Sunflower 01/07/2024 (Sun) 21:06 Id: a6eb21 No.5730 del
>Putin himself has undergone ritual blessings in the orthodox format which are actually strong occult psychic methods for developing someone's inner potential
They revere him on such a high level. There is a reason why he is still in power. Russia always need a strong leader to function otherwise it's useless.

>"The Shaolin Temple" movie
Thx for the rec
>>Talking about this is a mindbreak already
K sorry I did not exactly point out which part was the "Mindbreak". So I can "connect" to some experiences and see the method sometimes when people mention it and I went into the "way" the mass "repeats prayer patterns" to "increase the energy" and it is like moving the waves so the water rises but with a high amount of religion favored energy?
The "mindbreak part" was that I "restimulated the experience" for the sole purpose to figure out how is this like the CIA?
Whatever it's complicated for me because I realized I connect to religion differently because a multitude of reasons. I also had my Confirmation at Catholic Church in my early teens but the "community" never managed to awaken "faith" within me. I blame communism and/or modernism for this because that place is a "social gossip forum". This doesn't mean I hate that place but my faith developed from within and my prayers were always custom made because there is something I hate extremely in the way people see religion. It's the fear. The fear from God the fear of uncertainty the fear of death... I cannot use "fear" as a basis towards my foundation and because of that I was not able to connect to the people that introduced me to this. Going to church as a social obligation? Or as a Pascals Wager? That is not faith... that is fear.


Yes btw this was also a root chakra realization that I managed to word now. It seems this is why I did not get the "church" treatment. Because fear blocks the root chakra as "paralyzing force" or makes it overactive as an "anxiety" and this is the 2 emotions.
Social obligations = Anxiety
Fear of Death = Paralysis.

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