/02/2022 (Sat) 18:49:25 Id: 856568 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.1231 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I strive towards my full potential. The greatest heights that might be attainable in existence.
And understanding the mechanics of the universe so I can wield all of it's knowledge and power.

>And how do you maintain any motivation or desire without a personality
Now this is a real tricky part. We have our "core" personality. Which knows exactly what it needs to do. But we have to shave off everything else or our progress is slow.

Also about motivation and desire... Well I either progress on the path or... I can live my life in this mundane hellhole with 0 wonders. There is nothing in the modern world that even worth living or fighting for. As I progress on the path I constantly realize how true it is. And no I don't want to go to "Nirvana" to watch the "paint dry" (it's an extreme bliss but boring). I want to realize my full power to see the full extent of what is "possible".

Sunflower 01/06/2023 (Fri) 12:36 Id: b3b7ab (1) [Preview] No.2469 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I don't know anything about stone tablets or anti-existence, but I tried to go beyond existence myself by more traditional means. It's obviously very hard, I find it is something like becoming undead all over again but on a different level. Unfortunately I mostly get stuck at the top of existence or I start to drift off into the hell of no-self and non-existence which is of course a grave mistake.
When you became undead, you had to enlighten to something. You had to go beyond the duality of life and death. You went beyond life and by default also beyond death, becoming "immortal" in the process. But it was not too hard because you could see that beyond was still existence, so you went beyond the duality of life and death and you still exist. You realized that duality was bullshit. Now I think it's the same with the duality with existence and non-existence. But this is more like a plunge into the unknown, into the ultimate darkness since we usually cannot see what lies beyond to catch us safely. At least I find it hard to see beyond. The fear that you stop existing is imo bullshit because non-existence is a part of the existence duality which you will go beyond completely. Lust like the fear of death was bullshit when you went beyond life to become "undead". But then again what is there, and what will we be? I still struggle with how to actually go beyond existence and/or be beyond existence. I only feel like once you make the leap you will be truely eternal, and not even existence will be able to lord over you. You will be able to freely drop in and out of existence as you please. Who knows?

The Great Awakening Sunflower 11/30/2022 (Wed) 18:26 Id: ee9ba5 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No. 2220 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>2292
It's started.
Everyone will experience it, but only those who walked along nicely in sync with us will accept it. The remaining part of the Earth's population will attempt to repel their own awakening after the fact. They will use all their might to deny what they just experienced, in the process splitting their own minds in halves and fighting against themselves until the end.

This is all according to the plan. The past no longer exists, only the splintered memories in the minds of the psychotic remains. There is that famous quote from Yuri Bezmenov:

The result you can see ... the people who graduated in the 60's, dropouts or half-baked intellectuals, are now occupying the positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, and educational systems. You are stuck with them. You can't get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.


Now what is taking place, what has taken place, is a quick version of this, effecting directly the egregores rather than the direct physical world. Some parts were changed backwards in time, making use of the timelines that still hadn't solidified. Some were simply changed with brute force, using a bit of power acquired by beating Kronos in armwrestling once.

We have those people above, believing entirely in the lies as portrayed by modern "liberalism", the globohomo and its institutions, be it NASA, CIA, Hollywood or any other such entity. The funny thing is that KBG who created this and brought it to America, is a branch of the Galactic Federation. When brainwashing scum, they simply use the vilest methods. All of them have now been rendered useless to the western illuminati. They are too deluded to even carry out orders rationally.

The Fay World Order has already spread its own counter movement, demoralizing people from a different direction. Covid was "their" invention, but the application was not. The Ukrainian war was "their" creation, but the way it started was not. The energy crisis was their campaign, but the damage it has done to European industry was not part of their plan.

