Sunflower 02/02/2024 (Fri) 10:06 Id: 3d790a No.6130 del
>Form always mirrors function, and since function is a metaphysical component you should be able to manipulate the function by manipulating the spirit which would therefore alter the form.
>Attempting to evoke the spirit of 'gold' into something tends to just manifest an object or event of subjective value
>The evoked spirit needs to bind firmly with the spirit of the instance of the object to alter its function rather than simply evoking the function freely into the local reality
I wasn't planning on getting into this discussion but I was "poked" about it by the federation, this is channelled from them:

If you were to invoke or evoke the spirits of copper, as an example, and tell them to manifest "gold", what will be the result? The spirit of copper who is the god of copper will read your mind to find out what you are talking about. You are talking to the god of copper, so it's impossible that you are asking them to actually manifest the material "gold" as a mineral. So they will instead give you the object which you need to fulfill the specific task of the requested "gold" instance. It simply is not possible to ask Copper to manifest a different mineral. You are going about this wrongly if you think you can transform an actual material god to be involved in a different material. If you were to actually transform one instance of copper into gold, that would mean the god of copper is now transformed into the god of gold. You have now replaced all existing copper into gold. Your electric wires will stop functioning as well as all your electronics. The market for gold is now flooded and its value is that of copper. This will not happen, as the karmic consequences of such a change are only something a very high creation level god can deal with, and they will not do it unless there is some really good reason. But things like this do happen sometimes, although on a smaller scale. Some small adjustments are sometimes made, but normally this is not something beings are directly aware of.

We are mining for mineral as the work is the work of transformation internally, manifested externally. It is the same idea as mining in bitcoin, where the workload creates value. Compare to the state issued bills and their weaponry and ability to back up the requested value does exist. Your ability to back up the reason why you should have "gold" of higher value than "copper" for reasons of "benefit" needs to be motivated by your work. Did you mine this one coin? No? Then it won't be accepted by anyone. You are doing something like writing £100 on a paper slip and trying to buy something with it. It works if you are the bank, but not if you are just you. By what authority do you request a higher value?

But let's say you want a lower value, why not transform gold into copper? You don't have to do this. If you were to just ask someone, will you give me one kilogram of copper for this one kilogram of gold? They will make the trade.

Alchemy is a spiritual transformation, it is internal. The god of copper is fulfilled as copper, it's a finished alchemic path. You should instead refine that desire within yourself, which is now "desire for copper" into "desire for gold", then fulfill that desire. Let go of copper internally and you can receive gold.
Edited last time by bard on 02/02/2024 (Fri) 10:10.