Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:21 Id: a6eb21 No.5941 del
(80.97 KB 600x722 Temtem.jpg)
>and she genuinely wasn't aware she was doing.
Watch over with this. Your "powerfield" is getting stronger so people won't notice it but your influence will somewhat overwrite/mess with their preexisting thinking patterns. Sometimes let it go. Understand that sometimes your influence is the "fault" at there.
I am saying this because when I am bad with handling my energies while talking to people they also make minor mistakes like this around me.

Realities are merging for you. These things will happen. I am not saying that "get used to it" but try to understand it. Observe it.

>I was admittedly a bit cranky waking up earlier than I wanted to

Also the gendering in english is weird and trannies make it even weirder so people mixing it up will be less uncommon as the egregore does not know how to handle it. Be glad you don't speak german/french where every object has a "gender". You can only understand that once you connect to the language egregore
>Ah yes yes this table is truly masculine you can SEE it
It only makes sense after you connect to the egregore I swear. Fucking germanic autism I swear. AND THE FRENCH IS EVEN WORSE. THEY ARE LIKE WOOZY WOMEN WHILE GERMANS ARE LIKE AN AUTISTIC GRANDPA. Thank fuck the French lost global dominance so we don't need to learn to speak that shit.


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