Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 21:50 Id: 3d790a No.5792 del
All that aside, finally got through at the surface level body wise, from "milk white body" to actual "Gong moving through the Dantian", which is the standard where the immune system is invincible for real.
Also realized that this is very irregular, to use a certain wording. The slow moving vampires don't do this until the white spike forms on the surface, which takes 5000 years or one civilization cycle if you go along mindlessly.
This says something about how ridiculous it sounds to most people when someone talks about doing this in 2 years like the founder of FG. It has been done before, obv, but Idk how many and how fast it was for them. I'd suspect the bodhisattvas of Pure Land buddhism did it, but no idea of the timeframe.