Sunflower 01/20/2024 (Sat) 22:20 Id: a6eb21 No.5948 del
You can write with intent and burn it or turn it into a talisman and that casts a spell. It's for people who need some extra anchoring from their visualizations of sorts.

>That was easily solved in my country by importing (no idea if true) a gender neutral word from Finland.

Ohkay now as usual it seems I am the "weird" one because my country simply does not have gendered words in language. We don't think there is a need to make sure to "imply" the gender who we are talking about. For some reason this autism did not touch the mentality of my ancestors. Good to be indo-european I guess. I mean it's weird for me that I have to keep in my mind what "gender" I am talking to so my mind does not mix up the he/she/it. Srsly this whole thing is so simple but for some reason the whole world seems the necessity to overcomplicate it.

I will make a deep dive once and figure out the "source" of this "gendered thinking".
>based on some 2000 year tradition of trap dancers
They always had eunuchs. Who watches over your harem palace otherwise. But it seems they cared to give them a gender. Probably had a god that tried to teach them how to unify their sexuality and they managed to interpret how they need to cut their genitals. Many such cases

>feminists being officially obliterated as trans-phobic
I love how trannies are the only force that can and will destroy feminism.
>Accelerationism works. If it doesn't work, you just didn't accelerate enough.

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