Sunflower 01/25/2024 (Thu) 01:13 Id: 03af70 No.6038 del
I have been trying to project my awareness more so as to get a more astral view of reality. I realized that I was spending most of the day on the computer, so the computer was how most of reality was being defined for me. Which isn't great because this can be manipulated pretty easily and isn't that accurate besides. But if I were to replace that computer time with spirit time, reality would probably be more accurate.
But, an issue is that I seem to become completely drained of motivation or impetus when projecting out of my body. I just want to hang there and do nothing. I've found that it somewhat fixes this if I decide on a 'goal' to work on beforehand, but this still limits me to earthly goals and isn't really conducive to extended periods of projection. It's workable for now though.

One thing that's probably obvious but I never thought of before is that the human body is made of 'spirits'. It's not just a projection of your self, it's a colony of spirits. So learning how to work with them would probably be pretty useful. It also explains why there's no intrinsic motivation after projecting, if that motivation is being housed in the physical body's spirits. So maybe creating a more permanent 'astral vessel' with its own spirits would help with this. I feel like it would also help with the timeline becoming blurry and shifting when you lose focus, since the center of perception would be more 'solid'.