Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 19:41 Id: a6eb21 No.5934 del
>can you really call it magic if its not manifesting physically?
"Physically manifesting magic" is "lower magic". That type of magic was always forbidden by most religions because most people usually fucked it up and then had to summon some priest/magician to fix the problems it caused. And lower magic as much it looks like the "real magic" is just a "party trick". There are dimensions and "fuel cells" that need to replenish so you can use "lower magic" and for that the concepts that you have to work with are in the realm in the "higher magic". This is why these "lower magic" abilities are not recommended until you understand the whole thing aka reach enlightenment. It is literally gun safety. Until you don't know how to safely handle one it's better to not have it. Some chaotic spirits are easy to get in touch with but there is a high chance you will shoot your foot with them while higher spirits only work with you if your intentions are pure and earnest. The reason for that is not some wish washy morality but because the level of thought control you need to "hold" that power. If you cannot control yourself then how do you plan to control things "beyond" yourself.
>Or is it just psychology then?
Yes like how rocket science is about burning water. It is psychology but humanity have no understanding on the full scope of what is the "psyche" so if you use the meager concepts of the human (((science))) psychology which works constantly to discredit the higher abilities of the psyche then you already entrapped yourself conceptually without realizing.

>It helps to word things with the lips when commanding
For me if I have to use my mouth and my voice for a spell then it is a PROCLAMATION and when I do that I am extremely mad about something. I have to watch to not think in mantras already. Had to learn how to think so they don't have an effect and what thoughts are my "own" and what thoughts are like "entertained influences" in my mind. It is really important to find and understand our modus operandi/style. Also I usually don't "create" spells just look at the state of the egregores notice why is it "so bad" remove the retarded influences increase the proper ones or those that I prefer (I will not think for a second that my preferences are always the perfect one. I am not that self righteous) Ask around other parties that have any interest in this matter and if I feel no resistance towards my goal and an image of a "better future" appears then I let it go to do it's thing. Not to mention there are times when I want to do something and a spirit appears and does it for me because I "deserve it" or something. It's weird. Once you get the hang of things they get easy. But that doesn't mean everything is easy. There are higher level problems that need more consideration and a "better touch" that I have to realize I don't have the ability to solve as perfectly as I want it so I don't mess with it until I know I am ready.
>then channel
And sometimes I too just channel higher forms of spells because there is no need for me to cast them by myself because that is not "important" for me yet so an another entity does it so I can walk my path and only do it by myself when it comes naturally. Because at that level it is not even "casting" but just a mere expression of "true intent"