Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:53 Id: a6eb21 No.5802 del
>It was a bit more complicated on my end
Okay for me too also but it's a TLDR. It was about a flash initiation into sg via different dreams. Then I awoke and suddenly a huge energy bathed me in the middle of the night. Then I was not sure wtf just happened and was not really getting answers. Then went back to sleep and I was an old scrawny scientist in some "confinement" for a "crime" and 2 big guy who looked like ex commando in their 40s that are kinda fat because of it in complete burglar black gear tried to hold me down like it was part of my punishment. Then as I developed an ability to "link my minds" when these things happen so I cannot be boxed into a "hypnosis" I realized I am no old scientist that is being tortured for his crimes and my energetic "muscle body" jumped out of that form and as I punched them they turned into shadows. Which meant it is time for the next part of the battle. Instead of letting them "reform" time to fuck up their original energetic formation. Which was me blowing fiery air into their direction with my mouth to disperse the shadows. I awoke after that. Then the other "philosophical battles began". And after that I kinda went into the other dimension I got access towards. But that is something I am still unsure to talk about. The way concepts work there is different and I need a new understanding to access it that I am currently "realizing".