Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 19:47 Id: a6eb21 No.6647 del
>Sounds like the Uptown/Downtown structure
Yeah I thought you would say that
Oh I didn't see that yet

>You can see hints at the process on /pol/,
Nah I can even see it in my own country. A massive purge is going on and people are getting ballistic. It's getting ridiculous. The government got tired of the left getting publicly and blatantly funded by the USA and other NGOs and started to expose them. So now the left is "retaliating" but with every step they make they hurt themselves more. It's like watching a clown slowly murder himself on stage via incompetence and you are not sure anymore if it's part of the play or the clown actually fucked up and trying to play it off... Or it is actually crying and bleeding and everyone laughs. The left is literally trying to use "western tactics" but they don't have the foothold to pull it off.

>federation allowed NWO which still contains absolute scum which should be killed, but they will use them through a process of exposing their organizations
Yeah these things must always appear organic and never break the "illusion". I know this too well. Things must play out the way people expect. Unexpected things always happen but they must be never too unexpected. That disturbs the ecosystem too much.

>"hidden tunnel"
I just seen a post today how the NY tunnel was not a tunnel but a recently built adjacent basement. Jews are always embody their own parody.