Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:24 Id: 966d58 No.5825 del
I really haven't been doing much different apart from like taking your suggestions on how to do deal with shitty people, not letting their energies overtake me so much and making a bit more of an effort staying away from shitty places/individuals or atleast not letting them affect me as adversely in the past. Even my shitposting more or less curbed back too. Apart from that everything else has more or less been the same so far unless it's stuff that her/me. The only real thing I guess is me wanting to actually reconnect with Japanese stuff (ie learn Japanese more again since the holidays are over and im done with schooling)

>Who was Ei
Oh, uhhh the name of Raiden Shogun from genshin.

>Interdimensional materia
I just remember it being clear as pure water, colorless and vaguely sweet(?).

>Ask sisters
I just did and they said
>"Yes, we know them, we allow it"
>What about the perfume girl
>"Yes, we know her as well, let her mark you"
So I'm assuming they are related again

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