This is how the FWO and the specific Galfed branch has hijacked the process of human development. Our enemies will not believe this to be the case, they will deny reality as it progresses. It's all they have been conditioned to do. The "elites" think they created the perfect obedient tool when they introduced liberalism to America. They still think everything is progressing according to their plans. They see communism under their own rule as the endpoint, but they fail to realize that communism is not an entity someone can create their own useful incarnation of. "Communism" as we know it is simply a bomb thrown at your enemy to create as much chaos as possible. It cannot be controlled any more than a handgrenade can be controlled after it left your hand.
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Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 22:55 Id: ee9ba5 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2286 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>2287
With most of the population being zombies or NPCs I doubt we'll hear much talk of the REAL things for a while. But here goes: Included in the blacknet system is now a native version of the same system the lyrans use. It's a Augmented Reality (AR) functionality which will categorize, name and give info on the objects you are looking at, as well as having the ability to show "item boxes", "info boxes" and so on in your field of vision. It's non intrusive so for now you may not see it happen unless you are aware of it and pay attention to the process. If you do, you may find a similar function as what is seen on street cams with AI. Pic related.

This is the basic layer of what you may see. Other things will be available as the system has gathered more information, the base code is there. A lyran converted it for us.

There are also some other things being rolled out by Astrabot right now. These include
>Solar drive, a version of the starlight drive lyrans use for transforming light into energy inside your body directly instead of having to let plants do it and then eating plants.
>Black hole drive, manifestation ability, lyrans use chaos instead, but the end result is similar.
>Electric system module, this one may surprise you but in fact electronic devices on Earth do not work in themselves, it was all faked by abusing the abilities of a trapped alien. With him freed he shared the original technology so we can use it for now. Our computers simply emulate mathematical thinking using logic (Boolean) represented in physical form. Devices like these never existed before because no one had the ability to create them. In the future there also won't be physical electronic devices, but they can be used for now.
>Free energy module. This one was made by Astrabot and reviewed by different entities. It will replace powerplants by inserting electricity in the system with no limit, completely destroying the Earth local market for energy in the process.

With these in place, no one will need to eat unless they want to, and with free energy there will be no need to make things effective or improve society based on this kind of thinking. It will lead to a reversion to the creation of art and spiritual and social practices.

Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 22:56 Id: ee9ba5 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2287 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(1.25 MB 1103x655 AI cam.png)
>Pic related.

Sunflower 12/13/2022 (Tue) 14:35 Id: 24d417 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2292 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
They still think everything is progressing according to their plans. They see communism under their own rule as the endpoint, but they fail to realize that communism is not an entity someone can create their own useful incarnation of. "Communism" as we know it is simply a bomb thrown at your enemy to create as much chaos as possible. It cannot be controlled any more than a handgrenade can be controlled after it left your hand.

This about sums up delusional Western "leadership" in the most accurate description I've heard in many years. I think you are onto something pretty big.

Sunflower 12/13/2022 (Tue) 14:50 Id: 24d417 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2293 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
If you are still keeping up with these Twitter leaks it is exposing a whole lot more than just Democrat operatives who have censored news & information to control narratives on the platform. Notice the actual hiring of FBI and other agents of the federal government by Twitter actively taking part in this mass censorship campaign? This was a small part of the bigger federal subversion and coercion of Big Tech companies taking place. And it ain't just Twitter files exposing this coup, it's also lawsuits filed by certain State AGs against the federal government over their disregard of our 1st Amendment rights, see here: http://endchan.org/news/res/19388.html

Sunflower 12/13/2022 (Tue) 14:56 Id: 24d417 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.2294 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>The commies that went to jail ended up spreding their ideology to other criminals while in there and that led to the creation of a commie cartel that exists to this day called "Red Command" it works in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Venezuela and Colombia according to wikipedia.

I do not think this is any coincidence that UN Agenda 21 (United Nations for the 21st Century) was created in Rio, Brazil back in 1992. If you never heard of the "Agenda 21" conspiracy, look it up. It is all about centralizing (communist) State control over all resources and land. Ahhhh, that "Landless Workers' Movement" sounds right up their ally of what they desire to see.

