Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 22:45 Id: 3d790a No.5766 del
>I sorta understand how they "dip" into every type of degeneration and lose/destroy themselves in the process. What you said how "Moloch works via keeping you sated" means he gives way for every degenerated desire of yours to be fulfilled. The soviets said this will be the downfall of the west
Yes, this is what it is, you are seeing what I mean.
Btw I just saw one of them examine a large starfish with octopus tentacles which seems to be in Ukraine, looks like they are trying to catch it. This is another upside of having 4 year olds on the team, they have no concept of what is possible or how things "work" so they can pull off things like this simply because they lack critical thinking.