Sunflower 02/18/2024 (Sun) 16:28 Id: b09e23 No.6297 del
Small update(?): there was some blue slime/slug thingy that fused with some with women and turned them into what looked like Kali/durga's interpretation from FGO (pic related) and they kept following me around, they didn't try to harm but they kept following me around, observing me and destroying things. Also I vividly remember the multiple arms.

I vaguely remember being taken to the island again and all those women were training/helping me with something, unfortunately I can't remember anything about it

I recall being trained again but in yugioh(?), basically them and like one or two guys having me undergo a sort of boot camp where they wanted me to assemble a deck out of cards I could scavenger thwt were decent to very mediocre. I somehow managed but for whatever reason there was some countdown thingy so I couldn't really use said it deck and I was admittedly not hauling ass fast enough but apparently me actually choosing to working on and completing assembly of the deck in spite of thr countdown expiring was good enough to them for the moment