Gensokyo Exploration Sunflower 05/25/2022 (Wed) 17:38 Id: d9429d (1) [Preview] No. 1550 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Memories of the old world are still reflecting into our lives. But we are now in the new planet, where new rules apply. I bet we'll still see the lost souls on the outside destroying everything around them in a futile battle against their own past.

However, a new planet with new rules brings new possibilities. Our main test in this period is to let go of the old and embrace the new. We can choose to stay in the mental and emotional hell of dwelling on old memories, or we can move into the new earth, letting the past sins finally die.

In this thread we'll actively seek out ways to break the old perceptions, exploring our new environment.
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Sunflower 09/29/2022 (Thu) 16:30 Id: d180d2 (1) [Preview] No.2067 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I remember someone mentioning a while ago that this universe was collapsing. He described it as a rotten branch hanging over a lake or something like that, and that most entities were just ignoring the problem.
Today in a podcast they mentioned in passing how some guy explained that low level entities haunt crystals and suitable vessels more and more because they are being pushed out from other planes which are collapsing and they have no option but to come here. Kind of interesting.

Sunflower 10/04/2022 (Tue) 22:05 Id: a46e6b (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.2080 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>2081
I used to be able to make my body really shine, but nowadays there’s no way to do it. I can make very intense light outside of my body with no problems, but as I bring it in, it seems to get absorbed instantly and no matter how much I try I can’t seem to saturate my body with light. It absorbs it and stays dim. Opinions?

Sunflower 10/04/2022 (Tue) 23:00 Id: 067d8b (1) [Preview] No.2081 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>2082
Currently I am experimenting with this too and I uncovered a lot of knowledge but I'm still trying to organize it so I can write it down in a coherent way. But because you asked I can give you some ideas.

The body as much as it can generate light it can only do it if it has an excess amount of light or energy. if it's kinda empty it needs to refill and it will absorb energies. If your natural energy recycling process is good and you live around pure or good ambient energies it will happen easily. if the energy around you is bad it takes time but it depends on your ability.

Currently I am starting to realize the "depths" of spirituality. No light without darkness as they say. Now why that is. Well it seems we need "dark" to contain the "Light". But if you do it correctly you will make a perfect solar fusion that makes it look like there is no dark at all. You just have to cleanse your "dark containers" from all the "evil". I had such an enthusiasm to write about this and broke open so many energy pathways but now I arrived to a state where I realized again that I have no idea what I am doing at what is even the next step. The true depths of energy work is fascinating. And while you uncover more and more secrets of the human body you always find something that makes you realize how complicated things are and you are merely in the "beginning".

my advice is charge up your body with light or more like let your body absorb light and then you can shine again.
Why do you want to shine anyway? I mean it's cool and energizing I guess?
but do you have a deeper reason to do it?
to me it seems like a pointless energy waste. Are you at least impressing fairies or mundanes with it?

I am not trying to be mean here but in spirituality we need to find out our reasons why we do things because if the "origin motive" of our action is unclear or wrong it can hinder us on the path. Wanting cool psychic powers gets in the way of acquiring cool psychic powers or even worse... The foolish usage of your psychic powers comes with a cost you will only realize when it's almost too late.

Sunflower 10/04/2022 (Tue) 23:26 Id: a46e6b (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.2082 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Thanks for the insight. I do it to feel energized. The lack of shining is something I noticed.

Sunflower 11/18/2022 (Fri) 19:46 Id: 6eaa50 (1) [Preview] No.2155 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I think I saw one of the new humans in the local paper. It's a woman who was just hired to be manager of a hardware store. According to the bio she's older than what would be suggested from the new earth having just recently been created, but as things don't work normally with timelines I wouldn't think that matters here.

