Sunflower 01/18/2024 (Thu) 22:57 Id: a6eb21 No.5897 del
>nature of existing as a being made of matter
Maybe you have to forget the false concept of "matter". How would you describe matter?
>physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy:
This is the concept that yandex just gave me as a definition. So if we go by this than that means "mind and spirit" and everything it creates is no matter... Than what is that?
>distinct from energy
So it is everything but energy? Then what is energy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed as the axiom goes which means everything is made of energy. But can you touch or sense every type of energy? If you can sense something can you control it or is it controlling you now?
>Jesus for instance was able to do big magic when he was still a mortal but they also say that he refused to do great works in cities that professed disbelief towards him
He is even more of a complicated case. Also most places had their own entities maintaining it. There was that tale where satan wanted to give the world to Jesus and he refused because he is so virtuous or sg. If he "accepted" it then he would have been able to "control it" but... The "city egregore" would also control Jesus. And Jesus learned his "power" in the "wilderness" and no one knew who was his "Master". It was probably his own Gnosis but if your "power" is adjusted to the ambient background energies of reality don't expect to do magic in noisy cities because the same forces that are there in nature are muddled in crummy places thanks to the extra amount of egregoric slop and other meddling entities that live around places with many people. Some spirits fear crowds while some only able to exist in them.
Also Jesus and the Torah forbids "magic". They did "miracles" and miracles come from God.
>getting rid of these limitations would require... leaving the 'reality locus'?
If you want to go by the religious route then you need to find God. Now the question is. Is God above reality or God is reality himself. If he is everywhere then how do you find it/him/her/they.

>viewed through the human eyeballs
Also don't forget it is your "brain" that makes the images and not your eyes. And you are not seeing "matter" but the "light bouncing off from it" which is "energy". So something that is made from matter is visible because of energy and the brain that is also matter which operates via energy makes an image that resembles reality?

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