Sunflower 03/11/2024 (Mon) 19:26 Id: 464dc2 No.6644 del
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>upper Springfied. And acted like he is not even in his hometown anymore
Sounds like the Uptown/Downtown structure. To re-iterate, I had a dream about this where me and Snail were driving around in a car, and we were in Downtown, and we were aware of Uptown, like a concept of a part of town that's just the regular city but a new context that's mythic to ordinary people. Then we went to some industrial area outskirts place with a warehouse, and there was a guy who looked "too friendly" guarding a door. Inside was some kind of club, and when it opened a few young girls went inside without being checked, while we had to talk to the guy.

I've later discussed this in different channelling sessions, among them with greys and the Queen. The "wide guy" is a role of being a contact point for the NWO or the "Pizza gang", and the door is called "the mouth of the beast". It means being let in through a ritual where you have to do something that everyone can use to blackmail you. Getting further in will require worse things. Like the /x/pol/ mentioned video which was spread sometime in the past which looks like Hillary Clinton killing a girl in a very brutal way.
You cannot "expose" this group, because they all have a gun to the head on each other, the only way to beat them is to make them implode by making them pull the trigger on each other over and over.

> It was about traintracks again. Was there an another minor timeline shift?
I didn't mention it because it was another "not visible to naked eye" federation thing; they burned all the central NWO timelines, so the globohomo leadership is completely gone now. What remains is the so-far federation allowed NWO which still contains absolute scum which should be killed, but they will use them through a process of exposing their organizations. You can see hints at the process on /pol/, there are small additions of context to old conspiracy theories.