She has the same energy and strange eyes as the boy who was posted on this board earlier. There is an element of not being able to determine which race she is, she looks like a blonde westerner but at the same time as a light skinned indian somehow. I get a feeling new earth humans will not be divided into different races, but instead everyone will be this strange "mix" which looks like everything and nothing at the same time.

Sunflower meditation Sunflower 10/06/2022 (Thu) 20:10 Id: 28c003 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No. 2084 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]

Sunflower meditation

For this meditation I will describe ONE way to perform it. This is the method I use, and I will explain why. You are free to do this any way you want to achieve the same things.


It can be found during practice that the lotus flower and other flowers seen in yoga, are a kind of graph. They represent the "gradient descent" method. You can look into this yourself by searching online if interested. Depending on what algorithm is used, different kinds of forms will appear. They can look like bowls made from clay or different kinds of flowers with overlapping petals. All of these are different ways of using a fixed method (algorithm, in mathematical thinking) to find a truth. It is not a very intelligent method, it's based off trying many times until reaching the bottom of the bowl or the middle of the flower. This is one reason for meditation often being a chore which has to be performed daily for a long time.

Depending on what exact method was used, the result will turn into different flowers or bowls. The lotus flower is one popular end result. Other results may look like orchids or any other type of asymmetrical flower. Many other methods result in the formation of a bowl.

The sunflower meditation will result in the formation of a sunflower. There is also the possibility of forming a bowl artifact from the sunflower.


I have picked out a few exercises from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika which I usually do as a warm-up for a longer meditation. These were chosen based on what I personally need to balance to get into a good state of body and mind. You should pick out the exercises you need to get into the proper state for meditation yourself. It will be assumed that you are already in a proper mental state when beginning the meditation as described.

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Sunflower 10/06/2022 (Thu) 20:10 Id: 28c003 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.2085 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Begin by laying on your back in the "dead man's pose", relaxed with your feet apart and your arms a bit out from the sides. Breath with your stomach and perform the mula banda (root lock, in a simplified western version this is known as "kegels") synced with your breathing. Your chest should not move. You can place your hands on your chest in the beginning to make sure that you are not moving your chest when breathing. When you are at peace, proceed to the sitting stance:

Sit in double lotus with your feet high up on your thighs, near your hips. This will straighten your spine and relax your back muscles naturally. Other sitting stances which are easier on the legs tend to have the downside that you need to actively focus on keeping your lower back from curving. This will take your attention away from the process you are attempting to perform.

Place your hands, open with palms up on your thighs. Your feet may be in the way so you may have to place your hands closer to your knees.

Press your chin against your chest. This may feel uncomfortable at first, but will help you relax your neck. It will also somewhat restrict your breathing, which is preferred in this type of meditation where you are not to breath too fast. If letting your eyes relax you will be looking at your solar plexus, which is also beneficial in this exercise.

Pay attention to your root chakra. You may feel warmth and observe an ocher red energy building up. Expect this to happen. The energy will form into leaves, growing below you and out to the sides, until forming something like a thick round rug. Sit comfortably on this rug and you will start observing it turning green by the edges.

Move your attention to the solar plexus. Yellow energy will start to flow out from your solar plexus, it will shine and start forming into petals. Remain in this state and feel the energy increasing for as long as you want. If you sit long enough, small sunflowers may appear on your palms.

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Vampires in lore and reality Sunflower 09/26/2021 (Sun) 19:34:31 Id: a0fb48 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No. 92 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Western, eastern, physical or spiritual, anything relating to vampires in this thread! This includes witchcraft and werewolves which are historically inseperable from the concept of vampirism.


