Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 22:42 Id: 03af70 No.5896 del
>but to "leave" earth or do "reality bending magic" you will have to find forces that are more real than the "reality" you can perceive
I have done this, I think, but the issue is that the force is 'formless and ineffable'. It is more 'true' than reality but since it lacks form it's hard to translate 'true' to 'real'. I can feel it, behind my eyes, or awareness, like a great sphere of... milk? It feels more water than light. And I definitely can invoke it, but since it's 'truth' and not 'reality' it's like it can only fuel existing 'realities' or meanings. So, maybe create your own reality via imagination and fuel that? But the framework or the bones of those images aren't made of the same immortal truth, compared to the fuel the bones are arbitrary, lacking something. So they fall apart easily.
>We have to give back to earth those parts that the earth gave us
>And that is elemental magic.
Probably this. Bones are made of earth and earth = fire+water+air supposedly. I'm not sure how to figure out how to 'give this back' though. Connect to 'elemental planes' in the same way as the ineffable 'higher reality'? Maybe that's what Franz Bardon's elemental exercises were supposed to do now that I think about it.