Sunflower 02/25/2024 (Sun) 19:09 Id: a6eb21 No.6453 del
>get attached to your whole blood line they're very hard to get rid off, i think the only way is to cut yourself off from your ancestors
You go back in the ancestral lines and meet with your ancestral spirit and find out how that bad energy got attached. Some of them are just mere patterns that can be broken easily once you find a better way to express them while some of them can be generational curses and karma and to solve that you will need to become your own "true ancestor" of sorts. Hard to explain it better because I found more gifts than curses in my ancestral forces but only because I have a knack for "making things work" once I figure out why are they there. I think it depends on your ancestral ailment. This is why we have multiple ancestral lines so we can have a "choice" picking up the genetics that fit our "soul's desire" of sorts.
You have to watch out with ancestral magic because once you get into it it has a high chance you will start WE WUZZING once you hit gold.


I think your energies are simply incompatible with some people and explode when they use it but I am not sure for me it didn't feel explody
>sending copy of itself vibrating rapidly
I think this mechanism was the reason why it exploded
>curing a chronic disease
Which kind? Usually finding out what causing the disease is the first step curing it because usually we just lessen the symptoms instead of curing it while we start doing healing. That is my own experience anyways.