Sunflower 01/13/2024 (Sat) 14:12 Id: 3d790a No.5811 del
>I feel like the last of the FG movement in the west was when they went all in for Trump and said he was a god (actually meaning it), called Covid "the communist virus" and then wanted the connect the election fraud with the CCP via communists in Venezuela. It was so forced and cringy I don't want to think about it.
I went looking a bit and found this
I think this story is fully believable. The part about how the FG mum is a blind defender of the US and Trump especially, then going as far as saying
>environmentalism is communism
in some weird attempt at defending his policies. This isn't even in line with what Li said in ZF, where he warms not to kill trees and that we must consider the consequences for future generations. But it's all in line with how FG "disciples" tend to behave, unfortunately. China is bad, so anything the USA does has to be good, there is nothing in between. As if China was environmentalist? But whatever.