Sunflower 01/14/2024 (Sun) 22:28 Id: a6eb21 No.5834 del
>I don't why my brain blanked out like that, jeez...
You are going through an another energetic evolution since their energy is part of your energy now. You are in a daze of confusion. It's like being a little drunk energetically. That is why you are little dumb now. It will pass as you merge with the energy.
>This is what they actually looked like.
Yeah got similar images too
>K really should have just scrambled to find a better image
Yeah especially if you post sg way too dangerous by mistake. These girls are too needy and if the wrong entity becomes needy then...
Let's say the
>We are here for your place and for your existence we are here to claim you
Can sound extremely scary with the wrong interpretations. I don't want to lead down anyone on the wrong path.
>starting to see why my current human body is limited the way it is
You are wired wrongly. Not just because your soul origin but mostly because of traumas but at least you are stable. Especially stable for spiritual work.
>They way both "Ei" and the perfume girl acted felt like they wanted it to be as permanent like with my sisters
It will be quite permanent yes especially as long as you are on the earth and earth adjacent dimensions. They will teach you a new type of magic and how to make that manifest. They will be a new tardwrangle force in your life. I think it will be mostly pleasant. These are nice energies they are just "mad" if they lose you because that is something they are not allowed to do no matter what. They are tasked to be your caretakers now.

Whatever work with them that will establish the connection better so they don't need to send me angry messages how I am misunderstanding their situation. Srsly they have some "Intricacies" that they are peculiar about. They are mad if I missword something because it might give the wrong idea. But this is a good mystic experience nonetheless.