Sunflower 03/06/2024 (Wed) 22:04 Id: a6eb21 No.6598 del
It leads to some conceptual being of sorts but I don't know.

I am taking it easy today because too much bullshit happened to me today via mundane retardations.

It's so funny. You realize the perfect posture and slowly tune the proper tension level and then it turns out because of that several of your body parts start working perfectly but because of this the whole way your body operates changes.
I am able to interact with parts of my brain like it was a different entity and while it is something we all do constantly but our subconscious "masks it" so we don't consider ourselves several beings at once now I have to understand which parts do what and how and what they need to sync perfectly.

The funny part I am not even "tired" as I usually got tired in the past decades because my energy flows are so proper I could go for days but the mundane retardation that always shows it's ugly side when I am not punting them out of commission angers some of my "old" systems or ways of thinking to such level I have to go and enter my "eternally calm seas" so I can observe that energetic curveball I am going through and slowly mend and heal it.

This whole way of thinking would feel so alien but it was my baseline thinking when I was a child. I had this and I know how it works but srsly. It's like catching up on 20+ years of energetic (mal)development backlog as a side hustle.

My favorite is when my body just releases an energetic discharge as a sign that I am "losing focus". Actually I am not losing focus I am just switching too fast between mindstates and parts of my brain is not used to this "new way".
I understand and don't understand things on such a high degree it takes me time to even word it for myself so a concept a conclusion can be made so my mind can use it as a fallback state. It's ridiculous. As much meta meta meta is not the "true" way of things it is necessary as long as the underlying problems are solved.

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