Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 20:23 Id: 525fec No.6462 del
>What gives you this idea?
I asked to join the collective a few years ago, got told I'm more aligned with an ally organization, after that i started craving lava bath knowing it wouldn't hurt but clean me somehow, i started messing around with doubles and using the body that make the most sense to me,ended up with some kind of dragon girl and it's what stuck as the most comfortable stable or "ideal body", horns wings (internalized i don't think they're supposed to be always visible) tail.
Now that i recall i started trying to create wings before even starting this path.
one thing i can't explain is why creating tentacles is so easy for me .

>they can have truly deep genetic origin.

They've been dying from colon cancer with a life span in the 60s in my family for generations.
Theoretically even if genetic it should be reversible just how stress can trigger it, at first i thought it's about self hate (autoimmune after all) but after using the spear on me some dark blob came and the only solution offered was to cut myself off my ancestors.

For now i can only relieve the pain and damage control the pain goes away in a few seconds (white slime bath might share it when it's done)