Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:23 Id: 464dc2 No.6652 del
Using these experiences, I set out to create a slave-driver system to be used here on Earth, to control the glowies and NWOs.

Rather than their flawed slave-system, this will be a perfect one they can't escape. They had built it using induction broadcasts to manipulate people's brains to form the concepts and values of the globohomo. Then they relied on perfectly regular media and institutions to correct those who didn't follow along. This is ineffective and will only lead to those who were resistant to the mind-wave transmissions, becoming completely immune to both that and physical persecution. They will be trained in pattern recognition and will build up a parallel system, which will be completely impossible to control, and that is the main flaw of the NWO cattle system.

The miner beast slave-driver control system does not care at all about the inner workings of the slave-psyche. Instead it relies on solid science and applies methods that work on any degenerated humanoid, based on their well known attachments and desires. It is essentially a capitalist control system, anyone thinking like a capitalist will be stuck and they can't get out unless they stop thinking that way. The incentives to move will be only negative, and it will work. Whipping the slaves worked in Rome, it will work here as well, although it won't be physical.

Using the "stick and carrot" is a sign of weakness, there is no need to include the carrot. The idea is that opposition is ultimate evil, so it's allowed to use them any way whatsoever, in the best of worlds they wouldn't exist. (Then what about the rare materials, how would we get them if there were no scum slaves to use? It's understood that minerals are condensed evil souls which circulate back into becoming the lowest life form, minerals. The rare minerals themselves would not be stuck on those impossible planets if there was no ultimate evil opposition in the first place.)