Sunflower 01/31/2024 (Wed) 23:16 Id: 3d790a No.6117 del
As for current events, aside from the shield which is now placed around the Earth itself blocking all aliens who don't have federation permission, I also did a thing to kill all evil, like all of it in the same manner as the cleanse in 2009 where half the souls of the Earth were removed. This was how things improved, paved the way for Obama years and later Trump, it threw the NWO off course for a good 7 years or so. Their karmic systems almost broke down completely for a while since zombies don't produce negative energy and abortion doesn't work if they don't have souls.

This was retold in a Marvel universe movie where some bad guy saves the universe by killing half of its population, because it was over-populated. I haven't seen it but saw it referenced on mewch.

Anyway I just reached the top of my drow nature earlier today, forming an external super nova, so I instantly took to action. Santa Muerte helped with a spell to entrap "all evil in the known galactic groups within my influence" so that I could throw them into my bottomless pit at the drow extremist temple. Drow helped setting them on fire and to gather all of it, it was a huge structure. Talking here of the irreversible evil which should be burned into the "wall of eternal shame". A surprising number of people belong there, including Nikki Haley and anyone in the US elite who are now taking part in the "rigging", as well as those who meddle in world politics. For example attacking Iran, supporting Israel's occupation or things like putting sanction on Venzuela for blocking the opposition (US puppet) candidate, while they themselves are trying to block Trump with the exact same means. It's not that hypocrisy matters, it's just to point out that this way of working pure evil and the reason they will be in that spot.
It's comparable to the lord in the 1600s who gave up a fortress for personal gain, which did irreparable damage to the Swedish Empire which at the time stretched all they way to St Petersburg. That guy has been literally hacked into the castle wall as a relief, and people passing by are still spitting on his face. In the hell dimension he is in, he is in that wall and every time it gets spit on, he gets spit on. That kind of place is where those traitors will be placed, all of them, and this performance with SM and the drow ensures they can't do more damage now.