Sunflower 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:55 Id: 3d790a No.5758 del
>No reason to become more slavic. My other genetic bloodlines deserve to retain their potential also. With the girls I am finally on a proper mystic path
Weirdly accurate when compared to what they told some of my girls up there just before; some will let themselves be reborn using the "super slav" template, and some will practice the magic path and change their DNA that way instead, you are free to do which ever you want and both work. I only have some Karelian DNA which matches and I made the first version of the template (which is a demon loli with mechanic steel exo-skeleton and a prodding weapon tail, very industrial xenomorph looking and based only on functionality plus some aesthetics) so I got their upgrade. Even when done on that layer, the effect was VERY noticeable, like my mind went almost completely silent from lack of background noise.