Sunflower 01/21/2024 (Sun) 17:59 Id: 10f626 No.5960 del
>Second and third instance was me as a girl (again) but the second involved me with an all female tribe somewhere
>Something happened and a few members of the tribe I was with had some weird plate thingy that looked rare and cool but something was admittedly off about it
>I let myself get lured into taking and the 2 tribes girls were really fucking pissed and were about to shoot me with arrows but they went to sleep and calmed down
>One of them, who managed to wake up later on fixed me a meal and I apologized for what I had done but she more or less implied that me taking it was a good thing because whatever it was, it affected them negatively and she was shocked to see me apologize and admit my guilt but she claimed there was nothing to feel guilty about
>I guess what I did that I thought was wrong wound up being the correct choice after all but still I felt kinda bad
>Third instance was just me in Japan having to deal with men and one guy was a gang boss but he was treating and protecting me like I was daughter