Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 20:57 Id: 3d790a No.6473 del
First I let Mime take it and emulate an activation of it, regular activation with some energy. Mime does all things in a separate dimension where nothing is real. The result was that the handle of the knife exploded with nails in all directions, and the energy blast was so strong it would kill any normal person like swatting a fly, but even a strong occultist of any kind would possibly die from the blast. I've never seen anything like this, like it would blow up an average American city from the force. Something made to kill very strong enemies, but only if they actually activate the knife properly.

I then let Mime use my search servitors in eternal time to emulate grabbing it in different ways, trial and error until a method was found. Then I created a servitor whose only one task is to grab the knife and activate it, and did so.