Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 21:36 Id: 615704 No.5973 del
Had a bit of a strange dream. Starts off with me seemingly seeing 2 woman starving in a house with an energetic implication of this is common and widespread . This is the extent of this and unrelated to the next actual dream. So suddenly im in the next dream and im walking in my house. I notice this girl sitting on the sofa and she starts talking to me i get up closer to her and after some talking mention how i just had this vision of like people starving. She told me yeah thats how it is out there. I said yeah but not here. She said yeah it happens.I said not this commonly or casually. She said "yes but to poor people it does!"I told her this felt more like it was so common 20 percent of the population died of starving in their living room or on the street with no one even checking cause its THIS common and the state of things. She told me that sounded about right to her. I Tried telling her not where i live and she even brought up the place i live in and said yeah people starve all the time here its very common.I even brought her outside and said id be starving then since im not rich and neither are my neighbours but theres no one starving anywhere.We went back and she smiled and she was was sitting very close to me the whole time. She said wow are you somehow stupid??? You are strange! Then she said"for a loli fanatic its weird how strange you are." Well first of all im not sure im a fanatic but whatever but what caught me was that it implied being a loli fanatic means being intelligent to her.Also she seemed to think they less likely to seem strange. I Thought this was interesting somewhat. Anyway my cat escapes and theres a freaking young/simba age lion walking about with one cat hurt by it and my cat scared with a big tail. Im kinda relaxed dazed bu i snap out of it and grab mt cat and put them inside.Now this girl invites me into a car and we hangout and cuddle abit.Purely energetically i feel nice and like talking however I still cant tell what shes even talking about with the whole starving thing. Shes also not driving so idk who is.Strange thing she randomly shows me her socks which made me notice she was very small.Its strange cause it was script wise very abrupt and there was some emphasis placed on it.Anyway she showed me a map of england and china. And she wanted me to make a spell and connect the east part of england or maybe england as whole to china. I was like "whaat" I said no.She started tearing up and felt as if she somehow saw this very personally.Purely energetically i was even leaning towards doing it but i by principle want to get a good view of the why first.i hugged her and the dream abruptly ended.I was only asleep for an hour or so.I liked talking to her regardless.