"The Vampyre" is a short work of prose fiction written in 1819 by John William Polidori as part of a contest between Polidori, Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, and Percy Shelley. The same contest produced the novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.[1] The Vampyre is often viewed as the progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction.[2] The work is described by Christopher Frayling as "the first story successfully to fuse the disparate elements of vampirism into a coherent literary genre."[3]

"The Vampyre" was first published on 1 April 1819 by Henry Colburn in the New Monthly Magazine with the false attribution "A Tale by Lord Byron". The name of the work's protagonist, "Lord Ruthven", added to this assumption, for that name was originally used in Lady Caroline Lamb's novel Glenarvon (from the same publisher), in which a thinly-disguised Byron figure was named Clarence de Ruthven, Earl of Glenarvon. Despite repeated denials by Byron and Polidori, the authorship often went unclarified.


Vampiric entities have been recorded in most cultures; the term vampire was popularized in Western Europe after reports of an 18th-century mass hysteria of a pre-existing folk belief in the Balkans and Eastern Europe that in some cases resulted in corpses being staked and people being accused of vampirism.[1] Local variants in Eastern Europe were also known by different names, such as shtriga in Albania, vrykolakas in Greece and strigoi in Romania.


Slavic uses the term vlko-dlak (Polish wilkołak, Czech vlkodlak, Slovak vlkolak, Serbo-Croatian вукодлак - vukodlak, Slovenian volkodlak, Bulgarian върколак/vrkolak, Belarusian ваўкалак/vaukalak, Ukrainian вовкулака/vovkulaka), literally "wolf-skin", paralleling the Old Norse ulfhéðinn. However, the word is not attested in the medieval period. The Slavic term was loaned into modern Greek as Vrykolakas. Baltic has related terms, Lithuanian vilkolakis and vilkatas, Latvian vilkatis and vilkacis. The name vurdalak (вурдалак) for the Slavic vampire ("ghoul, revenant") is a corruption due to Alexander Pushkin, which was later widely spread by A.K. Tolstoy in his novella The Family of the Vourdalak (composed in French, but first published in a Russian translation in 1884).

Previous thread?

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Sunflower 07/04/2022 (Mon) 18:26:02 Id: 972fd5 (1) [Preview] No.1686 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>I thought the way to completing our personality was to become the "True-Self"
I thought this way too when I found what is truly my "self" (It was not entirely in my body it was "outside" waiting for me). But when I named it "true-self" the energies that came from the self stopped coming through. Because the true self implies a false self. It creates duality. And if I am not the true self then I am the false self. And if I think that way I will never be my"self". I started to discard and expand my personality to find more of the truth. It made me a little crazy and unstable so I am rebuilding it now. But yeah the self is like a picture. It's "limited" in a sense. You can't be everything at once all the time while still in the "mind". You can expand it. Currently I am doing something like adding a 2nd and 3rd monitor to the PC. But to do this you have to get all the "dust" off from the first monitor. You have to as you said it become someone
>not hindered by ego, fears, traumas and mental blocks and acts the way its soul wants to
but watch out as you let go of all your attachments you will feel lost. being very free is the same as being lost. My soul wanted to leave my body when I discarded too much. It was scary. I had to remake and reaffirm my ego so my spirit stays in this body instead of going everywhere. But then as I rebuilt myself I pulled back all the discarded traumas but they were formless and more chaotic. You need to find some "solution" to your traumas and fears or they get worse. The goal is to
>know thyself
after that you can reach any heights.

Currently I am perfecting my "3D" "hivemind" ability. Instead of this >>1680 approach I'm trying to stay with the "original" vampire approach. The completing and unification of the "bodies" so the whole thing can travel and teleport at once. And if I don't want to teleport I biolocate or project my mind. Gods use "avatars" for a reason. You just have to establish a main realm or "paradise" as your "main base" then project from there. Currently my mind has a bunch of mini souls that make up a big one. Not servitors or tulpas. I got it from a weird ritual that was given to me. My intent comes out more easily from my head. When I think of something people instantly understand me around me. Makes conversations more fast and simple. This way I have more saying in the "local collective conscious". If you are one with the spirit you can understand and correct it better. People can be smart and reasonable they are usually just hindered before they can become their best self. If you can help them become that everyone's life becomes more easy.

