Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:55 Id: a6eb21 No.5793 del
(839.89 KB 800x1600 Occult Anatomy2.jpg)
Oh ok guess you did not get this knowledge picked up from the chuuni animez. Pic related. How the Kabbalah appears on the human body. Not really important because your "way" is different but there will be similarities. IF you are not feeling a pull towards it forget it. This board is not big on Kabbalah anyways.
>another one and its wrath?
It's more like "Justice/Judgement" of God... kinda complicated. It means you are not just have the "splendor of a King" but the actual "power" to "enact Justice" of sorts.

>i still get antsy and empty when they dont appear in my "dreams" sometimes.
Talk to them daytime via your own accord. Establish the connection by yourself.

>russian witches?
The thing we are doing with BO... guess you are not reading the other stuff on the board. Not important for you don't worry.
>i could feel things being.. less shit but im probably just imagining things and making presumptuous
Nah things are changing. You feel it well also your "powerfield" is expanding which means their negative energies will have less effect over you not just emotionally but physically and will manifest as a bunch of positive events if you keep up it.

I just punched people and engaged in several forms of "philosophical warfare" which is how "Metaphysical rules" collide when some beings think they are "beyond them". While I would say i was also "Infiltrated" because they did not use the "trust mindwave" which makes me always sus af and "higher beings don't mind getting punched they usually compliment on my ferocity" or they would just state PROPERLY what they are doing while visiting me so when I feel that they "hesitate" because they don't know "what they are doing" I kinda go "experimental" with the interaction. I have a new energy around me now and I am still not sure what is it or how much I should burn it. But after doll anon's post I got inspired for some "fire and forget" so let's see how much my "new friends" value TRUTH