Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 20:28 Id: a6eb21 No.5936 del
>reacquainted with being a female
Also that too. Current females are not exactly the same female form you had when you first arrived into this existence so you will need to understand what is "real femininity". Because it is sure as hell not about being a whore and wasting half your income on beauty products like for some reason the "vapid cunts" make you think what is a woman about... be they biologically male or female...
When I connected to my female lives I managed to hate "current women" even more. These spoiled bitches were always a bane of civilization without realizing. Made me realize my male psyche has a far more "ideal" view on women than my female past life influenced one.
Proper women hate whores like you wouldn't believe. But I will not write a rant down from her own point of view. Don't expect a nun like whores especially after Jean d'Arc fell in love with some soldier on the campaign she broke the whole divine channeling and almost thwarted the whole counter offensive. Women I swear.