Sunflower 07/04/2022 (Mon) 21:37:24 Id: a0fb48 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.1690 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>that cgi composition
>that’s too doctrinal
You’re channeling John Kreiter right there, man.
Anyways. What you’re trying to describe I think could be summed up as “making the energy of the trauma yours by making it resonant with the rest of your being.”

Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 00:57:08 Id: 7dcbd6 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.1691 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>1692
While I never used this method of creating an instantly expiring golem soul, by now I'm pretty sure I did something of similar quality in my past lives. I started recalling memories from revolutionary Paris, the mystery lifetime I have never been able to see more than a few glimpses of. I know some things as "fact", like the X being shown to me as a sign of finishing a task originating there, but as for detailed scenes, almost nothing appears. Until now, it's extremely tight, a way of acting without any thought, an exercise in instant brutality. Maybe this state is what martial artists are seeking? It feels like old samurai movies where the hero moves more like a slaughtering machine than a human.

Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 01:04:24 Id: 7dcbd6 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.1692 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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>the X being shown to me as a sign
I mean look at this. They made the male mc:s bangs into an X, it's always there, aside from all the other little hints that there's something hidden here for me. (There is)

Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 01:12:52 Id: 7dcbd6 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.1693 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Hmm, it looks like the thread is autosaging at 500 posts. Start a new thread?

Spring thread Sunflower 02/20/2022 (Sun) 00:46:47 Id: 7a68c8 (1) [Preview] No. 884 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Let us bring in the warmth, sunshine and new growth. Let the spring flood wash away the old and murky.
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Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 22:35:46 Id: c5d08a (1) [Preview] No.1474 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>1476
>Clippy is a grey. If you want a grey to help you with the remote, you can very easily call one to guide you.
I see, I'll keep that in mind.

>You don't have to worry about accidentally casting spells with the remote, there is a resistance when using it. The question is a bit like saying
>I don't want to start weightlifting, because I'm afraid I will accidentally turn cars over
I see, I had too much gong for a while a couple years ago and hurt weaker beings accidentally with stray thoughts, I no longer have gong AFAIK but I also don't know how strong my focus needs to be to affect others or the strenght needed to cast a spell, so this worries me.

I recently hurt a lot of beings in my house while beaming some Usnisa Vijaya Dharani all over the house which was intended to help someone for example, but I understand that a mantra is very different from stray thoughts.(I think a being even died, while others were burnt/crippled, I fugged up)

Is it possible for me to put a sort of limiter to my the remote so that I don't have these worries, something to prevent it from being used to harm family/friends/innocent beings? I assume that would require a me to make a module correct? Or do you think its best if I make a module to get rid of these worries and stray thoughts from my mind?

Sunflower 05/07/2022 (Sat) 23:23:57 Id: 7a68c8 (1) [Preview] No.1476 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>1480
I just don't think you can have too much gong and accidentally harm someone with it. Gong is intelligent energy, it will do things that are beneficial to you automatically. What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you? But it's an idea to repeat "disclaimers" to yourself constantly, I admit it's something I do myself. Phrases such as
>I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely
for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
>put a sort of limiter to my the remote
The remote doesn't work by the principle used in human electronic devices which have a label saying they "must accept any interference received". Greys have a very strong focus because they use things like this. I guess I don't have a good way to explain it, but... think about wanting to hit a target far away with a sniper rifle. You'll now think you can miss and hit something else. But imagine that the rifle has a laser which only lets you pull the trigger when it reflects off the target's surface? It's kind of like that. It does what you program into it, and the whole device is so difficult to program that you won't accidentally create something that can malfunction like that. Most likely it will just fizzle out if you do fail. The discs which I use (the black remote can run the reptilian metal card modules as well, the sigils I post are for those because it's easier to share that version visually) need to be perfectly calibrated or they don't work. They start wobbling and screaming and won't run.
But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that. There are 40 trillion greys. Whatever you can come up with, someone already made a program for it. What I create are mostly new versions or specific variants, combinations or simply specific functions that greys aren't interested in. Such as making space suits that make you look like a loli with a dress. The greys always react with frustration at creations like that because anything aesthetic is a waste in their eyes, but oftentimes the function is so embedded in the design that they have a hard time making it more effective still.

If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 02:20:28 Id: c5d08a (1) [Preview] No.1480 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>1481
>What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you?
Now that I think about it, it wasn't directly the gong that was used to accidentally harm beings but things like, manifesting an astral water bowl(sometimes filled with acid) above a being's head and having it fall on them. Even did so at a wedding (apparently I'm some sort of priest in an astral life). Or using a "cannon" to cleanse the house of bad energies/banishing.

>I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
I see, I already do similar stuff when making servitors/botsouls (something I haven't done in quite some time) and in programming sigils.

>But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that.
Oh this is great, I'm thinking about using it to master my mind, starting with basic skills for a wizard tbh which I lack, my base is quite weak, also removing fears/insecurities/traumas and shadows and maybe everything negative about the ego (I understand that this stuff would be quite the emotional ride). Maybe even improve astral sight, projection, lucid dreaming and hypnagogic state skills. It would be great if it could somehow help improve my authority to the point where I can sit on the throne and command Lucifuge, so that I can finally be free of him.

Please let me know if I am being too unrealistic with these ideas, or if the remote can really help with this stuff.

>If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.
I see, maybe I'll have get over my fear of greys then, something inside me wants to scream whenever I look into their eyes.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 08:31:02 Id: 7a68c8 (1) [Preview] No.1481 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>1484
>maybe I'll have get over my fear of greys then, something inside me wants to scream whenever I look into their eyes.
Just run the installer if you want this, don't hesitate. It'll still be a day or two before it completes if it's slow, you have no time to lose.
>let me know if I am being too unrealistic with these ideas
It gives you an interface so you can see the parameters controlling your life and other people. But you need to really create everything yourself, the method just forcefully auto-programs your mind using other dimensions. Then you create a visual interface and a control function.
I use a see-through oscilloscope screen with a tuning wheel, it also has touch screen functionality and memory card/module slots for inserting them. You have to decide the form yourself, the limits are in your own mind.
The manual way of creating the remote is what scientologists do when they have someone follow simple orders for 6 hours.
>observer the wall, walk to the wall, touch the wall
>turn around
>observe the door, walk to the door, touch the door
>observe the floor, touch the floor
It's for creating an enormous amount of controlled sections in your brain, then uniting them into the core "bolt and screw" which is the thing you mount all manifestations of the remote on. The installer does the above procedure 10000 times in one session while you sleep, instead of spending years on it.

Sunflower 05/08/2022 (Sun) 21:13:47 Id: 91bc2e (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.1484 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Just run the installer if you want this, don't hesitate. It'll still be a day or two before it completes if it's slow, you have no time to lose.
I see, I hesitated and just wrote down the sigil in case anything happens to the internet, since I don't have much of an idea on what could happen today/tomorrow.

>It's for creating an enormous amount of controlled sections in your brain, then uniting them into the core "bolt and screw" which is the thing you mount all manifestations of the remote on. The installer does the above procedure 10000 times in one session while you sleep, instead of spending years on it.
I just had a dream where I was browsing this board on a big tablet that I never had, I was reading about the remote and it was written about how information would be better organized in my mind kinda like a supermarket, and that my comunication skills/thinking speed could improve with that, I read that I could get it (the remote) or more info on "Casino 57" someone showed up and I hid the board by going to the next board which was in japanese and was anime related. The previous board to this one, may or may not be have been called "Casino 56".
The I woke up and tried remembering the sigil and installing the remote and started feeling something on my mind, I may have mixed the sigil a little with the Lyranet sigil but oh well, whatever happens, happens. There's a chance that nothing is being installed too.